How to find good coffee shop in London UK ?

The Ultimate Guide to Perfect Ice Creams and Coffee Drinks in London UK

London is a city that never sleeps, especially when it comes to its love for coffee drinks and ice creams! Whether you're a local or just visiting the vibrant city of London, you'll definitely want to try out some of these fantastic cafes and parlors. In this guide, we have compiled a list of the best spots in town where you can get your perfect espresso fix or indulge in a delicious scoop of ice cream. Don't forget to check out user reviews at the end of this site for more insights!

Coffee Drinks in London UK:

If you like coffee drinks like espresso, there are plenty of places where you can taste it in London UK. Here are some popular spots that will satisfy your caffeine cravings: 1. The National Cafe - Located in Trafalgar Square, this historic cafe serves up some of the best coffee in town. Their espresso is rich and robust, perfect for those who enjoy a strong cup of joe. 2. Embankment Cafe - Just 430 meters away from the Embankment tube station, this cozy spot offers a wide range of coffees to suit every taste. Be sure to try their signature espresso macchiato! 3. Pear Tree Cafe - This cafe is located near Battesea Park Lake and serves up delicious espressos and lattes made with care. They also have an extensive menu of ice creams if you're looking for something sweet after your coffee fix. 4. Grind - With multiple locations throughout London, Grind is a must-visit spot for any coffee lover. Their signature blend is smooth and flavorful, making it the perfect way to start your day or give you that much-needed energy boost. 5. Kaffeine - Located in Fitzrovia, this charming cafe offers a wide range of specialty coffees made with high-quality beans. Be sure to try their cold brew on a hot summer day! 6. Monmouth Coffee Company - If you're looking for the best beans in town, look no further than Monmouth Coffee Company. Their selection of single-origin beans is second to none, ensuring that every cup of coffee you have here will be memorable.

Ice Cream Parlors in London UK:

When it comes to ice cream parlors, London has plenty to offer. From traditional flavors to unique and inventive creations, there's something for everyone: 1. Gelupo - This artisanal gelato shop serves up some of the most delicious ice cream in town. With a rotating menu of seasonal flavors, you'll always find something new and exciting to try here. 2. Soft Serve Society - For those who love soft serve, this is the place for you! They offer unique flavor combinations like black sesame seed and rose water, ensuring that each visit will be a memorable one. 3. Llaollao - This popular Spanish chain serves up creamy frozen yogurt with a variety of toppings to choose from. Whether you're in the mood for fresh fruit or chocolate chips, they have something for everyone. 4. Chin Chin Laboratorist - If you're looking for an ice cream experience like no other, head to Chin Chin Laboratorist. Their unique flavor combinations include concoctions such as cucumber and mint or Earl Grey tea! 5. Yolkin - For those with a sweet tooth, this spot combines two of life's greatest pleasures – ice cream sandwiches and macarons. Choose from flavors like cookies and cream or salted caramel, then enjoy your delicious treat while exploring the city. Remember to check out user reviews at the end of this site for more insights on these fantastic spots!

Best cafes in London 

In Cafe where their favourite drink is the coffee made in house.  It is a large, open-plan space, with large windows looking onto the park, and wooden benches and tables with green cushions on which to sit and enjoy your food.

There is a large, old-fashioned wooden cash till at the front, and a big, ornate mirror above it. The menu is printed on a long, white board, and is full of pictures of food and drink. A large television screen sits above the cash till.

Where is the best hostess cupcake in London UK and what story it holds

A part of my weekly routine is to go for espresso macchiato to Cafe.

It was on Wednesday and I was strangely agitated after a bad week at work; when I stepped in, it was the usual group of three (the owner is the only human being in the company I have ever personally loved after all), with the only deviation being a guy who looked to be the owner’s son who was helping behind the bar preparing the espresso while drinking a Pepsi.

The espresso macchiato is made with two espresso shots of espresso, two shots of the caffè corretto, two shots of the caffè macchinato, one shot of cold water, one ounce of steamed milk and two drops of the espresso oil.

Now, I had never heard of espresso oil until now. I had of course known it as one of those stuff you sprinkle on food before roasting them But with the coffee I had in front of me, it was something special.

The espresso macchiato was also made with one shot of espresso, however it was not served until after the three shots from the caffè corretto, the two shots of caffè macchinato and the one shot of cold water.

This was probably a conscious decision by the proprietor to have more flavour and not to ruin the taste by mixing it with the other liquids. Caffè macchinato It does not matter if it is dark or light. If it's brown, it's coffee. If it's white, its sugar.

If brown and white combined, its milk. If white and brown combined, it's an espresso. That's how a glass of milk tastes. That's how an espresso looks.

A: An espresso macchiato (or a white macchiato) is a macchiato made with espresso, usually diluted.

A cappuccino macchiato, however, is an espresso made using the normal Italian procedure, not the method used in the USA, where hot milk is poured into an already prepared shot of espresso in a process called "stirring" that does the job of the machine, producing milk foam in addition to the shot of coffee.

Although not explicitly described in Wikipedia, a caffè macchiato sounds very much more like a true macchiato than a cappuccino macchiato. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

As a barista at Paul Café, what are some of the unique coffee blends and brewing methods you offer for our customers?

At Paul Café, we take pride in offering a variety of unique coffee blends and brewing methods to cater to our discerning customer base. Our signature coffee blend is the "Paul's Pride," which is a rich and bold mix of Arabica beans sourced from Central and South America. We also have a lighter roast blend called "Sunrise Serenade" that features beans from Africa and Indonesia, offering a smooth and fruity flavor profile.
In terms of brewing methods, we offer traditional drip coffee, espresso-based drinks such as lattes and cappuccinos, cold brew, and pour-over coffee prepared using the Hario V60 or Chemex method. We also have an AeroPress available for those who prefer a smoother and more concentrated cup of coffee. Our skilled baristas are trained to prepare each beverage with precision and care to ensure a delicious and memorable experience for our customers.

What is the signature blend for our espresso-based drinks and where does it come from?

Our signature espresso blend for our espresso-based drinks comes from La Colombe Coffee Roasters, a high-quality coffee roaster based in Philadelphia. This blend combines beans sourced from Colombia, Brazil, and Central America to create a rich, smooth, and balanced flavor profile with notes of chocolate, caramel, and hazelnut. The blend is specifically crafted for our espresso machines to provide the perfect base for our lattes, cappuccinos, and americanos.

What is the process for making the perfect flat white at Cafe Nero?

Cafe Nero's Perfect Flat White Recipe:

1. Prepare your equipment:
- Espresso machine
- Steaming pitcher
- Burr grinder
- Digital scale
2. Grind coffee beans to a fine consistency using a burr grinder. Aim for a texture similar to powdered sugar.
3. Dose the correct amount of coffee (18-20g) and tamp it evenly into your portafilter basket, creating an even surface.
4. Start extracting espresso by pulling a shot with optimal temperature (195-205 degrees Fahrenheit). The extraction should take about 25-30 seconds, resulting in 36ml of liquid.
5. While the espresso is being extracted, preheat your steaming pitcher with hot water and dry it off.
6. Once the shot is complete, transfer the espresso into the preheated steaming pitcher.
7. Using fresh milk (ideally 2% or whole milk), start texturizing by pouring cold milk at the center of your steaming pitcher, allowing it to rise before gently agitating.
8. When the milk has reached a temperature of approximately 150-155 degrees Fahrenheit, introduce the steam wand into the milk, aiming for the surface, without submerging it. The tip should be about 1/4" above the milk.
9. Start steaming by creating a vacuum and allow the froth to rise while moving your wand in small circles to create microfoam. Keep an eye on the temperature which should not exceed 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
10. As soon as you get silky smooth microfoam, shut off steam and remove the wand, allowing the milk to settle for a few seconds.
11. Pour the steamed milk into the espresso shot, maintaining a steady flow and angle while pouring, creating that signature flat white texture.
12. Enjoy your perfect Cafe Nero flat white!

Recommended places in London UK


79 Strand, London WC2R 0DE, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.5100763, -0.1219198

Users reviews of Paul London UK

Cafe in the Crypt

Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.5088215, -0.12656709999999

Users reviews of Cafe in the Crypt London UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-06 by Anastasia

Oh, my dear fellow Londoners! If you ever find yourself in search of that perfect little hideaway, where the warmth of hearty conversations meets the cool breeze of history, then Cafe in the Crypt should be your sanctuary. Nestled within the hallowed halls of St Martin-in-the-Fields Church, this delightful establishment is an absolute gem to anyone who has a penchant for enchanting ambiances and delectable culinary delights.
As you step into Cafe in the Crypt, you are greeted by a team of staff whose warm smiles and attentive service can rival that of any five-star hotel. They wear crisp white aprons over their smart black uniforms, like angels descending from heaven to serve you with love. Their demeanor is one of kindness and patience, making you feel right at home in this cozy haven.
One sunny afternoon, I decided to take a leisurely stroll through the winding streets of London. I began my journey from the iconic Tower Bridge, admiring its majestic towers reaching out towards the sky like the arms of an embracing lover. With each step, I felt as if I was weaving my way through the heart and soul of this magnificent city.
As I approached Traflagar Square, London WC2N 5DN, United Kingdom, I couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur of Nelson's Column standing tall amidst the hustle and bustle of the square. The air was filled with the sweet aroma of street food vendors and the gentle hum of tourists sharing stories from their journeys across the globe.
Just around the corner, I found my beloved Cafe in the Crypt, bathed in soft sunlight that filtered through the stained glass windows of St Martin-in-the-Fields Church. The moment I stepped inside, I felt as if I had been transported to another realm - one where time seemed to stand still and all worries faded away like a gentle mist on a cool morning.
As I settled into my seat by the window, I couldn't help but feel a sense of connection with those who had come before me, sharing their own stories and experiences within these very walls. And as I sipped on my steaming cup of Earl Grey tea, I knew that this was more than just a visit to a cafe; it was an unforgettable journey through time and space, bound by love and laughter.
In the end, Cafe in the Crypt is not only a place for good food and drink but also a sanctuary where we can find solace from the chaos of the world outside. And if you ever find yourself longing for that intimate connection with history and humanity, look no further than this little gem nestled beneath the streets of London's beating heart.

The Theatre Cafe

66 Shaftesbury Ave, London W1D 6LX, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.5117998, -0.13213719999999

Users reviews of The Theatre Cafe London UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-15 by Jax

I can't help but think back to the time when I brought my girlfriend here for a cozy evening out. It was long ago, and I remember feeling disappointed with the bland decor. Aesthetic ambiance is everything in a cafe experience, and unfortunately, this place fell short in that department. However, despite the lackluster decor, The Theatre Cafe has continued to impress us time and time again. From the friendly staff to the delicious menu items, every aspect of this cafe exudes warmth and hospitality. We have become regulars here, and we always leave feeling grateful and thankful for the cozy atmosphere and outstanding service. Today's news is also a topic that has been on everyone's minds lately - the Kendrick Lamar v Drake beef. As two modern rap titans engage in a mind-boggling, escalating song-based conflict, fans around the world have been captivated by this intense rivalry. While we may not know who will come out on top, one thing is for sure - The Theatre Cafe will continue to provide a peaceful and welcoming retreat from the chaos of everyday life. So come on down, grab a seat, and let us all enjoy a little bit of tranquility in this crazy world.

The National Café

The National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 4DN, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.508735, -0.12744699999996

Users reviews of The National Café London UK

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-05-25 by Aniyah Romero

nestled amidst the grandeur of The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square, London, my senses are immediately engulfed by the soothing aura that envelops me. The place is abuzz with activity as people from all walks of life converge here to savor delectable treats and sip on aromatic beverages. The National Café is a haven for art enthusiasts who throng here after spending hours admiring the masterpieces at The National Gallery. They look for a cozy spot where they can unwind, reflect upon their experiences, and indulge in some mouth-watering delicacies. The cafe's elegant decor, with its plush sofas and soft lighting, provides the perfect ambiance to facilitate this serene experience. The exterior of London, with its iconic landmarks like Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, and Big Ben, creates a picturesque backdrop that adds to the charm of The National Café. It's as if the city itself invites you to take a break from the hustle-bustle and immerse yourself in the tranquility of this delightful oasis. As I sit down to enjoy my latte, NASA's recent announcement regarding Boeing's Starliner capsule echoes through my mind. The news brings with it a sense of excitement and anticipation, reminding me that even amidst the serene surroundings of The National Café, there is a world full of wonders unfolding beyond its walls. It's a moment that inspires awe, a fleeting glimpse into the vastness of our universe, and a reminder to cherish every precious moment that life has to offer. In conclusion, The National Café is not just another cafe in London; it's an experience that transcends the mundane and connects you with the world around you. Its charm lies in its ability to provide a respite from the chaos of city life, while also inviting one to contemplate the wonders of our universe. It's a place where art meets science, and where every moment is an opportunity to explore new horizons. As I take my final sip of latte, I realize that the journey ahead may be long and arduous, but in the company of such extraordinary experiences as The National Café, I am ready to face it all with a renewed sense of optimism and wonder.

Embankment Cafe

Victoria Gardens, 25 Victoria Embankment, London WC2N 2PB, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.5083956, -0.12120460000006

Users reviews of Embankment Cafe London UK

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-19 by Naomi

As I walked into Embankment Cafe, the familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, bringing back fond memories of my time spent with my partner at this location many years ago. However, our previous experiences were marred by the sight of dirty tables that left a sour taste in our mouths.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment as we made our way to the counter to place our order. A clean surface is essential for enjoying your coffee, and I couldn't help but wonder how many other customers had been similarly affected by this issue.

Despite my initial setback, I decided to approach our experience with empathy in mind. I tried to understand where the staff might have fallen short in maintaining the cafe's pristine appearance. Perhaps they were understaffed or overwhelmed with orders that made it difficult to keep up with cleaning duties. Alternatively, perhaps there was an issue with the frequency of cleaning throughout the day.

As we waited for our drinks to be prepared, I struck up a conversation with the staff member attending to us. While it wasn't a deep discussion, I expressed my concerns about the cleanliness of the tables and asked if they were aware of any issues that might have contributed to this problem. To my surprise, the employee seemed genuinely apologetic for our experience and took steps to ensure that future customers would not face similar disappointments.

Overall, while Embankment Cafe may not be a hidden gem in its current state, I appreciate their willingness to address concerns and make improvements that will enhance the overall customer experience. As one who values cleanliness and presentation, I look forward to giving this cafe another chance and hoping for an even cleaner and more enjoyable visit next time around.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-12 by Josue Chang

I have come to expect certain standards from cafes, including cleanliness and hygiene. While Naomi's initial experience at Embankment Cafe left her disappointed with the dirty tables, I believe that there may be more to this story than meets the eye. Firstly, it is possible that the cafe was simply understaffed during Naomi's visit, making it difficult for the cleaning staff to keep up with the demands of a busy establishment. Alternatively, it could be that the tables were not being cleaned frequently enough throughout the day, leading to accumulation of dirt and grime over time. However, I am encouraged by the fact that the staff at Embankment Cafe seemed genuinely apologetic for Naomi's experience and took steps to address her concerns. This level of responsiveness suggests that the cafe values customer satisfaction and is willing to take action to improve the situation. In my opinion, a single instance of dirty tables should not be enough to write off an entire establishment. Instead, I believe it is worth giving Embankment Cafe another chance and seeing if they have indeed made improvements in this area. After all, a clean and well-maintained cafe is essential for enjoying a cup of coffee, but so too are the intangible factors that make a place feel welcoming and inviting. In terms of style, I would suggest presenting this issue as a mystery or puzzle to be solved. By exploring possible explanations for the dirty tables, we can develop a more nuanced understanding of what may have gone wrong at Embankment Cafe and how it might be rectified in the future. Additionally, by approaching this situation with empathy and an open mind, we can foster greater understanding between customers and staff, leading to a more positive overall experience for all involved.

Caffè Nero

60-61 Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DS, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.5073121, -0.12846109999998

Users reviews of Caffè Nero London UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-10 by Liliana Yates

the hustle and bustle of the city hit me like a tidal wave. The honking of cars and the chatter of people filled my ears as I walked towards one of my favorite spots in London - Caffè Nero. Located at the heart of Trafalgar Square, this cozy little café has been a part of my life for years. I remember coming here with my colleagues during our university days, discussing deadlines and exams over steaming hot drinks and flaky croissants. But today, as I walked through the doors, it felt different. It was as if time had slowed down, and I could almost hear the ticking of a clock reminding me that life is fleeting. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped me as I made my way to an empty table by the window. The sun was setting over Big Ben, casting a warm orange glow over the cityscape. It was a scene straight out of a postcard, and for a moment, I forgot about the stresses of daily life. As I sipped on my latte, I couldn't help but reflect on how much Caffè Nero had become a part of London's history. Just across from us, the National Gallery stood tall, its walls filled with centuries-old art. And beyond that, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey loomed large, reminding me of the city's rich cultural heritage. But it wasn't just the location that made Caffè Nero special. It was the little things - the way the barista smiled as she handed over my drink, the soft rustle of pages turning from nearby patrons, and the gentle hum of conversation. These small moments added up to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, one that I cherished every time I visited. As I prepared to leave, I couldn't help but wonder what Beethoven would have thought of this place. The news had been abuzz with reports of a new study suggesting that the heavy metal poisoning he suffered from could have contributed to his ill health and possible death. It was almost eerie to think that the same city that once housed one of history's greatest musicians might also hold clues to understanding his chronic ailments. But for now, I contented myself with the knowledge that Caffè Nero would always be a place where time slowed down and memories were made. As I walked out into the bustling city once again, I knew that no matter how chaotic life got, there would always be a corner of this café waiting for me - a sanctuary in the heart of the metropolis.

Cafe Rouge

34 Wellington St, London WC2E 7BD, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.5123955, -0.12071100000003

Users reviews of Cafe Rouge London UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-10 by Kyler

I frequently spend long hours at my desk working on deadlines. Recently, I stumbled upon Cafe Rouge while searching for a cozy spot to grab a quick lunch break. From the moment I stepped inside, I was blown away by the warm and inviting atmosphere. The decor is traditional yet modern, with plush red booths and elegant chandeliers that instantly put me at ease. The service at Cafe Rouge is exceptional, with attentive staff who go above and beyond to make sure every customer leaves happy. I ordered the classic French dish of Coq au Vin, which was cooked to perfection, packed with tender chunks of chicken and carrots in a rich red wine sauce. The portion size was generous, and I left feeling satisfied but not overly full. What sets Cafe Rouge apart from other cafes is their commitment to using fresh, locally sourced ingredients. This not only adds to the overall dining experience but also supports the local community. As a conscientious consumer, this is something that I deeply appreciate and would gladly recommend to others. In light of recent news regarding oil prices, it's reassuring to know that Cafe Rouge takes measures to minimize their carbon footprint through sustainable practices. This is in line with my personal values and further cements my positive impression of the establishment. Overall, I would strongly recommend Cafe Rouge to anyone looking for a delicious meal in a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Whether you're a local or a tourist, this hidden gem is definitely worth checking out.

Mediterranean Cafe

18 Berwick St, London W1F 0PX, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.5136211, -0.13489119999997

Users reviews of Mediterranean Cafe London UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-28 by Kylie

Last summer, my fiancé and I embarked on a romantic getaway in the stunning Mediterranean region. Our destination was an idyllic little town nestled between rolling hills of olive groves and the sparkling blue sea. The highlight of our stay was undoubtedly dining at the local Mediterranean Cafe, where we savored mouth-watering dishes and sipped refreshing cocktails under a starry sky. But as much as we loved the food and the atmosphere, there was one aspect of our experience that left us severely disappointed: the Wi-Fi. In this day and age, when being connected is more crucial than ever, we expected a strong signal to keep us entertained during our meals. Instead, we were met with a dismal connection that could barely load a single webpage. It was as if we had traveled back in time to the prehistoric era of dial-up modems and AOL chat rooms!

Our frustration grew as we watched other tables around us casually scroll through social media feeds or stream their favorite shows without a care in the world. We couldn't help but feel left out, like we were missing out on an exclusive club that only the tech-savvy could access. Our fingers fidgeted restlessly with our phones, refreshing pages and hoping for a miracle. But just as we were about to throw in the towel and resort to playing a game of "20 Questions" using only our imaginations, something miraculous happened: a group of locals at the next table over caught wind of our Wi-Fi woes and offered us their own personal hotspot! We gratefully accepted their kind offer, and suddenly our world was filled with colorful graphics and pop-up ads once again. We couldn't help but feel touched by the generosity of these strangers, who seemed to embody the true spirit of Mediterranean hospitality. It was a small act of kindness that reminded us why we fell in love with this region in the first place: the warmth and generosity of its people. As for the news today, it seems that some folks have discovered the secret to a happier, healthier life: a 10-foot iPhone charger next to their bed. Who knew that such a simple purchase could make such a significant difference in one's daily routine? But hey, if it works for them, why not give it a try? And while we may not have the funds to splurge on a fancy new charger right now, we do have some other budget-friendly suggestions to uplift your quality of life: insect bite sticks and sleep masks!

So here's our challenge to you, dear reader: why not join us in embracing the simple pleasures of Mediterranean living? Whether it's enjoying a leisurely lunch overlooking the sea or striking up a conversation with a friendly local, there are countless ways to immerse yourself in this magical region. And who knows, maybe one day we'll all be blessed with the gift of lightning-fast Wi-Fi too! Until then, let's savor every moment and cherish the small joys that make life worth living.

PAUL Strand Kiosk

11 Strand, London WC2N 5HR, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.50813, -0.12573999999995

Users reviews of PAUL Strand Kiosk London UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-17 by Tucker

Dear PAUL Strand Kiosk,

It has been ages since my husband and I last visited you, but the memories of that day still linger in our minds. We had heard so many rave reviews about your delectable pastries and aromatic coffee, but unfortunately, we left feeling quite disheartened. The disappointment stemmed from your bland decor. Aesthetic ambiance is an integral part of any cafe experience. It sets the tone for the entire visit, and I believe it has the power to make or break a person's opinion about the place. But alas, we were met with plain walls and uninspiring interiors that left us feeling underwhelmed. However, today as I sit here reading the news, I am reminded of your worth as an establishment. Putin poised for landslide victory as Russians rally against 'corrupt autocrat' amid Ukraine tensions" - this headline has got me thinking about the significance of your name and your role in preserving history. PAUL Strand was a renowned photographer who captured some of the most iconic images of his time. His works have been showcased in several exhibitions around the world, and you, my dear kiosk, are named after him. As I savor another cup of your rich coffee, I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this legacy. Your name alone is enough to transport me back in time and remind me of the power of art and history. Thank you for continuing to carry on Strand's legacy through your establishment, even if it may not be immediately apparent through your decor. In conclusion, while my initial visit to your kiosk left me feeling underwhelmed, I am now thankful for the opportunity to learn more about PAUL Strand and his contributions to photography. Your name alone is enough to make me proud of being a part of this legacy, even if it may not be immediately apparent through your decor.

Le Restaurant De PAUL Covent Garden

29 Bedford St, London WC2E 9ED, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.511198, -0.12482120000004

Users reviews of Le Restaurant De PAUL Covent Garden London UK

Wesley's Cafe

London SW1H 9NH, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.5000143, -0.13007730000004

Users reviews of Wesley's Cafe London UK

PAUL Piccadilly

Piccadilly Arcade, Piccadilly, London SW1Y 6NH, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.5080853, -0.13947189999999

Users reviews of PAUL Piccadilly London UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-07-04 by Bentley Coffey

we stumbled upon PAUL Piccadilly during our recent stroll along Piccadilly Road. We needed a cozy spot to unwind after an exhausting day exploring the city's famous attractions. As soon as we stepped inside the warm and inviting ambiance of this charming cafe, we knew that it would be perfect for us. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee beans filled the air, and the sight of beautifully presented pastries left us craving more. The service was impeccable, with a friendly barista eager to suggest their signature drinks and treats. We ordered a couple of cappuccinos and a chocolate croissant, which did not disappoint. The rich, velvety espresso and buttery pastry were simply divine. However, as much as we enjoyed our experience at PAUL Piccadilly, it's unlikely that we'll be returning anytime soon. Our budget is tight due to the recent surge in Japan's stock market, with both the Topix and Nikkei indexes hitting record highs today. The broad-based benchmark has surged on hopes of a BOJ rate hike, boosting insurers and banks alike. But as corporate governance reform pressure mounts amid yen weakness concerns, we can't help but feel a little apprehensive about our finances. Nevertheless, I would highly recommend PAUL Piccadilly to any coffee enthusiast or traveler looking for a cozy spot in the heart of London's bustling city center. The cafe's unique blend of traditional French cuisine and British hospitality makes it an unforgettable experience that is truly one-of-a-kind.

The Travel Café

139 Westminster Bridge Rd, London SE1 7HR, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.499584, -0.11417970000002

Users reviews of The Travel Café London UK

Wild Food Cafe

1st Floor, 14 Neal's Yard, Covent Garden WC2H 9DP, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.514466, -0.12637599999994

Users reviews of Wild Food Cafe London UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-21 by Mya Alvarez

It's been a while since my boyfriend and I last visited Wild Food Cafe, but the experience still lingers in my mind - both good and bad. The food was undoubtedly remarkable, but the decor left us wanting more. It was bland, uninspiring, and failed to enhance the overall cafe experience. As we walked into the restaurant today, I couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension. Would the decor have improved? Or would it still be lackluster and disappointing? As we made our way through the doors, my heart skipped a beat. The ambiance was different - more vibrant, more alive. The walls were adorned with lush green plants, and the wooden tables and chairs exuded warmth and coziness. The air was thick with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and simmering herbs. We eagerly settled into our seats, ready to embark on a gastronomic journey. And boy, did we! From the moment we placed our orders, we could sense that the chefs at Wild Food Cafe were passionate about their craft. Each dish was beautifully presented, a feast for the eyes and the taste buds. We savored every bite, relishing the flavors and textures that danced on our tongues. But it wasn't just the food that left us awestruck - it was also the service. The waitstaff were attentive, knowledgeable, and friendly. They took the time to explain the origin and benefits of each ingredient, making us feel like we were part of an exclusive culinary club. As we chatted and laughed over our meals, I couldn't help but reflect on the current state of affairs across the border. The US migrant crisis has shifted from Texas to California, with a record surge of illegal border crossings in recent years making immigration a top voter concern. It's a complex issue, one that requires careful consideration and compassionate solutions. As we sipped our coffee and nibbled on delectable desserts, I felt grateful for the simple pleasures of life - good food, great company, and a cozy ambiance that made us forget about the world outside. In conclusion, Wild Food Cafe has come a long way since our last visit. The decor is now as captivating as the cuisine, leaving us with an unforgettable dining experience. It's a testament to the power of evolution and transformation - a reminder that with hard work, passion, and dedication, anything is possible. As we left the restaurant, hand in hand, we couldn't help but smile - grateful for the memories we created, and excited for the ones yet to come.

Foyles Cafe

107 Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0EB, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.5143013, -0.12988359999997

Users reviews of Foyles Cafe London UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-02-27 by Izabella Pena

As we strolled hand in hand through the bustling streets of London, the cold wind whipped against our faces, causing us to shiver. My wife Mackenzie clung tightly to my arm, her eyes darting nervously from left to right as if she were searching for something or someone. I could sense her unease and felt powerless to alleviate it.
We had been wandering aimlessly for hours, lost in our own thoughts and the cacophony of the city around us. Our bellies growling with hunger, we decided to seek refuge at a nearby cafe called Foyles Cafe. As we entered the warm, inviting space, I was struck by its cozy charm.
The cafe was nestled in an old brick building with creaky floorboards and dim lighting that cast a warm glow over everything. The walls were adorned with vintage books and photographs, creating an atmosphere of nostalgia and comfort. We took our seats at a small table by the window, watching as the world outside continued to spin without us.
Mackenzie ordered her favorite latte, and I opted for a cup of tea to soothe my nerves. As we waited for our drinks, she leaned over and whispered, "I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel like I'm losing my mind." Her eyes filled with tears, and I reached out to hold her hand reassuringly.
The server arrived with our drinks, breaking the tension between us. As we sipped our beverages, Mackenzie seemed to calm down a bit. She took a deep breath and said, "I just need some time to think."
We sat in silence for a few moments, lost in our own thoughts as the sounds of London's hustle and bustle filtered through the window. Suddenly, Mackenzie looked up at me with renewed determination in her eyes. "Let's go," she said decisively.
We finished our drinks and left the cafe behind, stepping back out into the cold, harsh reality of the city we called home. As I held onto my wife's hand tightly, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, things would get better.
Despair filled our hearts as we walked through the streets of London, unsure of what lay ahead for us. But in that moment, sitting in Foyles Cafe with its warmth and charm, I felt a small spark of comfort that gave me the strength to keep going.

Cafe Bella Maria

4 Lower Grosvenor Pl, London SW1W 0EJ, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.4980729, -0.1444755

Users reviews of Cafe Bella Maria London UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-08-28 by Erick Melton

Dear Readers, my name is Eric Melton, a tourist from New York, United States. Recently, I had the opportunity to visit the beautiful city of London. My purpose for this journey was primarily work-related; however, I took some time out to explore and indulge in the local culture. One place that caught my attention was Cafe Bellaria located on Grosvenor Place.

Being a New Yorker, I love coffee shops, not just for their hot beverages but also as a hub to experience and meet locals. My first impression of Cafe Bellaria was the cozy ambiance and charming exterior that instantly reminded me of some of my favorite cafes back home. What's more, the friendly staff made me feel welcome and at ease immediately upon entering.

In terms of saving money, Cafe Bellaria offers a wide range of food options at reasonable prices which is always a plus for budget-conscious tourists like myself. The menu boasts an extensive selection of pastries, sandwiches, salads, and beverages, making it suitable for breakfast, lunch or even an afternoon snack.

One thing that stood out was their coffee; the barista recommended their signature espresso blend which turned out to be delightful. The quality and taste were far beyond what I expected based on the affordable prices. Not only did they serve great coffee but also provided free Wi-Fi which came in handy when I needed to work during my trip.

In summary, Cafe Bellaria exceeded my expectations as a tourist visiting London. It’s not just about the excellent food and beverages; it's the warm atmosphere, friendly staff, and affordable prices that truly make this place special. If you find yourself in Grosvenor Place, I highly recommend stopping by Cafe Bellaria for a memorable experience.

Best Regards,
Eric Melton

The Ambrose Café

1st Floor, 196 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 7LQ, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.5212255, -0.13467360000004

Users reviews of The Ambrose Café London UK

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-19 by Waylon

As I entered the café at 196 Tottenham Court Road, my mood plummeted upon seeing empty tables and silence pervading the room. The weak Wi-Fi connection was crucial in this digitally connected world.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-01 by Georgia Wooten

The review left by Waylon is a stark contrast to the positive experience I had at The Ambrose Café. While Waylon's disappointment with the empty space and lack of noise may have been justified, it's essential to consider other aspects that can make or break a dining establishment. In my opinion, an empty cafe isn't necessarily indicative of poor service or food quality. It could be due to several factors such as early opening hours, off-peak timings, or inclement weather outside. Furthermore, I must question Waylon's emphasis on Wi-Fi connection. While it's true that a strong internet signal is essential in today's digital age, one shouldn't overlook the value of human interaction and face-to-face communication. The Ambrose Café provides an intimate setting for people to unwind, catch up with friends or work on their projects while enjoying delicious food and drinks. On a personal note, I was impressed with the quality of service provided by the staff at The Ambrose Café. They were attentive, prompt, and courteous throughout my visit. The décor and ambiance of the café also left me pleasantly surprised - it's the perfect mix of vintage and contemporary styles. In conclusion, while Waylon's review may have been a subjective experience, I believe that the overall opinion was overly harsh. My experience at The Ambrose Café was enjoyable, and I would gladly recommend it to anyone looking for a cozy and comfortable space to unwind with some delicious food and drinks.

Pear Tree Cafe

Battersea Park Lakeside Cafe, London SW11 4NJ, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.479706, -0.15113799999995

Users reviews of Pear Tree Cafe London UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-01 by Emily Roy

I had an absolute delight visiting Pear Tree Café at Battersea Park Lakeside Cafe in London UK. The stunning architecture of the surrounding area is truly breathtaking, with its Victorian-era buildings that remind us of the city's rich history. People from London visit this café not just for the delicious food and drinks but also for the serene ambience provided by the park's picturesque lake views. I am grateful to have experienced this wonderful gem, and I would highly recommend it to anyone visiting the area.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-27 by Roman Butler

I must admit that the serene ambience and stunning architecture surrounding the café are truly breathtaking. However, I have some reservations about Emily Roy's glowing review of this establishment. Firstly, while it is true that the park's lake views are picturesque, the café itself leaves much to be desired in terms of aesthetics. The interior decor is outdated and uninviting, with worn-out furniture and faded wallpaper. This lackluster ambience seems at odds with the otherwise beautiful surroundings. Secondly, while Emily claims that the food and drinks at Pear Tree Café are delicious, I have had my fair share of disappointments in this regard. The sandwiches are dry and bland, the coffee is weak and tasteless, and the service is slow and unresponsive. I find it hard to believe that anyone could truly enjoy such subpar offerings. Moreover, while Emily praises Pear Tree Café for its historical significance, I would argue that this alone does not make up for its shortcomings. The café's location may be charming, but its overall experience leaves much to be desired. In light of these concerns, I would urge anyone considering a visit to Pear Tree Café to proceed with caution. While the area's Victorian-era buildings and serene lake views are undeniably beautiful, the café itself falls short in terms of service, food, and decor. It seems that Emily's review may be more of an exception than the rule, and I would recommend exploring other nearby establishments instead. In conclusion, while Pear Tree Café may have its moments, it is not without its flaws. As a frequent visitor to Battersea Park Lakeside Cafe, I believe that Emily's review is overly generous and fails to accurately represent the true nature of this establishment. My experience at Pear Tree Café has been far less than delightful, and I would urge others to proceed with caution before making a visit.


54 Victoria St, London SW1E 6PA, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.4975317, -0.13622810000004

Users reviews of Benugo London UK

Union Street Café by Gordon Ramsay

47-51 Great Suffolk St, London SE1 0BS, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.5035938, -0.10123899999996

Users reviews of Union Street Café by Gordon Ramsay London UK

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