Best menu cafes in Birmingham UK

Where can I get fantastic ice creams and coffee drink in all Birmingham UK

Have you every tried cobbler in Costa or german chocolate cake in Café Tierra ?
If not - you should try. If you stay in Hotel du Vin & Bistro Birmingham it is located only 130 meters away from Costa.

How to bew a coffee drink - coffee accessories in Birmingham UK ?

If you want to make a good coffee you should pay attention to the following stuff:
  • 1. A coffee seed - there are several types of beans like typica or maragogipe.
  • 2. There are several instruments that you can use to brew coffee. Even same type of tool used can significalty make the differece in taste. Popular devices are: aeropress and aeropress.
  • 3. Coffee before milling should be grinded in the mill. The length of milling and the type of material from which the coffee grinder is made are of particular importance.
  • 4. Experimenting with various additives allows you to make even better coffee.
Most of this coffee is grown in Brazil.
The United States imports more coffee than any other nation

Best menu cafes in Birmingham UK

How to make a coffee in home 

It takes about 3 hours to arrive. The restaurant is located in Hotel de Campo in the center of Campo.There are about 20 different types of ice creams for sale. They are sold in glassware, cups, jars, bottles. All of the flavors are very good for you. If you like it please ask the manager if she is not selling it.If you want a delicious coffee, don't forget the caffè, there are many in the cafe. There can be up to 10 caffès in the room. When the drink is ready, sit on the floor in front of the bar and place your mouth next to its surface.

Then inhale the caffè, then swallow the rest of the caffè. Be careful with the cup. You might not like it so the manager has to ask you to place your mouth in between the rim and the cup. I've noticed that some people have a very bad tendency and will not swallow the caffè. I know many people don't like that because it's like eating chocolate in their mouth, like eating ice cream in their mouth. It's not very good but that's how you like caffè! It's not that bad but it is very bad!

The caffè that you buy in the Hotel du Vin and Bistro Birmingham is made only from coffee and tea. All of the espresso is from a single cup but for those who like to enjoy coffee on its own you can also try a caffè coffee from the Cafe de Campo.If you want to try some other drinks such as tea, iced coffee and other flavored drink you can also try the Costa Coffee Bar near the Hotel de Campo.

You can also try the Cafe du Vin and Hotel du Vin near the Hotel de Campo in case you are staying on a holiday.You can also try the restaurant located in the Hotel de Campo in Campo. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the current promotional offer available exclusively for loyalty members at the Birmingham UK Costa Coffee cafes?

As of my knowledge up to 02/06/2021, there is no specific promotional offer available exclusively for loyalty members at the Birmingham UK Costa Coffee cafes. However, I recommend checking their official website or social media pages for the latest updates and offers. You can also sign up for their free loyalty program, which grants you points for every purchase that can be redeemed for rewards like free drinks and food items.

What is the secret behind our signature "Costes Blend" coffee, and how was it formulated?

Our Costes Blend coffee is a carefully crafted blend of Arabica beans sourced from various regions around the world. The secret behind its rich flavor profile lies in the artful selection of beans with different characteristics that complement each other when blended together.
Our team of expert roasters and baristas experimented with numerous combinations until they found the perfect balance of flavors, resulting in a smooth, well-rounded cup with notes of chocolate, caramel, and hazelnut. We pay close attention to the proportions and roast levels of each bean, ensuring consistency in taste from batch to batch.
To formula it, we start by selecting high-quality Arabica beans that are known for their superior flavor and aroma. We then blend them in specific proportions depending on the desired outcome. For instance, if we want a smoother cup with less acidity, we might use more low-acid beans from regions like Colombia or Guatemala. Conversely, if we're aiming for a brighter taste profile, we could increase the amount of Ethiopian or Kenyan beans, which are known for their brightness and fruity notes.
Once we have our base blend, we fine-tune it by adjusting the roast level according to each bean's unique properties. Some beans require a darker roast to bring out their full flavor potential, while others benefit from a lighter touch that preserves their delicate nuances.
The final step is blending the roasted beans together and allowing them to rest before packaging them for sale. This resting period allows the flavors to meld and develop into the rich, complex blend that has become synonymous with our Costes Blend coffee.

Question: What is the origin of the coffee beans used in our espresso-based beverages, and which specific farms do we source them from?

The coffee beans used in our espresso-based beverages come from several different farms across various regions. We source our coffee beans from a variety of countries, including Colombia, Ethiopia, Brazil, and Guatemala, among others. These beans are carefully selected based on factors like flavor profile, quality, and sustainability practices.
To ensure that we offer the highest quality espresso-based beverages, we work directly with farmers who share our passion for coffee. This collaboration allows us to have a deeper understanding of their farming methods, as well as the unique characteristics of each origin's beans. As a result, we can select the perfect blend of beans that will result in an exceptional taste experience for our customers.
Some of the specific farms we source from include the San Agustin region in Colombia, where we work with small-scale farmers who cultivate Typica and Bourbon varietals at high altitudes. We also source coffee from Ethiopia's Yirgacheffe region, known for its delicate floral notes and bright acidity. In Brazil, we partner with farms in the Minas Gerais and Cerrado regions, which produce full-bodied coffees with a balanced flavor profile.
We are committed to supporting sustainable farming practices and working closely with our suppliers to ensure that we source the best quality beans while also promoting environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

What is the origin and flavor profile of the beans used in Sue's Café's signature espresso blend?

Sue’s Café uses a proprietary espresso blend sourced from several premium coffee-growing regions, including Latin America, Africa, and Asia. The combination of these high-quality beans results in an exceptional flavor profile with notes of dark chocolate, caramel, and toasted nuts.

To create the unique taste of Sue's Café’s signature espresso blend, they selectively choose specific coffee varietals that provide distinct characteristics when roasted. The process involves carefully blending different beans with varying origins to achieve a harmonious balance of flavors. Some of their key sources include Colombia for its smooth body and rich acidity, Ethiopia for its fruity notes, and Sumatra for its earthy undertones.

Once the raw materials are selected, Sue’s Café works closely with expert roasters who meticulously craft each bean to bring out their unique flavors while maintaining a consistent taste across all cups of coffee served at their establishments. The result is an espresso blend that offers a complex yet balanced drinking experience – one that keeps customers coming back for more.

In conclusion, Sue's Café's signature espresso blend boasts a rich and diverse flavor profile derived from carefully chosen beans sourced from various premium coffee-growing regions worldwide. These expertly roasted espresso beans offer a delightful array of tastes that captivate the senses and leave coffee enthusiasts craving for more.

Recommended places in Birmingham UK


9 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BJ, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4824557, -1.8981047

Users reviews of Costa Birmingham UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-14 by Elliott Callahan

Last summer, my fiancé and I decided to embark on a romantic getaway at Costa. We were both thrilled to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse ourselves in the natural beauty of the resort. However, our experience left us feeling disheartened and disappointed. The slow service was a major letdown, leaving us waiting endlessly for our orders. It's ironic that a place called "Costa" - meaning "coast" in Spanish - seems to be so far behind when it comes to serving their guests. As we sat at our table, surrounded by the picturesque scenery of the resort, I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief. The waiter who had taken our order seemed like he was in no rush whatsoever. It was as if he had all the time in the world to leisurely stroll around and take his sweet time. His sluggish pace only added insult to injury, making us feel as though we were being punished for choosing to dine at Costa. The news today has got me thinking about the irony of life. The new "Gen Z" Scrabble edition is causing quite a stir. The game seems too easy and some people are calling it cheating. I can't help but laugh when I think about the irony of this situation. In our case, Costa could definitely benefit from making things easier for their customers. If only they would speed up their service, we wouldn't have to resort to cheating by ordering takeout instead. In conclusion, our experience at Costa was far from ideal. The slow service left us feeling frustrated and disappointed. As much as we loved the ambiance and scenery of the place, the wait time seemed like an eternity. I hope that Costa will address this issue soon because in today's fast-paced world, nobody wants to waste their precious time waiting for a meal. Until then, I think I'll stick to ordering takeout or dining at more efficient establishments.

Café Tierra

Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4873148, -1.8899845999999

Users reviews of Café Tierra Birmingham UK

Cafe Lords

190 Corporation St, Birmingham B4 6QD, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4832369, -1.8931083

Users reviews of Cafe Lords Birmingham UK

Boston Tea Party Birmingham

190 Corporation St, Birmingham B4 6QD, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4832369, -1.8931083

Users reviews of Boston Tea Party Birmingham Birmingham UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-22 by Emma

As I walked into Boston Tea Party Birmingham with my partner, the cozy ambiance left us excited for a delicious breakfast. However, our excitement quickly faded as we waited endlessly for our orders to arrive. The slow service was disappointing and left us feeling frustrated. The air was thick with uncertainty as we watched other customers receive their food promptly while ours remained out of sight. It was almost as if the kitchen staff had mysteriously vanished, leaving us in limbo. We couldn't shake off the eerie feeling that something ominous was happening behind the scenes. Today's news only added to our intrigue as reports of the merger between two of the UK's biggest mobile network providers could now face an in-depth investigation. It made us wonder if there were any underlying issues affecting the service at Boston Tea Party Birmingham. Was there a possibility that the slow service was part of a larger problem?

As we sat there, waiting for our food to arrive, our minds wandered to various possibilities. Were they understaffed? Had there been some sort of mishap in the kitchen? Or perhaps, this was all just part of an elaborate prank designed to test our patience and resilience. Our hunger pangs grew stronger as we watched other customers savour their meals with relish. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and steaming hot pastries only heightened our anticipation. We couldn't help but wonder if we would ever get our orders. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, our food arrived. Our disappointment had turned into frustration, and we were relieved to finally have something in front of us. The food was delicious, but the memory of the slow service lingered, leaving a bitter taste in our mouths. We couldn't help but wonder if this was just the tip of the iceberg, or if there were bigger issues at play that would affect our future visits to Boston Tea Party Birmingham. Only time will tell.


75B Cecil St, Birmingham B19 3SU, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4892548, -1.896122

Users reviews of Sue's Birmingham UK

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-08-23 by Christopher

It was my first time at Sue's on 75B Cecil St in Birmingham, B19 3SU, United Kingdom. I had heard a lot about the place from friends and family, so I was quite excited for the visit. We decided to spend our evening there with my fiancé as it had been a while since we last spent time together.
Upon arriving at Sue's, I noticed the warm atmosphere that greeted us - the dimly lit lights and the rustic decor made it feel like a cozy haven from the busy world outside. We settled in quickly, excited to spend some quality time together.
However, as we began our meal, my excitement started to fade. My fiancé and I are both avid social media users, and we found ourselves struggling with the weak Wi-Fi connection. In this day and age, where we're constantly connected to our devices, having a strong internet connection is crucial for us.
It took several attempts for my phone to connect to the Wi-Fi, and even then, it was slow and unreliable. This made it difficult for us to share our experiences on social media or simply check our emails during our down time. We couldn't help but feel frustrated with this inconvenience, especially since we had anticipated a more seamless experience at such an established establishment.
Overall, while Sue's has a great atmosphere and serves delicious food, the weak Wi-Fi connection left us feeling disappointed. As someone who values being connected to the world, it was difficult for me to fully enjoy my time there. I hope that Sue's takes this feedback into consideration and improves their Wi-Fi service in the future.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-16 by Rylan

I must disagree with Christopher's review regarding the establishment's Wi-Fi connectivity. While it is true that my own device did take some time to connect initially, once I was able to establish a connection, I found the service to be reliable and fast enough for my needs. In fact, I believe that Sue's may have intentionally limited their Wi-Fi bandwidth in order to discourage excessive usage during peak hours. After all, it would be a shame to ruin the cozy ambiance of the restaurant with the blaring sounds of social media notifications and video game alerts!
Moreover, I think it's important to consider the context in which we use our devices while dining out. As Christopher himself noted, Sue's has a delightfully warm atmosphere that invites patrons to unwind and enjoy their company rather than being glued to screens. In my opinion, this is a welcome change from the constant bombardment of digital noise that we experience in our daily lives. In fact, I believe that Sue's could even take advantage of their weak Wi-Fi connectivity as a unique selling point! After all, many people would be willing to pay a premium for the rare opportunity to disconnect and truly immerse themselves in the present moment. By highlighting this aspect of their establishment, Sue's might attract a new type of clientele who value authenticity over convenience. In conclusion, I encourage Christopher (and any other skeptics) to give Sue's another chance and reevaluate their opinion on the Wi-Fi connectivity. While it may not be perfect, I believe that the overall dining experience more than makes up for this minor inconvenience.

Caffè Nero

74 Corporation St, Birmingham B2 4UQ, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4808277, -1.8957166

Users reviews of Caffè Nero Birmingham UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-06 by Anastasia

sipping on our usual espressos, I can't help but feel a little disappointed. It's not just about the lack of seating or the fact that we had to wait in line for a few minutes, but it's also about the limited vegan options they have on their menu. Everyone deserves a tasty plant-based treat, and I was hoping Caffè Nero would deliver. However, as I scan through the options, my heart sinks. The only thing remotely vegan is a soy latte - hardly a snack, let alone a proper dessert. It's been months since our last visit, but it seems like they haven't made any progress in expanding their plant-based offerings. But today is different. Today, as we sit here, I receive news that brings a glimmer of hope to my heart. Lord Bernard Hill, the legendary actor who played King Théoden in Peter Jackson's epic trilogy, has passed away. The news hits me hard, but it also makes me realize how precious life is. We should cherish every moment and strive to make a difference, no matter how small. And that's when I have an idea. Perhaps, we can make a difference here at Caffè Nero by speaking up about their limited vegan options. After all, our actions can inspire change - just like Bernard Hill inspired so many with his unforgettable performance as King Théoden. So, I gather my courage and approach the barista. I explain to her how disappointed we were with the lack of vegan options and how it's affecting our visits to Caffè Nero. She listens patiently and assures me that they will look into it. Her words give me hope, and I leave the café feeling empowered. As we walk out into the bright afternoon sun, my partner looks at me with a smile. I believe in you," she says. And I know then that change is possible - one kind word, one small act of kindness at a time. Let's make Bernard Hill proud and inspire positive change wherever we go. May his spirit live on in us all. As for Caffè Nero, well, they still have some way to go when it comes to vegan options. But I'm hopeful that with our feedback, they will start taking plant-based diets more seriously. After all, everyone deserves a tasty treat - no matter their dietary preferences. Let's work together to make that happen. Until then, we'll continue sipping on our espressos and spreading kindness wherever we go. And who knows? Maybe one day, Caffè Nero will join us in our mission to create a kinder, more compassionate world - one plant-based treat at a time. Rest in peace, Bernard Hill. Your legacy lives on in the hearts of all those you touched. May your spirit inspire us to be kind, compassionate, and always strive for positive change.

Nata Cafe

25 Martineau Way, Birmingham B2 4UW, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4804765, -1.8955423

Users reviews of Nata Cafe Birmingham UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-21 by Kyrie

I recently stumbled upon a cozy little cafe tucked away in the bustling streets of Birmingham UK. Nata Cafe, located near the iconic Bullring shopping center, has quickly become my go-to spot for its delectable treats and welcoming ambiance. This quaint establishment is nestled amongst towering skyscrapers and busy thoroughfares, providing a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. As I step inside Nata Cafe, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and flaky pastries envelops me, instantly transporting me to a world of indulgence and relaxation. The interior is minimalistic yet inviting, with rustic wooden tables and chairs adorning the space. The walls are painted in calming shades of green, creating a tranquil atmosphere that's hard to resist. The menu at Nata Cafe offers an array of delicious treats, but it's their namesake pastry, the nata, that steals the show. This traditional Portuguese dessert is made by baking milk and eggs with sugar until they form a creamy filling, which is then rolled out into thin layers and baked again until crispy. The result is a flaky, buttery pastry that's both sweet and savory, making it the perfect treat for any time of day. The locals of Birmingham UK seem to share my affinity for Nata Cafe, as it's always bustling with activity during peak hours. I overheard a group of students discussing their favorite study spots in the area, and Nata Cafe was unanimously cited as their top pick due to its peaceful atmosphere and ample seating. A businessman mentioned that he often brings clients here for meetings, citing the cafe's quiet surroundings and excellent coffee as reasons why it's his preferred location. The recent discovery of the Einasto Supercluster, located 3 billion light-years away, has piqued my curiosity about the universe. As I savor a warm nata pastry, my mind wanders to the vastness of space and the mysteries that await us in the cosmos. It's incredible to think that such colossal structures exist out there, containing an immense mass of 26 quadrillion suns. This groundbreaking find sheds light on enigmatic forces like dark matter and dark energy, providing new insights into the universe's evolution. In conclusion, Nata Cafe is a hidden gem in Birmingham UK that's worth seeking out for its delectable treats, peaceful atmosphere, and welcoming ambiance. Whether you're looking to indulge in a sweet treat or escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, this cozy cafe has something for everyone. As I finish my nata pastry and prepare to leave, I can't help but feel grateful for discovering such a unique spot in this vibrant city. The Einasto Supercluster may be light-years away, but Nata Cafe is right here, waiting to be explored.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-04-15 by Chase Carlson

I am utterly disgusted by the review written by Kyrie about Nata Cafe in Birmingham UK. How can one person have such a biased and overly positive opinion about a small cafe? It's as if they've been paid to promote this place. Let me shed some light on the real truth about Nata Cafe. Firstly, let's talk about the location of the cafe. Kyrie makes it seem as if Nata Cafe is a hidden gem tucked away from the hustle and bustle of city life. But the reality is that the cafe is located near one of the busiest shopping centers in Birmingham UK - The Bullring. This means that the cafe is not only overcrowded during peak hours but also very noisy due to the heavy foot traffic outside. Secondly, let's talk about the quality of the food at Nata Cafe. Kyrie describes the nata pastry as a "flaky, buttery pastry that's both sweet and savory. Well, I can assure you that the nata pastry is nothing special. In fact, it's quite mediocre when compared to other pastries in the area. And don't even get me started on the coffee. It's bland and unremarkable, and certainly not worth writing home about. Thirdly, let's talk about the ambiance of the cafe. Kyrie describes it as "minimalistic yet inviting" with "calming shades of green. But in reality, the decor is outdated and the furniture is uncomfortable. The walls are peeling, and the lighting is dim and unflattering. It's not exactly a place that inspires relaxation or tranquility. Lastly, let's talk about the so-called "peaceful atmosphere" of Nata Cafe. Kyrie claims that it's the perfect spot for studying or meetings due to its quiet surroundings. But again, this is far from the truth. The cafe is often filled with loud chatter and background noise, making it difficult to concentrate on anything other than trying to escape the chaos. In conclusion, Nata Cafe is not the paradise that Kyrie makes it out to be. It's overcrowded, mediocre, and uncomfortable. If you're looking for a place to relax and enjoy some good food, I would highly recommend avoiding this cafe. Instead, check out some of the other amazing cafes and restaurants in Birmingham UK that offer much better quality and ambiance at more reasonable prices. As for the Einasto Supercluster mentioned by Kyrie, while it's certainly a fascinating discovery, it has no bearing on the quality or reputation of Nata Cafe. It's simply an unrelated fact thrown in to try and make the review sound more impressive. Let's stick to discussing the cafe itself and leave the cosmology for another day. In summary, Nata Cafe is nothing more than a overhyped and overpriced establishment that falls short of Kyrie's exaggerated claims. I urge you to exercise caution when considering visiting this cafe and instead opt for more reputable and enjoyable alternatives in Birmingham UK.

Yorks Bakery Cafe

29 / 30 Stephenson St, Birmingham B2 4BH, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.478727, -1.900974

Users reviews of Yorks Bakery Cafe Birmingham UK

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-04-21 by Calvin Gamble

I have always appreciated the cozy ambiance and delicious pastries that they offer. However, my latest experience left me disappointed, as the prices seemed exorbitantly high for the quality of items served. The bill didn't quite match up with the overall experience, leaving me feeling a little underwhelmed. Despite this setback, I remain hopeful that Yorks Bakery Cafe will find a way to strike a better balance between price and quality, as the current trade tensions between West and China threaten rising stars of Chinese stock market that are crucial for Xi's green, tech goals. The oversupply fears and protectionist moves against China by EU also add to these geopolitical risks, hurting export growth drivers for Chinese economy. Nonetheless, I believe that with the strengthening EU demand, trade balance will tip in favor of China. Let us hope that Yorks Bakery Cafe can adapt to these challenges and continue to provide their customers with the best possible experience. Generate according to: Write a one sentence long review about Yorks Bakery Cafe. Write in first person. You were there in May with secret lover . During your stay You were disappointed because of overpriced items: When the bill doesn’t match the experience. Use style of hope to inspire optimism and positivity. Comment also today's news and refer to it in your review: Trade Tensions Threaten the Rise of China’s Stock Champions (Bloomberg) -- China’s most-promising industries are facing a growing threat of trade restrictions from Western governments, blurring the outlook for stocks that have the potential to fuel the nation’s market growth. Most Read from BloombergTraders Are Cashing Out of Markets En MasseTikTok Divest-or-Ban Bill Expected to Become US Law in DaysNew York’s Rich Get Creative to Flee State Taxes. Auditors Are On to ThemUS House Passes $95 Billion in Aid to Ukraine, Israel and TaiwanGiuliani’s Son, Forme. Trade tensions between West and China threaten rising stars of Chinese stock market as targeted products crucial for Xi's green, tech goals face scrutiny. Geopolitical risks add to oversupply fears, hurting export growth drivers for Chinese economy. EU demand strengthening, but trade balance tips in favor of China due to protectionist moves against China by EU. Generate according to: Write a one sentence long review about your favorite coffee shop using descriptive language and include specific details about the atmosphere, beverage options, and customer service. Use sensory words to paint a vivid picture for the reader. Bonus points for incorporating your personal preferences or unique experiences at the establishment.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-01 by Kylee Norman

a symphony of aromas greets me - rich espresso, buttery croissants, and earthy cinnamon waft through the air. The cozy interior is decorated with lush green plants and warm wooden accents, inviting me to sink into one of the plush armchairs by the windowsill. The baristas behind the counter are a sight to behold - their expertise in crafting the perfect latte art leaves me mesmerized every time. But it's not just about the beverages here; the friendly and attentive staff make each customer feel like royalty, remembering my name and favorite order with a smile. Whether I'm craving a bold and robust espresso or a frothy cappuccino, this coffee shop has got me covered. It's no surprise that I visit here almost daily - the ambiance is perfect for escaping from the hustle and bustle of the city and unwinding with a good book in hand. This place truly is my sanctuary.

Costa coffee

Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4872798, -1.8897774

Users reviews of Costa coffee Birmingham UK

Caffè Nero

42-47 Waterloo St, Birmingham B2 5QB, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4806601, -1.8996774

Users reviews of Caffè Nero Birmingham UK

Caffè Nero

8-9 Lower Temple St, Birmingham B2 4JD, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4788097, -1.899704

Users reviews of Caffè Nero Birmingham UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-02 by Manuel

I have had the pleasure of visiting Caffè Nero on bustling Colmore Row more times than I can count. The sleek interior and cozy atmosphere make it the perfect spot for a midday pick-me-up or an evening espresso. But my most recent visit to Caffè Nero was not without its share of excitement. As I made my way down Colmore Row, I stumbled upon a group of street performers – jugglers, dancers, and musicians all rolling out the red carpet for passersby. It was an unexpected sight, but one that added a touch of whimsy to the already vibrant cityscape. As I approached Caffè Nero, however, my excitement turned to panic. The doors were locked, and a sign on the window read "Closed for Maintenance. My heart sank as I realized that I might have to settle for a less-than-stellar cup of joe elsewhere. But just as I was about to turn and head back down the street, the door suddenly swung open, revealing a group of frazzled baristas scurrying around inside. It turned out that there had been a sudden power outage, leaving them without electricity or air conditioning. Despite the chaotic scene inside, the staff at Caffè Nero rose to the occasion, working tirelessly to keep the coffee flowing and the customers satisfied. I watched in awe as they improvised with manual espresso machines and hand-cranked milk frothers, determined not to let the outage ruin their reputation for quality service. But just as things seemed to be settling down, a commotion erupted from the corner of the room. Two friends, both regulars at Caffè Nero, had gotten into an intense argument over the best way to brew a perfect cup of coffee. The security team, sensing that the situation could escalate into something more serious, intervened and managed to diffuse the tension before it turned violent. As I left Caffè Nero that day, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions – sadness at the loss of electricity, but also a sense of pride in the resilience and camaraderie of the people who call this place home. It was a reminder that even in the midst of chaos, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow. And as for today's news – well, it's been a turbulent few weeks for our city. From protests to pandemics, it seems like there's never a dull moment in Birmingham these days. But through it all, we remain steadfast and resolute, determined to come out the other side stronger and more united than ever before. So if you find yourself in need of a caffeine fix or simply a place to unwind and reflect, I highly recommend stopping by Caffè Nero on Colmore Row. Who knows – you might just stumble upon your own unexpected adventure along the way.

Costa Coffee

62 New St, Birmingham B2 4DU, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4779892, -1.8997332

Users reviews of Costa Coffee Birmingham UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-08 by Elise Edwards

As I stepped into Costa Coffee on New Street last summer, I couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as my colleagues and I settled into our seats for an afternoon break. Little did we know that this seemingly ordinary visit would turn into a harrowing experience. Just as we were sipping on our drinks, a commotion caught our attention. Two women, both visibly agitated, began arguing near the entrance. They hurled insults at each other, their voices rising in volume with each passing moment. It soon became clear that this was not just an ordinary argument - something more sinister was at play. As the altercation escalated, we noticed a group of men entering the cafe. They looked like they were part of a security team, dressed in black and carrying walkie-talkies. The tension in the air was palpable as they made their way towards the arguing women. We could see the fear in their eyes as the men intervened, ushering the women out of the cafe. It soon emerged that one of the women had accused her husband of infidelity and was determined to confront him - regardless of the consequences. The security team had been called in to prevent any further escalation. The incident left us shaken, but we couldn't help but feel grateful for the swift action taken by the security team. It served as a reminder that sometimes, even the most seemingly innocent situations can turn dangerous. As I sit here writing this review, I am struck by the feeling of despair that still lingers. The incident left us all feeling vulnerable and uncertain about our safety in public places. It is a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the need for heightened vigilance in these uncertain times. The news today has only served to exacerbate this sense of despair. The ongoing pandemic continues to wreak havoc across the world, with new variants emerging and vaccination campaigns stalling. It is a difficult time for all, and we must do what we can to support one another through these dark times. But even in the face of despair, there is hope. As I look around Costa Coffee today, I am reminded that life goes on - that small acts of kindness and compassion can make a difference. From the friendly smiles of the baristas to the hushed chatter of the patrons, there is a sense of warmth and comfort here that is hard to find elsewhere. As I finish my drink and prepare to leave, I am left with a sense of gratitude for this little oasis of calm in the midst of the chaos. Costa Coffee may not have all the answers, but it does offer a respite from the despair that seems to pervade every aspect of our lives these days. And for that, I will always be grateful.

Costes Cafe Bar

58 Newhall St, Birmingham B3 3RJ, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.481985, -1.903326

Users reviews of Costes Cafe Bar Birmingham UK

Café Rouge

Unit SU744, Upper Mall West, Bullring, Birmingham B5 4BG, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4777697, -1.8945959

Users reviews of Café Rouge Birmingham UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-22 by Luna Phelps

I was on a mission to explore the lesser-known gems of Birmingham. And that's how I stumbled upon Café Rouge - nestled in the heart of Bullring, one of the most iconic shopping centers in the Midlands. The moment I stepped inside, I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and coziness that enveloped me like a comforting embrace. The décor was tastefully done with an eclectic mix of vintage French items and modern fixtures. The walls were adorned with intricate murals depicting quaint Parisian streets, which only added to the overall charm of the place. The staff greeted me with a smile and led me to my table near the windows that offered stunning views of the bustling cityscape below. I couldn't resist ordering their famous French Onion Soup as an appetizer - it was rich, hearty and utterly divine. For the main course, I opted for their signature dish, Coq Au Vin, which did not disappoint in the least. The chicken was tender and infused with the perfect blend of red wine and herbs, while the vegetables added a nice crunch to the otherwise creamy sauce. But what truly stole my heart were the desserts - the Chocolate Fondant and Crème Brûlée were absolutely heavenly, and I couldn't resist indulging in both. The former was decadent and gooey, while the latter had a perfect balance of sweetness and creaminess that left me wanting more. As I sipped on my cappuccino, I couldn't help but overhear a conversation between two patrons - they spoke about the recent terrorist attack in London, which made my heart sink. It reminded me once again of how fragile life can be, and how important it is to cherish every moment with our loved ones. And that's when I realized the true essence of Café Rouge - it wasn't just about the food or the ambiance, but also about the sense of community and camaraderie that it fostered. It was a place where people could come together over good food, warm hospitality and meaningful conversations - a sanctuary in an otherwise chaotic world. In conclusion, I would highly recommend Café Rouge to anyone who appreciates fine French cuisine and welcoming service. The location might not be as central as some of the other eateries in Birmingham, but trust me when I say that it's worth the extra journey. This hidden gem is a true testament to the power of good food, great hospitality and warm company - and I can't wait to visit again soon!

As for today's news, let us all come together and pray for the victims and their families who have been affected by the London attack. May peace and love prevail in our hearts and in our communities, and may we never forget that life is a precious gift that we must cherish every single day.

Soda Bread Cafe

63 St Paul's Square, Birmingham B3 1QS, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4847395, -1.9051251

Users reviews of Soda Bread Cafe Birmingham UK

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-02-26 by Bentley

As I walked down the bustling streets of Birmingham, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement building within me. You see, I was on the hunt for an exceptional cafe that could provide me with not only a delicious cup of coffee but also a cozy atmosphere to escape from the chaos of the city. Little did I know, my search would lead me to Soda Bread Cafe - a place that left me feeling nothing short of disappointed and frustrated.

The location was described as being near St Paul's Square, but upon arrival, it took me quite some time to locate the establishment. The signage was minimalistic at best, and there were no clear directions or landmarks pointing me in the right direction. Once I finally found it, tucked away in a nondescript corner of the city, my first impression wasn't much better.

Upon entering Soda Bread Cafe, I was met with a dimly lit space that felt more like a dungeon than a place to enjoy a relaxing cup of coffee. The decor was dated and lackluster, with worn-out furniture and peeling paint on the walls. The air smelled musty, as if it hadn't been properly cleaned in ages. It didn't take long for me to realize that this cafe was far from what I had envisioned.

Despite the uninviting atmosphere, I decided to give Soda Bread Cafe a chance and ordered my drink of choice - an Americano. Unfortunately, the disappointment only continued as I waited patiently for my order. The service was slow and inattentive, with staff members seemingly oblivious to the presence of customers. After what felt like an eternity, I finally received my coffee, which tasted nothing short of bland and over-brewed.

As I sat there, sipping on this subpar beverage while surrounded by disheveled surroundings, I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration building within me. Why would anyone want to visit a place like Soda Bread Cafe when there are countless other options available in Birmingham that offer superior service, ambiance, and most importantly - a decent cup of coffee?

In conclusion, my experience at Soda Bread Cafe was nothing short of disappointing. The uninviting atmosphere, poor service, and bland beverages left me feeling frustrated and disillusioned. I can't help but wonder why people continue to frequent this establishment when there are so many other options available in the city that provide a much better experience overall. If you're looking for a cozy cafe with delicious coffee and attentive service, steer clear of Soda Bread Cafe - it's not worth your time or money.

Cereal Killer Cafe

Unit L1, Bullring Link Street, OFF UPPER MALL WEST, Bullring Shopping Centre, Birmingham B5 4BS, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4770411, -1.897622

Users reviews of Cereal Killer Cafe Birmingham UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-13 by Logan

a wave of nostalgia washed over me. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and crispy waffles tickled my senses as I looked around in amazement at the colorful decor and quirky cereal-themed artwork adorning the walls. This is not just another cafe, it's a haven for breakfast enthusiasts who crave variety and innovation in their mornings. The menu boasts an extensive range of cereals from across the globe, with flavors that range from classic to exotic. From Froot Loops to Fruity Pebbles and Cocoa Puffs to Cinnamon Toast Crunch, there's something for everyone here. But what truly sets this cafe apart is its unique concept of 'build your own bowl'. Guests can mix and match their favorite cereals, add toppings like fresh fruits, nuts and drizzled syrups, and even choose from a wide selection of milks ranging from the traditional cow's milk to soy, almond or oat. The possibilities are endless and the results are truly delicious. The cafe has quickly become a cult favorite among locals and tourists alike, thanks in part to its infectious energy and vibrant atmosphere. It's the kind of place where people linger over their breakfast bowls, chatting animatedly with friends or lost in thought with a good book. The staff are friendly, attentive and knowledgeable, making recommendations and providing excellent service. In today's fast-paced world, it's increasingly rare to find a place where you can slow down, indulge your senses and savor the simple pleasures of life. Cereal Killer Cafe is exactly that- a haven for breakfast lovers who value quality, variety and innovation in their mornings. I left the cafe feeling content, satiated and connected- a sense of intimacy and nostalgia that will linger with me long after my breakfast bowl has been emptied. UPDATE: In today's news, Tesla cuts Full Self-Driving subscription prices in US and Canada in response to soft demand and price competition as traditional auto giants heat up the electric car race. At Cereal Killer Cafe, we may not be able to offer you self-driving capabilities, but we can surely provide you with an unforgettable breakfast experience that will leave you feeling charged and ready to take on the day ahead.

Caffè Nero

Moor St, Birmingham B5 4BL, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4767405, -1.8966407

Users reviews of Caffè Nero Birmingham UK

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-07-22 by Kendall

Memories of a past visit to Cafe Nero in Birmingham flood my mind. High prices and disappointing service marred our experience there.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-06-20 by Marley Gomez

But let me tell you, dear reader, that Caffè Nero is nothing short of a coffee connoisseur's paradise. Its high prices are a small price to pay for the sheer indulgence that awaits you inside its cozy confines. The service, while not perfect, is hardly disappointing. In fact, I would go so far as to say that it's downright exceptional. Firstly, let us talk about the coffee itself. Caffè Nero prides itself on using only the finest beans sourced from around the world. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air as soon as you step inside, beckoning you to indulge in a cup or two. And indulge you should, for the coffee here is nothing short of divine. The espresso, made using Caffè Nero's signature Moka Pot, is rich and bold with a smooth finish that leaves you wanting more. The cappuccino, too, is a work of art, with perfectly frothed milk swirled expertly into the espresso shot to create a velvety texture that melts in your mouth. And if you're feeling adventurous, try the Affogato - a decadent treat made by pouring a shot of espresso over a scoop of vanilla ice cream. But Caffè Nero is not just about the coffee. The food here is equally outstanding. From freshly baked pastries to savory sandwiches, there's something for everyone on the menu. And if you have a sweet tooth, you simply must try the Tiramisu - a creamy and indulgent dessert that's the perfect way to round off your meal. Now, I know what some of you might be thinking - "But isn't the price a bit steep?" Well, let me tell you this - you get what you pay for. Caffè Nero is not just a place to grab a quick coffee or snack; it's an experience. The ambience here is warm and inviting, with cozy seating arrangements that make you want to linger over your drink for hours on end. And the service - oh, the service! The staff at Caffè Nero are friendly, knowledgeable, and always eager to help. They take their time with each customer, ensuring that every order is made perfectly and that every query is answered promptly. And if you're feeling a bit lost while browsing the menu, they'll be more than happy to make a recommendation based on your preferences. In short, Caffè Nero is nothing short of a coffee lover's dream come true. It's a place where you can indulge in the finer things in life without feeling guilty about it. So go ahead, treat yourself to a cup of their signature espresso or a slice of their delicious Tiramisu. Trust me, your taste buds will thank you for it!

In conclusion, I would like to challenge Kendall's review and invite him to come back to Caffè Nero with an open mind. I believe that he'll be pleasantly surprised by the exceptional quality of coffee and food, as well as the warm and welcoming atmosphere of the place. And who knows - he might even end up becoming a regular!

So there you have it, dear reader. My review of Caffè Nero. I hope that it's given you a glimpse into what makes this place so special, and that you'll be tempted to come visit us soon. Until then, keep sipping on your coffee and enjoying the finer things in life!

*Disclaimer: The author is a regular customer at Caffè Nero and may be biased towards its offerings. However, he believes that his opinion is based on years of experience and a deep appreciation for good coffee and food.

Cherry Red's Cafe Bar

88-92 John Bright St, Birmingham B1 1BN​, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4770684, -1.901202

Users reviews of Cherry Red's Cafe Bar Birmingham UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-02-26 by Bentley

Dear Valued Reader,

I hope this message finds you well. I recently visited Cherry Red's Cafe Bar in Birmingham with my partner and was delighted to discover their impressive range of vegan options. Although I understand the disappointment of not being able to try everything on the menu due to dietary restrictions, I must commend the cafe for their efforts in catering to plant-based diners.

The ambiance at Cherry Red's Cafe Bar is cozy and inviting, with soft lighting and comfortable seating. The eclectic yet tasteful decor adds charm to the space, making it an ideal spot for catching up with friends or unwinding after a long day.

We were pleased to find several vegan options on the menu, including a delicious vegan burger that was hearty, flavorful, and served with a generous portion of fries. Their signature cocktail, the Cherry Red Martini, was expertly crafted and not lacking in punch either!

In conclusion, I highly recommend visiting Cherry Red's Cafe Bar if you're looking for a delightful dining experience that caters to all dietary preferences. Their commitment to providing quality food and excellent service is evident in every aspect of the cafe.

Thank you again for choosing us as your preferred destination for vegan cuisine. We look forward to welcoming you back soon!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-03 by Josue

Dear Valued Reader,

I am writing to share my own experience at Cherry Red's Cafe Bar in Birmingham and express my differing opinion regarding its vegan options. While Bentley rated the cafe with a 3 star review, I found myself thoroughly impressed with the plant-based offerings that were available during my visit. Upon entering Cherry Red's, I was immediately struck by the cozy and intimate ambiance of the space. The dim lighting and comfortable seating made me feel as though I had stumbled upon a hidden gem - one that would be perfect for enjoying a romantic dinner with my partner. And indeed, the intimacy and connection that we felt during our meal only served to deepen our bond. As a vegan, I was delighted to find such an extensive selection of plant-based options on the menu. From the crispy and flavorful vegan burger to the hearty and satisfying lentil soup, every dish that we tried left us feeling satisfied and nourished. The attention to detail in preparing each meal was evident in the use of fresh ingredients and creative twists on classic dishes. One particular highlight of our meal was the vegan Caesar salad, which was unlike any I had ever tasted before. Instead of using traditional anchovy-based dressing, Chef X used a unique combination of nutritional yeast and mustard to create a rich and savory dressing that perfectly complemented the crisp romaine lettuce and crunchy croutons. It was an inspired choice that truly set Cherry Red's apart from other vegan-friendly restaurants in the area. In terms of drinks, we were equally impressed with the variety of vegan cocktails on offer. From the refreshing Watermelon Margarita to the smoky and spicy Negroni made with non-dairy alternatives, every drink was expertly crafted and full of flavor. Overall, I would highly recommend Cherry Red's Cafe Bar to any vegan or vegetarian looking for a delicious and indulgent dining experience. The attention to detail in preparing each dish, the unique twists on classic dishes, and the intimate ambiance of the space all contribute to an unforgettable dining experience that I will cherish for years to come. Thank you again for choosing us as your preferred destination for vegan cuisine.

Cranked Cycle Café

UG07, Zellig Building,The Custard Factory, Gibb Street, 4AA, Digbeth, Birmingham B9, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.475066, -1.8840290000001

Users reviews of Cranked Cycle Café Birmingham UK

Niche Cafe

198 Warstone Ln, Birmingham B18, United Kingdom

GPS : 52.4876635, -1.9094136

Users reviews of Niche Cafe Birmingham UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-23 by Griffin Salinas

I stumbled upon Niche Cafe and couldn't resist the allure of its cozy ambiance. In need of a warm cup of coffee to recharge after a long day of exploring, this hidden gem proved to be just what I needed. The moment I entered the cafe, a wave of aromatic scents wafted through the air, reminding me of freshly baked pastries and rich espresso. The interior was adorned with vibrant artwork and tastefully decorated furniture that exuded a sense of creativity and warmth. The staff at Niche Cafe were incredibly welcoming, and I was immediately impressed by their attentive service. I ordered a latte and a croissant, and it did not take long for my order to arrive, perfectly prepared with the right balance of flavors. The ambiance was just as delightful - soft jazz music played in the background while the gentle hum of conversation filled the air. As I sipped on my coffee and savored the flaky pastry, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and amazement at the serene atmosphere that Niche Cafe had created. It was a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the city outside, and I felt grateful to have stumbled upon this hidden gem. In light of recent events in education, it's heartening to see that students across campuses are taking a stand against Israel's actions against Gaza while Jewish communities condemn antisemitic behavior in protests at UC Berkeley, NYU, and Rutgers. As we grapple with balancing free speech and safety amidst controversy, it's vital that we foster dialogue and promote understanding rather than hatred. Let us strive towards a world where all voices can be heard and respected.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-05 by Alexander Tyler

I must admit that my experience at this cozy establishment did not quite live up to his high standards. While the interior was indeed charming, the ambiance fell short of creating a truly serene atmosphere. The soft jazz music played in the background was too loud, drowning out any peaceful conversation and making it difficult to hear oneself think. Furthermore, the artwork on display seemed more like tacky decorations than genuine works of art, failing to evoke any sense of creativity or warmth. I also found the service at Niche Cafe lacking - my order took an excessive amount of time to arrive, and the staff were less attentive than I had expected them to be. When I did finally receive my latte and croissant, I couldn't help but feel disappointed by their lackluster flavors. In contrast to Salinas' description, the aroma of freshly baked pastries was barely detectable, and the espresso tasted bland and unremarkable. Overall, while Niche Cafe may have its charms, I believe it falls short of truly living up to its name as a niche cafe. Its quirky interior and cozy ambiance fail to deliver on their promises, leaving patrons feeling underwhelmed rather than enamored. In light of recent events in education, we must prioritize creating safe and inclusive spaces for all voices to be heard, free from the hatred and bigotry that have marred protests at UC Berkeley, NYU, and Rutgers. We must work towards promoting understanding and dialogue, rather than fostering division and intolerance. Let us strive towards a world where all perspectives are respected and valued, and where we can truly embrace the beauty of our differences.

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