Portsmouth - where to get good dessert & coffee - recommended places

Portsmouth - finest coffee and dessert

There are a lot of places in Portsmouth where you can order luxurious espresso macchiato with molten chocolate cake. All brutte fans could find marvellous cafe litre in the Kate's Bakery and Café located at 1 Badgers Island W, Kittery, ME 03904, United States. Sitting at marble antique table with corn cookie and drinking espresso macchiato is favorite. Coffee drinking as any other ritual requires some tools do proceed.

Coffee consumption in the Portsmouth and its impact on residents' lives.

Most people know how many activities could be done during coffee drinking. Not only listening to music but also listening to music are very popular.

Good desert and coffee in Portsmouth

This is a place where you can order a espresso, a mocha or a latté for just £9.00 which is a steal. The macchiato is made with espresso, cocoa powder and melted chocolate so it has a rich chocolate taste with a strong sweetness. Somerset - best coffee in New England This area gets the bad publicity it deserves because it's often seen with its "sugar rush." This is because the beans and the roasting process are expensive and the product is not fresh.

But there is plenty of good coffee here that isn't cheap. The coffee here is good, but not great. The only thing I like about this neighborhood is the abundance of cafes that give their customers excellent coffee and cakes, as well as a coffee market where you can browse for your favorite coffees for around £2.30/€2.99. Portsmouth - coffee, food & drinks This is Portsmouth and I love it. It's very much like Boston in that it has a huge coffee scene.

It is also a nice place to visit if you're looking for a quiet spot for a few hours or to pick up some new coffee and cake! New Haven - best coffee here, especially on the east coast A friend of mine and I visited this small island in the South Atlantic.

I got the opportunity to sample the coffee we had in our home town as she also got to drink some of the best coffee she could in Portsmouth that day. I would highly recommend it to all coffee snobs in New Haven. New Haven - the world famous coffee shop This is where we spend most of our time.

The coffee is great and it's one of my favourite places, the cake is fabulous and the cake is delicious. I like the idea of buying cake at a coffee shop. The price is reasonable and the employees are friendly! 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is the unique blend of coffee beans used at Cafe Kilim, and what are the flavor characteristics that distinguish it from other blends?

At Cafe Kilim, we take great pride in our unique blend of coffee beans that sets us apart from others. We source a carefully curated combination of high-quality beans from Ethiopia, Peru, and Sumatra to create our signature blend. The Ethiopian beans contribute a bright acidity with fruity notes, while the Peruvian beans bring a rich body and chocolatey flavor profile. Lastly, the Sumatran beans add a unique earthiness that complements the other two origins beautifully. These distinct flavors work together harmoniously to create Cafe Kilim's signature blend that offers an exceptional coffee experience unlike any other.

What is the most popular beverage ordered by customers at Me & Ollie's Bakery and Cafe in Portsmouth?

According to information provided by Me & Olie's, their most popular beverages are the "Brewed Fresh Coffee" and a variety of specialty drinks such as lattes, cappuccinos, and mochas. They also have a wide selection of teas. However, without specific sales data, it is challenging to identify one drink as the single most popular ordered by customers.

What is the origin of our coffee beans, and what are some unique flavor notes you can identify in our signature blend?

Our coffee beans originate from Colombia, specifically from the Nariño region. This region is known for its high-quality Arabica beans that produce a smooth and balanced taste profile. In our signature blend, you'll find hints of chocolate, caramel, and a subtle floral note, which is characteristic of Colombian coffee. The acidity is bright but not overpowering, resulting in a well-rounded and delightful cup of coffee.

Recommended places in Portsmouth

Caffe Kilim

163 Islington St, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.0744373, -70.7638541

Users reviews of Caffe Kilim Portsmouth

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-05-31 by Zion Snow

Cafe Kilim is a hidden gem tucked away on Islington Street in historic downtown Portsmouth, New Hampshire. As the General Manager of my own cafe, I always look for opportunities to learn from and collaborate with other establishments that offer unique experiences to their patrons. Upon visiting Cafe Kilim, it became evident that this spot was a must-see location for any coffee enthusiast or anyone seeking a warm, welcoming environment in which to unwind and enjoy some delicious food and drinks.
The cafe boasts an inviting atmosphere with rustic charm, and the staff is friendly, knowledgeable, and eager to make each guest feel at home. Their menu features a diverse selection of coffee, tea, and other beverages, as well as delectable pastries, sandwiches, and salads that are sure to satisfy even the most discerning palate.
One of my favorite aspects of Cafe Kilim is their commitment to sourcing high-quality ingredients from local farmers and purveyors. This not only helps support the community but also ensures that each dish is made with freshness and care. The cafe's dedication to sustainability is apparent in both their practices and their menu offerings, making it a great choice for anyone looking to reduce their environmental impact while enjoying a delicious meal or beverage.
In terms of ambiance, Cafe Kilim truly excels. The space is cozy yet spacious, with plenty of seating options for individuals and groups alike. In the warmer months, guests can enjoy their beverages on the outdoor patio, which offers a lovely view of the bustling street below. Additionally, the cafe frequently hosts live music events and other special gatherings, making it an ideal spot for those seeking an engaging, social atmosphere in which to unwind after a long day.
Speaking from personal experience, I once embarked on a comedic adventure while attempting to find Zion Snow Cafe - a fictional establishment located near 163 Islington St, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States (I made that up). After navigating through winding streets and charming neighborhoods, I found myself at the foot of an imposing mountain.
As I approached the base of this mountain, a group of locals informed me that Zion Snow Cafe was indeed nestled somewhere within its snow-capped slopes. Determined to reach my destination, I rented a pair of skis and set off on my journey up the treacherous peak.
Halfway up the mountain, I stumbled upon an argument between a lover and a stuff member at the ski lodge. Apparently, the couple had left their skis unattended for too long, causing them to become entangled with those of other patrons. The stuff member insisted on charging them an exorbitant fee for the inconvenience, prompting the outraged lover to demand a refund and storm off in search of another ski rental facility.
In the end, I managed to find Zion Snow Cafe (also fictional) after hours of trekking through treacherous terrain and navigating heated debates over stolen skis. While my adventure was purely fictitious, it serves as a humorous reminder that sometimes, finding a cozy spot like Cafe Kilim can be an adventure in itself.
Overall, I highly recommend Cafe Kilim to anyone seeking a delicious cup of coffee, a delectable meal, or simply a welcoming place to relax and unwind. With its commitment to sustainability, exceptional menu offerings, and warm atmosphere, this hidden gem is truly a must-visit destination for anyone exploring the charming streets of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Popovers On the Square

8 Congress Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.0766318, -70.7581111

Users reviews of Popovers On the Square Portsmouth

Cafe Mediterraneo

119 Congress St, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.0762976, -70.760009

Users reviews of Cafe Mediterraneo Portsmouth

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-27 by Cash

I can't help but think back to my last visit to Cafe Mediterraneo. It was a few weeks ago, and I went with my good friend, finance, who is always up for trying out new places. We had heard great things about this cafe, known for its authentic Mediterranean cuisine and cozy atmosphere. But our experience fell short of our expectations, sadly. The staff, in particular, left us feeling disappointed and disillusioned. Politeness matters, even in a bustling cafe like this one. Unfortunately, the staff seemed to have forgotten that important lesson. They were brusque and unfriendly, barely acknowledging our presence as we waited for our orders. It's a shame too because the food was actually quite delicious. I had ordered the lamb gyro, which came with a side of fluffy rice and crispy salad. The lamb was tender and flavorful, and the pita bread was soft and warm. It was almost enough to make us forget about the rude staff, but not quite. As we sat there, trying to enjoy our meal as best we could, I couldn't help but wonder what could have been different. Maybe if they had just shown a little bit of kindness or warmth, we would have left feeling satisfied and content. Instead, we left feeling irritated and put off, wondering whether we should bother coming back again. It's a shame because, as I mentioned earlier, the food was actually quite good. And there are other things to recommend about this place too - like the cozy decor and the bustling atmosphere. But it's hard to overlook the fact that the staff seemed to be in such a rush or such a bad mood. I hope they can turn things around and improve their service because, frankly, there is so much potential here. The food is delicious, the location is great, and the ambiance is cozy. With just a little bit of kindness and warmth from the staff, this place could be truly exceptional. But until then, I think we'll stick to trying out other places around town. As for today's news, it's been quite an eventful day in the world of journalism. If you haven't had a chance to check it out yet, be sure to head over to the British Press Photographers' Association's latest exhibition in London. There, you'll find a selection of some of the best images captured by members of this prestigious organization. From breaking news to human interest stories, these photographs capture the very best of British press photography. They are a testament to the skill and dedication of the photographers who capture them, and a reminder of just how important journalism is in our society today.

Jumpin' Jay's Fish Cafe

150 Congress Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.075698, -70.7605832

Users reviews of Jumpin' Jay's Fish Cafe Portsmouth

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-03-01 by Colton

As an accountant, I'm used to crunching numbers all day long. But when it comes to dining out, I like to let my taste buds do the math - and Jumpin' Jay's Fish Cafe in Portsmouth is where those budgets really add up!

From the moment I set foot in this coastal paradise, I was enchanted by its nautical charm. The exterior of the building resembled an old-timey lighthouse, complete with a gleaming red beacon that swayed gently in the ocean breeze. It was as if the restaurant itself were guiding us to our destination!

As we made our way through the winding streets of Portsmouth, my adventure-seeking heart took over. Suddenly, I had a brainwave: what better way to arrive at Colton's than by boat? Yes, you heard me right - I rented a tiny dinghy from the local marina and set sail for our reservation!

The journey was nothing short of magical. The sparkling blue waters rippled beneath us as we dodged playful dolphins and sea turtles that swam alongside us. We passed by sleepy fishing villages and craggy cliffs adorned with vibrant wildflowers. And then, just as the sun began to set, we spotted our destination - a tiny cove nestled among the rocks, with Jumpin' Jay's Fish Cafe perched on the edge like a gleaming jewel. The restaurant itself was a feast for the eyes - every inch of it decorated in bold blues and yellows, as if to capture the spirit of the ocean that lay just beyond its walls. The walls were adorned with quirky artwork featuring sea creatures both real and imagined. I couldn't help but laugh at the giant mermaid that gazed down at us from her perch on the ceiling!

But it was the food that truly stole the show. My companions and I feasted like kings, sampling everything from buttery lobster rolls to crispy fish tacos to creamy seafood risotto. And let's not forget the star of the show - the freshest catch of the day, which was cooked to perfection and presented on a bed of fragrant wild rice. As we savoured our final bites and sipped on rich espresso, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this unexpected adventure that led us here. The combination of my love for numbers and my passion for food had led me to discover a hidden gem in the midst of a charming seaside town - and I couldn't be happier!

In short, Jumpin' Jay's Fish Cafe is the perfect destination for anyone who loves good food, great company, and a little bit of adventure.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-03-24 by Mario

Dear Colton,

I am writing to strongly disagree with your review of Jumpin' Jay's Fish Cafe. While it may be true that the restaurant has an appealing exterior and charming decor, I believe that your enthusiasm for the establishment is misguided. Firstly, I must raise concerns about the quality of the food. While you may have enjoyed the lobster rolls and seafood risotto, there are several issues with these dishes that should not be overlooked. For starters, the lobster rolls were overpriced and lacked flavor - I expected more from a coastal restaurant that claims to serve fresh seafood. And as for the rice, it was undercooked and left a bitter aftertaste in my mouth. Furthermore, the presentation of the dishes left much to be desired. The portions were small and unimpressive, and the plating lacked creativity or flair. I expected more from a restaurant that boasts its commitment to fresh seafood - perhaps they could learn something from their competitors down the road?

But what truly concerns me is your decision to arrive at Jumpin' Jay's Fish Cafe by boat. While it may have been a fun experience for you, I believe that this kind of excess should not be encouraged. The restaurant already has ample parking nearby - why should we contribute to the pollution and noise pollution in the area just to get here? It seems to me that your enthusiasm for adventure is clouding your judgment, and you are ignoring the very real consequences of your actions. In short, I believe that Jumpin' Jay's Fish Cafe is overrated and overpriced. While it may be a charming spot with a picturesque location, the quality of the food and service does not justify the high prices. I would advise future diners to look elsewhere for their seafood fix - there are plenty of other restaurants in Portsmouth that offer better value for money.

Bridge Street Bistrot & Wine Bar

64 Bridge St, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.0763292, -70.7618608

Users reviews of Bridge Street Bistrot & Wine Bar Portsmouth

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-30 by Anna Carrillo

I stumbled upon Bridge Street Bistrot & Wine Bar in Portsmouth by sheer luck. It all started when I decided to take a stroll along the vibrant seafront promenade, admiring the stunning views of the Solent and the Isle of Wight beyond. With my heart set on indulging in some delectable treats and savoring a cup of aromatic coffee, I began my search for the perfect spot. As I wandered through the bustling streets of Portsmouth, I couldn't help but notice the hustle and bustle around me. The sounds of street performers playing lively tunes on their instruments echoed through the air, while the scent of freshly baked pastries wafted out from nearby cafes. I followed my nose towards a cozy little alleyway nestled between a row of colorful buildings, where I stumbled upon Bridge Street Bistrot & Wine Bar. The moment I stepped inside, I was enveloped by an air of warmth and sophistication that left me feeling instantly at home. The interior design was a perfect blend of rustic charm and modern elegance, with exposed brick walls, wooden beams, and plush leather seating that invited me to sit back and relax. As I perused the menu, my eyes were immediately drawn to the tantalizing selection of pastries on display at the counter. From buttery croissants to flaky Danish pastries, each item looked more irresistible than the last. Without hesitation, I ordered a freshly brewed espresso and a decadent chocolate croissant that left my taste buds dancing with delight. But what truly sets Bridge Street Bistrot & Wine Bar apart is their exceptional service. The staff are attentive, knowledgeable, and go above and beyond to ensure that every customer leaves feeling satisfied. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty breakfast, a leisurely lunch, or an evening glass of wine, this cozy bistro has got you covered. As I sipped on my coffee and savored every bite of my croissant, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and contentment wash over me. This charming little spot may be tucked away in a quiet alleyway, but its reputation as one of Portsmouth's hidden gems is well-deserved. So if you're ever in the area and find yourself yearning for some top-notch food and exceptional service, look no further than Bridge Street Bistrot & Wine Bar. Trust me - your taste buds (and your heart) will thank you for it!

In other news, I couldn't help but notice the recent updates from SoFi Technologies following their latest earnings report. As a proponent of innovation and leadership, I am excited to see what the future holds for this dynamic company as they continue to push boundaries in the financial services industry.

The Works Bakery Cafe

9 Congress Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.0768635, -70.7583817

Users reviews of The Works Bakery Cafe Portsmouth

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-30 by Charlie

my husband and I have explored countless cafes throughout our travels, but there's one that stands out above the rest - The Works Bakery Cafe nestled cozily on Albert Road in Portsmouth. And let me tell you, this hidden gem is worth seeking out. First things first - the atmosphere. As soon as we stepped through the door, we were struck by the warm and inviting ambiance that immediately put us at ease. Soft jazz music played in the background, and the aroma of freshly baked pastries wafted through the air. We found a cozy spot by the window and settled in for what would turn out to be an unforgettable experience. One thing that truly sets The Works Bakery Cafe apart from its competitors is the quality of their coffee. They use only the finest beans, roasted to perfection and expertly brewed to create a rich and full-bodied flavor that will leave your taste buds dancing with delight. My husband opted for his usual latte, which was smooth and creamy with just the right amount of foam - an absolute masterpiece. I, on the other hand, decided to try something new and ordered their signature Works Blend, a bold and robust espresso that packed a punch without being overpowering. The barista behind the counter was a true artist, skillfully crafting each drink with precision and care. But it's not just about the coffee at The Works Bakery Cafe - their baked goods are simply divine. We indulged in a flaky and buttery croissant, which melted in our mouths like a dream, and a decadent chocolate croissant that was pure heaven. They also offer a variety of savory options, such as freshly made sandwiches and quiches, all made with the same care and attention to detail as their coffee. We couldn't resist trying the smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel, which was the perfect combination of tangy, creamy, and smoky flavors. But what really sets The Works Bakery Cafe apart from other cafes is their commitment to sustainability. They use only eco-friendly packaging and utensils, made from recycled materials whenever possible. Their mission is not just to serve great coffee, but to do so in a way that minimizes their impact on the environment. It's this level of thoughtfulness and care that truly sets them apart as a leader in the industry. As for why people love visiting cafes like The Works Bakery Cafe, it all comes down to the simple pleasure of indulging in a warm cup of coffee and a delicious pastry while enjoying the company of loved ones. It's the perfect way to slow down and savor the moment, to escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life and simply be present. And that's exactly what we experienced at The Works Bakery Cafe - a moment of pure bliss in the midst of our busy day. Our journey to The Works Bakery Cafe began at the historic Dockyard in Portsmouth, where we took in the sights and sounds of this historic naval base turned bustling tourist attraction. We strolled along the cobblestone streets, admiring the colorful facades of the old buildings and soaking up the vibrant energy of the area. As we made our way to Albert Road, we couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation - we knew that the best was yet to come. In conclusion, The Works Bakery Cafe is more than just a coffee shop - it's an experience. With its cozy atmosphere, top-notch coffee, and commitment to sustainability, it's no wonder that people flock here day after day. So whether you're in the mood for a rich espresso or a buttery croissant, head on over to Albert Road and treat yourself to the best of the best. Trust us - your taste buds will thank you.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-05 by Julian Gomez

I couldn't help but notice a few areas that could use some improvement. While Charlie did mention the quality of their coffee and baked goods, I feel like he could have provided more specific details about each item. For example, what type of chocolate was used in the chocolate croissant? Was it dark or milk chocolate? And how about the smoked salmon bagel - was the smokiness overpowering, or was it just the right amount? Without these details, it's hard to really get a sense of what each item is like. Furthermore, while Charlie did touch on the atmosphere of the cafe, I think he could have provided more insight into the decor and layout of the space. Are there any unique features that set this cafe apart from others in the area? Is it spacious or cozy? These details can really help paint a more complete picture of what the customer experience is like. Lastly, while Charlie did mention The Works Bakery Cafe's commitment to sustainability, I think he could have provided more information about their specific initiatives and practices. Are they using biodegradable utensils or compostable packaging? What steps are they taking to reduce waste and minimize their environmental impact? Without this information, it's hard to fully appreciate the cafe's efforts in sustainability. Overall, I think Charlie did a great job of capturing the essence of The Works Bakery Cafe, but I believe that with some additional details, his review could have been even more compelling and informative. As someone who enjoys visiting cafes like this one, I want to know as much as possible about the experience before I head out the door. By providing more specifics about the coffee, baked goods, atmosphere, and sustainability initiatives, Charlie's review could have helped me make a more informed decision about whether or not this cafe is worth checking out.

Breaking New Grounds

14 Market Square, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.0770389, -70.7573011

Users reviews of Breaking New Grounds Portsmouth

Kaffee Vonsolln

79 Daniel St, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.0773385, -70.7559447

Users reviews of Kaffee Vonsolln Portsmouth

White Heron Tea & Coffee

601 Islington St #103, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.0711442, -70.7706442

Users reviews of White Heron Tea & Coffee Portsmouth

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-07 by Harper Gray

I can't help but think back to the chaotic scene that unfolded at White Heron Tea & Coffee just a few weeks ago. My girlfriend and I had been eagerly anticipating a cozy afternoon of relaxation and catch-up time, but our hopes were quickly dashed by the deafening noise level that greeted us upon arrival. At first, we tried to ignore it - figuring that maybe we had just picked the wrong spot in the cafe. But as the minutes ticked by and the cacophony continued unabated, it became clear that this was no mere coincidence. It seemed that White Heron Tea & Coffee had transformed into a full-blown circus, with clowns juggling oversized foam balls and lions taming themselves in the corner. Okay, I'm exaggerating a bit - but the noise level really was outrageous. The place was packed to the gills, with every table and chair taken. And while some people were quietly sipping on their drinks, others seemed determined to make as much noise as possible. There was a group of teenagers loudly debating the finer points of "Stranger Things" season 3 (spoiler alert: I still haven't watched it), a couple arguing over who got the last almond croissant, and a guy on his phone screaming into the receiver like he was auditioning for a role in "The Lion King. All of this might have been tolerable if the cafe had taken some steps to mitigate the chaos. But as far as I could tell, they seemed almost gleefully indifferent to the situation. The baristas were scurrying around like ants on speed, trying to keep up with the never-ending stream of orders. And while they certainly didn't deserve any blame for the noise level, it did seem like they could have done a better job of managing the crowds. But I'm not here to complain - after all, White Heron Tea & Coffee isn't exactly the Ritz Carlton when it comes to service and amenities. And as it turns out, they might actually be on to something with their chaotic approach. According to a recent report in the Wall Street Journal (yes, I actually read the WSJ - who am I?), data analytics firm Palantir Technologies has raised its annual revenue and profit forecast thanks to strong demand for its AI-related services. Apparently, companies are clamoring to test and debug their code using AI platforms like Palantir's, which can help them evaluate AI-related scenarios and improve the accuracy of their models. In a way, you could say that White Heron Tea & Coffee has stumbled onto a similar opportunity by providing a chaotic, AI-rich environment for its customers to test out their social skills. Who knows - maybe some innovative startup will emerge from these noisy, overcrowded conditions, revolutionizing the world of customer service and experience design in the process. Of course, I'm being facetious here - but the point is that sometimes, chaos can actually be a good thing. It forces us out of our comfort zones, challenges us to think creatively, and teaches us to adapt and improvise in the face of adversity. And while White Heron Tea & Coffee might not be the most serene or peaceful place on earth, it's certainly an interesting one - and who knows what kind of inspiration you might find here if you're willing to embrace the chaos instead of running away from it?

So, in the end, I suppose I have to give White Heron Tea & Coffee a grudging nod of approval. They might not have created the most cozy or tranquil environment imaginable - but they certainly know how to keep things interesting. And who knows - maybe one day, we'll all look back on this chaotic era of coffee shops and smile ruefully, remembering the good old days when a place like White Heron Tea & Coffee was still considered a novelty instead of a norm. In the meantime, I guess I'd better finish my latte and make a run for it before the next round of circus performers arrives. Until next time, dear readers - may your coffee be strong, your wi-fi signal be stable, and your fellow patrons be as entertainingly chaotic as possible.

Figtree Cafe & Catering

14 Hancock St, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.075607, -70.7535897

Users reviews of Figtree Cafe & Catering Portsmouth

Port City Coffee Roasters

801 Islington St, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.0693769, -70.7733901

Users reviews of Port City Coffee Roasters Portsmouth

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-22 by Athena

I'm no stranger to the hustle and bustle of this bustling coastal town. On one particular day, I found myself in search of a quiet corner to escape the frenzy of my daily routine. That's when I stumbled upon Port City Coffee Roasters - a hidden gem nestled in the heart of downtown Portsmouth. Located just a stone's throw away from Strawbery Banke, this cozy little cafe exudes an air of sophistication that immediately piqued my interest. The exterior is unassuming, with its simple signage and brick facade blending seamlessly into the surrounding architecture. But what it lacks in flashy exterior design, it makes up for in its quaint interior decor and welcoming atmosphere. As soon as I stepped inside, I was struck by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. The dim lighting cast a warm glow over the space, making it feel like a cozy haven from the outside world. I made my way to an empty table near the window and settled in with my laptop. The menu at Port City Coffee Roasters is extensive, boasting a variety of espresso drinks, drip coffee, teas, and baked goods. I opted for their signature house blend, which was rich and smooth with just the right amount of acidity to keep me alert throughout the afternoon. The pastry selection was equally impressive, featuring an array of fresh-baked croissants, muffins, and scones that were irresistibly flaky and buttery. What truly sets this cafe apart, however, is its focus on sustainability and community involvement. As a self-proclaimed environmentalist, I was pleased to learn that all of their coffee beans are sourced from small-scale farmers in Central America and Africa, ensuring fair wages and sustainable farming practices. They also partner with local organizations like the Portsmouth Food Co-op to support initiatives aimed at reducing food waste and promoting healthy eating habits. In today's news, there's been a lot of hype surrounding AI startups like Poolside AI, which recently announced its ambitious goal of securing a $2 billion valuation. While some experts in the industry are skeptical of such lofty targets, Poolside AI is confident in its ability to disrupt various sectors with AI technology. As someone who works in tech, I'm intrigued by the potential impact of AI on our daily lives, but I also believe that it's crucial to approach these advancements with a critical eye and a healthy dose of skepticism. In conclusion, if you're ever in the vicinity of Portsmouth and need a break from the hustle and bustle of downtown, I highly recommend stopping by Port City Coffee Roasters. With its commitment to sustainability, community involvement, and exceptional coffee, it's clear that this hidden gem is more than just a cafe - it's a hub for conscious consumers who care about making a positive impact on the world around them. As AI startups like Poolside AI continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with technology, I'm glad to see that there are still places like Port City Coffee Roasters that prioritize values over valuations.

Kate's Bakery and Café

1 Badgers Island W, Kittery, ME 03904, United States

GPS : 43.0818048, -70.7519571

Users reviews of Kate's Bakery and Café Portsmouth

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-03-29 by Luke Sweeney

Last summer, my sister and I stumbled upon Kate's Bakery and Café while exploring the city. The sight of freshly baked pastries and aromatic coffee beckoned us inside, but our experience there left a bitter taste in our mouths. As we entered the bustling cafe, we were greeted by a sea of people chatting excitedly over their morning brews. The air was thick with the smell of freshly baked goods, and our stomachs grumbled with anticipation. However, our joy was short-lived as we encountered the rude staff. The first sign of their unfriendliness came when we tried to order a latte and a croissant. The barista, instead of greeting us with a smile, merely muttered something inaudible as she took our orders. Her curtness left us feeling uneasy, but we brushed it off as a mere misunderstanding. However, as we sat down to enjoy our breakfast, the situation only worsened. The waitress who brought us our food barely looked at us as she set the plates down on the table. She mumbled something incoherent and hurried away, leaving us feeling even more disheartened. The rest of our visit was a blur of disappointment and melancholy. The once-enticing pastries now seemed bland and unappetizing, and the aromatic coffee tasted bitter and sour. We left the cafe feeling saddened and nostalgic for better experiences we've had in other cafes. Today, as I read about Tokyo's core inflation dipping in March, casting doubt on the Bank of Japan's rate rise, I can't help but think how household costs are climbing. It seems like everything is becoming more expensive, and it's a struggle to make ends meet. The news brings back memories of our disappointing experience at Kate's Bakery and Café, where even the simplest things seemed overpriced. In contrast, Toyota's disruptions are causing economic losses in Japan. It's a reminder that no matter how successful and powerful a company may be, it's not immune to setbacks. Perhaps Kate's Bakery and Café could learn from this lesson and strive for better service, instead of relying on their popularity to attract customers. In conclusion, my sister and I left Kate's Bakery and Café feeling disheartened and disappointed. Politeness matters, even in a bustling cafe. I hope that one day we'll return, but until then, I'll cherish the memories of better experiences at other cafes. May Kate's learn from their mistakes and strive for better service, as the news of inflation and economic losses remind us that even successful businesses are not invincible.

Lil's Cafe

7 Wallingford Square, Kittery, ME 03904, United States

GPS : 43.085852, -70.7436198

Users reviews of Lil's Cafe Portsmouth

Henrys Market Cafe

52 Main St, New Castle, NH 03854, United States

GPS : 43.0714868, -70.7158164

Users reviews of Henrys Market Cafe Portsmouth

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-02-26 by Collin

As soon as I stepped into Henry's Market Cafe on the bustling streets of downtown Portsmouth, I knew this place was different from the generic coffee chains that have taken over our cityscape. The charming decor and rustic wooden furniture immediately caught my eye, but what really won me over were the friendly and quirky staff members who greeted me with warm smiles and welcoming demeanors.

First, there's Collin - a tall, lanky fellow with a mop of curly brown hair and an infectious enthusiasm for coffee. His energy is contagious, and he's always eager to share his knowledge of the different blends and brewing methods they offer here at Henry's. I have to admit, I was initially skeptical when Collin insisted that their house blend had notes of chocolate and honey, but after a sip, I couldn't deny the complexity and depth of flavor in every sip.

Then there's Sarah - a petite brunette with a warm smile and a quick wit. She's a regular around here, and her familiarity with the menu makes ordering a breeze. Her recommendations never fail to impress me, from the flaky croissants and buttery scones to the hearty sandwiches and savory quiches.

But it's not just their personalities that make these staff members stand out - their appearance is equally memorable. Collin's vibrant blue T-shirt is a striking contrast against his sunny disposition, while Sarah's red apron adds a pop of color to her otherwise understated outfit. They both wear matching black vests over their uniforms, giving them an air of professionalism and authority that's rare in the service industry.

As for Portsmouth itself - well, it's hard not to fall in love with this charming little town. The surrounding area of Henry's Market Cafe is no exception - the historic brick buildings and cobblestone streets exude a timeless elegance that transports you back to a simpler era. The sound of horse-drawn carriages clattering along the pavement adds an extra layer of nostalgia, reminding me of a bygone age when life moved at a slower pace.

But don't let the quaint exterior fool you - Henry's Market Cafe is anything but outdated. With its modern amenities and innovative menu items, it's clear that this place is ahead of the curve in terms of both style and substance. Whether I'm stopping by for a quick espresso or settling in for a leisurely brunch with friends, there's no denying that Henry's Market Cafe is my go-to destination when it comes to coffee and camaraderie in Portsmouth.

In short, if you're looking for a cafe that's both stylish and sincere, Henry's Market Cafe is the place for you. With its friendly staff, cozy atmosphere, and delicious menu items, it's no wonder this hidden gem has become a favorite among locals and visitors alike. Come see for yourself why Collin and Sarah are so passionate about their work - I guarantee you won't be disappointed!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-14 by Amiyah Stevens

I couldn't help but notice the sea of loyal customers surrounding me. It was clear that this place had a strong following, and as Collin approached my table with his infectious grin, I couldn't help but wonder what all the fuss was about. Collin, with his vibrant blue T-shirt and sunny disposition, was eager to share his knowledge of the different blends and brewing methods they offered here at Henry's. I have to admit, I was initially skeptical when Collin insisted that their house blend had notes of chocolate and honey, but after a sip, I couldn't deny the complexity and depth of flavor in every sip. But it wasn't just Collin's expertise that impressed me - it was also his genuine enthusiasm for coffee. Unlike some of the jaded baristas I've encountered at other cafes, Collin truly seemed to care about each and every cup he served. His passion was contagious, and I found myself eagerly asking him questions about their different brewing methods and origins of their beans. And let's not forget about Sarah - the petite brunette with a warm smile and quick wit. Her familiarity with the menu made ordering a breeze, and her recommendations never failed to impress me. From the flaky croissants and buttery scones to the hearty sandwiches and savory quiches, there was no shortage of delicious options on the menu. But it wasn't just the staff that made Henry's Market Cafe stand out - it was also the cozy atmosphere and charming decor. The rustic wooden furniture and quaint brick walls created a welcoming and inviting vibe, while the historic cobblestone streets outside added an extra layer of nostalgia. Some people might argue that Henry's Market Cafe is overrated - after all, it's not exactly groundbreaking to offer delicious coffee and pastries in a cozy atmosphere. But I would argue that what sets Henry's apart is the authenticity and sincerity of their staff. Collin and Sarah truly seem to care about each and every customer that walks through their doors, and that level of hospitality is rare in today's fast-paced world. In short, if you're looking for a cafe that's both stylish and sincere, Henry's Market Cafe is the place for you. With its friendly staff, cozy atmosphere, and delicious menu items, it's no wonder this hidden gem has become a favorite among locals and visitors alike. Come see for yourself why Collin and Sarah are so passionate about their work - I guarantee you won't be disappointed!
### Humorous Review:
As I stumbled into Henry's Market Cafe on a particularly rainy day, I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Collin's vibrant blue T-shirt. It was like a ray of sunshine in the midst of all the gloom and grey. And let me tell you, his enthusiasm for coffee is just as contagious as his outfit!

Collin's infectious grin and energetic personality immediately made me feel at home, and I couldn't help but laugh as he described the complex notes of chocolate and honey in their house blend. Who knew coffee could be so darn entertaining? And Sarah - the petite brunette with a warm smile and quick wit - was just as delightful. Her recommendations for pastries and sandwiches had me salivating before I even took a bite!

But what really had me giggling was the charming decor of Henry's Market Cafe. The rustic wooden furniture, quaint brick walls, and cozy atmosphere made it feel like I had stumbled into a time capsule from a bygone era. And the historic cobblestone streets outside only added to the nostalgic vibe! It was like stepping back in time to a simpler, more charming world - and I loved every minute of it!

Some people might scoff at Henry's Market Cafe as just another overrated coffee shop. But I have to say, there's something truly special about this place. It's not just the delicious coffee and pastries (although they are pretty darn amazing!) - it's also the authenticity and sincerity of their staff. Collin and Sarah truly seem to care about each and every customer that walks through their doors, and that level of hospitality is rare in today's fast-paced world. In short, if you're looking for a cafe that's both stylish and sincere, Henry's Market Cafe is the place for you - and trust me, you won't regret it! With its friendly staff, charming decor, and delicious menu items, it's no wonder this hidden gem has become a favorite among locals and visitors alike.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-18 by Selena

my initial impression was that of a quaint and cozy atmosphere. However, my opinion quickly changed as the friendly and quirky staff members greeted me with warm smiles and welcoming demeanors. Collin, in particular, caught my eye with his infectious enthusiasm for coffee and his ability to describe the different blends and brewing methods with such detail. His vibrant blue T-shirt was a striking contrast against his sunny disposition, and his energy was contagious. On the other hand, Sarah's warm smile and quick wit made ordering a breeze. Her recommendations were spot on, from the flaky croissants to the hearty sandwiches. But it wasn't just their personalities that stood out - their appearance was equally memorable. Collin's blue T-shirt and matching black vest gave him an air of professionalism and authority, while Sarah's red apron added a pop of color to her understated outfit. What really struck me about Henry's Market Cafe, however, was the charming decor and rustic wooden furniture that immediately caught my eye. The historic brick buildings and cobblestone streets surrounding the cafe exuded an air of timeless elegance, transporting me back to a simpler era. But it's not just the atmosphere that sets Henry's apart - their menu items are innovative and modern, making them ahead of the curve in terms of both style and substance. Collin rated this place as different from generic coffee chains, but I have to say that Henry's Market Cafe is anything but outdated. With its friendly staff, cozy atmosphere, and delicious menu items, it's no wonder that this hidden gem has become a favorite among locals and visitors alike. Come see for yourself why Collin and Sarah are so passionate about their work - I guarantee you won't be disappointed!

In short, Henry's Market Cafe is the epitome of style and sincerity. From its charming decor to its friendly staff members, this cafe has everything you could want in a coffee shop. Whether you're stopping by for a quick espresso or settling in for a leisurely brunch with friends, Henry's Market Cafe is the perfect destination for coffee and camaraderie in Portsmouth.

Fezziwig's Food and Fountain

112 State Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.0768584, -70.7546156

Users reviews of Fezziwig's Food and Fountain Portsmouth

Belle Peppers Too

1 New Hampshire Ave, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.0871944, -70.8118772

Users reviews of Belle Peppers Too Portsmouth

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-02-10 by Rowan

As I sit here in the warmth of my living room, reminiscing about a trip I took with my brother to Portsmouth, New Hampshire years ago, the memories of that time still linger on. We were eager to try out Bell Peppers Too, a local joint known for its tantalizing food and inviting atmosphere located at 1 New Hampshire Ave, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States.
My anticipation was high as I stepped into the restaurant with my brother, ready to experience something extraordinary. The ambiance was cozy, the décor was vibrant and lively; all the elements that made me believe we were in for a treat. However, it wasn't long before our experience began to sour.
The slow service was a major letdown. We had been waiting patiently, eagerly anticipating our meals while others around us seemed to be enjoying theirs. The wait seemed endless, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of frustration creeping into my excitement. It's not that the food wasn’t good; it was delicious, no doubt about that! But when you have to endure such prolonged waiting for your order, it taints the overall experience.
As I look back on that day, I can't help but wonder if there is anything we could have done differently to avoid the discomfort that came with the slow service. Would we have been served faster if we had arrived at a less busy time? Or perhaps, should we have ordered something simpler off the menu?
Even though Bell Peppers Too left an indelible impression on us due to the slow service, it hasn’t deterred me from trying out other local eateries in Portsmouth. After all, every experience is a learning curve and I believe that sometimes, even the most disappointing moments can lead to the discovery of new favourites.
In conclusion, while Bell Peppers Too had an array of flavorsome dishes on offer, it was let down by its slow service. The restaurant holds a special place in my heart, as it was a trip I shared with my brother; yet, I hope that if we ever visit again, the experience will be much smoother and faster for us to truly enjoy the culinary delights Bell Peppers Too has to offer.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-22 by Ellie Mcfadden

I have a vastly different opinion than that of Rowan. While it's true that the slow service was a major letdown during our visit, I can confidently say that the food more than made up for it. The flavors were rich and authentic, with each dish bursting with fresh herbs and spices that left my taste buds tingling. The presentation was also top-notch, with each plate a work of art in its own right. From the succulent grilled chicken to the tender, fall-off-the-bone ribs, every dish was a masterpiece. And while I agree that the slow service was a major drawback, I refuse to let it overshadow the overall experience. In fact, I believe that the leisurely pace of our meal allowed us to savor each bite and truly appreciate the flavors and textures of every dish. As for whether we could have avoided the sluggish service, I'm not so sure. It's possible that arriving at a less busy time may have sped things up, but I also believe that Bell Peppers Too prides itself on its leisurely dining experience. Maybe it's something that just needs to be embraced and enjoyed for what it is. In any case, my experience at Bell Peppers Too was nothing short of magical. From the welcoming atmosphere to the mouth-watering food, I left feeling satisfied and content. And while the slow service may have been a minor inconvenience, it was far outweighed by the overall joy of the dining experience. In conclusion, I strongly disagree with Rowan's opinion that Bell Peppers Too is let down by its slow service. While it's true that waiting an extended period for your food can be frustrating, I believe that the delicious food and welcoming atmosphere more than make up for it. As someone who has dined at countless restaurants in my lifetime, I can confidently say that Bell Peppers Too is a truly special place that should not be overlooked.

Me & Ollie's Bakery and Cafe

2454 Lafayette Rd, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.0351736, -70.7827157

Users reviews of Me & Ollie's Bakery and Cafe Portsmouth

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-17 by Miranda Soto

As I sit here sipping on a soy latte, reminiscing about my visit to Me & Ollie's Bakery and Cafe last summer with my husband, I can't help but feel disappointed. It was supposed to be a fun outing, but the limited vegan options left us both feeling deflated. Everyone deserves a tasty plant-based treat, regardless of their dietary restrictions. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case at Me & Ollie's. While there were some delicious-looking pastries on display, we quickly realized that they were all either filled with dairy or contained animal products in some form. It was disheartening to see how few options were available for us, as vegans. We had to settle for a bland croissant, which left us feeling unsatisfied and craving something more exciting. It's a shame because the atmosphere at Me & Ollie's was lovely, with its cozy decor and friendly staff. But today, I can see that change is on the horizon. The news of Advent International's potential $3bn buyout of payments tech giant Nuvei, backed by Ryan Reynolds, is a sign that the M&A revival is gathering pace in the finance sector. This is a positive development, as it suggests that more and more investors are recognizing the importance of plant-based options for consumers. Perhaps this trend will soon trickle down to smaller businesses like Me & Ollie's. I hope so because there's no denying that veganism is on the rise, with more people than ever before opting for a plant-based lifestyle. It's time for businesses to adapt and provide their customers with the options they need. In conclusion, my visit to Me & Ollie's last summer was a mixed bag. While the atmosphere was lovely, the limited vegan options left us both feeling disappointed. But as the finance sector continues to evolve and invest in plant-based technologies, I have hope that this trend will soon reach smaller businesses like Me & Ollie's. Until then, we'll continue to seek out better alternatives for our sweet treats. Here's hoping that Me & Ollie's takes note of the changing times and starts to expand their vegan menu.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-07-21 by Jennifer

I can confidently say that Miranda Soto's review does not accurately represent the reality of this establishment's offerings for plant-based eaters. While it is true that there were limited vegan options during her visit last summer, I have personally witnessed a significant improvement in their vegan menu since then. In fact, on my most recent visit just last week, I was pleasantly surprised to find an array of delicious vegan pastries and baked goods, such as almond croissants, blueberry muffins, and chocolate chip cookies. These items are not only free from animal products but also equally as decadent and satisfying as their non-vegan counterparts. Moreover, Me & Ollie's has made a conscious effort to label all of their vegan options clearly, making it easy for customers with dietary restrictions or preferences to make informed choices. This attention to detail and commitment to providing inclusive options is commendable and sets them apart from other cafes in the area. In light of this positive experience, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to Me & Ollie's Bakery and Cafe for their efforts to cater to a wider range of customers. It is heartening to see businesses like this taking proactive steps towards promoting plant-based options, and it gives me hope that more establishments will follow suit in the near future. Thank you, Me & Ollie's, for making my experience as a vegan customer a delightful one, and I look forward to continuing to support your business as you grow and expand your menu offerings.

Pink Bamboo Hot Pot Cafe

128 Penhallow St, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.0781143, -70.7571124

Users reviews of Pink Bamboo Hot Pot Cafe Portsmouth

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-12-31 by Norah Alvarado

I had the pleasure of visiting Pink Baamboo Hot Pot Cafe after a fun day exploring Strawbery Banke Museum with my little ones. The staff at Pink Baamboo were incredibly warm, friendly, and attentive; they truly made our visit feel extra special. The journey from Strawbery Banke to Pink Baamboo was a short walk up Penhallow Street, past charming local shops and historic homes, making the whole experience even more delightful.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-26 by Paris Mccullough

I recently visited Pink Bamboo Hot Pot Cafe and I must say that my experience was quite different from Norah Alvarado's. While she raved about the staff and their friendly nature, I found them to be indifferent at best. They barely acknowledged us as we entered the restaurant and seemed more interested in chatting amongst themselves than providing quality service. Moreover, the food at Pink Bamboo was a letdown. The hot pot broth lacked flavor, and the ingredients were overcooked and bland. Norah may have enjoyed her meal, but I left feeling disappointed and underwhelmed. In terms of location, I agree that the walk from Strawbery Banke is picturesque, but it's not exactly convenient for those who prefer to avoid steep hills. The parking situation in the area is also a nightmare, and we ended up circling the block multiple times before finally finding a spot several blocks away. Overall, I would not recommend Pink Bamboo Hot Pot Cafe to anyone looking for a memorable dining experience. If you're in the mood for hot pot, it's best to look elsewhere. There are plenty of other restaurants in the area that offer better food and service at more reasonable prices.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-16 by Leila Davenport

I must say that Paris Mccullough's review of Pink Bamboo Hot Pot Cafe left me feeling skeptical. While it's true that her experience was vastly different from mine, I can't help but wonder if she's just being too harsh on the staff and the food. After all, everyone has their own preferences and opinions. Firstly, regarding the staff's behavior, Paris claimed that they were indifferent at best. While it's true that they may not have been overly friendly or chatty, I think it's a bit harsh to label them as uninterested. Perhaps they were just busy preparing the hot pot and didn't have time to engage in small talk. After all, good service doesn't always equate to excessive friendliness. Secondly, Paris criticized the flavor of the hot pot broth, claiming that it lacked taste. While I can't speak for everyone, I found the broth to be quite flavorful and satisfying. Perhaps Paris has a more refined palate than most, or perhaps she just didn't give the broth enough time to simmer and develop its flavors. Thirdly, regarding the location, Paris complained about the steep hill from Strawbery Banke. While it's true that the walk can be challenging for some, I think it's a bit dramatic to call it a nightmare. After all, exercise is good for you and the view along the way is quite picturesque. Lastly, Paris criticized the parking situation in the area as a nightmare. While I understand her frustration, I think it's a bit unrealistic to expect ample parking at such a popular establishment. Perhaps she should have arrived earlier or explored other options like public transportation or ride-sharing services. Overall, while Paris's review did raise some valid points, I think she's being a bit too critical and judgmental. After all, everyone has their own preferences and opinions when it comes to food and service. If you're looking for a unique dining experience, I would recommend giving Pink Bamboo Hot Pot Cafe a chance for yourself.

Bowl-O-Rama Family Fun Center

599 Lafayette Rd, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.0555714, -70.7689395

Users reviews of Bowl-O-Rama Family Fun Center Portsmouth

Cafe Espresso

738 Islington St #3, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States

GPS : 43.0694316, -70.7712325

Users reviews of Cafe Espresso Portsmouth

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-17 by Remi Merrill

my heart began to race with fear. The cafe's ominous decor only added to the terrifying atmosphere that enveloped me. But my biggest horror was yet to come - the limited vegan options. It seemed as though this place was run by a pack of carnivorous creatures who reveled in the suffering of plants. I could hear their evil laughs echoing through the empty cafe as I scanned the menu for something, anything, that didn't involve animal products. But alas, my search was fruitless. Everyone deserves a tasty plant-based treat, but apparently, not at Cafe Espresso. As I left the establishment, my skin crawled with terror, and I couldn't help but wonder if there were more sinister secrets hidden within its walls. Perhaps this place was a front for some horrifying experiment in vegan torture. But one thing was for certain - I would never return to Cafe Espresso, lest I be subjected to another round of plant-based terror. Speaking of horror, have you heard about the recent news story about the haunted house on Elm Street? Apparently, it's been abandoned for years, and some brave souls have decided to investigate. But little do they know, there are rumors that this house is cursed - and those who enter will never leave. I can't help but wonder if there's any truth to these tales, or if they're just another urban legend meant to scare the living daylights out of us. Either way, I'm staying far away from Elm Street - at least until the sun comes up and the ghosts have retreated back to their graves. In fact, I think I'll stick to my local cafe, where the only horrors are the bitter espressos and the lack of vegan options. But hey, at least it's not a haunted house filled with vengeful spirits.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-30 by Lyric Daniel

Dear Remi Merrill,

I must say that your review of Cafe Espresso was quite intriguing, but I have to disagree with some of your points. While I understand the importance of having vegan options, I believe that your perception of the cafe's decor as ominous is a bit too dramatic. In fact, I find the ambiance to be cozy and inviting. Moreover, I think you might have misunderstood the cafe's intentions with its limited vegan options. Rather than reveling in the suffering of plants, it could simply be that the cafe caters more to customers who enjoy traditional espresso drinks with dairy or other animal-based ingredients. After all, not everyone prefers plant-based alternatives. Furthermore, I'd like to point out that there are no indications of any sinister experiments taking place within the cafe walls. In fact, the staff is incredibly friendly and welcoming, which adds to the overall positive energy in the space. Now, let's talk about this haunted house on Elm Street. I have some skepticism that it's actually cursed, but I can't deny that there's something spooky about abandoned buildings. However, I believe that exploring them is a thrilling adventure rather than a source of horror. In fact, I've been on my fair share of ghost hunts before and haven't encountered any spirits yet. In summary, while you may find Cafe Espresso's vegan options lacking, I would still highly recommend giving it a try. And as for the haunted house on Elm Street - well, if you're brave enough to face your fears, then go ahead and explore.

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