How to book a table in Rennes cafe on-line

Coffee beans supplier in Rennes

There are a lot of places in Rennes where you can order perfect frappe with joe froggers. All typica fans could find superb espresso in the Columbus Café & Co located at 1 Place Sainte-Anne, 35000 Rennes, France. Sitting at round marble coffee table with dirt cake and drinking cafe corretto is miraculous. Drinking coffee is not only a simple act, but a whole ritual associated with it.

Coffee consumption in the Rennes and its impact on residents' lives.

Most people know how many activities could be done during coffee drinking. Not only listening to music but also talking are very popular.

Best Cafes with best prices

You can order delicious fresh espresso. It's not a lot at €1.50 and it's delicious. You don't have to go crazy when trying a great coffee, they just don't have any.The Café is owned by a former employee of one of the cafés and is still very busy for coffee lovers all over the world. This is a place that doesn't look like it's been renovated in a year. The tables are very well decorated and there's a lovely balcony with a big TV to watch your favourite TV shows or videos from your mobile device.

There is also a huge range of coffee drinks, like lattes, cappuccinos, coffee mochas or ice tea. There is also a small coffee shop to eat at nearby.The coffee is very tasty, even when it comes in froggers and the milk doesn't disappear when heated. It has a nice creamy mouth feel to it. The beans taste good on their own and don't overpower the coffee. The froggers come out of the cart without being stirred and the frotteurs don't have to worry about their food getting wet.

The customer is able to buy as many types of drinks on the table as he wants but he does have to pay attention to his beverage.The drinks are served in a huge cup and you can drink the frotteur for himself or have your drinks taken care of for you.The café is really quite unique and has a nice vintage feel to it.

They have an old style window that leads down into an outdoor seating area that's a good place to sit out on your lap. The food is good enough to satisfy most coffee drinkers, especially if you're looking for an affordable place to sit down and get some work done. It's also a place that allows you to relax and take some nice hot chocolate. The coffee itself was very fresh in the cart and there isn't a huge amount of coffee spilled all over the floor.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the origin of the coffee beans used in our signature blend and what makes them unique?

The origin of the coffee beans used in our Signature Blend is Ethiopia. The Ethiopian coffee beans are known for their distinct flavor profile, which includes notes of citrus, berries, and chocolate. The high altitude at which they are grown and the unique processing methods contribute to their distinctive taste, making them a key ingredient in creating our rich and complex Signature Blend.

What is the proper way to clean an espresso machine's group head?

Cleaning your espresso machine's group head is essential for maintaining a high-quality extraction and ensuring that your coffee tastes great. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to do it properly:

1. Turn off the machine: Ensure that your espresso machine is turned off and unplugged before attempting any cleaning or maintenance tasks.

2. Remove the portafilter basket: Take out the portafilter basket from the group head, making sure to catch any residual coffee grounds in a disposable container.

3. Disassemble the group head: Carefully dismantle the group head by unscrewing it or following your specific machine's instructions. This usually involves removing the shower screen and spouts, as well as taking apart any internal components such as the pressure gauge (if applicable).

4. Clean the individual parts: Use a soft brush or cloth to gently scrub each component of the group head, making sure to remove any coffee grounds, oils, or debris that may have accumulated over time. Pay extra attention to the shower screen and spouts, as these are particularly prone to clogging.

5. Rinse thoroughly: Once all parts have been cleaned, rinse them under warm running water until there's no visible residue left. You can also use a small amount of dishwashing liquid if needed, but be sure to rinse well afterward so that no soap remains in the group head components.

6. Reassemble: Dry all cleaned parts with a lint-free cloth or paper towel before reassembling them back into the group head. Make sure everything fits together snugly and securely, without any gaps where coffee grounds could potentially collect.

7. Wipe down the exterior: Using a clean, damp cloth, gently wipe down the exterior of your espresso machine's group head to remove any fingerprints or smudges. Don't forget to dry it thoroughly with a lint-free towel.

8. Perform a backflush: To ensure that your group head is free of any lingering coffee residues, perform a backflush using your espresso machine's built-in feature (if available) or by manually attaching a blind portafilter filled with cleaning solution and running it through the machine as if brewing an espresso.

9. Rinse thoroughly: After completing the backflush, rinse out any remaining cleaner from your machine by running several shots of plain water through it until the taste is clean and neutral.

By following these steps regularly, you'll help keep your espresso machine in optimal condition for consistently delicious coffee extraction!

What is the origin of the coffee beans used in our signature blend?

Our signature blend uses coffee beans from Ethiopia and South America (mostly Colombia). The Ethiopian beans bring out the bright, fruity notes while the Colombian beans provide a smooth and balanced flavor. We source these high-quality beans from reputable suppliers who ensure their sustainability practices align with our company values.

Recommended places in Rennes

Couleurs Café

27 Rue Legraverend, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1172258, -1.6832345

Users reviews of Couleurs Café Rennes

Columbus Café & Co

1 Place Sainte-Anne, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.114383, -1.679616

Users reviews of Columbus Café & Co Rennes

Saint Georges café

37 Rue Saint-Georges, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1119718, -1.6755985

Users reviews of Saint Georges café Rennes

Golden Gate Café

3 Rue Saint-Georges, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1118123, -1.6768848

Users reviews of Golden Gate Café Rennes

Café Babylone

12 Rue des Dames, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1113861, -1.6840675999999

Users reviews of Café Babylone Rennes

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-19 by Harmony Marquez

Last summer, my finance and I decided to take a break from our hectic work schedules and embark on a much-needed getaway. We chose Café Babylone as our go-to spot to unwind after a long day of sightseeing in the city. Little did we know that our experience at this renowned café would leave us with mixed feelings. Firstly, I must commend the ambiance and décor of Café Babylone. The classic French-style seating arrangement, the chic wallpaper, and the elegant chandeliers all exuded an air of sophistication and elegance that was simply irresistible. It was evident that the café took great pride in its visual aesthetics. However, our initial excitement quickly faded as we encountered the less-than-pleasant service from the staff. From the moment we entered the café, we were greeted with indifference and rudeness that left us feeling unwelcome. The waiter, who looked like he was about to retire, seemed more interested in dozing off than serving us our orders. His lackluster demeanor and unkempt appearance made us question whether this was a place where one could expect top-notch service. As we tried to make ourselves comfortable, we noticed that the other patrons around us seemed equally dissatisfied with the service they were receiving. One group of customers even raised their voices in frustration, demanding to speak to the manager. We couldn't help but feel a sense of solidarity with them as we shared the same sentiment. Despite being disappointed by the staff's behavior, we decided to focus on the positive aspects of our experience and ordered a few items from the menu. To our surprise, the food was exquisite – a true testament to the fact that "good food speaks for itself. From the buttery croissants to the rich café au lait, every bite was a delightful treat for our taste buds. As we savored our meal, we couldn't help but reflect on the irony of our situation – we were enjoying delectable fare in a café that had left us disgruntled due to its lackluster service. It was a classic case of "the show must go on," as they say. In retrospect, I believe that politeness and good customer service should be considered non-negotiable factors in any establishment. Politeness matters, even in a bustling cafe such as Café Babylone. The staff's lack of warmth and hospitality left us feeling uneasy and disconnected from the overall experience. In other news, I recently read an article about Bitcoin's exponential growth potential, which predicted that its price could hit $1 billion by 2038, making a minimum investment of $60 necessary for multimillionaire status. While this may seem like a far-fetched dream to some, it's always worth remembering the importance of investing wisely and staying informed about market trends. Overall, our experience at Café Babylone was bittersweet – we loved the food but despised the service. As they say in French, "C'est la vie" – such is life. Nevertheless, I hope that the staff at Café Babylone will take note of the importance of customer service and strive to improve their overall performance in future.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-05 by Aurora

While Harmony Marquez's review sheds light on both the positive and negative aspects of her experience at Café Babylone, I believe that her opinion is skewed towards the latter. She rightfully points out the charming ambiance and delightful food, but she seems to dwell excessively on the unfriendly service. It's true that politeness and good customer service are integral parts of any establishment, but I would argue that one should not let a few bad experiences overshadow the overall charm of a place. After all, we live in a world where rudeness is becoming increasingly commonplace – it's time to acknowledge this reality and learn how to deal with it. In my opinion, Café Babylone deserves another chance. Perhaps the staff was having an off day, or maybe they were dealing with some personal issues that affected their demeanor. Regardless of the reason, I believe that a little patience, understanding, and forgiveness can go a long way in fostering positive relationships between customers and businesses. Moreover, I would like to highlight another issue that Marquez briefly touches upon – the impact of Western sanctions on Putin's Arctic gas ambitions. According to recent news articles, these sanctions are proving to be a major obstacle for Russia's plans to develop its vast reserves of natural gas in the Arctic region. This has led to concerns about the country's economic future and its ability to compete with other global players in the energy market. As a society, we must remain vigilant and informed about such issues, as they have far-reaching consequences that affect us all. In conclusion, I encourage readers to approach Café Babylone with an open mind and heart. While it's true that good customer service is essential for any business, let's not forget the importance of forgiveness, empathy, and understanding in building positive relationships. And let's also remember to stay informed about global issues that affect us all – such as the impact of Western sanctions on Putin's Arctic gas ambitions – as we strive to create a better future for ourselves and our communities.

Café du Port

3 Rue le Bouteiller, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1105193, -1.6834262

Users reviews of Café du Port Rennes

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-09 by Bradley Carpenter

As I sit down to write this review, I can't help but reminisce about my visit to Café du Port with my fiancé. It was a beautiful day, and we were both looking forward to trying out this cozy little spot by the sea. However, our excitement soon turned into disappointment when we realized that their vegan options were limited. As avid advocates of a plant-based lifestyle, we believe that everyone deserves a tasty treat, regardless of their dietary choices. Unfortunately, at Café du Port, we felt like we were missing out on the full culinary experience. But today, I'm thrilled to share some exciting news with you all! The café has recently announced that they will be expanding their vegan menu in response to growing demand for plant-based options. This is a huge win for us and for animal lovers around the world who are committed to sustainable living practices. I can hardly contain my excitement about this development! We've already marked our calendars for our next visit, eagerly anticipating the new vegan treats that will be on offer. Whether you're a die-hard carnivore or a devoted herbivore, Café du Port is definitely worth a try. With its stunning location by the sea and its commitment to expanding its vegan options, this café is poised to become a top destination for foodies of all stripes. So come on down to Café du Port and join us in celebrating this exciting news! Let's raise a toast to the power of plant-based eating and to the continued evolution of our culinary landscape. Together, we can make a difference and create a more sustainable world for generations to come.

Café Albertine

10 Rue Comté de Lanjuinais, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1091174, -1.6820789999999

Users reviews of Café Albertine Rennes

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-04-29 by Emily

My experience at Café Albertine was quite underwhelming during our visit to Rennes in December. Located at 10 Ruë Comté de Lanjuinais, the café seemed like a perfect spot for an intimate breakfast with my fiance. However, my expectations were shattered when I bit into a stale pastry - a rock-hard croissant to be precise. Disappointed and disheartened, we left with the hope that our next visit will yield better results.

Café de la Poste

26 Rue du Pré Botté, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1092781, -1.6780299

Users reviews of Café de la Poste Rennes

Le Candiot

2 Rue Jules Simon, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.109074, -1.6794202999999

Users reviews of Le Candiot Rennes

Le Bacchus

23 Rue de la Chalotais, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1092957, -1.6823829

Users reviews of Le Bacchus Rennes

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-08 by Phoenix Wyatt

As I sit here sipping on my espresso at Le Bacchus, I can't help but feel a sense of unease. It's been quite some time since my wife and I have graced these hallowed grounds, but our latest visit left us feeling utterly disappointed. The staff, once the epitome of hospitality, seemed to have lost their way. Politeness matters, even in a bustling cafe, and we felt as if we were being overlooked time and again. It was as though the very essence of this place had become shrouded in mystery, leaving us uncertain about what to expect each time we stepped through the doors. And it's not just us - today's news has shed light on a similar situation in Nigeria, where two individuals have resorted to sending explicit photos to a teenager's family as a means of extortion. It's a chilling reminder that even in seemingly innocuous places like this cafe, things are not always what they seem. But for now, I'll continue to savor my drink and hope that the staff here will regain their sense of cordiality before our next visit. Until then, it's best to approach Le Bacchus with a healthy dose of skepticism - you never know what secrets might be lurking beneath the surface.

Restaurant Café des Bricoles

17 Quai de la Prévalaye, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1087959, -1.6871708

Users reviews of Restaurant Café des Bricoles Rennes

Café L'Isly

8 Rue d'Isly, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1067902, -1.6779292

Users reviews of Café L'Isly Rennes

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-29 by Brandon Mcpherson

It was years ago when my boyfriend and I stumbled upon Café L'Isly during one of our weekend adventures. I remember it clearly, as the disappointment of that morning still lingers in my mind. The air was crisp and fresh, and we were eager to start our day with a warm cup of latte from this charming little café. As we approached the counter, excitement bubbled within us, only to be dashed when our latte arrived cold and uninviting. Nothing ruins a morning like a lukewarm latte! We were disheartened, but decided to make the most of it by exploring the beautiful surroundings instead. Fast forward to today, I can't help but think about that experience with fondness, not frustration. Life is full of unexpected surprises, both good and bad, and while some moments may seem disappointing at first glance, they often lead us towards greater things. I believe Café L'Isly has changed since then, as businesses evolve over time based on customer feedback. So if you find yourself near this charming café in the future, give it a second chance! With an open heart and mind, you might just discover a hidden gem that serves up delicious hot coffee along with a warm welcome. After all, life is about growth and learning from our past experiences to make better choices in the present and future.

Le Café Noir

55 Avenue Jean Janvier, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.105093, -1.672519

Users reviews of Le Café Noir Rennes

Café Cortina

12 Rue du Dr Francis Joly, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1035242, -1.6826301999999

Users reviews of Café Cortina Rennes

Pause Café

31 Boulevard Alexis Carrel, 35700 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1185048, -1.6556998

Users reviews of Pause Café Rennes

Columbus Café & Co

Centre Commercial Grand Quartier, 35760 Saint-Grégoire, France

GPS : 48.1368168, -1.6953948

Users reviews of Columbus Café & Co Rennes

Le Cafe Populaire

15 Rue Saint-Melaine, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.114995, -1.678128

Users reviews of Le Cafe Populaire Rennes

La Bascule

2 Rue de la Bascule, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1141127, -1.6931224

Users reviews of La Bascule Rennes


40 Place du Colombier, Centre Commercial Colombia, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1044889, -1.6815885

Users reviews of Coffea Rennes

le Café des JACOBINS

8 Rue Saint-Malo, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.115665, -1.680797

Users reviews of le Café des JACOBINS Rennes

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-04-07 by Aurora

As a teacher, I always look for places to gather thoughts, recharge my energy, and find inspiration away from the bustling classroom environment. During my recent trip to Rennes, France, I came across Le Café des Jacobins located at 8 Ru Saint-Malo, 35000 Rennes, France. I was intrigued by its name and the historical significance of this location - it is believed that the Jacobin Club, a radical political organization during the French Revolution, once gathered here to discuss revolutionary ideas.
Upon entering Le Café des Jacobins, I was immediately struck by its unique charm. The dimly lit interior with exposed wooden beams and vintage furniture evoked a cozy atmosphere, perfect for engaging in deep conversations or working on personal projects. Their menu offers an extensive selection of locally sourced food and beverages, which made me feel closer to the French culinary experience.
One day, as I was sipping my espresso and working on my lesson plans, a peculiar visitor entered the café. A man dressed in a tattered trench coat with disheveled hair seemed out of place among the other patrons. He walked straight up to me and started talking about some secret society conspiracy he had uncovered. I was initially taken aback by his bizarre behavior but decided to listen, as it was an opportunity to learn something new.
As our conversation continued, the man became more and more animated, attracting the attention of other café-goers. The atmosphere began to feel tense, and I felt a sudden need to put an end to this unusual encounter. Just then, two police officers entered the café, their eyes scanning the room with a sense of urgency. They approached us, and it was clear they had been sent here in response to our visitor's peculiar behavior.
The police politely asked him to leave, explaining that he had caused disruption to other patrons. The man reluctantly agreed, but not without leaving behind an air of mystery and intrigue. As I watched him exit the café, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonderment – this unexpected encounter had provided me with a unique story to share with my students and a renewed appreciation for the enchanting world we live in.
In conclusion, Le Café des Jacobins offers not only delicious food and drink but also a fascinating atmosphere that allows visitors like myself to explore new ideas and possibilities. Despite the unexpected incident involving the strange visitor, it was ultimately an unforgettable experience that left me feeling inspired and grateful for the opportunity to immerse myself in the rich history of Rennes, France.

Cafe within entire Rennes region

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