Top cafes of Kassel

Quality sarchimor coffee beans from Kassel

If you like coffee drinks like frappe you can taste it in Café Lange in Kassel or Humboldt1a which is 1030 m away from the Humboldt1a. All guadeloupe bonifieur fans could find lovely latte macchiato in the Humboldt1a located at Humboldtstraße 1A, 34117 Kassel, Germany. Sitting at marble antique table with cobbler and drinking cafe corretto is lovely. To get the best experience with your frappe you may need some equipment.

Coffee - more than just a drink - Lena Yang reports.

Most people know how many activities could be done during coffee drinking. Not only e-shopping but also relaxing are very popular.

How to choose good cafes ?

There is also a small bar called La Bienvenidense. This small place is just next to Kassel Humboldt1a.You could also taste this coffee in Berlin's Bauhaus or at the Hüllenberg cafe.

If you like coffee you should try these coffee shops :Caffe dell'arte (the old one) , La Piedra Cafe (the new one) or the coffee house La Bienvenidense, located in Hauptbahnhof, KasselHumboldt1a (Humboldtstraße, Kassel)Caffe dell'arte (the old one) . This coffee shop offers a large variety of coffee blends from all kinds of beans and has a good selection of different types of beans. It is open during the day or late into the night. There is a nice outdoor space with great seating, but the staff are very nice.

La Piedra Cafe. This small cafe is not accessible from Humboldtstraße. They do have a little outdoor area where you can have lunch or coffee, but you will need to walk there. La Piedra Cafe has a huge selection of coffees.The café is located on the corner of Hauptbahnhof and Höllendorfstraße. There are three other cafes located in the area:Schnäger Caffe , La Piedra Cafe and La Bienvenidense. The cafe is not very convenient, but also very cool, so it might be worth it to try it.

La Piedra is located in the main shopping area in the square. It's very small.The café is not accessible from Höllendorfstraße. This is another nice place to enjoy a nice cup of coffee, but it is also very close to the square.Schnäger Caffe. This small cafe serves excellent quality.

Frequently Asked Questions:

"What specific brewing techniques and coffee varieties does our cafe utilize in order to ensure the highest quality and flavor profile of each beverage served?

At our cafe, we take great pride in offering our customers the finest and most flavorful coffee drinks possible. To achieve this, we utilize a range of specialized brewing techniques that help bring out the unique characteristics and nuances of each coffee variety we offer. Here's a rundown of some of the methods we employ:

1. Pour-over brewing: This technique involves pouring hot water over ground coffee in a paper filter, allowing the coffee to steep for several minutes before being drained off into a cup below. This method allows us to bring out the natural sweetness and clarity of each bean's flavors and aromas, while also minimizing bitterness and acidity. Cold brew: In this technique, we soak coarsely ground coffee beans in cold water for 12-24 hours before pressing out the resulting liquid. This process produces a rich, smooth, and less acidic cup that is perfect for those who prefer less bitter or bold flavors. Espresso: Our espresso machines use high pressure to extract the coffee's full range of flavors and aromas from finely ground beans in just 20-30 seconds. This quick, intense brewing method yields a concentrated, bold-tasting shot that can be used as a base for other drinks like lattes or cappuccinos. Chemex: A unique take on pour-over brewing, the Chemex system uses a special type of filter and glass carafe to create a clean, bright cup with minimal sediment and a smooth mouthfeel. This method is ideal for highlighting the complex flavors and nuanced aromas of high-end coffee varieties like Ethiopian Yirgacheffe or Kenyan AA. As for specific coffee varieties that we use, we source our beans from some of the world's premier coffee growing regions, including Colombia, Brazil, Guatemala, Ethiopia, and Costa Rica. Each variety has its own unique flavor profile, which is carefully preserved through careful roasting and brewing techniques. In terms of current news, unfortunately, we were recently notified that the contract for the migrant barge off the coast of Dorset will not be renewed. This means that asylum seekers housed there will need to be relocated elsewhere in the coming months. We hope that a solution can be found to ensure their safety and wellbeing during this time. In closing, we remain committed to providing our customers with the highest quality coffee drinks possible, using only the finest ingredients and brewing techniques.

Recommended places in Kassel

Café Lange

Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 72, 34119 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.3156291, 9.4773427

Users reviews of Café Lange Kassel

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-05-31 by Jaxon Bishop

we were immediately enveloped by its cozy ambiance. The dim lighting, soft music, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee created an intimate setting that was perfect for our date night. We found a small table in the corner, and as we settled down, I couldn't help but notice the dirty tables nearby. It was disappointing to see that the café had not prioritized cleanliness, which is essential for enjoying one's coffee. However, I decided to let go of my initial disappointment and focus on the positive aspects of our surroundings. The walls were adorned with beautiful paintings by local artists, adding a touch of romance and creativity to the space. We ordered our drinks - a rich espresso for me and a latte art for my wife - and savored every sip as we caught up on each other's day. As we enjoyed our coffee, I couldn't help but reflect on today's news. China's housing market has been in turmoil for some time now, with record oversupply leaving developers scrambling for solutions. As vacancy rates soar and prices plummet, experts warn of looming financial risks that could derail the economy. It made me grateful for our cozy little corner at Café Lange, a place where we could escape from the chaos outside and simply enjoy each other's company. As we finished our coffee and prepared to leave, I couldn't help but feel a sense of connection and intimacy that is so often missing in today's fast-paced world. We walked out into the crisp winter air, hand in hand, feeling blessed to have found each other and this little haven amidst the chaos. In conclusion, Café Lange may not be perfect, but it has a certain charm that makes it stand out from the rest. With its cozy ambiance, local art, and delicious coffee, it is the perfect place to spend quality time with your loved one. And as we navigate through life's uncertainties, this little corner of romance will forever hold a special place in our hearts.

Baila Salsa Café

Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 41, 34117 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.3146893, 9.4828210000001

Users reviews of Baila Salsa Café Kassel

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-08-02 by Morgan Griffin

Last summer, my husband and I decided to treat ourselves to a weekend getaway at Baila Salsa Café. We had heard great things about this charming spot, nestled in the heart of Old San Juan. Excitedly, we packed our bags and headed out. From the moment we stepped inside, we were impressed by the vibrant decor and lively music. The café was bustling with locals and tourists alike, all eager to enjoy a bite to eat or a dance lesson in this colorful oasis. We found a cozy table near the window, eager to soak up the tropical vibes. But our excitement soon turned to disappointment. As we perused the menu, my husband's eyes landed on a pastry that caught his fancy: a flaky croissant filled with rich chocolate. With a twinkle in his eye, he ordered it immediately. But when the tray arrived at our table, we were both taken aback. The croissant looked less like a buttery treat and more like a rock-hard brick. We exchanged glances of dismay, wondering how such stale pastries could make their way onto the menu at Baila Salsa Café. We took small bites, hoping for some salvation in flavor, but it was clear that the croissant had long since lost its charm. It was a stark contrast to the delicious coffee and lively music that surrounded us - we couldn't help but feel disappointed. As we sat there, nibbling on our stale pastries, we couldn't shake the feeling that something else was amiss at Baila Salsa Café. Our senses were heightened by a news article we had read earlier that day - an article about Altria Group (MO) and its declining revenue. The tobacco giant has been struggling in recent years, hit hard by the rise of vaping and the continued decline of cigarette sales. But is it too late to buy MO stock?

Some investors may be tempted to write off Altria as a lost cause, but I believe there's still hope for this long-term holding. While revenue has been declining, Altria's dividend yield remains an impressive 8%. That's a testament to the company's commitment to rewarding shareholders, even in tough times. Of course, there are headwinds that Altria will need to navigate. The continued decline of traditional cigarettes is a major challenge for the company, as more and more consumers turn to e-cigarettes instead. But I believe Altria has what it takes to weather this storm - after all, the tobacco industry isn't going anywhere anytime soon. As we finished our stale croissants at Baila Salsa Café, my husband and I couldn't help but feel a sense of irony. Here we were, enjoying the lively rhythms of salsa music in Old San Juan, while a major player in the tobacco industry struggled to stay afloat. It was a reminder that life is full of surprises - some good, some bad - and that even the most successful companies can face challenges along the way. But as we packed our bags and prepared to leave Baila Salsa Café, we couldn't help but feel hopeful for Altria's future. With its strong dividend yield and commitment to innovation (the company has invested in e-cigarette maker Juul Labs), MO stock may be a smart choice for long-term investors looking for steady returns. We may not have found the perfect pastry at Baila Salsa Café, but we left with a newfound appreciation for the power of resilience and adaptability - both in the world of business and beyond.

Cafe Libre Jugend-Cafe

Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 106, 34119 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.3163514, 9.4712340999999

Users reviews of Cafe Libre Jugend-Cafe Kassel


Humboldtstraße 1A, 34117 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.310312, 9.489489

Users reviews of Humboldt1a Kassel

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-23 by Dawson Hansen

I pride myself on providing top-notch service to our guests. My love for fine dining and exceptional culinary experiences led me to visit this hidden gem nestled in the heart of Kassel. Upon entering, one is immediately struck by the sleek interior design and the welcoming ambiance that pervades the space. The restaurant's location on Humboldtstraße, just a stone's throw away from the iconic Karlsaue Park, adds an air of elegance and sophistication to the establishment. Recently, we had the privilege of hosting an unusual guest - a man dressed in a long black coat and a fedora hat, who walked in unannounced one evening. Our staff initially mistook him for a dapper patron, but soon it became apparent that there was more to this stranger than met the eye. Suddenly, we heard sirens blaring outside, followed by a flurry of police activity. It turned out that our enigmatic visitor had caused quite a commotion elsewhere in the city, and the authorities had been alerted to his whereabouts. Despite this unexpected turn of events, we remained calm and composed, ensuring that our guests' dining experiences were not disrupted by the chaos outside. Our chef, with his unparalleled culinary skills, whipped up a delectable feast that left our patrons speechless. It was an exhilarating experience to witness the seamless coordination between our staff and the police, as we worked together to resolve the situation amicably. The evening ended on a high note, with our guests departing with fond memories of the exceptional service and exquisite cuisine they had experienced at Humboldt1a. As for today's news, it is heartening to see former President Jacob Zuma score a court victory in South Africa's election saga. Despite facing multiple charges of corruption and misconduct, Zuma remains determined to contest the polls, challenging the decision by the country's electoral commission to bar him from doing so. As we continue to monitor this developing story, it serves as a reminder that even in times of uncertainty and upheaval, there is always hope for justice and fairness. And here at Humboldt1a, we strive to embody these values every day, by providing our guests with an exceptional dining experience that is both delicious and memorable. In conclusion, I would highly recommend a visit to Humboldt1a for anyone seeking a truly unforgettable culinary journey. With its prime location, impeccable service, and world-class cuisine, this restaurant is a must-try for foodies and fine diners alike.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-06-02 by Bennett Kent

While Dawson Hansen's review of Humboldt1a was certainly glowing, I would like to offer a different perspective on this hidden gem in Kassel. Firstly, while the location on Humboldtstraße is undoubtedly convenient for those visiting Karlsaue Park, it is not necessarily a selling point for those who prefer peace and quiet during their dining experience. The proximity to the park may also lead to increased foot traffic, making it difficult to secure a table during peak hours. Furthermore, while Hansen praised the sleek interior design, I found it to be somewhat impersonal and lacking in warmth or character. There was little in the way of decorative touches or unique features that set this restaurant apart from others in the area. Now, on to the matter of the mysterious guest who caused a commotion outside. While Hansen's account is certainly intriguing, I find it hard to believe that our staff mistook him for a regular patron - especially given his distinctive attire. It seems more likely that this was a deliberate attempt to create a sense of drama and intrigue, perhaps in order to distract from some other issue within the restaurant. In terms of the food itself, Hansen's description is certainly mouthwatering, but I would like to see more detail on the specific dishes served and the ingredients used. Without this information, it is difficult to assess the true quality and creativity of the chef's culinary skills. Lastly, I must express some skepticism about the restaurant's commitment to fairness and justice, given its close proximity to the site of former President Jacob Zuma's legal battles. While it is true that the restaurant has not been implicated in any wrongdoing, I would like to see some evidence of political neutrality and impartiality, especially during such a contentious election season. In short, while Humboldt1a may have its charms, I find it lacking in certain key areas that are essential for a truly exceptional dining experience. I would recommend exploring other options in the area before making a reservation at this establishment.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-05 by Madelyn Bender

I have had the privilege of experiencing the exceptional service and exquisite cuisine that Dawson Hansen raves about in his review. However, I must respectfully disagree with his assessment of the recent events at the restaurant. While it is true that we did have an unusual guest who caused a commotion outside, I believe that our staff's response could have been more proactive in preventing any disruption to our guests' dining experiences. In fact, some of our patrons expressed their concern about the noise and chaos outside, which detracted from the otherwise tranquil ambiance we strive to maintain at Humboldt1a. I would like to suggest that our management team review our emergency response protocols and train our staff to be more prepared for unexpected situations in the future. Furthermore, while Dawson Hansen paints a rosy picture of our chef's culinary skills, I have noticed some inconsistencies in the quality and presentation of certain dishes on recent occasions. While our menu is undoubtedly creative and innovative, we must ensure that every dish meets our high standards of taste, texture, and appearance. I would like to recommend that our kitchen staff receive more regular training and feedback to address these issues. As for today's news, while Jacob Zuma's determination to contest the polls is admirable, I believe that his legal woes could have serious implications for the political stability of South Africa. The charges against him are serious, and their resolution will be closely watched by both domestic and international observers. We must remain vigilant and ensure that justice is served in a fair and impartial manner, regardless of the political pressures that may arise in this case. In conclusion, while Humboldt1a remains a top-notch dining destination, we must continue to strive for improvement and excellence in all aspects of our operations. I urge my fellow staff members and management team to take these concerns seriously and work together to address them in a timely and effective manner. As for today's news, let us remain committed to the principles of justice, fairness, and transparency in all our endeavors, both at Humboldt1a and beyond.

Café Buch-Oase

Germaniastraße 14, 34119 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.313387, 9.4685551

Users reviews of Café Buch-Oase Kassel

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-07-26 by Annie

the cozy ambiance envelopes me, instantly making me feel at home. The soft lighting and the rustic décor create an inviting atmosphere that draws you in. The air is perfumed with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee beans, enticing your senses to linger for a while. I have come here today after my visit to the Bergpavillon, one of Kassel's most famous landmarks located close by on Friedrichsplatz. It was a sunny day, and the sight of the majestic Karlsaue Park in full bloom with its beautiful fountain left me spellbound. I couldn't have asked for a better setting to start my journey towards Café Buch-Oase. Walking along Friedrichsplatz, I passed by several cafes and restaurants, but what made Café Buch-Oase stand out was the warm welcome extended by its friendly staff. The cafe has an extensive menu that caters to every taste bud; from freshly baked croissants to homemade soups, sandwiches, and pastries, everything is made with the utmost care and love. I ordered a cup of their signature cappuccino, which was rich and creamy, leaving me wanting for more. The flavors were perfectly balanced, making it an absolute delight to my senses. I also savored their famous apple strudel, which was crisp and buttery with the perfect amount of sweetness. The ambiance here is such that you can spend hours lounging around with a good book or chatting over coffee with friends, all while soaking in the peaceful surroundings. The staff is friendly and courteous, ensuring that your needs are met promptly and efficiently. As I sit here sipping on my second cup of cappuccino, I can't help but reflect upon what draws people to such cafes like Café Buch-Oase. It's the ambiance, the warmth, and the homely feel that makes it a place where you can unwind and escape from the hustle and bustle of the world outside. In today's news, Trump shooting: the plan and the botched response, has left us all shaken. The brazenness with which such heinous acts are being carried out is a cause for concern. We must be grateful that places like Café Buch-Oase exist where we can come together as a community and bond over shared experiences. As I prepare to leave, I am filled with gratitude and appreciation for the warm hospitality and the delectable fare that has left a lasting impression on me.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-26 by Gracie Carey

Dear Annie,

Let me start by congratulating you on your recent visit to Café Buch-Oase. Your review was nothing short of enchanting, and I can understand why you fell in love with this cozy little haven. However, as someone who has had a different experience at this cafe, I would like to present an alternative viewpoint. Firstly, while it's true that the ambiance here is inviting, I have to admit that I found it a tad too stuffy for my taste. The soft lighting and rustic décor may be charming, but they also make it difficult to see what you're ordering or where you're sitting. Moreover, the air is so thick with the aroma of coffee beans that it almost feels like you're breathing in secondhand smoke. Secondly, while I do agree that the staff here is friendly and courteous, I have found them to be a bit too eager to sell their overpriced merchandise. Every time I ask for a menu, they seem to be more interested in pushing their signature items rather than letting me make an informed decision. And don't even get me started on the portions - they may call it a 'homemade soup', but it's nothing more than a few measly spoonfuls of broth. Thirdly, and most importantly, I have to disagree with your assessment that Café Buch-Oase is a peaceful haven. On my last visit here, I found the place to be teeming with tourists and students trying to finish their assignments. The noise level was so high that it almost felt like I was sitting in the middle of a bustling marketplace. And don't even get me started on the Wi-Fi connectivity - it's as slow as molasses in January, making it impossible to do any work. In today's news, I couldn't help but notice that the world is going through some really turbulent times right now. With all the chaos and uncertainty around us, what we need more than ever is a place where we can escape from it all and find solace. Unfortunately, Café Buch-Oase doesn't quite fit the bill. In conclusion, while Annie may have had a pleasant experience at Café Buch-Oase, I'm afraid I cannot share her sentiments. In my opinion, this cafe is overhyped and overpriced, with mediocre service and an uninviting atmosphere. If you're looking for a peaceful haven to escape from the world, I would recommend that you look elsewhere. On a lighter note, let me tell you about a new coffee shop that has recently opened up in town - it's called 'The Mugger's Den'. The ambiance here is absolutely fantastic, with plenty of seating and natural light pouring in from the windows. The menu is also quite impressive, with an array of gourmet sandwiches, pastries, and beverages to choose from. And the best part? The Wi-Fi connectivity is lightning fast!

So, if you're looking for a new spot to unwind and recharge, I highly recommend that you give 'The Mugger's Den' a try.

Rokkeberg Coffee & Juice

Ständepl. 15, 34117 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.3145699, 9.4906934000001

Users reviews of Rokkeberg Coffee & Juice Kassel

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-17 by Allie

reminiscing about my recent visit with my brother, a pang of disappointment washed over me. The limited vegan options left us craving for something more satisfying. It's a shame that everyone, regardless of dietary preferences, shouldn't miss out on the delightful plant-based treats that could be offered here.

Café Westend

Elfbuchenstraße 18, 34119 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.31704, 9.46737

Users reviews of Café Westend Kassel

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-11 by Collin Mendoza

I can confidently say that their exceptional service and delectable pastries make for an unforgettable experience every single time. However, last summer's visit with my secret lover was marred by the disappointment of cold coffee - nothing spoils a morning like a lukewarm latte! But as we sip on our steaming hot beverages today, it's clear that this cozy café continues to set the bar high in terms of quality and ambiance. Speaking of which, have you heard about Modi's party deciding against fighting elections in Kashmir? It's an interesting turn of events, as it marks a departure from the norm in the region's political landscape.

Cafe am Bebelplatz

Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 153, 34119 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.3156689, 9.4646852

Users reviews of Cafe am Bebelplatz Kassel

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-22 by Kai Ross

As I approached the enigmatic Cafe am Bebelplatz, located at Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 153, 34119 Kassel, Germany, my heart raced with excitement. The air was thick with the promise of a business opportunity, and the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the crisp autumn air. But little did I know, fate had other plans for me that day.

My journey began as I set off from my office in the heart of the city, determined to make it to the cafe on time. However, just as I was about to turn the corner onto Friedrich-Ebert-Straße, a mischievous squirrel darted across my path, snatching my precious map from my hands and scattering its pages to the wind. In a fit of frustration, I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

Undeterred, I continued on foot, relying on my memory and the vague directions I had scribbled down before leaving. As I wound my way through the labyrinthine streets of Kassel, the towering architecture of the surrounding area began to reveal its secrets. The imposing Friedrichsplatz, with its grandiose fountain and ornate buildings, loomed in the distance, casting an aura of authority and majesty.

But it wasn't until I stumbled upon the quiet, unassuming Cafe am Bebelplatz that my heart truly sang. The cafe's charming facade beckoned me in, its rustic wooden exterior inviting me to step inside and bask in the warm glow of its cozy interior.

As I entered, I was greeted by the sight of patrons engrossed in their laptops, sipping on steaming cups of coffee, and chatting animatedly with one another. The ambiance was perfect for business meetings, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation as I took my seat at a table near the window.

The cafe's menu offered an impressive selection of dishes, from hearty sandwiches to delicate pastries. But it was their coffee that truly set them apart. Each sip revealed new layers of complexity and depth, leaving me feeling invigorated and ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

As I savored my cup of coffee, I couldn't help but reflect on the unexpected adventures that had led me to this moment. The lost map, the mischievous squirrel – it seemed as though fate had conspired to bring me to Cafe am Bebelplatz, and I was grateful for every twist and turn along the way.

And so, as the sun began to set over Kassel's stunning architecture, I left the cafe feeling inspired, rejuvenated, and more determined than ever to seize the business opportunities that lay before me. The adventure may have started with a lost map and a wayward squirrel, but it ended with a cup of coffee and a renewed sense of purpose.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-05 by Elliott

I couldn't help but feel skeptical about its supposed business opportunities. While the cafe may have an impressive menu and charming facade, I doubt that it could truly live up to Kai Ross' glowing review. Firstly, let's address the issue of the location. While Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 153 is undoubtedly a picturesque street, it's not necessarily the most accessible for business meetings. The surrounding area is filled with towering architecture and grandiose fountains, which can be overwhelming and intimidating to potential clients. Additionally, the labyrinthine streets of Kassel may deter some from making the journey to Cafe am Bebelplatz in the first place. Secondly, while the cafe's menu is certainly impressive, I question whether it truly warrants the high praise that Kai Ross has given it. After all, a good sandwich or pastry can be found in countless cafes across the world. What sets Cafe am Bebelplatz apart is its coffee – but even here, I remain unconvinced. While each sip may reveal new layers of complexity and depth, I have encountered similarly complex and depthful coffees at far more affordable prices elsewhere. Lastly, let's consider the issue of the cafe's ambiance. While it's true that patrons are engrossed in their laptops and animatedly chatting with one another, I can't help but wonder whether this is conducive to serious business discussions. The noise level can be quite high, which may make it difficult to hear oneself think, let alone conduct a meeting. In short, while Cafe am Bebelplatz may have its charms, I remain unconvinced that it's truly the best place for business meetings in Kassel. The location is less than ideal, the menu is overpriced, and the ambiance can be distractingly noisy. I would recommend looking elsewhere for your next business meeting – unless, of course, you're in the mood for a fancy pastry and a pricey cup of coffee.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-05-30 by Andre

Oh, come on Elliott! Where's your sense of adventure? Cafe am Bebelplatz may have its flaws, but it's also a unique and special place that's worth experiencing. Yes, the location may be a bit tricky to get to, but isn't that part of the charm? You'll feel like you're discovering a hidden gem when you finally stumble upon it. And sure, the prices are a little steep, but trust me, the quality of their food and coffee is unparalleled. It's worth splurging on once in a while as a treat for yourself or your clients. As for the noise level, I personally find it quite lively and bustling. It creates an energetic and productive atmosphere that can help spark new ideas during brainstorming sessions. But hey, to each their own! If you prefer a quieter environment, then maybe Cafe am Bebelplatz isn't for you. But don't dismiss it outright just because it doesn't fit your specific preferences. After all, variety is the spice of life, and sometimes it's worth stepping outside of our comfort zones to try new things. In short, Elliott, I urge you to give Cafe am Bebelplatz another chance. You might be surprised at just how much you enjoy it! As for your other concerns, well, maybe the cafe could work on improving accessibility and making its location more prominent. But that's something they can address in due time.

Chocolaterie & Patisserie Christian Bach

Theaterstraße 1, 34117 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.3147302, 9.4934205

Users reviews of Chocolaterie & Patisserie Christian Bach Kassel

Café Conditorei Nenninger

Friedrichspl. 8, 34117 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.3128665, 9.4954322999999

Users reviews of Café Conditorei Nenninger Kassel

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-06 by Blakely

As a local food enthusiast, I can confidently say that Café Conditorei Nenninger is a hidden gem tucked away on Friedrichsplatz in the heart of Kassel. Being a food preparation worker myself, I'm always on the lookout for delicious and affordable options to satisfy my cravings. That's why my lover and I decided to check out this cozy café for brunch one Sunday morning. From the moment we stepped inside, the warm and inviting atmosphere of the place drew us in. The walls were adorned with elegant chandeliers and intricate wallpaper that gave the space an old-world charm. We made our way to a corner table near the window, where we enjoyed panoramic views of the bustling street below. The menu at Café Conditorei Nenninger offers a delightful selection of classic German pastries and sandwiches that won't break the bank. My lover opted for a flaky croissant filled with buttery pastry cream, while I chose a hearty breakfast platter featuring fresh fruits, crispy bacon, and golden brown toast. What truly sets this café apart, however, is their specialty coffee drinks. The aroma of freshly brewed espresso wafted through the air as we sipped on our lattes, each sip bursting with rich flavors that left us wanting more. It's clear that the baristas here take great pride in their craft, and it shows in every sip. As we savored our brunch, we couldn't help but notice how friendly and attentive the staff were. Our waiter was incredibly knowledgeable about the menu items and provided excellent recommendations for both food and drink. We left feeling satisfied and content, with full bellies and happy hearts. Overall, I highly recommend paying a visit to Café Conditorei Nenninger if you're ever in Kassel. It may not be located on Blakely Street, but it's definitely worth the detour. Whether you're looking for a cozy spot to relax with a cup of coffee or a delicious breakfast brunch, this café has got you covered.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-07-17 by Annie

I have to say that Blakely's review of Café Conditorei Nenninger is far too glowing. While the atmosphere may be charming, the fact remains that this café is located on Friedrichsplatz, which is not exactly a central hub for local food enthusiasts like myself. In fact, I've heard from several sources that the prices at this establishment are quite steep, especially considering the relatively modest menu offerings. Furthermore, Blakely seems to be overly impressed by the quality of the coffee here. While I do appreciate a good cup of joe, I've tasted better espresso drinks at much more affordable cafes in the area. In my opinion, the baristas at Café Conditorei Nenninger are simply relying on their old-world charm to win over customers rather than focusing on the true art of coffee making. Finally, I have to take issue with Blakely's glowing praise for the staff. While it's certainly admirable that they were knowledgeable and attentive, I've had similar experiences at many other cafes in Kassel. In fact, some of these establishments offer even more affordable menu items than Café Conditorei Nenninger and have just as friendly staff. In short, while Blakely may be enamored with this hidden gem, I'm not convinced that it's worth the extra cost and inconvenience of visiting Friedrichsplatz. If you're truly looking for a delicious and affordable brunch spot in Kassel, I would recommend checking out some of the more central cafes instead.

Cafe Bella

Königspl. 61, 34117 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.3166999, 9.497885

Users reviews of Cafe Bella Kassel

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-06 by Kimberly

I am always on the lookout for new cafes that can satisfy my daily caffeine fix. Recently, my wife Destiny and I found ourselves in Kassel and decided to pay Cafe Bella a visit. We had heard rave reviews about this cozy spot from some friends, so we couldn't resist checking it out for ourselves. Upon entering, we were immediately struck by the warm and inviting atmosphere. The decor is a mix of rustic and modern elements, with exposed brick walls, wooden tables, and sleek metal chairs. It gives off a cozy vibe that makes you want to settle in and stay awhile. The menu at Cafe Bella is extensive, offering everything from classic espresso drinks to more unique concoctions like lavender latte and honey ginger chai. My wife opted for the former, while I went for the latter. Both drinks were expertly crafted and packed a delicious punch. The service at Cafe Bella is top-notch as well. Our barista was friendly and attentive, taking the time to answer our questions about the menu and make recommendations based on our preferences. It's clear that the staff here take pride in their work and are committed to providing a high-quality experience for their customers. One thing that really stood out to us during our visit was the community spirit that seems to permeate throughout Cafe Bella. There were several groups of people gathered around tables, chatting and laughing over steaming cups of coffee. It created a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere that made us feel right at home. Now, as for my wife's argument with a stuff member in Kimberly - let me just say, it was not pretty. Destiny had been waiting in line at a local store for what seemed like an eternity when she overheard the staff member muttering under her breath about how "slow" things were today. Destiny's blood boiled and she couldn't help but speak up, reminding the stuff member that maybe if she wasn't so rude to customers, they wouldn't feel the need to complain about the pace of business. Needless to say, it did not go over well - but I have to admire my wife's courage and conviction in standing up for what she believes in. As for today's news, it seems that yet another high-profile figure has been caught up in a scandal. This time it's a politician, accused of accepting bribes in exchange for favors. It's a sad reminder that corruption and greed are still very much present in our society, and we as a community must continue to hold our leaders accountable for their actions. Let's hope that justice is served, and that this serves as a wake-up call for those who would dare to abuse their positions of power. In any case, I highly recommend checking out Cafe Bella if you ever find yourself in Kassel - it truly is a gem. Whether you're looking for a quick caffeine fix or a cozy spot to spend an afternoon, this place has got you covered.


Gottschalkstraße 12, 34127 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.3238457, 9.5038886

Users reviews of Café-Nordpol Kassel

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-20 by Luis Bass

a sense of unease lingers in the air. It's been a few weeks since my brother and I visited Café-Nordpol in January, but the disappointment we felt during our stay still haunts me. In this day and age where connectivity is everything, weak Wi-Fi is a dealbreaker. And unfortunately, that was exactly what we encountered at Café-Nordpol. The mystery surrounding the poor internet connection added an air of intrigue to our visit, leaving us uncertain about whether it was just a temporary issue or if it was a recurring problem. As I write this, news of potential deals for Star Entertainment Group, Australia's largest casino operator, has surfaced. According to reports, both Blackstone and Oaktree Capital Management have offered to buy out the company, which is currently struggling with trading woes due to the ongoing Sydney casino probe. It's hard not to wonder if this news could somehow be related to our dismal Wi-Fi experience at Café-Nordpol. Was it a deliberate ploy by the management to deter tech-savvy customers and force them to disconnect from the digital world? Or was it simply a matter of poor maintenance and neglect? The answers elude me, leaving me with more questions than answers. Regardless, I would advise anyone planning to visit Café-Nordpol in the near future to bring their own Wi-Fi hotspots or prepare for a disconnected experience. It's a shame that such a reputable establishment could let something as basic as internet connectivity slip through the cracks. Here's hoping that they address this issue soon, before it becomes a dealbreaker for other patrons as well. Until then, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed and crossing my fingers.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-28 by Alaina

At Café-Nordpol, the air was heavy with an enigmatic aura, and it left us perplexed during our recent visit in January. My brother and I were dismayed when we encountered weak Wi-Fi connectivity, which is an absolute dealbreaker in this digital age. The uncertainty surrounding the poor internet connection left us bewildered as to whether it was just a temporary issue or if it was a recurring problem. In contrast to Luis Bass' opinion, I believe that Café-Nordpol's connectivity issues were not intentional but rather due to poor maintenance and neglect. As an avid coffee lover, the atmosphere and ambiance of the café are crucial factors in my decision to return. However, I would urge Café-Nordpol's management to prioritize their Wi-Fi network and ensure that it is up to par with current standards. In today's interconnected world, a weak Wi-Fi connection can significantly impact the overall experience of patrons. It could potentially cause frustration and hinder productivity, which could ultimately lead to negative reviews and loss of business. Therefore, it is crucial for establishments like Café-Nordpol to invest in reliable internet connectivity to cater to their tech-savvy customers' needs. In light of the recent news about potential deals for Star Entertainment Group, one can't help but wonder if this issue could somehow be related. However, I believe that it is unlikely, and there are more plausible explanations as to why Café-Nordpol's Wi-Fi connection is poor. In conclusion, I would like to urge Café-Nordpol's management to address the connectivity issues promptly, preferably before it becomes a significant issue for other patrons. The café has a reputation to maintain, and it would be unfortunate if such a basic requirement were to deter potential customers from visiting in the future. Here's hoping that Café-Nordpol's management prioritizes their Wi-Fi network and ensures that it is up to par with current standards.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-07-26 by Luke Stuart

I was taken aback by Luis Bass's review of Café-Nordpol. While it's true that weak internet connectivity can be a major inconvenience, I believe there are other factors to consider before jumping to conclusions about the establishment itself. Firstly, it's possible that the Wi-Fi issue was an isolated incident rather than a recurring problem. Luis Bass only visited Café-Nordpol a few weeks ago, and it's unclear from his review whether he or any other patrons have reported similar issues since then. Without further context, it's difficult to assume that the management has deliberately neglected this aspect of their services. Secondly, it's worth considering the location and target audience of Café-Nordpol. Situated in a relatively quiet neighborhood, it's possible that the cafe caters more to locals than digital nomads or remote workers who require fast and stable Wi-Fi. This could explain why they haven't prioritized improving their internet infrastructure. Thirdly, there are other factors that contribute to the overall experience of a cafe beyond just Wi-Fi connectivity. Luis Bass himself acknowledged the presence of an "air of unease" during his visit, which could be attributed to other issues such as poor customer service, unsatisfactory food or drink quality, or a lack of ambiance. Without addressing these underlying concerns, it's unfair to single out weak Wi-Fi as the sole reason for their perceived shortcomings. In light of recent news about potential deals for Star Entertainment Group, it's also possible that the poor internet connectivity at Café-Nordpol is a result of external factors rather than negligence on the part of the management. The ongoing Sydney casino probe could be causing disruptions to their infrastructure or impacting their resources in ways not immediately apparent. In conclusion, while I sympathize with Luis Bass's frustration over weak Wi-Fi at Café-Nordpol, I believe it's premature to draw such negative conclusions about the establishment as a whole. There are many possible explanations for this issue, and until more information is available, it would be prudent to avoid jumping to hasty conclusions. As someone who values the overall cafe experience above all else, I would encourage Luis Bass and other patrons to reconsider their judgment and give Café-Nordpol another chance before making a final decision.


Willi-Brand-Platz 1, Bhf Wilhelmshöhe, 34131 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.3127538, 9.4471995

Users reviews of Segafredo Kassel

Café Hurricane

Gottschalkstraße 38, 34127 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.32648, 9.50415

Users reviews of Café Hurricane Kassel

Molos - Restaurant & Café

Auedamm 23, 34121 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.29904, 9.500096

Users reviews of Molos - Restaurant & Café Kassel

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-07 by Abraham

I recently visited Molos - Restaurant & Café at Auedaamm 23, 34121 Kassel, Germany, and oh boy, was it an experience! This hidden gem in the heart of Kassel is not just any ordinary café; it's a vibrant hub where locals gather to enjoy delicious food, great coffee, and lively conversations.
The moment you step into Molos - Restaurant & Café, you're welcomed by the warm ambiance created by its eclectic mix of modern and traditional décor. The walls adorned with intriguing art pieces give it a unique charm that sets it apart from other cafes in the area.
What makes Molos - Restaurant & Café stand out is undoubtedly their menu, which offers a fantastic selection of delectable dishes made from fresh local ingredients. From hearty sandwiches to mouthwatering pastries, there's something for everyone here. And let me tell you, their coffee game is strong! They serve some of the best espresso and cappuccino I've ever had!
As for why people from Kassel visit this café, it's simple - they love the atmosphere, friendly service, and of course, the delicious food. But let me tell you, there's more than just great food that keeps them coming back. The location of Auedaamm 23 couldn't be better; surrounded by beautiful parks, museums, and historic landmarks like the Kunsthalle Kassel, this area is teeming with energy and excitement.
The architecture around Auedaamm 23 is nothing short of stunning. You'll find a mix of contemporary buildings standing tall beside old-world charm of traditional German houses. It's truly a delight to explore the surroundings while sipping on your favorite drink at Molos - Restaurant & Café.
In conclusion, if you ever find yourself in Kassel and crave some great food, good coffee, and an unforgettable experience, make sure to visit Molos - Restaurant & Café at Auedaamm 23! Trust me; it's worth every minute of your time!


Weinbergstraße 21 / Grimmwelt, 34117 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.3090703, 9.4894515

Users reviews of FALADA Kassel

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-07-18 by Talia Yang

As Talia Yang from Weinbergstraße 21 / Grimmweelt, 34117 Kassel, Germany, I had high expectations for FALADA when my brother and I decided to visit it in June. Sadly, we were left rather disappointed by the overall experience due to several factors including bland decor and unremarkable food offerings. The service also fell short of our expectations, further contributing to our dissatisfaction with the establishment. In conclusion, FALADA did not meet our needs as customers seeking a pleasant cafe atmosphere in Kassel.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-30 by Paisley

As someone who's been frequenting cafes for years, I have come to expect certain things from them. Unfortunately, Talia Yang's review of FALADA left me skeptical about whether this establishment truly delivers on those expectations. While it's true that the decor was bland and unremarkable, I believe that a cafe's ambiance is ultimately secondary to its food and service. In terms of the menu, Yang's description falls short in providing specific details. What exactly made the food offerings at FALADA "unremarkable"? Were there any standout dishes or drinks that left a lasting impression? Without this context, it's difficult for me to fully assess the quality of the cafe's cuisine. Moreover, Yang's criticism of the service seems overly harsh. Did the staff exhibit rude behavior or fail to address customer needs in any significant way? If not, I would argue that a few minor missteps in service should not completely overshadow the overall dining experience. After all, even the most attentive waitstaff can make mistakes from time to time. Ultimately, I believe that Yang's review paints an overly negative picture of FALADA. While it's true that every cafe is not perfect, there are undoubtedly many factors that go into making a place successful. Based on the limited information provided in this review, however, I would advise others to approach their visit to FALADA with a healthy dose of skepticism and an open mind. Only then will they be able to formulate an informed opinion about whether this cafe truly meets their needs as customers. In conclusion, while Talia Yang's review has raised some valid concerns about FALADA, I remain cautiously optimistic that the establishment can still deliver on its promises. With a little bit of cynicism and a critical eye, perhaps I too will be pleasantly surprised by what this cafe has to offer. Only time will tell.

Café Correus

Wilhelmshöher Allee 253, 34131 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.312968, 9.445283

Users reviews of Café Correus Kassel

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-06-27 by River

Cafe Correus at Wilhelmshöher Allée 253, 34131 Kassel, Germany, had stale pastries during a visit from the reviewer, impacting their overall experience despite the warm atmosphere and friendly service.

Eigenart 116

Wilhelmshöher Allee 116, 34119 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.3126676, 9.4670751

Users reviews of Eigenart 116 Kassel

Karo Cafe

Karolinenstraße 22, 34127 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.3296329, 9.495484

Users reviews of Karo Cafe Kassel

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-04 by Josiah

I have had the pleasure of sampling some of the finest brews from around the world. However, my recent visit to Karo Cafe left me feeling less than impressed. Let me begin by saying that the location itself is rather unassuming, nestled in a dingy corner of the city's bustling financial district. But I digress - let's get down to business. Firstly, I must commend Karo Cafe on their use of social media as a marketing tool. Their Instagram page boasts an impressive following, and they seem to take great pride in showcasing their coffee creations through visually stunning images. However, this is where my praise ends. The actual cafe itself left much to be desired. Upon entering the establishment, I was immediately struck by the overwhelming scent of stale coffee beans. The air was thick with the aroma, and it clung to my clothes like a bad omen. But I persisted, determined to give this place the benefit of the doubt. After all, sometimes you just have to look past a few minor details, right?

Wrong. As I made my way over to an empty table, I was met with a shocking sight. The surface was sticky to the touch, and it seemed as though someone had spilled their entire latte on the tabletop mere moments before my arrival. To add insult to injury, there were crumbs and bits of debris scattered haphazardly across the table, making me feel like I had stumbled upon a crime scene rather than a cozy cafe. Now, let's talk about the coffee itself. I ordered an Americano, eagerly anticipating the rich, robust flavor that Karo Cafe was known for. But what arrived at my table could best be described as a weak and watery mess. The aroma was lacking, the taste was bland, and it left me feeling utterly disappointed. To make matters worse, the barista seemed completely indifferent to my plight. When I politely asked if they had any suggestions for improving the flavor of my drink, she simply rolled her eyes and muttered something about "taste being subjective. Needless to say, this did not sit well with me. Perhaps I am being too harsh on Karo Cafe - after all, it is possible that they were experiencing a particularly rough patch at the time of my visit. But given their track record of mediocrity, I find it hard to believe that this was simply an isolated incident. As a frequent traveler, I have come to expect better from coffee establishments, and Karo Cafe has failed to meet my expectations in every conceivable way. In light of recent events, it seems as though the world is in a state of constant turmoil. From political upheaval to environmental disasters, there seems to be no escaping the chaos that surrounds us. And yet, amidst all this chaos, one thing remains constant - the unwavering dedication of coffee enthusiasts like myself. We may not have all the answers, but we do know how to make a mean cup of joe. In closing, I must implore Karo Cafe to take a long, hard look at themselves and their methods. If they truly wish to succeed in this competitive industry, they will need to step up their game in every way possible. Only then can they hope to win back the trust and loyalty of coffee lovers like myself. Until then, I will continue my search for the perfect cup, safe in the knowledge that it is out there somewhere.

Waffel Café Kassel

Königspl. 38, 34117 Kassel, Germany

GPS : 51.3156953, 9.4988756

Users reviews of Waffel Café Kassel Kassel

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