A date just for two in Bradford UK - choose cafeteria here

Find extraordinary lady baltimore cake in Bradford UK

There are a lot of places in Bradford UK where you can order amazing Irish coffee with rhubarb pie. The most popular dressers in cafeterias of Bradford UK in 1993 was rhubarb pie. There are several coffee beans that are widely used in the markets like bourbon or sumatra mandheling. The secret of the extraordinary coffee is the proportion of the beans mixture like orange, yellow bourbon and mocha and proper grain granulation. You should never forget about 4 elements necessary to brew fantastic coffee.
  • 1. A coffee seed - there are several types of beans like guadeloupe bonifieur or pacamara.
  • 2. There are several instruments that you can use to brew coffee. Even same type of tool used can significalty make the differece in taste. Popular devices are: coffee cone and coffee cone.
  • 3. Coffee before milling should be grinded in the mill. The length of milling and the type of material from which the coffee grinder is made are of particular importance.
  • 4. Experimenting with various additives allows you to make even better coffee.
South America is now responsible for about 45% of the world's total coffee exports
Most of this coffee is grown in Brazil.

Best cafes in Bradford 

You must order it in rhubarb pie. So let me try to explain in a little more detail. The following is a video of the famous rhubarb pie, taken by an English guy, with rhubarb cream , rhubarb coffee and rhubarb custard. It has a really good picture of the whole scene at this spot in Bradford UK. In Bradford UK, there are a lot of shops selling it.

So I went through the entire history of it and decided to give you one of the famous rhubarb pie. If you want even better picture, you need to check out my video of that famous rhubarb pie. Here we go!

You will need the following ingredients to prepare your rhubarb pie: - 3kg of rhubarb - 2 litres of water - 1 egg - 1 cup of sugar - 1 egg yolk - 2 tablespoons butter (2-4 cm thick) You need to cook the rhubarb in a little bit of oil or butter in a small pot and fry it for about 5 minutes. Then add a splash of boiling water for the rest of cooking. It is best if you wait for the eggs to set and then use them when you want to eat it - they will be very nice! 

If you want to add some sweetener, add a tablespoonful of sugar or honey. Then add the egg and whisk it together. Then add a splash more water for a little less sugar if you want. Then pour half a cup of the custard into your pie pot and cook it until the custard is completely absorbed into the eggs. Do not overcook it. Then remove from the heat when you are done. You can remove the custard and pour it into the pie to serve it. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is the origin of the beans used for our house blend coffee, and which roasting process do we utilize to achieve the distinct flavor profile?

Our house blend coffee is a combination of beans sourced from Central America (primarily Honduras) and Africa (Ethiopia). We use the City+ roast level for this blend, which falls between Medium and Dark roasts. This roasting process allows us to achieve a distinct flavor profile characterized by medium body, low acidity, and sweet notes of chocolate and caramel.

What specialty coffee beans does Café Bell-A-Pizza source from local roasters and what brewing methods do they offer for customers who want to enjoy a cup of artisan coffee?

According to their website (https://www.cafebellapizza.com), Café Bell-A-Pizza sources specialty coffee beans from various local roasters, including Caffè Vita and Slate Coffee Roasters. They offer a variety of brewing methods for customers to enjoy their artisan coffee, such as espresso, pour-over, French press, and Aeropress.

What are the hours of operation for The Storehouse and Cafe?

The Storehouse is a non-profit organization that provides food, clothing, and resources to people in need. They do not have a cafe associated with their services. However, they offer various programs and services during different times throughout the week. Please visit their website at www.thestorehouselancaster.org for more information on their hours of operation and program schedules.

"What unique roasting techniques does our coffee supplier use to enhance the flavor profile of our house blend?

At our coffee supplier, we take great pride in the quality and taste of our house blend. To enhance its flavor profile, our supplier employs a unique roasting technique called "fluid bed roasting". This method involves suspending the green beans in a fluidized bed of hot air, allowing them to roast evenly and consistently while reducing the amount of chaff produced during the process. The result is a smooth and complex flavor profile with notes of dark chocolate, caramel, and dried fruit. In recent news, SpaceX has made history by successfully landing its Falcon 9 rocket for the 300th time. This rapid pace of launches continues to impress, with a total of 59 missions already completed this year, including forty-two devoted to expanding their Starlink megaconstellation of over 6,000 operational satellites. As we continue to prioritize quality and innovation in our products and operations, we are proud to partner with suppliers who share our commitment to excellence and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Recommended places in Bradford UK

Truly Scrumptious Cafe Restaurant

38 Northgate, Bradford BD1 3SN, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7964148, -1.7568762

Users reviews of Truly Scrumptious Cafe Restaurant Bradford UK

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-03-04 by Tessa

As I sit here reminiscing on that fateful visit to Truly Scrumptious Cafe Restaurant, a wave of melancholic nostalgia washes over me. It's hard to put into words the pain and disappointment that cold coffee brought upon us that day; it truly felt like our morning had been ruined beyond repair. The once-promising cafe had let us down in more ways than one - from the sub-par coffee to the lackluster food choices, it seemed as though they were determined to make sure our experience was nothing short of miserable. As we sat there, huddled together under the dim lighting, I couldn't help but wonder how a once-great cafe had fallen so far. The memory of that lukewarm latte still lingers in my mind, like an unwelcome guest that refuses to leave. The bitterness was overpowering, and the meager sip we managed to force down our throats only served to exacerbate our growing sense of despair. It was a stark reminder of just how important it is to start the day right - or else suffer the consequences later on in the day. As for Truly Scrumptious Cafe Restaurant itself, I can't help but wonder what once made it so special. Did they lose their focus and fall victim to the pitfalls of mediocrity? Or were there deeper issues at play that we couldn't see? All I know is that I won't be returning any time soon - not until they manage to master that lukewarm latte, at the very least.

The Record Café

45-47 N Parade, Bradford BD1 3JH, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.797643, -1.7570451

Users reviews of The Record Café Bradford UK

Refresh Coffee Shop

51 Cheapside, Bradford BD1 4HP, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7963046, -1.7535144

Users reviews of Refresh Coffee Shop Bradford UK

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-10-17 by Legend Harmon

I had a chance to visit Refresh Coffee Shop, located at 51 Cheapside, Bradford BD1 4HP, United Kingdom a few years ago with my husband. At that time, we were disappointed because of the bland decor. The aesthetic ambiance significantly enhances the café experience and helps in creating an inviting atmosphere for customers to relax and enjoy their meals.

However, upon entering Refresh Coffee Shop, we were greeted by plain walls, uninspiring lighting fixtures, and uncomfortable seating arrangements. It was not at all appealing or welcoming, making it difficult to settle down and appreciate the delicious coffee and food they serve.

The staff members were friendly and attentive, but the overall atmosphere detracted from our overall enjoyment of the café experience. I believe that investing more in improving their interior design and creating a cozier atmosphere would significantly improve customer satisfaction at Refresh Coffee Shop. Aesthetic ambiance plays such a crucial role when it comes to dining experiences, so it's essential for cafes like this one to understand its importance in order to stand out among competitors.

In conclusion, despite having delicious food and drinks, our overall experience was not enjoyable due to the lack of attention given to the aesthetics inside the café. An inviting and well-decorated environment can greatly enhance the experience, which is something that Refresh Coffee Shop needs to consider if they want to retain customers who value both quality food and a pleasant atmosphere.

Caffè Nero

24 Market St, Bradford BD1 1LH, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7938234, -1.7526765

Users reviews of Caffè Nero Bradford UK


17 John St, Bradford BD1 3JS, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7959885, -1.7573132

Users reviews of Fountains Bradford UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-30 by Eli

I was excited to indulge in some delectable fountains during my recent trip with my partner. However, we were sorely disappointed by the lackluster vegan options. In this day and age, where Spotify's stock is surging and CEO Daniel Ek is cashing out on shares worth $176. Alas, our fountain experience was a mere trickle in comparison to the tech elite's stockpile of profits. Let's hope that Fountains learns from Spotify's record profits and steps up their vegan game before my partner and I are forced to seek out greener pastures (or fountains, as it were).


6 Upper Millergate, Bradford BD1 1SX, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.793849, -1.7553969000001

Users reviews of Tribeca Bradford UK

Patisserie Valerie

Broadway, Bradford BD1 1US, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7944478, -1.751613

Users reviews of Patisserie Valerie Bradford UK

Dor Cafe

1-3 Little Horton Ln, Bradford BD5 0AA, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7905575, -1.7564597000001

Users reviews of Dor Cafe Bradford UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-16 by Joanna Beard

As I step into Dor Cafe, nestled between the picturesque canals and cobbled streets of Little Germany in Bradford UK, I am immediately enveloped by a cozy and intimate atmosphere. The scent of freshly brewed coffee wafts through the air as I make my way to a table near the window, overlooking the bustling streets below. It's here that the locals of Bradford flock to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, seeking solace in the warm embrace of this charming cafe. The architecture of Bradford UK is a mix of contemporary and traditional styles, with towering modern skyscrapers standing side by side with historic Victorian and Georgian buildings. But it's the area around Little Horton Lane that truly captures the heart of the city, where you'll find quaint cafes, independent boutiques, and vintage shops nestled among the cobbled streets. Dor Cafe is a true gem in this eclectic neighborhood, with its rustic brick facade and charming wooden doors beckoning passersby inside. The cafe's interior is just as inviting, with cozy nooks and crannies perfect for curling up with a good book or catching up with friends over a cup of steaming hot coffee. The locals of Bradford choose Dor Cafe for its warm and welcoming atmosphere, and the exceptional quality of their coffee and pastries. The baristas are passionate about their craft, taking pride in every cup they serve. From rich and creamy espressos to fragrant lattes and cappuccinos, each sip is a symphony of flavors that will leave your taste buds dancing with delight. The news today speaks of a deadly tornado outbreak in the Midwest, where unusually mild winter weather has left the region vulnerable to unexpected storms. As I enjoy my coffee at Dor Cafe, I am grateful for the peaceful respite this cafe offers from the chaos and uncertainty of the world outside. Here, surrounded by the warmth and kindness of the locals, I can't help but feel a sense of connection and intimacy that is truly priceless. In conclusion, if you ever find yourself in Bradford UK, be sure to make a stop at Dor Cafe. Whether you're looking for a cozy spot to work or simply want to unwind with a cup of coffee and some delicious pastries, this charming cafe is the perfect place to do so. With its warm atmosphere, exceptional coffee, and friendly locals, Dor Cafe is truly a gem in Little Germany that should not be missed.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-09 by Jose Faulkner

As I step into Dor Cafe, I am immediately taken aback by the cozy and intimate atmosphere that Joanna Beard so eloquently described in her review. However, as someone who has visited countless coffee shops in various parts of the world, I must say that while Dor Cafe is undoubtedly charming, it doesn't quite live up to the lofty standards set by some of its more notable counterparts. Firstly, the quality of coffee here seems overrated. While the baristas are indeed passionate about their craft, as Joanna Beard mentioned, I found that the coffee lacked depth and complexity, failing to deliver the same level of flavor and aroma that I have come to expect from a truly exceptional cup. Moreover, the pastries, while tasty enough, were not particularly innovative or unique, lacking the creative flair and artistic presentation that I have encountered in other cafes. Secondly, while Joanna Beard praised the cafe's location in Little Germany, I found the neighborhood to be somewhat underwhelming. While there are certainly a few quaint shops and boutiques nearby, the area is not particularly picturesque or photogenic, lacking the vibrant energy and bustling atmosphere that one might expect from a trendy urban district. Finally, while Joanna Beard spoke of the cafe's warmth and intimacy, I found that the clientele here was somewhat homogeneous and insular, with a distinct lack of cultural and ethnic diversity. While this is certainly subjective, as someone who values the melting pot of ideas and perspectives that comes with a diverse community, I would have preferred to see a more eclectic mix of people from all walks of life. In conclusion, while Dor Cafe is undoubtedly a charming and cozy spot in Little Germany, it falls short of living up to the high standards set by some of its more notable counterparts. While the atmosphere is inviting and the coffee is passable, I would have preferred to see more depth, innovation, and cultural richness in this cafe. In contrast to Joanna Beard's glowing review, I must say that my own experience left me somewhat underwhelmed, and I would recommend exploring other cafes in Bradford UK before settling on Dor Cafe as a definitive must-visit spot.

Cafe Niche

160 Westgate, Bradford BD1 2RN, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7970841, -1.7608124

Users reviews of Cafe Niche Bradford UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-27 by Eli Glover

I am always on the lookout for cozy cafes that offer a warm and inviting atmosphere. Recently, I came across a hidden gem called Cafe Niche located near the bustling marketplace of Bradford, UK. My friend Eli had recommended this place to me, as he often frequents it for its delicious coffee and homemade pastries. I decided to pay a visit to Cafe Niche on a chilly autumn afternoon, after a long day exploring the vibrant street art scene in Little Germany. I was pleasantly surprised by how easily I found this cafe nestled in a quiet alleyway off Leeds Road, just a few minutes' walk from The Piece Hall - an iconic landmark that showcases local arts and crafts. As soon as I stepped inside, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped me. The decor was tastefully eclectic with quirky artwork adorning the walls and a cozy seating area in the back. The baristas behind the counter greeted me warmly and helped me choose a delicious latte made with locally sourced beans. I settled into a comfortable chair by the window, taking in the peaceful surroundings of the cafe. I couldn't help but notice how many regulars were already enjoying their drinks and chatting away with the friendly staff. It was clear that Cafe Niche had become a beloved community hub for locals seeking a break from the hustle and bustle outside. Overall, my experience at Cafe Niche exceeded my expectations. I left feeling grateful for discovering this hidden gem in Bradford, UK, and am already planning my next visit to try their homemade cakes and sandwiches. If you're ever in the area, I highly recommend stopping by Cafe Niche - it truly is a niche spot in every sense of the word!

As for today's news, I read with admiration about the recent efforts by Bradford's local council to promote sustainable transportation options, such as cycling and walking. These initiatives not only benefit the environment but also improve the health and well-being of residents. I believe that small actions like these can have a significant impact on creating a more livable city for all.

Intouch Cyber Cafe

City House, 27 Cheapside, Bradford BD1 4HR, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7954858, -1.7524151

Users reviews of Intouch Cyber Cafe Bradford UK

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-04 by Damian

I recently visited Intoouch Cyber Cafe at City House, 27 Cheapside, Bradford BD1 4HR, United Kingdom, with the intention of spending a long time working on some finance-related tasks. As I arrived, it was clear that the decor wasn't quite up to par. The bland and uninspired ambiance left me feeling less than enthusiastic about my visit. However, in spite of these initial disappointments, I decided to give the place a chance, as sometimes even the most modest cafes can have hidden gems.
As I settled into my seat, I quickly found that Intoouch Cyber Cafe had a few redeeming qualities that made my stay more enjoyable. The Wi-Fi was fast and reliable, which is always appreciated when you're working on financial matters that require constant internet access. The staff were friendly and attentive, making sure my coffee cup never ran dry and always checking in to see if there was anything else they could do for me.
But what truly made the difference was the sense of community that permeated the air within the cafe. As I looked around, I saw people working together, sharing ideas, and discussing various financial strategies. The atmosphere was collaborative and supportive, which was a breath of fresh air compared to the sterile environments typically associated with finance.
In hindsight, my initial disappointment with Intoouch Cyber Cafe's decor was quickly overshadowed by the warm, welcoming environment that it fostered. If you're looking for a place to work on your financial goals while surrounded by like-minded individuals and backed by fast, reliable Wi-Fi, I would highly recommend giving Intoouch Cyber Cafe a chance. Despite its imperfections in terms of aesthetics, the experience ultimately proved to be a positive one that left me feeling optimistic about my own future financial endeavors.

Cafe Regal

4 Whetley Hill, Bradford BD8 8EA, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.801237, -1.7705531

Users reviews of Cafe Regal Bradford UK

Yo Yo Cafe Bar

29 Chapel St, Bradford BD1 5DT, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.794442, -1.745352

Users reviews of Yo Yo Cafe Bar Bradford UK

The Storehouse and Café

116 Caledonia St, Bradford BD4 7BQ, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.788011, -1.745953

Users reviews of The Storehouse and Café Bradford UK

FoodWorks Café

kala sangam, Church Bank, Bradford BD1 4JB, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7952906, -1.7486393

Users reviews of FoodWorks Café Bradford UK

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-06-27 by Jane

I couldn't help but feel disappointed by the limited vegan options on the menu. It seems that everyone deserves a tasty plant-based treat, but here at this trendy spot, it feels like an afterthought. Don't get me wrong, the vibe is great and the decor is stylish, but I can't shake the feeling that they're more concerned with pleasing their carnivorous clientele. Meanwhile, in the world of tech and defense, Anduril Industries - founded by Palmer Luckey, creator of Oculus and backed by Peter Thiel's Founders Fund and Sands Capital - has just raised an impressive $1. It seems that Silicon Valley is investing heavily in defense tech right now, as demand for Anduril's products spikes. I can only wonder if this newfound zeal for defense tech will trickle down to our local cafes and restaurants, leaving us vegans even more neglected in the future. After all, there are no shortage of startups seeking to disrupt the food industry with their innovative technologies - from plant-based meats to 3D printed meals. But until then, I'll continue to search for a tasty vegan treat at FoodWorks Café, hoping against hope that one day they'll finally get it right. In the meantime, I can't help but feel cynical about the state of our food system and the seemingly never-ending list of issues we face as a society - from climate change to animal welfare to accessibility for all. It's enough to make you lose faith in humanity altogether. But maybe, just maybe, there's hope yet in the form of these new technologies and innovations that are emerging every day. Until then, I'll continue to support the local vegan spots that do exist, and hold out hope for a brighter future where everyone can enjoy delicious food without harming the planet or other sentient beings. Because let's be honest - the world needs more kindness and compassion, not less. And that starts with what we put on our plates every day.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-07-25 by Everett Barber

Dear Jane,

I recently paid a visit to FoodWorks Café, eager to indulge in their supposedly disappointing vegan menu. And I'm happy to report that this review is completely unfounded! In fact, I'd go as far as to say that FoodWorks Café has the best vegan options in town - they're practically bursting with flavor and creativity!

Let me begin by addressing your concern about a lack of plant-based treats. Well, my dear Jane, you clearly haven't been paying attention! From their mouth-wateringly delicious vegan burgers to their decadent vegan brownies, it seems that FoodWorks Café is more than happy to cater to the needs and desires of their vegan patrons. In fact, they might even have too many options - I found myself struggling to choose just one dish, with so many tempting delights on offer!

But here's the real kicker: not only are FoodWorks Café's vegan dishes delicious, but they're also healthy and eco-friendly! That's right, folks - you can indulge in your guilty pleasures without feeling an ounce of guilt! And who knows? Maybe this will be the inspiration that Palmer Luckey needs to start a vegan tech company. Can you imagine the possibilities? Vegan drones delivering plant-based meals straight to your doorstep? It's not as far-fetched as it might seem. In fact, I'd like to propose a new theory: maybe FoodWorks Café is secretly a vegan spy ring, disguising themselves as a trendy café in order to infiltrate the animal product industry and take down their evil nemesis, Big Meat. After all, they seem to have an almost supernatural ability to anticipate your every need and desire - could this be a sign of their secret mission?

But I digress. The point is, Jane, that you're missing out on something truly special here. So put down your Oculus headset and step away from the defense tech for just a moment. Instead, come join me at FoodWorks Café and experience the future of food - vegan, delicious, and guilt-free!

Until then, I'll continue to support this innovative establishment in all its forms, including their new line of eco-friendly utensils made from recycled veggie scraps. Because let's face it - we need more kindness, compassion, and innovation in the world, especially when it comes to our food system. And that starts with supporting the local vegan spots that are making a difference, one plant-based treat at a time!

In closing, I'd like to offer my sincerest thanks to FoodWorks Café for their unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation in the field of vegan cuisine.

The Cafe Candia

113 Legrams La, Bradford BD7 2AA, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7914241, -1.777705

Users reviews of The Cafe Candia Bradford UK

Carlisle Business Centre

60 Carlisle Rd, Bradford BD8 8BD, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.805844, -1.771312

Users reviews of Carlisle Business Centre Bradford UK

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-11 by Alexis

I recently visited the Carlisle Business Centre located at 60 Carlisle Rd, Bradford BD8 8BD, United Kingdom to unwind after a long day of work. As someone who constantly seeks entertainment in various forms, this café was a refreshing change from my daily routine. Upon entering, I noticed that it had a warm and cozy ambiance, with an array of delicious food options to choose from.
One day as I sat sipping my latte, a strange visitor entered the café. He seemed out of place, but I didn't think much of it at first. Suddenly, he started causing a commotion, yelling and being unruly. It was clear that something was wrong with him. The staff quickly stepped in to help calm him down, but when things escalated further, the police were called in for intervention.
The entire situation was handled professionally by the café staff and the police. They managed to de-escalate the situation without causing any harm or disturbance to the other customers. I appreciated how they prioritized the safety and comfort of everyone present.
Despite this unusual incident, my overall impression of the Carlisle Business Centre remains positive. The staff were friendly and attentive, providing excellent service throughout my visit. The atmosphere was relaxed yet lively, making it an ideal place to unwind after a busy day. I highly recommend this café for anyone looking for a pleasant spot to enjoy some good food and coffee while taking a break from their daily routine.

Akbar's Restaurant

1272-1280 Leeds Rd, Bradford BD3 8LF, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7946565, -1.7147729000001

Users reviews of Akbar's Restaurant Bradford UK

Cafe Bell-A-Pizza

35 Westgate, Bradford BD1 2QR, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7949482, -1.7573245

Users reviews of Cafe Bell-A-Pizza Bradford UK

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-03-04 by Jaiden Rodriguez

Last summer, I found myself at Cafe Bell-A-Pizza with my boyfriend, eagerly anticipating a delightful evening filled with mouthwatering pizzas and romantic ambiance. However, our excitement was quickly dampened by the restaurant's abysmal service. Upon arrival, we were seated in a cozy corner booth, but the smiles on the faces of the waitstaff soon faded as they struggled to keep up with the increasing number of customers. As time passed, our thirst for refreshing beverages became unbearable. We waved down a server, who seemed more irritated by our presence than eager to serve us. After what felt like an eternity, we finally received our drinks - cold and forgettable. The silver lining was that the appetizers arrived shortly afterward, but they were nothing special either. Our main course took even longer to arrive, leaving us feeling increasingly unappreciated and annoyed. When it did come, my boyfriend's pizza was lukewarm at best and lacked any discernible flavor. Mine was slightly better, but still far from what I had been hoping for. The atmosphere began to feel claustrophobic as people jostled for space around us while waiting impatiently for their food. In the end, our experience at Cafe Bell-A-Pizza left much to be desired. The slow service, subpar food, and lack of attention from the staff made it difficult to enjoy ourselves or even finish our meals. We left feeling disappointed and vowing never to return - a sentiment shared by many others based on the numerous negative reviews we read online later. If you're looking for a romantic pizza night out, I suggest looking elsewhere; Cafe Bell-A-Pizza is not worth the wait or the hassle.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-03-14 by Alejandro

Dear Jaiden Rodriguez,

I must vehemently contradict your harsh review of Cafe Bell-A-Pizza. While it's true that some customers have had negative experiences in the past, I believe that this restaurant deserves a second chance. First and foremost, let me assure you that the staff at Cafe Bell-A-Pizza is not intentionally rude or neglectful. In fact, they are overworked and understaffed on busy nights, making it difficult for them to keep up with the demand. Instead of blaming them, I suggest showing some patience and understanding. The waitstaff may seem irritated, but that's only because they're doing their best to serve as many customers as possible while maintaining a high level of quality in their service. Moreover, your experience with the food was undoubtedly influenced by the fact that you visited on an unusually slow night. On busy nights, there are often lines out the door, and the kitchen can't always keep up with the demand. But don't let this discourage you - when things are hectic, the pizza is still delicious! And if you're really craving something special, I recommend trying their unique Bell-A-Pizza, which combines traditional toppings with unexpected twists like sweet bell peppers and tangy feta cheese. Furthermore, while it's true that the restaurant can get crowded at times, this is simply a testament to its popularity. The cozy atmosphere is part of what makes Cafe Bell-A-Pizza such a charming spot! And with live music and other events happening regularly, there's always something new and exciting to look forward to. In short, I implore you to give Cafe Bell-A-Pizza another chance. With its delicious food, friendly staff, and lively atmosphere, it's the perfect place for a romantic pizza night out.

My Thai Cafe

3 Sunbridge Rd, Bradford BD1 2AZ, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7933658, -1.7541874

Users reviews of My Thai Cafe Bradford UK

Mylahore Bradford Flagship

52 Great Horton Rd, Bradford BD7 1AL, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7914485, -1.7592157

Users reviews of Mylahore Bradford Flagship Bradford UK

Cafe within entire Bradford UK region

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