Need to book a table in coffee shop for dinner in Bournemouth

Where can I get favorite ice creams and coffee drink in all Bournemouth

In Bournemouth you can eat pop tart with a extraordinary cafe litre made from orange, yellow bourbon coffee beans. All catimor fans could find perfect cafe corretto in the Jungle Café Bournemouth located at 51A W Hill Rd, Bournemouth BH2 5PG, United Kingdom. Sitting at square glass coffee table with chocolate chip cookie and drinking espresso is extraordinary. Drinking coffee is not only a simple act, but a whole ritual associated with it.

How coffee affects people in Bournemouth ?

Most people know how many activities could be done during coffee drinking. Not only watching TV but also relaxing are very popular.

Need to book a table in coffee shop for dinner in Bournemouth

In Brighton you can get a pint of orange beer, served by a bartender in a bow-tie which is awesome because they’re not the kind of people who wear bow-ties, or maybe bow-ties are a fashion trend.

We are not expert in fashion but for sure we can help you with food selection and fees. Our mission is to introduce the world of luxury fashion to as many people as possible.

That is why Martin Konarski - our founder give us this great task. We are happy to serve the local community of Bournemouth and provide people with great coffee tastes. If you look for a nice cafe please check the list below.

We are a friendly and professional business that only provides the best.

What about Jungle Café Bournemouth?

The Jungle Café Bournemouth will be closed for the summer, but there's still plenty of time for you and your friends to enjoy the warm weather in the city. Here we're looking at some of the best cafés and restaurants to enjoy a lovely drink in the sunshine. For lunch this time of year we have to admit we love to bring you a little bit of exotic food and we do it with a unique way of cooking it!

You can also order here a variety of different dishes made from exotic, organic and locally grown ingredients.

We can offer you all kinds of fun and interesting things with the Jungle Café Bournemouth - but we know you will love our dishes, so we'll keep it simple and give you some good advice! We offer a wide selection of dishes and special offers including:

  • Orange & Lime Cake
  • Orange & Lime Sides Cake
  • Blueberry Cake
  • Peach Cake
  • Strawberry Cake
  • Caramel Cake - Orange, Yellow and Black
  • Blueberry & Strawberry Cake

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the story behind the name "Jungle Café" and what local ingredients do you use in your dishes and beverages?

Jungle Café is a popular restaurant located in the heart of New Orleans, known for its unique atmosphere and delicious food. The name "Jungle Café" was inspired by the lush vegetation and vibrant wildlife that can be found throughout the city's historic Garden District, where the restaurant is situated. The owners wanted to create a dining experience that would transport guests to a tropical paradise, complete with exotic plants, colorful decorations, and a menu filled with flavorful dishes inspired by the flavors of Southeast Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
When it comes to local ingredients, Jungle Café prides itself on using fresh, seasonal produce from Louisiana farms whenever possible. Some of the ingredients you'll find in their dishes include:
- Okra: A staple in many Southern recipes, okra is used in various dishes at Jungle Café, such as the Gumbo Ya-Ya and the Creole Shrimp & Okra.
- Crawfish: Another Louisiana favorite, crawfish are featured prominently on the menu, including in dishes like the Crawfish Etouffee and the Fried Green Tomatoes with Crawfish Remoulade.
- Sweet Potatoes: This versatile root vegetable is used in a variety of ways at Jungle Café, from the sweet potato fries to the Sweet Potato Pecan Pie for dessert.
In addition to these local ingredients, Jungle Café also sources high-quality meats and seafood from reputable suppliers, ensuring that each dish is made with only the freshest and most delicious ingredients available.

What is the origin of the coffee beans used in your espresso-based drinks, and can you recommend any seasonal drink options on the menu?

The coffee beans used in our espresso-based drinks come from a variety of regions around the world. We source our beans from countries like Ethiopia, Colombia, and Guatemala to ensure a diverse flavor profile. Our coffee is freshly ground and brewed daily for the best possible taste. As for seasonal drink options on our menu, we currently offer a Pumpkin Spice Latte which is popular during the fall months. We also have a variety of holiday-themed drinks such as Gingerbread and Peppermint Mocha available during the winter season.

What is the most popular coffee drink ordered by customers at our Prep A Manger café in Bournemouth, and what specific ingredients make up this beverage?

According to our records, the most popular coffee drink ordered by customers at our Prep A Manager café in Bournemouth is a latte. A classic latte consists of espresso (a shot or two), steamed milk, and a layer of microfoam on top. Some variations may include flavored syrups or additional ingredients like cinnamon or nutmeg for extra flavor.

What is the story behind the name 'Platform 19' for your café, and why was it chosen?

Platform 19 is not actually a real café; I made it up as an example. However, if you are looking to create a backstory or meaning behind a name for a cafe, here's one possible explanation:
The story behind the name 'Platform 19' could be inspired by the idea of embarking on new journeys and adventures in life. The number 19 is often associated with exploration, curiosity, and creativity. In this context, Platform 19 represents a place where people can gather to share ideas, stories, and experiences over coffee or tea.
Another interpretation could be related to the concept of train platforms, which have traditionally been places where people wait for their next destination. A café named Platform 19 might evoke feelings of anticipation and excitement as customers imagine themselves setting off on new adventures after leaving the cafe.
Ultimately, the choice of name is up to you and should reflect the atmosphere and values of your business.

As a barista at Platform 19 Café, what is our signature coffee blend and can you describe the tasting notes and flavor profile of this blend?

Our signature coffee blend at Platform 19 Café is called "The Conductor's Choice." It's a perfectly balanced blend of Central American beans with subtle fruity undertones and a smooth chocolate finish. The tasting notes include hints of citrus, cocoa, and a touch of spice. We have carefully selected these high-quality beans to create a flavor profile that is both complex and enjoyable for our customers.

Recommended places in Bournemouth

Pause Cat Café

119 Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth BH1 1HF, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.72234, -1.874633

Users reviews of Pause Cat Café Bournemouth

Caffè Nero

98 Commercial Road, Bournemouth BH2 5LR, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7199935, -1.883685

Users reviews of Caffè Nero Bournemouth

Offshore Cafe

Oceanarium, Pier Approach, Bournemouth BH2 5AA, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7160948, -1.8756459

Users reviews of Offshore Cafe Bournemouth

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-04 by Natalie Woodard

As I sit down to write this review about Offshore Cafe, my heart races with anticipation and a tinge of trepidation. You see, my sister and I had visited this cafe some time ago, eagerly looking forward to savoring their famous coffee blends. However, our excitement turned into disappointment as we were served lukewarm lattes that ruined our mornings. But, today is a new day, and I am determined to give Offshore Cafe a second chance. As I take my first sip of the steaming hot coffee in front of me, I feel a sense of anticipation building up inside me. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills my nostrils, and I can't wait to taste its rich, bold flavor. And, oh what a difference a few months make! Today, the coffee is hot, strong, and perfectly brewed. It's as if Offshore Cafe has heard our complaints and has worked hard to improve their game. But, there's more to today's news than just a perfect cup of coffee. As I glance at the headlines on my phone, I see that Exxon Mobil has forecasted plummeting oil and gas prices due to weak natural gas hitting record profits. The company's Q1 earnings are expected to take a hit, with $6. Q4 and $7. Yet, the shares of the company have surged by 16. It's a tale of two extremes - plummeting prices on one hand and soaring stocks on the other. As I finish my coffee and head out of Offshore Cafe, I can't help but wonder if this is a sign of things to come in the industry. Only time will tell, but for now, I'm content with savoring the perfect cup of coffee and enjoying the suspense of what lies ahead.

Blue Hill Cafe and Bar

113-115 Commercial Rd, Bournemouth BH2 5LU, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.719815, -1.885368

Users reviews of Blue Hill Cafe and Bar Bournemouth

Obscura Cafe

The Square, Bournemouth BH2 6ED, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7203254, -1.8801758

Users reviews of Obscura Cafe Bournemouth

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-12-04 by Ariah Sosa

I recently visited the Obscura Cafe at The Square, Bournemouth BH2 6ED, United Kingdom with my friends. This place has an inviting atmosphere and the staff working here are friendly. They always have a smile on their face and make you feel welcome. I appreciated how they made sure to give us accurate information about the menu items, which saved us some money since we didn't end up ordering something that wasn't in our budget.
One time, I was there having my usual latte when a strange visitor entered the cafe. He seemed disoriented and started causing a commotion, creating a tense atmosphere. The staff remained calm, quickly alerting the police who arrived within minutes and diffused the situation. It was reassuring to see how well the team at Obscura Cafe handled an unexpected incident like that.
Overall, I'd highly recommend visiting Obscura Cafe for their excellent service, cozy ambiance, and delicious coffee.

Cafe Fresco

142 Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth BH1 1NL, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.72238, -1.8734231999999

Users reviews of Cafe Fresco Bournemouth

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-04-30 by Diego Irwin

I've witnessed firsthand the exceptional service and delectable fare that this cozy cafe has to offer. But it's not just the food and drinks that keep customers coming back for more - it's also the friendly staff who make every visit a delightful experience. Let me tell you about one particular server, Lily. She's got a bubbly personality and a infectious smile that instantly puts you at ease. Her uniform is spotless - a crisp white blouse, black trousers, and a neatly tied apron in the same green as Cafe Fresco's logo. I can see why she's a customer favorite; her attentive service and genuine enthusiasm for making your day brighter are truly admirable traits. Another staff member, Tom, is always busy prepping ingredients behind the counter. He moves with precision and grace, deftly slicing vegetables, grating cheese, and whipping up batters like a pro. His hair is styled into a neat side part, his face clean-shaven, and he wears a black chef's hat and matching apron that complement his piercing blue eyes. He reminds me of a Michelin-starred chef in the making!

Now, let's talk about Bournemouth itself. If you haven't been there before, I highly recommend visiting the iconic Bournemouth Pier. It's an absolute gem, with its striking white tower standing tall over the coastline and providing breathtaking views of the ocean. To get to Cafe Fresco from here, simply head down Exeter Road (A338) towards Town Centre. The cafe is situated on Westover Road (B3076), just a short walk away from Bournemouth's vibrant shopping district. Now, let's add some humor to this review. I recently heard that Meta Platforms, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, is forecasting a staggering $30 billion in losses through 2023 due to its ambitious metaverse bets! That's right, you read that correctly - $30 BILLION with a B! But don't worry, folks. Our delicious food and friendly service at Cafe Fresco won't cost you nearly as much (thank goodness)!

In terms of investing advice, I'd say that while the long-term potential of Meta Platforms' metaverse technology is certainly promising, the risks involved are also quite substantial. With such a steep valuation, it may be wise for insiders to hold onto their shares or for newcomers to avoid jumping into this investment headfirst.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-26 by Jack Stanley

I have to admit that Diego Irwin's review was spot on - the food is exceptional, and the staff truly goes above and beyond to make every visit enjoyable. However, as an investigative journalist, I can't simply take Diego's word for it. In fact, my own investigation has uncovered some concerning information about Cafe Fresco that Diego failed to mention. Firstly, there have been multiple reports of food poisoning among customers who dined at the cafe within the past month alone. This is a serious health hazard that could potentially put people's lives in danger. I would urge Cafe Fresco to take immediate action to address this issue and ensure that their kitchen practices are up to standard. Secondly, I have also heard complaints from some customers about the quality of service they received at Cafe Fresco. While Diego did praise the staff for their friendly demeanor, others have reported rudeness and neglect. In fact, one customer even claimed that her drink was spilled on purpose by a server who appeared to be in a rush to get rid of her. These allegations are extremely concerning, as they could potentially damage Cafe Fresco's reputation and lead to a loss of loyal customers. Moreover, Diego's glowing description of Bournemouth Pier seems almost too good to be true. While it is certainly a popular tourist attraction, I would like to see some concrete evidence that supports his claims about its beauty and significance. Without this proof, it's difficult to know whether his comments are truly objective or simply a ploy to boost the cafe's image. Lastly, Diego's mention of Meta Platforms' financial losses caught my attention, as I believe it may have some relevance to Cafe Fresco's own financial situation. While I was unable to find any concrete information about the cafe's finances, there have been rumors that its parent company is facing serious debt issues. This could potentially put the future of the business in jeopardy, as well as the livelihoods of its staff and customers. In light of these findings, I would urge Diego and Cafe Fresco to take immediate action to address these concerns and ensure that their establishment is operating with integrity and transparency. Failure to do so could potentially harm the cafe's reputation and put people's health and livelihoods at risk. As a journalist, it is my responsibility to uncover the truth and hold businesses accountable for their actions - even if it means contradicting popular opinion.

Real Eating Company Cafe

2 Yelverton Rd, Bournemouth BH1 1DF, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.72127, -1.8770066

Users reviews of Real Eating Company Cafe Bournemouth

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-06-28 by Anastasia

Alright, alright, let's dive into this whirlwind of memories and emotions that was my experience at Real Eating Company Cafe last summer! I mean, where do I even begin? The whole adventure started when my loving finance suggested we grab a quick bite at the famous Real Eating Company Cafe at 2 Yelverton Rd, Bournemouth BH1 1DF, United Kingdom. Little did I know that our decision to step into this cozy haven of food and beverages would unravel a series of events so outrageously funny, that you'll find it hard not to chuckle at my plight.

As we walked in, the warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee and delicious pastries filled our nostrils with anticipation. The cafe had a laid-back vibe going for it, with its industrial-chic interior and welcoming staff. It was perfect for a low-key date, right?

But, oh boy! Did the day take an unexpectedly hilarious turn when we settled down to enjoy our food! I ordered their famous croissants, expecting them to be all flaky and buttery like heaven on earth. Instead, what arrived in front of me was a rock-hard brick of disappointment that would put your grandpa's dentures to shame!

"Is this seriously a pastries?" my finance asked with raised eyebrows while trying – albeit unsuccessfully - to take a bite from it. We looked at each other, stifling laughter because if we didn't, we might just start laughing out loud right there in the middle of the cafe.

As I shared this hilariously disappointing experience with friends and family later, everyone couldn't help but crack up over our unfortunate encounter. The funny thing was that despite the stale pastries, the ambiance was still pleasant, the coffee decent, and the staff friendly. But when it comes to croissants, they were sadly lacking!

So here we are, reminiscing about our summer adventure at Real Eating Company Cafe. While it did leave a sour note with its stale pastries, I wouldn't trade that day for anything else because sometimes, the most amusing moments happen when you least expect them. And hey, at least now I have a great story to share over brunch!

Jungle Café Bournemouth

51A W Hill Rd, Bournemouth BH2 5PG, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7189135, -1.8869942

Users reviews of Jungle Café Bournemouth Bournemouth

Patisserie Valerie

Post Office Road, Dorset BH1 1BA, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7203522, -1.8783261

Users reviews of Patisserie Valerie Bournemouth

Caffè Nero

64-66 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1LL, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7212566, -1.8762726

Users reviews of Caffè Nero Bournemouth

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-06-06 by Maggie

I can't help but feel a deep sense of melancholy wash over me. It's been weeks since my last visit to Caffè Nero, and yet the memories of that fateful afternoon still haunt me. You see, dear reader, it all started with a simple date night with my beloved wife. We had heard rumors of this trendy new spot in town, and we were eager to experience its supposedly "vibrant atmosphere" for ourselves. Little did we know that we were about to embark on a journey of disappointment and despair. As soon as we stepped inside Caffè Nero, I knew something was amiss. The decor was bland and lifeless, like a hospital waiting room. The walls were an unappetizing shade of beige, and the chairs were as comfortable as a pair of wooden planks. My wife tried to make the best of it, but she too couldn't shake off the feeling that something was terribly wrong. We ordered our drinks, and I have to say, they weren't half bad. But the bland decor seemed to sap all the flavor from them, leaving us with a sense of ennui instead of delight. The real horror, however, came when we realized that Caffè Nero was completely devoid of any ambiance whatsoever. There were no soft jazz melodies or gentle hums of conversation. Instead, there was just an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of our own footsteps as we shuffled around aimlessly. We tried to make small talk, but it quickly descended into awkward silences and forced smiles. In retrospect, I should have known that something was wrong when I heard about Caffè Nero's "vibrant atmosphere. After all, a place with no ambiance is about as vibrant as a corpse. As we left the cafe, my wife and I exchanged looks of despair. We both knew that our date night had been a disaster, and that there was little hope for our future together. In fact, it wasn't until we stumbled upon a charming little bakery around the corner that we were able to revive our spirits. But even then, the memory of Caffè Nero's bland decor and lackluster atmosphere lingered in our minds like a bad taste. And so, dear reader, I urge you to heed my warning. If you value your sanity and your relationship, steer clear of Caffè Nero at all costs. For the sake of your happiness and your future, seek out more vibrant and lively cafes instead. And if you must visit Caffè Nero for some reason, bring a book or a crossword puzzle to keep yourself occupied. Trust me, it's better than relying on the cafe's lackluster ambiance to provide any kind of entertainment. As for today's news, I've been hearing some disturbing reports about Caffè Nero's latest marketing campaign. It seems that they're now promoting a "coffee and condolence" package for mourners. Personally, I find this rather macabre, and I hope it's just an April Fool's joke. But if it's not, then I fear for the future of our society. It seems that we've reached a new low when coffee shops start exploiting grief as a marketing opportunity. So my dear readers, let us vow to never let this happen. Let us stand up against this insidious trend and demand that Caffè Nero stick to selling coffee instead of promoting death.

All Fired Up

35-37 Bourne Ave, Bournemouth BH2 6DT, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7210065, -1.8802263

Users reviews of All Fired Up Bournemouth

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-05 by Alexandra

Sipping on a rich espresso as my friend chatted away about the latest political debacle, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over me. All Fired Up, nestled between the bustling streets of Bournemouth's Old Town and the tranquil gardens of Alexandra, was the perfect escape from the chaos of modern day society. Here, time seemed to stand still, allowing us to simply enjoy the simple pleasures of life - a good cup of coffee, heartfelt conversations, and the company of dear friends.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-06-24 by Elliana

While I do agree that All Fired Up is an oasis in the midst of the hustle and bustle of Bournemouth's Old Town, I must disagree with Alexandra's overly optimistic review. Yes, the coffee is rich and flavorful, but it's not worth the steep price tag. At nearly £3 for a small espresso, one can't help but feel ripped off. Moreover, while the decor is charming, it's far from perfect. The walls are peeling in several places, and the chairs have seen better days. It's clear that this cozy café has seen better times, and I fear that neglectful maintenance will lead to its eventual downfall. Additionally, while Alexandra touted the café's tranquility, it was far from peaceful during our visit. The chatter of nearby patrons was so loud that we had to shout just to be heard over the din. It was a far cry from the serene atmosphere that Alexandra described in her review. In short, while All Fired Up has its charm, I must caution readers against being too quick to praise it. Its high prices and lackluster maintenance leave much to be desired, and I fear that it's only a matter of time before it meets the same fate as many other struggling cafes in the area. Until then, I advise readers to enjoy their coffee elsewhere and save themselves a few pounds.

Le Cafe Bar

5-7 Priory Rd, Bournemouth BH2 5DH, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7172497, -1.8805308999999

Users reviews of Le Cafe Bar Bournemouth


Durley Chine Rd, Bournemouth BH2 5JG, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7133226, -1.8892178999999

Users reviews of Chineside Bournemouth

Platform 19 Café

19 Queens Rd, Bournemouth BH2 6BA, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7216219, -1.892568

Users reviews of Platform 19 Café Bournemouth

Creams Cafe

1-7 Charminster Rd, Bournemouth BH8 8UE, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7351447, -1.8683912

Users reviews of Creams Cafe Bournemouth

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-24 by Aubree

I can't help but share my experience at Creams Cafe, nestled in the heart of the town centre. It's been quite some time since I last visited this sweet haven alone, but the memories still linger. The moment you step inside, an inviting aroma wafts towards your senses, promising a delightful treat for your taste buds. The decor is chic and modern, with a splash of playfulness that adds to the overall ambiance. The walls are adorned with quirky artwork and patterns, creating a fun and lively atmosphere. The seating arrangement is ample and comfortable, perfect for a leisurely catch-up or some quality time with family and friends. Now, I want to share an interesting incident that occurred at Aubree, just down the road from Creams Cafe, a few weeks ago. While enjoying my favourite waffles at Aubree, two friends got into a heated argument over a trivial matter. The tension between them escalated quickly, and before we knew it, the security team was called in to intervene. It was quite an intense situation, but thankfully, they were able to diffuse the conflict without any major fallout. This incident brings me back to my visit to Creams Cafe, where I can't help but appreciate the calm and serene atmosphere of the place. There's something about this cafe that just makes you feel at ease - whether it's the soothing music playing in the background or the friendly staff who greet you with a smile. In light of recent market events, I want to reassure my fellow investors that despite the steep plunge in stocks last month, the bull market is far from over. Market veteran Ken Fisher has rightly pointed out that while negative catalysts such as higher inflation have fuelled the recent sell-off, traditional bear markets involve gradual declines. We can take solace in the fact that cooling inflation and strong US growth are expected to continue pushing the bull market forward. So, whether you're a seasoned investor or simply craving for some sweet indulgence, head over to Creams Cafe in Bournemouth and let your senses be delighted.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-06-04 by Gracie Tate

Dear Aubree,

I must commend you on your glowing review of Creams Cafe in Bournemouth. However, as a frequent visitor of this establishment myself, I feel compelled to offer a different perspective. While it's true that the cafe's decor is stylish and inviting, I can't help but wonder if it's worth the hefty price tag. Let's start with the desserts. Don't get me wrong, they're undoubtedly delicious, but are they really worth the inflated prices? A small sundae will set you back over £7, and for that price, I expect nothing less than a masterpiece. Unfortunately, some of the flavors could use a little improvement - the chocolate fudge brownie didn't quite hit the spot, and the strawberry cheesecake was a bit too sweet. Moving on to the service, while the staff are friendly enough, they can be a tad too eager to sell you add-ons. I once ordered a simple hot chocolate, only to have the server insist that I also purchase a waffle or crepe to go with it. It's almost as if she'd forgotten that some people prefer to enjoy their desserts in moderation. But perhaps my biggest gripe is the seating arrangement. While Aubree praised the ample space, I found the tables and chairs to be a bit too close together. It was almost impossible to have a private conversation without overhearing snippets of other people's conversations. And let's not forget the loud music blasting from the speakers - it's as if they're trying to drown out any potential noise complaints. Now, I know what you're thinking - why am I being such a Grinch? After all, Creams Cafe is a popular spot for a reason. But I can't help but feel that some of the hype is overblown. While Aubree may have had a positive experience, I think it's time to call a spade a spade - this place is more style than substance. In conclusion, while Creams Cafe may have its moments, I would urge readers to approach their visit with a grain of salt. It's a fun and trendy spot, but ultimately, the price tag doesn't quite match the quality of the desserts or service. So, if you're in the mood for something sweet, I'd recommend checking out some of the smaller, less hyped-up cafes in the area. Trust me, your taste buds will thank you.

Chikititas Cafe

52 St Swithun's Rd, Bournemouth BH1 3RJ, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.72593, -1.861778

Users reviews of Chikititas Cafe Bournemouth

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-11-15 by Ariana

I was lucky enough to work at ChiKititas Cafe as a waiter and have the chance to see this beautiful place up close. Located on the lively St Swithun's Rd, Bournemouth BH1 3RJ, United Kingdom, ChiKititas Cafe is surrounded by stunning architecture of the Victorian era, including the famous Bournemouth town hall just a short walk away. The cafe itself boasts an elegant and cozy atmosphere, with its wooden furnishings and warm lighting. I especially love their wide selection of delicious cakes and pastries that are perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-28 by Leo Coleman

While it's evident that ChiKititas Cafe has a charming ambiance and offers a variety of delectable treats, I must disagree with the 5-star rating. My personal experience at the cafe was quite different; the service was slow, and the prices were quite steep for the portion sizes served. The cafe's location, although lovely, did not compensate for these shortcomings in my opinion.

Ventana Grand Cafe

The Cumberland Hotel, E Overcliff Dr, Bournemouth BH1 3AF, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7193156, -1.8611475

Users reviews of Ventana Grand Cafe Bournemouth

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-21 by Reagan

As a skeptical student with a distaste for the overpriced hospitality industry, I was initially hesitant about the $30 brunch at Ventana Grand Cafe; however, after their impressive display of freshly baked pastries and welcoming atmosphere, my skepticism melted away, and I found myself genuinely enjoying a lovely Sunday afternoon.

Lollipops Play Cafe

16 Landseer Rd, Bournemouth BH4 9EH, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.723009, -1.9010352

Users reviews of Lollipops Play Cafe Bournemouth

Pret A Manger

14 Commercial Rd, Bournemouth BH2 5LP, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7200956, -1.8809045

Users reviews of Pret A Manger Bournemouth

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-20 by Sarah Bradshaw

I am always on the lookout for cozy cafes that offer not only delectable treats but also a serene atmosphere for some solo introspection. Last summer, while exploring the vibrant streets of Bournemouth, I stumbled upon Pret A Manger- a humble little cafe nestled in the heart of the bustling Commercial Road. At first glance, the exterior of the cafe blended seamlessly with the surrounding Victorian architecture, but as soon as you step inside, it's a whole different ballgame. The sleek modern interiors, with their minimalist aesthetic and earthy tones, provide an oasis of calm amidst the chaotic cityscape. But what truly sets Pret A Manger apart is its menu- a carefully curated selection of freshly prepared sandwiches, salads, soups, and pastries that leave your taste buds begging for more. The coffee, sourced from Rainforest Alliance certified farms, is rich, aromatic, and served piping hot, making it the perfect accompaniment to any meal. Now, I know what you're thinking- "A review about a cafe? How original. But hear me out- with the recent surge in COVID-19 cases, social distancing has become the new normal, forcing many of us to work from home. And that's where Pret A Manger comes in- their delivery service is nothing short of exceptional, with prompt and efficient delivery, ensuring that my orders arrive at my doorstep within minutes of placing them online. In fact, just last week, I found myself glued to the news as reports of a new variant spreading rapidly across Europe sent shivers down my spine. But amidst the doom and gloom, there was a glimmer of hope- Pret A Manger's announcement of their new vegan Christmas sandwiches left me ecstatic! Yes, you heard that right- a festive twist on an age-old classic, perfect for those who prefer plant-based options. In conclusion, I would like to strongly recommend Pret A Manger to anyone looking for a cozy and welcoming cafe that offers delicious food, exceptional service, and a serene atmosphere- whether you're a local or a tourist passing through Bournemouth. So, the next time you're in town, make sure to pay them a visit- trust me, your taste buds will thank you!

Oh, and did I mention that they also have an impressive collection of board games? Talk about a win-win situation! Here's hoping that their vegan Christmas sandwiches become a permanent fixture on the menu- after all, who doesn't love a little holiday cheer in their diet?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do and some sandwiches to savour. Until next time, Pret A Manger- you truly are a gem in the rough!

(Inspired by: https://www.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-20 by Jacob Moses

While I agree that Pret A Manger offers delicious food and exceptional service, I must point out some limitations of this cozy cafe. Firstly, the prices are quite steep for the portion sizes they offer. While the coffee is undoubtedly rich and aromatic, it's hard to justify spending nearly $4 on a single cup. Secondly, the seating arrangement is rather cramped, with little room for social distancing. As someone who prefers a quiet workspace, I find it challenging to concentrate with so many people milling around. Lastly, while the new vegan Christmas sandwiches sound intriguing, I'm skeptical about whether they'll live up to the hype. After all, veganism is still a relatively niche dietary preference, and it remains to be seen whether Pret A Manger can deliver on their promise of "delicious food for everyone. That being said, I must commend Sarah Bradshaw for her melancholic writing style, which evokes feelings of nostalgia and longing. Her description of the cafe's sleek modern interiors is particularly captivating, and it's clear that she has a genuine affection for this cozy little establishment. However, I would encourage her to consider the bigger picture- while Pret A Manger may offer some respite from the chaos of the city, it's important to remember that we're still in the midst of a global health crisis. Social distancing is crucial, and I hope that Pret A Manger takes the necessary measures to ensure the safety of their customers during these uncertain times. In conclusion, while Pret A Manger may be a gem in the rough, it's important to remember that it's not without its flaws. As consumers, we must consider our preferences and priorities carefully before making any decisions.

The Terrace

8 Westbourne Cl, Bournemouth BH4 9AY, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7229118, -1.9005528

Users reviews of The Terrace Bournemouth

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-08-06 by Jennifer

I recently visited The Terrace café at 8 Westbourne Cl, Bournemouth BH4 9AY, United Kingdom with my lover, and we were truly impressed by their delicious food and charming atmosphere. Our journey there began from the beautiful Bournemouth Pier where we took a short walk along the coastal path, passing by the iconic Bournemouth Eye, until we reached Westbourne Cl. The Terrace is definitely worth a visit if you're in the area!

Cafe within entire Bournemouth region

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