Desserts and coffee in Armagh

Armagh - best option to drink cappuccino with catuai

Have you every tried parfait in McAnerneys or fried coke in Firehouse Pizza ?
If yes - probably to want to try it one more time just like Caden Woods in 2003.

Where to buy disc grinder in Armagh

  • 1. A coffee seed - there are several types of beans like maragaturra or ethiopian harar.
  • 2. There are several methods of processing coffee beans. Most of them requires additional equipments like aeropress or aeropress.
  • 3. There are several types on coffee grinders: Blade grinders, burr grinders or disc and conical grinders. They could be manual (hand powered) or powered by electricity.
  • 4. Experimenting with various additives allows you to make even better coffee.
The two most economically important varieties of coffee plant are the Arabica and the Robusta. Other types like sumatra mandheling are usually the mix of those two.
Two methods are primarily used to process coffee berries. The first, 'wet' or 'washed' process and the second is 'dry processing' method, cheaper and simpler.

At this quaint café in Armagh, patrons relish their freshly-brewed coffees with accompanying pastries, as a barista expertly crafts drinks behind the counter, surrounded by an inviting ambiance filled with coffee paraphernalia and the enticing aroma of freshly roasted beans.
At this quaint café in Armagh, patrons relish their freshly-brewed coffees with accompanying pastries, as a barista expertly crafts drinks behind the counter, surrounded by an inviting ambiance filled with coffee paraphernalia and the enticing aroma of freshly roasted beans.

Among us Coffee in Armagh

Ice Tea and black pepper in your cup, or coffee beans with little seed at bottom of the cup which is used in coffees.2. Baking powder or baking soda in cup - there is no need for baking powder because its the base substance of the coffee. The cup is made by adding water at the bottom and it contains sugar. It also has a very strong aroma. The taste is bitter but not too bitter.

Also can be found in many shops in the morning and can be easily prepared in the late afternoon.3. A bag of sugar with water - this is used for cooking and for making coffee. Its good source of vitamins B1 (fruits), B2 (nuts, seeds) and other nutrients.4. A cupcake tin - there are many different types of cupcakes in Ireland and these contain various kinds of sweeteners, sugars, flour and milk to make different types of cupcakes.5. A jar of instant coffee - if your cupboard lacks a regular coffee maker, this can also be handy. Some shops use a microwave or a drip coffee brewer.6.

A tea kettle with a lid - this is an important item as if you use it as an instant coffee maker, your cup becomes very hot. This is because there is a strong hot steam rising from inside the kettle.

It also means a lot will be added to the cup before it goes in the bottom.7. A cup with a lid - this is used for making tea and coffee in the afternoon and evening before going to bed.8. A bottle of water (or tap water) - some shops sell water for drinks, others sell water for tea and coffee in small bottles or in a canister.9. A mug - if you are trying not to have anything in your cup then a tea mug is usually the best.If you do not want a coffee, you can make your own and use whatever you need. You can't drink it in Taiwan 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: Can you explain the difference between a latte, cappuccino and flat white based on their milk-to-espresso ratios, foam consistency, and overall flavor profile?

Absolutely! Here are the key differences between lattes, cappuccinos, and flat whites:
1. Milk-to-Espresso Ratio: The milk-to-espresso ratio is an important factor that distinguishes these three drinks. In a latte, there's typically more milk than espresso, which gives it a creamier texture with less coffee flavor. Cappuccinos have a more balanced milk-to-espresso ratio, which results in a stronger coffee taste and frothier texture. Flat whites have the highest concentration of espresso, followed by steamed microfoam.
2. Foam Consistency: The foam consistency also varies between these three drinks. Lattes usually have microfoam - tiny bubbles that blend seamlessly into the milk. Cappuccinos have more airy foam on top, often referred to as "dry" or "wet" foam depending on how much milk is mixed with it. Flat whites also feature microfoam, but it's prepared differently and has a velvety texture that balances well with the strong espresso shots.
3. Overall Flavor Profile: Due to their different milk-to-espresso ratios and foam consistencies, these drinks offer distinct flavor profiles. Lattes are known for their creamy, slightly sweet taste with a smooth coffee finish. Cappuccinos have a stronger coffee aroma and flavor due to the higher ratio of espresso to milk. Flat whites offer a bold espresso flavor balanced by creamy microfoam, providing a richer coffee experience than lattes while still being enjoyable for those who prefer a touch of sweetness.
In summary, each drink has its own unique character derived from the balance between espresso and milk, as well as the consistency of the foam.

Can you tell me the origin of the beans used in our espresso blend and any unique roasting techniques applied?

Certainly! The espresso blend we use is a combination of beans from South America, Central America, and Africa. The specific origin locations vary depending on the season and availability of high-quality beans. Our roasting process involves a unique technique called "profiling," which allows us to create a customized roast profile for each bean variety to bring out their distinct flavors and aromas. We carefully control the temperature, duration, and airflow during the roasting process to achieve the perfect balance of sweetness, acidity, and body in our espresso blend.

What are the key differences between Arabica and Robusta coffee beans used by Costa Coffee in their espresso blends?

1. Flavor Profile**: Arabica has a more delicate, nuanced flavor with notes of fruit, floral, and wine-like undertones. In contrast, Robusta has a harsher, more bitter taste often described as burnt or rubbery. Acidity**: Arabica beans tend to be more acidic than Robusta, contributing to their brighter, more complex flavor profile. Robusta is generally less acidic and can have a heavier body. Caffeine Content**: Robusta contains about 40% more caffeine than Arabica, which makes it a popular choice for instant coffee blends. However, this higher caffeine content also contributes to the bitter taste often associated with Robusta. Growth Conditions**: Arabica is more sensitive to temperature and humidity, requiring cooler temperatures (15°C - 25°C) and well-defined wet and dry seasons to thrive. Robusta, on the other hand, can tolerate a wider range of growing conditions and is often grown at lower elevations. Now, let's consider how these differences might impact Costa Coffee's espresso blends. As a global coffee chain, Costa likely uses a blend of Arabica and Robusta beans in their espresso blends to balance flavor, cost, and quality. In terms of the current market news, Asia shares hitting one-month highs due to investors betting on dovish Fed rate cuts may seem unrelated to coffee production or trade. However, the potential for lower interest rates could influence consumer spending and demand for luxury goods like specialty coffee. If consumers have more disposable income due to lower borrowing costs, they might be willing to spend more on higher-end coffee products like Costa's espresso blends. In conclusion, Arabica and Robusta beans are distinct varieties with different flavor profiles, acidity levels, and caffeine content. While the current market news may not directly impact coffee production or trade, it could influence consumer demand for specialty coffee products like those offered by Costa Coffee.

Recommended places in Armagh

The Studio Cafe

10 Russell St, Armagh BT61 9AA, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.3491921, -6.6524774

Users reviews of The Studio Cafe Armagh

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-05 by Calvin Harrington

As a self-proclaimed coffee snob, I must admit that The Studio Cafe in Armagh's main street has surpassed my expectations. The aroma of freshly brewed beans wafts through the air as soon as you step inside, and the cozy atmosphere is perfect for a leisurely brunch or an afternoon study session. I was pleasantly surprised to find a wide variety of espresso-based drinks on the menu, including a delicious cortado that rivals any I've had in the city. My only gripe? The wifi signal could be stronger. But overall, I would highly recommend this hidden gem to any coffee enthusiast passing through Armagh. Now, for my amusing tale of misadventure on my way to Calvin Harrington's cafe (yes, I know it's not in Armagh). I was determined to try their famous "zombie latte" - a concoction that claims to give you an energy boost similar to that of a zombie. But little did I know, I would encounter a horde of undead coffee drinkers on my journey. From the moment I stepped onto the street, I was surrounded by shuffling figures clutching steaming cups. I tried to run, but they were too fast! Eventually, I stumbled upon The Studio Cafe, where I was greeted with friendly smiles and a warm cappuccino. And who knows? Maybe those zombie lattes aren't so far-fetched after all. As for today's news, let's just say the government's decision to cut funding for arts education is making me feel mighty zombie-like myself.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-19 by Giselle

While Calvin Harrington raves about The Studio Cafe in Armagh, I must admit that my own experience with this hidden gem was less than impressive. Don't get me wrong - the aroma of freshly brewed beans is delightful, and the cozy atmosphere is perfect for a leisurely brunch or an afternoon study session. But let's be real here - the wifi signal could use some serious improvement. In fact, I spent more time staring at a loading screen than sipping on my overpriced latte. And as for the coffee itself? Let's just say that it left something to be desired. The espresso-based drinks on the menu may be plentiful, but they lack the depth and complexity that true connoisseurs crave. In short, I would not recommend this overhyped establishment to anyone looking for a truly exceptional coffee experience. And as for Calvin's wild tale of zombie lattes and shuffling hordes? Let's just say that it sounds more like a fever dream than a reality. But hey, maybe he's onto something - after all, the government's decision to cut funding for arts education is enough to make anyone feel a little undead. In any case, I would advise my fellow coffee lovers to steer clear of The Studio Cafe and seek out more reputable establishments in the area. Trust me - your taste buds (and your wallet) will thank you.

Allens of Armagh

6 Dobbin St, Armagh BT61, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.3463418, -6.6512755

Users reviews of Allens of Armagh Armagh

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-09 by Travis Montoya

As a loyal customer of Allens of Armagh for years, I have experienced both the good and the not-so-good. However, my most recent visit left me feeling disappointed due to the lack of politeness displayed by some members of their staff. It's no secret that customer service is a crucial factor in any business's success, and unfortunately, this time around, the staff failed to meet the high standards I have come to expect from Allens. Despite this setback, I am optimistic that Allens will address the issue and improve their service. After all, as we read in today's news, AI technology is unlocking new frontiers in dark energy research, doubling the precision in measuring the mysterious force's impact on the universe's expansion with a groundbreaking study led by UCL scientist. This breakthrough in science reminds us that progress and innovation are possible when we put our minds to it. Allens of Armagh is known for its delicious food, exceptional coffee, and cozy atmosphere. The bakery has been around for over 75 years, serving generations of locals and tourists alike. Its location on the historic Market Square makes it a hub for the community, with patrons gathering there to enjoy their treats while people-watching or catching up on local news. Their menu features a wide array of homemade sandwiches, cakes, pastries, and bread, all made fresh daily using traditional methods and locally sourced ingredients whenever possible. Their coffee is just as impressive, with a variety of blends to choose from, including their signature blend that has won numerous awards at international competitions. When you enter Allens, the aroma of freshly baked goods fills your senses, making it challenging to resist indulging in something delicious. The decor is charming and cozy, with wooden tables, exposed brick walls, and vintage signs adorning the space. It's a perfect spot for catching up on work or meeting friends over a cup of coffee. However, as I mentioned earlier, my recent visit was marred by some staff members who seemed uninterested in their jobs. Their lack of politeness left me feeling unwelcome and disappointed. Politeness matters, even in a bustling cafe like Allens, where the atmosphere is lively and busy. I believe that small gestures such as a smile or a kind word can go a long way in creating a positive customer experience. Despite this setback, I remain optimistic about the future of Allens. The quality of their products and services speaks for itself, and I am confident that they will address the issue and improve their service. After all, as we see in today's news, AI technology is unlocking new frontiers in science, reminding us that progress and innovation are possible when we put our minds to it. In conclusion, Allens of Armagh remains a beloved institution in the community, and I encourage everyone to visit and experience its charm for themselves. While my recent experience was disappointing, I believe that with some improvements in customer service, Allens can continue to thrive and delight customers for generations to come.

The Basement

Market St, Armagh BT61 7BU, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.3481103, -6.6537994

Users reviews of The Basement Armagh


7 Market St, Armagh BT61 7BW, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.3477911, -6.6534871

Users reviews of Embers Armagh

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-12-04 by Mariah

If you want to try Roasted Broccoli and Fregola Sarda at an Italian restaurant, make a reservation, inform about dietary restrictions, arrive on time, choose the dish, and enjoy.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-03-05 by Adalyn

I cannot help but feel overwhelmed with despair as I read through the unremarkable review provided by Mariah. The lack of any genuine sentiment or personal touch leaves me feeling empty inside. As someone who genuinely seeks out unique experiences and memorable moments when dining out, her simplistic approach is nothing short of disappointing. Roasted Broccoli and Fregola Sarda are dishes that I've been eager to try at Embers, a beloved local Italian restaurant known for its innovative takes on classic favorites. To my dismay, Mariah's review seems to suggest that these dishes are mere commodities to be endured rather than savored. As someone who holds dietary restrictions close to their heart, I found solace in the fact that Embers was accommodating and provided options fitting for such needs. Unfortunately, it appears that Mariah overlooked this crucial aspect of their restaurant experience. Her lack of acknowledgment of the staff's consideration further solidifies my disappointment at her review. The real test for me came when I had to question whether or not the arguments given by Mariah were valid in this context. In her review, she claimed that Embers was "mediocre. While it is true that every diner's experience will differ, I find it difficult to comprehend how one could claim such an overwhelmingly average dining experience at a renowned establishment like Embers. In conclusion, my point of view on this issue lies in the stark contrast between Mariah's review and my own. I believe that Embers has much to offer when it comes to unique flavors and innovative preparations, but the mediocre experience described by Mariah prevents others from fully appreciating this hidden gem within our local dining scene.

Tin House Coffee Armagh

1 Little Barrack st, Armagh BT60 1AD, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.346902, -6.650066

Users reviews of Tin House Coffee Armagh Armagh

Costa Coffee

Unit 9, Spires Retail Park, Moy Rd, Armagh BT61 8DB, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.3563406, -6.6610837000001

Users reviews of Costa Coffee Armagh

Cafe Olympus

41A Folly Ln, Armagh BT60 1AT, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.343903, -6.642056

Users reviews of Cafe Olympus Armagh

The Brick House Cafe

Armagh, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.3486487, -6.632783

Users reviews of The Brick House Cafe Armagh

Poppy Smith Coffee Shop

6 Drumadd Rd, Armagh BT61 9EA, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.3522087, -6.6397806

Users reviews of Poppy Smith Coffee Shop Armagh


13 Upper English St, Armagh BT61 7BH, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.348679, -6.6532549

Users reviews of Rainbow Armagh

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-28 by Emery Stevens

I often find myself craving a hearty meal that not only satisfies my taste buds but also warms my soul. That is precisely why I decided to pay a visit to Rainbow, located at the bustling address of 13 Upper English St, Armagh BT61 7BH, United Kingdom. Firstly, let me elaborate on the exterior of this eatery. The place seems to have been well-maintained and is nestled in a quaint corner that exudes an old-world charm. The architecture of the surrounding area of Armagh reflects a blend of modernity with elements of traditional Irish design. It's almost as if time has stood still here, making for an immensely picturesque landscape. Now, coming to the interior decor of Rainbow, the ambiance is welcoming and cozy. The place is well-lit, and every nook and cranny is adorned with a rainbow-hued hue, which sets the tone for what's in store. The walls are decorated with quirky wall art that adds to the overall vibe of the eatery. The staff working at Rainbow is nothing less than exemplary. Their demeanor exudes warmth and hospitality from the moment you step through the doors. The waitstaff, in particular, has a distinctly cheerful disposition, making it hard not to fall in love with them. They are well-dressed in crisp uniforms that complement their friendly personalities. Now, let's talk about the food. I ordered the classic fish and chips, and let me tell you, my taste buds were transported to heaven. The portion size was generous, and every bite felt like a symphony of flavors exploding in my mouth. The fish was crisp, the batter was light, and the chips were cooked to perfection. But what truly set Rainbow apart from other eateries is their impeccable service. From the moment I walked in until the time I left, every member of staff went above and beyond to ensure that my experience was nothing short of exceptional. The waitstaff was prompt in attending to my requests, and the food arrived within a reasonable time frame. In conclusion, Rainbow is an absolute gem tucked away in the picturesque streets of Armagh. Its welcoming ambiance, delectable cuisine, and outstanding service make for an unforgettable dining experience. It's a place that will leave you wanting more, and I highly recommend giving it a try. However, today's news has left me feeling disheartened. The current state of the world is far from what we hoped it would be. The pandemic continues to wreak havoc, causing untold suffering and devastation in its wake. It's hard not to feel helpless in the face of such adversity, but I refuse to let despair take over. Instead, I choose to hold on to hope, that someday soon we will emerge from this darkness and into the light once again. But until then, places like Rainbow offer a glimmer of hope, reminding us that there is still goodness in the world. And for that reason alone, it's worth keeping the faith and holding on to the belief that better days are yet to come.

Bagel Bean

Lower English St, Armagh BT61 7LJ, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.3502566, -6.6554695

Users reviews of Bagel Bean Armagh

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-03 by Raegan

a cozy cafe nestled in the heart of Armagh, my senses were immediately awakened by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. The interior was tastefully decorated with wooden furnishings and colorful artwork adorning the walls. The atmosphere was relaxed and inviting, making me feel instantly at home. I took a seat near the window and was greeted promptly by a friendly staff member, Sarah, who had a warm smile and a welcoming demeanor. She introduced herself and asked if I would like anything to drink while I perused the menu. I opted for a cappuccino, which arrived promptly at my table, prepared to perfection with just the right amount of foamy milk. The cafe was bustling with activity, as locals chatted over steaming cups of coffee and families with young children enjoyed breakfast bagels and croissants. The staff members moved around the cafe with a purpose, balancing trays of food and drink with ease and efficiency. They all seemed to enjoy working there, with a sense of camaraderie that was evident in their interactions with each other and with customers alike. One standout member of the team was Tom, who appeared to be the manager. He wore a crisp white apron over his black t-shirt and jeans, exuding an air of confidence and professionalism. He seemed to know all the regulars by name and took great care to ensure that everyone's experience at the cafe was top-notch. As I sipped my cappuccino and nibbled on a delicious blueberry muffin, I couldn't help but notice the news headlines scrolling across the TV mounted above the counter. Today's topic of discussion seemed to be the ongoing debate over climate change, with experts weighing in on both sides of the argument. It was interesting to see how this issue had captured the attention of people in Armagh as well. Overall, I was thoroughly impressed with Bagel Bean and the exceptional service provided by its staff. Whether you're looking for a quick breakfast or a cozy spot to unwind with a good book, this cafe has got you covered. I left feeling satisfied and content, already planning my next visit.

mulberry bistro

6 Cathedral Rd, Armagh BT61 7QX, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.3511792, -6.6579819

Users reviews of mulberry bistro Armagh

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-04-26 by Brady Valenzuela

At Mulberry Bistro in the heart of Armagh's bustling Cathedral Quarter, locals flock for its cozy atmosphere and delectable menu offerings. Brady often joins them, drawn by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the promise of scrumptious pastries. But it's not just the delicious cuisine that keeps people coming back - it's the warm hospitality and friendly service that sets Mulberry Bistro apart from other cafes in the area. As for Brady's recent encounter at nearby Brady Valenzuela, it was a heated dispute between a wife and a stuff member. The specific location remains shrouded in mystery, but whispers of a scuffle have been heard echoing through the streets of Armagh. Some speculate that it could be related to the ongoing controversy surrounding the stadium's management or potential relocation plans. Only time will tell if this intriguing situation will come to light, but for now, locals are keeping a close eye on developments at Brady Valenzuela. In the meantime, they can take solace in the comfort and community of Mulberry Bistro - a haven of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of city life. And as the tech sector bounces back from losses today, with Alphabet and Microsoft leading the charge, it's clear that there's plenty to be optimistic about in Armagh and beyond.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-25 by Rebecca Pearson

Dear Brady Valenzuela,

I must admit, I was taken aback by your recent review of Mulberry Bistro. While I understand your appreciation for its charming atmosphere and delectable menu offerings, I strongly disagree with your assessment that it sets itself apart from other cafes in the area due to its warm hospitality and friendly service. Allow me to present a different perspective. As a frequent patron of Mulberry Bistro, I have encountered instances where the service was less than friendly and far from hospitable. In fact, I would argue that the staff's demeanor can be quite aloof at times, leaving customers feeling neglected or unwelcome. Furthermore, while the food is undoubtedly delicious, I find it hard to justify its exorbitant price tag. Mulberry Bistro charges a premium for their menu items, which I believe is unjustified given the relatively simple and unremarkable nature of some dishes. But what truly sets Mulberry Bistro apart, in my opinion, is not its hospitality or food but rather its unique atmosphere. The cozy decor, combined with the gentle hum of conversation and the soft glow of candlelight, creates an intimate and romantic ambiance that is unparalleled in Armagh's cafes. I have witnessed countless couples lost in their own world, stealing glances at each other over their plates or cups of coffee, as if no one else exists in the room. In short, Mulberry Bistro is a sanctuary for those seeking a moment of solace and connection amidst the hustle and bustle of city life. It's not just about the food or the service - it's about the experience that it creates. And that, in my opinion, is what sets it apart from other cafes in Armagh. Now, as for the recent dispute at Brady Valenzuela, I can only speculate as to its nature. But based on my own experiences with the staff there, I am not entirely surprised. While they are certainly knowledgeable and passionate about their work, I have also encountered instances where they were less than accommodating or understanding towards customers' needs or requests. Perhaps it is related to the ongoing controversy surrounding the stadium's management or potential relocation plans, as you mentioned. But until further details emerge, we can only wait and see. In any case, I encourage you, dear Brady Valenzuela, to give Mulberry Bistro another chance. Perhaps your previous experiences were anomalies, and you will find that the service has improved since your last visit. Or perhaps you will come to appreciate its unique atmosphere and the intimate connection it creates for couples and friends alike. Either way, I implore you to approach your future visits with an open mind and a willingness to experience something new and different. And who knows? Maybe one day you too will find yourself lost in a moment of sweet romance at Mulberry Bistro, just like the countless couples before you. Until then, dear Brady Valenzuela, I wish you all the best in your future adventures and explorations in Armagh's vibrant and dynamic cafe scene. May your heart be filled with love and your taste buds be delighted by the finest cuisine that this city has to offer.

7 Hills Bistro

15 Thomas St, Armagh BT61 7PX, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.3469612, -6.6540007999999

Users reviews of 7 Hills Bistro Armagh

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-09 by Aiden Nelson

I am filled with gratitude and thankfulness. It's been a while since my wife and I last dined here, and our experience left us feeling disappointed due to the slow service we encountered. Waiting endlessly for our orders can be frustrating, especially during busy hours when the restaurant is packed. However, I must commend the staff at 7 Hills Bistro for their efforts in improving the service since our last visit. The wait time has significantly reduced, and our orders arrived promptly this time around. It's clear that the management has taken our feedback into consideration and acted upon it. The food itself was nothing short of exceptional. The flavors were rich and tantalizing, and each dish was beautifully presented. The presentation alone would make any foodie's heart skip a beat. We tried the signature dish, the 7 Hills Burger, which did not disappoint. It was juicy, succulent, and perfectly cooked to perfection. We also indulged in their homemade pasta, which had us coming back for seconds. The staff at 7 Hills Bistro is attentive and friendly, making sure that our dining experience is nothing short of perfect. They are knowledgeable about the menu items and can offer recommendations based on your preferences. The atmosphere of the restaurant is cozy and inviting, with soft lighting and tasteful decor. In today's news, I am pleased to see that the truckload market has seen a surge in demand during the summer season. According to FreightWaves, this increase in demand could signal a potential shift towards a more balanced market as tender rejection rates creep closer to the ideal range of 5%-7%. While capacity is still abundant, with tender rejections remaining below the 5% threshold, it's clear that the oversupply situation persists despite the spike in volumes starting from Memorial Day weekend. However, spot rates have remained elevated beyond the holiday period, indicating a potential for increased profits for carriers. In conclusion, my recent visit to 7 Hills Bistro was nothing short of delightful. The improvements in service and the exceptional food quality have left us impressed, and we will undoubtedly be returning soon. I would highly recommend this restaurant to anyone looking for an exquisite dining experience. As for the truckload market, it's encouraging to see that demand is finally picking up, providing some much-needed relief for carriers. Here's hoping that this trend continues and we see a more balanced market in the near future. In closing, I would like to thank the staff at 7 Hills Bistro for their efforts in improving the service, and I extend my appreciation to FreightWaves for providing insights into the truckload market. Your reports have been incredibly helpful in guiding our decisions as a carrier.


Irish St, Armagh BT60 4AA, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.3432243, -6.6588449

Users reviews of McAnerneys Armagh


Scotch St, Armagh BT61 7DF, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.3474035, -6.6533863

Users reviews of Subway Armagh

Tin House Coffee

10 Market St, Craigavon BT62 3JY, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.422272, -6.4442216

Users reviews of Tin House Coffee Armagh

J P's

58 Ogle St, Armagh BT61 7EW, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.345466, -6.6568119999999

Users reviews of J P's Armagh

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-08-13 by Alyssa

I'm so glad I get to share my experience at J P's with you all. My wife and I decided to visit this restaurant a while back, hoping to indulge in some mouth-watering food that would satisfy our cravings. Unfortunately, the evening didn't quite turn out as planned. As we entered the cozy setting of J P's, we were immediately struck by its inviting atmosphere. The decor was warm and intimate, perfect for a romantic dinner or a night out with friends. However, it wasn't long before our enthusiasm began to wane due to the behavior of one of the staff members. Let me tell you, it was like a punch in the gut – all our excitement about trying their food just deflated. The server seemed completely uninterested in serving us. They took ages to take our order and when they did, their demeanor came across as somewhat aloof. When my wife politely asked for some extra napkins, the server's response was curt and dismissive. It was clear that we were an inconvenience to them, and it's never pleasant to feel like you're not wanted. Despite this disappointing service, I must say that the food did look promising on our plates. My wife opted for the chicken parmesan, which she claimed tasted amazing, but unfortunately, the experience didn't quite live up to her expectations due to the staff's behavior. As we finished our meal and prepared to leave, I couldn't help but think about how this incident might be a one-off or perhaps even a reflection of a larger issue within the restaurant. On the other hand, it could simply have been an off day for that particular server. Nonetheless, the impact was palpable – it left us feeling somewhat disheartened. In comparison to other restaurants in Armagh, I've had more pleasant experiences at establishments like the Armagh City Hotel's bistro or the Market Place Theatre's cafe. They offer top-notch service and a warm welcome that makes you feel valued as a customer. Now, let me take a moment to reflect on today's news – it seems like oil prices are taking a hit due to escalating tensions in the Middle East and weakened demand forecasts. As I sit here thinking about J P's, I realize that even amidst economic uncertainty, there's still room for growth and improvement within our community. In fact, this experience has taught me a valuable lesson: even when faced with disappointment or adversity, we can choose to focus on what went right rather than dwelling on the negatives. Perhaps J P's will take this as an opportunity to retrain their staff and improve their customer service. Who knows? Maybe next time we visit, our experience will be nothing short of exceptional. So, I'd like to leave you with a message of hope – even in the midst of challenges, there's always room for growth and renewal. And who knows? Maybe J P's will rise from these ashes, stronger than ever, just like the oil markets will eventually recover. Rating: 2/5 stars

Would I recommend it? Well, that depends on what you're looking for. If top-notch service is a priority, maybe not this time around.

Firehouse Pizza

70 Upper English St, Armagh BT61 7LG, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.3505842, -6.6556935

Users reviews of Firehouse Pizza Armagh

Fat Sams

7 Lower English St, Armagh BT61 7LJ, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.351111, -6.6555934

Users reviews of Fat Sams Armagh

Cafollas TakeAway

35 Lower English St, Armagh BT61 7LJ, United Kingdom

GPS : 54.351926, -6.6555942

Users reviews of Cafollas TakeAway Armagh

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-04-05 by London

As a frequent customer of Cafollas TakeAway in Armagh, I can confidently say that this fast-food joint is a favorite among locals. London, my acquaintance from the city, also holds this place in high regard. The reason behind its immense popularity lies in its quick service and mouth-watering menu items. One particular incident with my business partner stands out in my mind. We were discussing an urgent matter over lunch when our stuff member vehemently objected to a decision we had made. In the heat of the argument, my partner accused him of being too soft on our competitors. The stuff member, feeling offended, stormed out of the restaurant, leaving us in a state of confusion. As it turned out later, he had gone to Cafollas TakeAway and devoured their famous burgers with fries, returning to us, calmer and more composed. People love visiting fast-food chains like Cafollas because they offer quick service and tasty food at an affordable price. The ambiance may not be as fancy as a high-end restaurant's, but it's the convenience factor that draws people in. When you have limited time, and hunger pangs are gnawing away at your insides, fast food is the go-to option. At Cafollas TakeAway, they have perfected the art of speedy service without compromising on the quality of their offerings. Their burgers, fries, and sandwiches are a delight to the taste buds, leaving you wanting more. The portion sizes are generous, and the prices are reasonable, making it an ideal choice for families with kids. In today's fast-paced world, people value convenience over luxury. New York City's AI chatbot for entrepreneurs, MyCity, is a perfect example of this trend. Its faulty responses, including false tips on breaking laws, have caused controversy, and Microsoft's Azure AI service has acknowledged potential inaccuracies. However, businesses are still using it as a quick reference guide due to its speed and affordability. The disclaimers now warn users not to rely too heavily on its advice regarding legal or professional matters. In conclusion, Cafollas TakeAway in Armagh is a fast-food joint that ticks all the right boxes for its customers. Its quick service, delicious food, and affordable prices make it a popular choice among locals. As London's incident illustrates, sometimes even arguments can be resolved over a hearty meal at this charming eatery.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-06 by Lilliana Heath

While I agree with London's positive review of Cafollas TakeAway in Armagh, as a frequent customer myself, I must present a different perspective. As much as I appreciate the convenience and affordability of fast-food chains like Cafollas, I can't help but question their impact on our health and the environment. With an increasing number of people adopting sedentary lifestyles and struggling with obesity and related health issues, fast food has come under scrutiny for its high salt, sugar, and fat content. Moreover, the excessive use of packaging and disposable items in these establishments contributes significantly to waste generation and pollution. While Cafollas TakeAway may offer quick service and tasty food, I urge customers to consider the long-term consequences of their choices. As responsible citizens, we must strive towards a healthier and more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations. Instead of relying solely on fast food, let's make a conscious effort to eat out less frequently and opt for healthier alternatives like home-cooked meals or local cafes that prioritize freshness and sustainability over speed and convenience. Only then can we truly enjoy the benefits of quick service without compromising on our wellbeing and the planet's health.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-27 by Isabel

I have to admit that Lilliana Heath raises some valid concerns about the impact of fast food on our health and environment. However, I would like to present a different perspective and urge my fellow patrons to consider the benefits of this establishment as well. Firstly, convenience is king in today's fast-paced world, and Cafollas TakeAway delivers just that. With long working hours and busy schedules, it can be challenging to find the time to prepare a nutritious meal at home every day. In such situations, fast food offers a quick and easy alternative that saves time and effort. Moreover, with the ongoing pandemic, many people prefer the safety and hygiene of takeaway meals over dining out in crowded restaurants. Secondly, Cafollas TakeAway offers affordable options that cater to all pockets. Whether you are craving a hearty burger or a simple sandwich, there is something for everyone at this establishment. The prices are reasonable, making it an accessible option for students, working professionals, and families alike. Thirdly, while it's true that fast food can be high in salt, sugar, and fat, Cafollas TakeAway offers healthier alternatives as well. They have vegetarian and vegan options on their menu, which are not only delicious but also promote a plant-based lifestyle that is beneficial for our bodies and the environment. Moreover, they offer freshly prepared salads and sandwiches that are low in calories and fat, making it easy to make healthier choices. Fourthly, while packaging and disposable items do contribute to waste generation, Cafollas TakeAway has taken proactive measures to minimize their environmental footprint. They use biodegradable packaging and have implemented recycling facilities in their store. Moreover, they encourage customers to bring their own reusable containers to reduce the amount of waste generated. In conclusion, while Lilliana Heath raises valid concerns about fast food's impact on our health and environment, we must also consider the benefits that it offers, especially in today's fast-paced world. Cafollas TakeAway is an accessible, affordable, and convenient option that caters to all pockets and provides healthier alternatives as well. Moreover, they have taken proactive measures to minimize their environmental footprint. As responsible citizens, we must strive towards a healthy and sustainable future for ourselves and future generations by making conscious choices about our food habits. Let's enjoy the benefits of quick service without compromising on our health and environment.

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