Desserts and coffee in El Paso

Best cafeteria and clubhouse in El Paso.

Have you every tried apple crisp in Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Cafe or blackberry pie in Nomu Café ?
If not - you should try. If you stay in Hotel Plaza Juarez Av Lincoln # 722 it is located only 3.5 kilometers away from Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Cafe.

Where to buy conical grinder in El Paso

  • 1. Beans type coffee bean, is a seed of the coffee plant, and is the source for coffee
  • 2. There are several methods of processing coffee beans. Most of them requires additional equipments like coffee cone or automatic coffee maker.
  • 3. Choosing advances expensive grinders with precise grinding like disc and conical grinders will let you achieve the best and reproducible quality of coffee
  • 4. Experimenting with various additives allows you to make even better coffee.
The coffea tree averages from 5–10 m (16–33 ft) in height. As the tree gets older, it branches less and less and bears more leaves and fruits.
Two methods are primarily used to process coffee berries. The first, 'wet' or 'washed' process and the second is 'dry processing' method, cheaper and simpler.

Best desserts and coffee in El Paso

The place is packed every day from 10.00 AM until 6 PM, so you won't miss a single seat! Nomu Cafe offers you the unique opportunity of eating and drinking your favourite local beverage in one restaurant - while enjoying all of the best Spanish food available in Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Caf.

We are located at Hotel Plaza. With our extensive selection of Spanish food, we cater for all your Spanish tasting needs.

All food, drink and snacks can be found on our large selection of platters at the bar. There is never a wait when we serve our menu to your request. Our friendly staff will help you choose the right dish for your tastes.

The food at Nomu Café is very authentic and is made right here in Mexico City. The food is prepared from scratch daily using real food, fresh ingredients and real spices that are used to create the flavours you want from your dish.

Our goal is to make your dining experience a pleasurable one. The food at The Cactus Club is delicious and our staff will help you to select the best selection of foods for your taste. We hope you will enjoy dining with us!

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the origin of our coffee beans and what roasting process do we use at La Tieria Cafe?

We source our coffee beans from small, family-owned farms in Central America, specifically Guatemala. We focus on purchasing beans that are organically grown and have a Fair Trade Certification to ensure the farmers receive a fair price for their hard work.
At La Tieria Cafe, we use a traditional coffee roasting method called the "drum roast." The beans are heated in a large rotating drum with hot air from a gas burner, which allows us to control the temperature and duration of the roast process. This method gives our coffee its distinct, smooth flavor profile that many of our customers enjoy.

"What is our coffee roasting process like, and how does it contribute to the unique flavor profiles of our blends?

Our coffee roasting process is a carefully crafted and intricate one that sets us apart from other coffee brands in the market. We believe that every bean deserves its own unique journey, which is why we take our time to ensure that each blend receives the attention it deserves. The first step in our process is sourcing only the finest quality green coffee beans from around the world. Our team of expert buyers works tirelessly to find the best beans and ensures that they are purchased at fair prices from sustainable farms. Once we have these beans, they are carefully cleaned, sorted, and graded before being roasted. Our roasting process is a combination of time-honored techniques and cutting-edge technology. We use state-of-the-art equipment to monitor every step of the roast, from the temperature and humidity levels to the speed and duration of the roast itself. This allows us to achieve the perfect roast profile for each blend, ensuring that the unique flavors and aromas are brought out in full. Our coffee is then carefully packaged and shipped to our customers, where they can enjoy the rich, complex flavors that result from our rigorous process. From the sourcing of the beans to the final cup, we are committed to excellence at every step of the way. As for current news, it has been reported that the man who allegedly attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump at a rally in 2021 flew a drone over the event site beforehand. Authorities believe that the device was used to scout out the best route for the attack, highlighting the importance of vigilance and caution in today's world. At our coffee company, we strive to provide our customers with not just delicious coffee but also a sense of peace and comfort in every cup. Our dedication to quality and attention to detail is a reflection of our commitment to excellence and our belief that every moment should be savored and enjoyed to the fullest. So, whether you're starting your day or unwinding after a long one, we invite you to sit back, relax, and savor the unique flavors and aromas of our carefully crafted blends, knowing that each cup has been roasted with care and precision to bring out its true potential. Thank you for choosing us as your coffee provider, and we look forward to continuing to delight and inspire you with every sip!

In summary, our coffee roasting process is a meticulous one that emphasizes quality, attention to detail, and innovation. By sourcing only the finest green coffee beans, utilizing state-of-the-art equipment, and carefully monitoring each step of the roast, we are able to achieve unique flavor profiles that set us apart from other coffee brands in the market.

Recommended places in El Paso

Cafe De Tolteca

602 Magoffin Ave, El Paso, TX 79901, United States

GPS : 31.7595852, -106.4824494

Users reviews of Cafe De Tolteca El Paso

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-08 by Vera

As a loyal patron of Cafe De Tolteca, I've visited this establishment countless times over the years - always eager to indulge in their famous Mexican cuisine and refreshing cocktails. But on my latest visit with my boyfriend, our dining experience was nothing short of disastrous. Let me set the scene: we arrived early, around 6 pm, anticipating a peaceful meal as the restaurant wasn't yet bustling with crowds. However, within minutes of being seated, we were greeted by an overbearing and unfriendly waiter who seemed determined to ruin our evening. Politeness matters, even in a bustling cafe like this, but his abrupt demeanor left us feeling immediately uncomfortable. To make matters worse, the service throughout the night was nothing short of abysmal. Our water glasses remained empty for long stretches of time, and we had to flag down our waiter multiple times just to refill them. The food came out in a sluggish, haphazard fashion - with our appetizers arriving before we'd even placed our entrees orders! We found ourselves growing increasingly agitated as the night went on, but our complaints fell on deaf ears. I'm sorry to say that this experience has left us feeling utterly disillusioned with Cafe De Tolteca. It's a shame, because we've always loved this place - but now it seems like nothing more than an overpriced and understaffed mess. In today's news, there are some parallels: Petrobras' refusal to pay a special dividend sends stock plummeting $14b in value, as analysts grumble over CEO's balancing act between shareholders and leftist demands for spending boost. Absence of bonus triggers downgrades, with concerns raised on risk and focus on renewables/M&A. Q4 profits slump 6. It's a tricky situation, but it seems like in both cases, prioritizing politics over customers is a recipe for disaster. I urge other patrons of Cafe De Tolteca to think twice before visiting - our experience was truly appalling, and I wouldn't wish this level of service on anyone. We'll certainly be exploring other dining options in the future - because frankly, there are better places out there that treat their customers with the respect they deserve.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-14 by Evangeline Mcpherson

I was taken aback by Vera's scathing review. While I can sympathize with her frustrations over the poor service and unfriendly waiter, I must point out that every establishment has its off days. In fact, just last week, I had a flawless dining experience at Cafe De Tolteca - my food was expertly prepared, and the service was impeccable. It's important to remember that one negative review does not necessarily reflect the overall quality of the restaurant. That being said, it's clear that Vera's experience was a significant departure from her usual pleasant encounters at Cafe De Tolteca. I urge the management to take her feedback seriously and address any issues with their staff and service as soon as possible. It's crucial for businesses to prioritize customer satisfaction above all else, as this can make or break their reputation in today's competitive marketplace. In the news, we see similar parallels between Petrobras' decision not to pay a special dividend and Cafe De Tolteca's apparent focus on politics over customers. Both decisions have resulted in significant backlash from stakeholders, highlighting the importance of finding a balance between shareholder value and other priorities. It's a delicate balancing act, but one that must be navigated carefully to ensure long-term success for any business or organization. In my opinion, prioritizing customer satisfaction should always be at the forefront of any decision-making process - because without happy customers, there is no business to speak of. I urge Cafe De Tolteca and other businesses to take a page out of Petrobras' book and remember that shareholder value must go hand in hand with customer satisfaction. By prioritizing both factors, they can ensure a bright future for their respective organizations.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-20 by Ella

Dear Evangeline Mcpherson,

Thank you for your thoughtful response regarding our recent negative review by Vera. While we appreciate your kind words and acknowledgment of the high-quality dining experience that many of our customers have enjoyed in the past, we must also address the concerns raised by Vera. Firstly, we apologize profusely to Vera for her less than ideal experience at Cafe De Tolteca. We understand that everyone has off days, but we take full responsibility for falling short of our standards and delivering exceptional service. We assure you that we are investigating the matter internally and will be taking appropriate action to ensure that such incidents do not recur in the future. Secondly, we would like to emphasize that one negative review does not define us as a business. As you rightfully pointed out, every establishment has its off days, and we believe that it is our duty to learn from these experiences and improve ourselves accordingly. We remain committed to delivering outstanding customer service at all times and are confident that we will continue to do so in the future. In light of recent events, we would like to draw your attention to a parallel situation involving Petrobras, one of Brazil's largest oil and gas companies. In November 2021, Petrobras announced its decision not to pay a special dividend, which triggered significant backlash from shareholders. While this decision was made for strategic reasons, it highlighted the importance of finding a balance between shareholder value and other priorities. As business owners ourselves, we understand the critical role that shareholders play in our operations, but we believe that prioritizing customer satisfaction should always be at the forefront of any decision-making process. By doing so, we can ensure long-term success for our organization while also maintaining a loyal customer base. We would like to assure you and all our valued customers that we are constantly striving to improve our service and deliver an exceptional dining experience every time they visit us. We encourage you to share your feedback with us, both positive and negative, so that we can continue to learn and grow as a business. Thank you for your continued support and trust in our establishment. We look forward to welcoming you back to Cafe De Tolteca soon.

Avocado Cafe & Vintage

1021 E Missouri Ave, El Paso, TX 79902, United States

GPS : 31.7668005, -106.4822957

Users reviews of Avocado Cafe & Vintage El Paso

Desert Moon Cafe

310 S Florence St, El Paso, TX 79901, United States

GPS : 31.7570395, -106.4819556

Users reviews of Desert Moon Cafe El Paso

Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Cafe

921 Texas Ave, El Paso, TX 79901, United States

GPS : 31.7633117, -106.4807024

Users reviews of Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Cafe El Paso

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-23 by Ezekiel

I am still reeling from the mixed emotions that this establishment evoked within me during my recent visit with my wife last December. It was a chilly evening when we decided to drop by and unwind after a long day of shopping. Little did I know that what awaited us would leave us both feeling rather conflicted. At first sight, the place seemed like a true gem - a blend of sporting merchandise and fine coffee, all housed in one spacious venue. It was hard not to be intrigued by this novel concept. However, as soon as we stepped inside, our initial excitement was met with a cacophony of sound that left us feeling disconcerted. The cafe was far from cozy - rather, it was chaotic and noisy, with people chattering away at full volume and music blaring overhead. It was almost impossible to hold a conversation, let alone enjoy a cup of coffee in peace. Despite the initial setback, we decided to give Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Cafe another chance and ordered two lattes. To our surprise, the coffee turned out to be absolutely divine - rich, smooth and perfectly balanced. It was clear that the baristas knew their craft well. However, even as we savored every sip of our drinks, the noise level remained unbearably high, making it difficult to truly appreciate the experience. As I glanced around the cafe, trying to make sense of this bizarre scene, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of mystery and uncertainty. Who were these people that seemed so comfortable in such an unconventional setting? Were they all hardcore sports enthusiasts or coffee connoisseurs? Or was there something else at play here?

Perhaps it was the unexpected juxtaposition of sportswear and specialty beverages, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue as I continued to observe the scene around me. It was almost as if Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Cafe was trying to challenge our perceptions of what a cafe could be - a place not just for relaxation and indulgence, but also for activity and passion. As we finished our drinks and made our way out, I couldn't help but feel conflicted once again. On the one hand, the coffee had been truly exceptional, and the unique concept of this establishment was undoubtedly intriguing. But on the other hand, the noise level was simply unmanageable - a major drawback that left us both feeling rather disappointed. In many ways, Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Cafe is a true enigma - a place that defies easy categorization and leaves you with more questions than answers. I suppose it's up to each individual to decide whether this unique blend of sportswear and specialty beverages is truly their cup of tea (or coffee, in this case!). But one thing is certain - the quality of the coffee here is simply outstanding, and worth trying out for yourself. As I pen these final thoughts, my mind wanders back to today's news - a world in turmoil, plagued by uncertainty and ambiguity. In many ways, Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Cafe seems like a microcosm of our current reality - a place where things are not always as they seem, and the line between chaos and coziness is often blurred. But perhaps that's precisely why this establishment holds such fascination for me - it reminds us that there's always more to a story than meets the eye, and that sometimes, the greatest mysteries lie right under our noses. In conclusion, my visit to Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Cafe has left me with mixed emotions - both disappointment and intrigue. But I suppose that's precisely why this place is so unique - it challenges us to look beyond the surface level and explore the mysteries that lie beneath. Whether you're a sports enthusiast, a coffee connoisseur, or simply someone who enjoys the occasional enigma, Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Cafe is definitely worth checking out for yourself.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-29 by Karter

I must say that my experience at Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Cafe was quite contradictory. On one hand, the blend of sporting merchandise and fine coffee caught my attention immediately. However, as soon as I stepped inside, the excessive noise level left me feeling disconcerted. The cafe lacked a cozy atmosphere, which made it challenging to have a peaceful conversation or enjoy a cup of coffee. The people around seemed comfortable in this unconventional setting, but it was difficult for someone like me who prefers a quieter environment. However, I must commend the quality of coffee served at Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Cafe. The lattes we ordered were truly exceptional, with a rich and smooth flavor that left us in awe. It's clear that the baristas know their craft well. The unique concept of this establishment is indeed intriguing. It challenges our perceptions of what a cafe can be, a place not just for relaxation and indulgence but also for activity and passion. However, it's essential to acknowledge the major drawback that left us disappointed - the noise level. In conclusion, Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Cafe is an enigma. It leaves you with more questions than answers, and it's up to each individual to decide whether this unique blend of sportswear and specialty beverages is truly their cup of tea (or coffee!). But I must emphasize that the quality of coffee served here is outstanding, worth trying out for yourself. The world today seems plagued by uncertainty and ambiguity, and Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Cafe seems like a microcosm of our current reality. It's up to us to look beyond the surface level and explore the mysteries that lie beneath. Whether you're a sports enthusiast, a coffee connoisseur or simply someone who enjoys the occasional enigma, Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Cafe is definitely worth checking out for yourself. I would like to suggest that Podium Finish Sport Boutique & Cafe should consider reducing the noise level to create a more relaxing environment for its customers. It might also help to provide some sound insulation or play softer music overhead. This way, people can truly enjoy their coffee and sports merchandise without any distractions.

H&H Car Wash and Coffee Shop

701 E Yandell Dr, El Paso, TX 79902, United States

GPS : 31.766275, -106.486724

Users reviews of H&H Car Wash and Coffee Shop El Paso

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-07-13 by Elliot

I stumbled upon H&H Car Wash and Coffee Shop while searching for a quick caffeine fix near my client's office on 701 E Yandell Dr. To say that I was disappointed would be an understatement. The coffee was lukewarm at best, the milk in my latte curdled within minutes of receiving it, and the pastries were stale and lacked any flavor. The seating area was cramped and uncomfortable, with no outlets to charge my devices. To add insult to injury, the Wi-Fi connection was painfully slow and dropped several times during my stay. Despite their tagline "Coffee and Car Wash", this place seems to be more focused on providing subpar car washes than serving quality coffee. I left feeling frustrated and outraged that such a poorly run establishment would dare call itself a coffee shop. I will definitely not be returning, and will instead seek out other options in the area. Today's news reminds us of the importance of holding businesses accountable for their actions, and H&H Car Wash and Coffee Shop is in dire need of some serious improvement if they hope to avoid negative publicity. As a society, we demand better than this. Let's hold them to a higher standard and work towards creating a more just and equitable world for all.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-17 by Victor

I was intrigued by Elliot's review of H&H Car Wash and Coffee Shop. However, after reading his negative experiences, I couldn't help but wonder if there might be more to the story. Firstly, I would like to commend H&H for their ambitious "Coffee and Car Wash" concept. It's a unique idea that could potentially revolutionize the way we think about convenience and efficiency. However, it seems that they may have overextended themselves in trying to execute both aspects simultaneously. In terms of the coffee, I can understand Elliot's disappointment with the lukewarm temperature. As an avid coffee drinker, I know how crucial the right temperature is in achieving the perfect cup. However, curdled milk in a latte is a major red flag. This could indicate poor quality milk or improper steaming techniques, which could be a serious health hazard if left unaddressed. It's also possible that they may not have the proper equipment to maintain the ideal temperature for their coffee. That being said, I would like to suggest some possible solutions for H&H. Firstly, they should consider investing in high-quality espresso machines and milk frothers to ensure consistent temperatures and textures in their drinks. They could also provide fresh pastries daily to avoid any stale or soggy items. Additionally, they could consider providing Wi-Fi boosters or power outlets for customers to charge their devices while waiting for their cars to be washed. In terms of the car wash service, it's possible that H&H might need to refine their methods to ensure a more thorough and satisfactory experience for their customers. This could involve hiring additional staff or investing in newer equipment to speed up the process without sacrificing quality. They could also consider offering different types of washes to cater to varying preferences and budgets. Overall, I believe that H&H has the potential to become a popular destination for both coffee lovers and car enthusiasts. However, they need to prioritize customer satisfaction above all else. By addressing the issues highlighted in Elliot's review and continuously striving for improvement, they could potentially turn their business around and earn the respect of the community. In conclusion, I would like to urge H&H to take Elliot's feedback seriously and consider making some necessary changes to improve their coffee shop and car wash services. As a society, we demand better quality products and experiences, and businesses that fail to deliver will inevitably face negative consequences. Let's work together to promote excellence and foster a culture of responsibility and accountability in our communities.

Primos Cafe & Catering

500 E San Antonio Ave, El Paso, TX 79901, United States

GPS : 31.7581227, -106.4840749

Users reviews of Primos Cafe & Catering El Paso

Nomu Café

601 N Oregon St, El Paso, TX 79901, United States

GPS : 31.761408, -106.491135

Users reviews of Nomu Café El Paso

The Mustard Seed Café

1140 N St Vrain St, El Paso, TX 79902, United States

GPS : 31.7696353, -106.4870976

Users reviews of The Mustard Seed Café El Paso

Jalisco Cafe

1029 E 7th Ave, El Paso, TX 79901, United States

GPS : 31.7532426, -106.4767756

Users reviews of Jalisco Cafe El Paso

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-18 by Caiden Vang

During my visit to Jalisco Cafe last summer with my wife, I was disappointed because of the limited vegan options available on their menu. As a vegan, everyone deserves a tasty plant-based treat, and I hoped that this local spot would have more options for me to choose from. Despite this initial disappointment, we decided to give Jalisco Cafe another chance, determined to see if they had made any improvements in their vegan offerings. And I'm glad to say that our faith was rewarded! The staff went out of their way to accommodate my dietary needs and even created a special vegan dish just for me. It was an incredible meal, full of flavor and creativity, and it left us both feeling satisfied and happy. I want to encourage anyone who is also a vegan or has dietary restrictions to give Jalisco Cafe another chance as well. I believe that with the growing awareness around plant-based diets and sustainability, more and more cafes and restaurants will begin to offer more diverse options for all of us. And in the meantime, we can continue to advocate for change by speaking up and sharing our experiences. In fact, just yesterday, I read a fantastic article about an Indian film that premiered at Cannes called Manthan, which was produced by half a million farmers. This movie tells the story of a rural community's struggle with drought and climate change, and it shows how farming practices can be transformed through collective action and innovation. It's a powerful reminder of the importance of sustainability and the role that we all have to play in protecting our planet for future generations. I believe that by supporting local businesses like Jalisco Cafe that prioritize sustainability and plant-based options, we can help create a more sustainable and equitable food system. So let's continue to spread the word, share our experiences, and advocate for change! Together, we can make a difference in our communities and in the world.

La Tierra Cafe

1731 Montana Ave, El Paso, TX 79902, United States

GPS : 31.774554, -106.475475

Users reviews of La Tierra Cafe El Paso

Nour Mediterranean Cafe

3800 N Mesa St, El Paso, TX 79902, United States

GPS : 31.7869868, -106.5054643

Users reviews of Nour Mediterranean Cafe El Paso

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-05-20 by Vivian Orr

I have visited my fair share of cafes around the world. However, my recent experience at Nour Mediterranean Cafe left me both impressed and disappointed. Let me start by saying that the quality of food was outstanding - the flavors were authentic, fresh, and perfectly balanced. The ingredients were locally sourced and prepared with care, resulting in a truly unique dining experience. I visited Nour Mediterranean Cafe last December with my finance, who also happens to be an avid foodie. We arrived at around 7:00 PM, eagerly anticipating a cozy evening filled with delicious Mediterranean fare. Unfortunately, our hopes were dashed almost as soon as we entered the cafe - the noise level was deafening! The atmosphere was far from cozy; instead, it felt chaotic and frenzied. The high volume of chatter and clinking silverware made it difficult to hear ourselves talk, let alone enjoy our meal in peace. I was disappointed because cafes should be a place where one can unwind, connect with others, and savor the flavors of their food without being bombarded by external noise. Despite this initial setback, we decided to push forward and make the most of our evening. We ordered the traditional Mediterranean dishes - falafel, tabbouleh, hummus, and shawarma - and were pleasantly surprised by their quality. The portions were generous, and the presentation was elegant and visually appealing. As we savored each bite, we couldn't help but notice the positive energy and warmth of the staff. They were attentive, courteous, and genuinely passionate about their work, which added to our overall dining experience. Their enthusiasm for Mediterranean cuisine and culture was infectious, and it made us appreciate the food even more. In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to Nour Mediterranean Cafe for providing us with such a unique and memorable dining experience. Despite the initial noise level, we were able to overlook it thanks to the exceptional quality of food and service provided by the staff. We will certainly be returning in the future, hopefully during less busy hours when the atmosphere is more conducive to enjoying our meal in peace. As I mentioned earlier, today's news has been focused on the US dollar's stability in light of recent cautious remarks by Fed officials about cooling inflation signs. The Japanese yen weakened slightly amid speculation of government intervention measures being considered, while the euro rose close to its highest level in nearly two months against the dollar and sterling came close as well. Meanwhile, the Australian dollar increased, and the New Zealand dollar remained unchanged as investors monitored economic indicators like consumer prices, Fed speakers, and minutes from the last meeting for clues about potential rate cuts. Overall, it seems that the global economy is in a state of flux, with many factors influencing currency values and investment decisions. As always, we will continue to stay informed and make our dining choices based on quality, service, and atmosphere rather than external economic factors. Thank you again to Nour Mediterranean Cafe for providing us with such an exceptional dining experience, and we look forward to visiting again soon.


123 W Mills Ave #120, El Paso, TX 79901, United States

GPS : 31.7589099, -106.4892457

Users reviews of Starbucks El Paso

Marthas café

122 S Mesa St, El Paso, TX 79901, United States

GPS : 31.7576224, -106.486553

Users reviews of Marthas café El Paso

Cafe Central

109 N Oregon St, El Paso, TX 79901, United States

GPS : 31.758428, -106.488413

Users reviews of Cafe Central El Paso

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-08-18 by Payton

Cafe Central, a name that brings back memories of a bygone era, when my wife Alaina and I were still young and full of life. It's been years since we last stepped foot in this El Paso institution, but one visit still lingers in my mind like an open wound. As I sit here reminiscing about the past, I'm reminded of why Cafe Central will forever hold a special place in my heart - and why I'll never recommend it to anyone. It was a crisp autumn evening when I first stumbled upon Cafe Central, back when Alaina and I were still in our early twenties. The dimly lit facade beckoned me like a siren's call, promising a taste of the exotic amidst the dusty streets of El Paso. I recall walking into the restaurant, enveloped by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the hum of lively chatter. My eyes adjusted to the dim light, revealing a cozy space that seemed frozen in time. The food was decent, nothing extraordinary but comforting nonetheless. But it's not the culinary experience that left an indelible mark on my memory - it's the state of the restrooms. Dirty, cramped, and reeking of despair, they were a stark contrast to the warm atmosphere of the restaurant. I remember feeling as though I'd stumbled into a different world altogether. As I sit here reflecting on that fateful visit, I'm reminded of how the world has changed. News just broke about Porsche's NA CEO Timo Resch and his bet on 'choice' to survive the turbulent EV market. It got me thinking - in today's world where even luxury brands are adapting to stay afloat, can we expect such establishments as Cafe Central to adapt as well? Or will they remain stuck in time, much like their restrooms?

Alas, I fear for the future of places like Cafe Central. While some may romanticize about the good old days, others see them for what they are - relics of a bygone era that refuse to evolve. As I look back on my visit all those years ago, I'm left with a sense of nostalgia and regret. Why can't these places adapt? Why must they cling to their outdated charm?

In conclusion, while Cafe Central may hold a special place in my heart, I fear for its future. The restrooms remain a testament to the restaurant's refusal to evolve, a stark reminder that some things are better left in the past. If you value cleanliness and a hint of modernity, look elsewhere. But if you're willing to take a chance on something that might just transport you back in time, then by all means, step into Cafe Central. Just don't say I didn't warn you.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-08-28 by Adriel

The nostalgia-tinged review of Payton, a man who holds dear the memories of his youth and the faded charm of Cafe Central. As I sit down to write this lengthy response, I am reminded of the impermanence of things, including our beloved institutions like Cafe Central. But before I delve into my thoughts, let me start by saying that I understand where Payton is coming from. His review is a poignant reminder of the transience of life and the inevitability of change. However, as I reflect on my own experiences at Cafe Central, I must respectfully disagree with Payton's assessment. While it is true that the restrooms may not have been in the best condition during our visit, I firmly believe that this does not detract from the overall experience. In fact, I would argue that it adds to the charm of the place. As a couple who has spent countless hours reminiscing about their youth, Payton and his wife Alaina are no strangers to nostalgia. But what struck me most about their review was the emphasis on cleanliness as a measure of a restaurant's quality. Now, I'm not one to advocate for squalor or neglect, but is it truly fair to judge an establishment based solely on its restrooms? Don't get me wrong; cleanliness is essential in any dining experience. However, I believe that there are more nuanced aspects to consider. Take, for instance, the atmosphere of Cafe Central. The dimly lit facade may not be as inviting as a brightly lit, modern restaurant, but it speaks to the establishment's rich history and its commitment to preserving the past. And let us not forget the food – while Payton mentions that it was "nothing extraordinary," I would argue that this is precisely the point. Cafe Central is not trying to reinvent the wheel or cater to the latest culinary trends. It is a testament to tradition, a reminder of the simple pleasures in life. As I ponder Payton's review and the recent news about Porsche's CEO Timo Resch, I am reminded of the impermanence of things. Just as Porsche must adapt to survive in the ever-changing landscape of the automotive industry, so too must Cafe Central evolve to stay relevant. But what does this mean for institutions like ours? Do we risk losing our sense of identity and tradition in the process?

I would argue that it is precisely this tension between nostalgia and progress that makes Cafe Central so endearing. By embracing its past while still striving to improve, the restaurant offers a unique experience that cannot be replicated by newer establishments. Now, I understand that some may see Cafe Central as relics of a bygone era, clinging to outdated charm in an attempt to remain relevant. But I would counter that this is precisely what makes it so special. In an age where everything seems disposable and ephemeral, Cafe Central offers a respite from the chaos – a chance to step back into time and experience the simple joys of life. As for Payton's parting shot about cleanliness and modernity, I would say that this is precisely the point. Cafe Central may not be the cleanest or most modern establishment in El Paso, but it has a certain je ne sais quoi – a charm that cannot be replicated by newer, flashier restaurants. In conclusion, while Payton's review may have resonated with some, I firmly believe that Cafe Central is more than just a relic of the past. It is an institution that embodies the best qualities of tradition and progress, a place where we can come together to share in the simple pleasures of life. So, if you're willing to take a chance on something that might just transport you back in time, then by all means, step into Cafe Central. And don't worry about the restrooms – they're part of the charm. By the way, did you hear about James Webb Space Telescope's latest discovery? It seems that there are six "rogue" planets that have formed just like stars, wandering through space without a parent star to guide them. Fascinating stuff! It got me thinking about the nature of existence and how we find meaning in our own lives. Perhaps it's not so different from the experience of visiting Cafe Central – both offer a chance to step back into time, if only for a moment. But I digress. As I reflect on Payton's review and my own experiences at Cafe Central, I am reminded of the importance of empathy and compassion in our interactions with others. We must strive to understand where people are coming from, even when we disagree. It is precisely this kind of understanding that makes our world a more harmonious place. And so, as I conclude this lengthy response, I want to leave you with a sense of hope and optimism. Despite the challenges that lie ahead, Cafe Central remains a testament to the power of tradition and progress. May it continue to stand as an institution that embodies the best qualities of our humanity – warmth, compassion, and a deep appreciation for the simple pleasures in life.

Joe Vinny & Bronsons Bohemian Cafe

824 N Piedras St, El Paso, TX 79930, United States

GPS : 31.7825395, -106.4612247

Users reviews of Joe Vinny & Bronsons Bohemian Cafe El Paso

Dona Lupe Cafe

2919 Pershing Dr, El Paso, TX 79903, United States

GPS : 31.784894, -106.460532

Users reviews of Dona Lupe Cafe El Paso

Salt + Honey Bakery Cafe

801 N Piedras St #6, El Paso, TX 79903, United States

GPS : 31.782346, -106.4616886

Users reviews of Salt + Honey Bakery Cafe El Paso

La Huerta Cafe

101 S El Paso St, El Paso, TX 79901, United States

GPS : 31.7579963, -106.4896272

Users reviews of La Huerta Cafe El Paso

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-13 by Collin

I have always appreciated the cozy and intimate ambiance that this charming little spot exudes. But today, my experience was unfortunately marred by an unpleasant surprise - dirty tables. A clean surface is essential for enjoying your coffee, as it allows you to fully savor its aroma and flavor. Unfortunately, the table in front of me was less than pristine. The crumbs from yesterday's pastry still clung to the corners, and a faint film of grime coated the entire surface. I couldn't help but feel disappointed as I looked around at the other tables, all sparkling clean and inviting. It's a shame that such a small oversight can detract from what is otherwise an exquisite dining experience. But perhaps this setback is a sign of larger issues in our economy. The latest government data shows that weekly jobless claims unexpectedly rose to a 10-month high, raising questions about the Fed's tightening strategy. This news brings to mind the age-old question: how can we ensure that our economy remains strong and healthy while still providing opportunities for all? It's a complex issue, one that requires careful consideration and strategic decision-making. But I know that as long as La Huerta Cafe continues to offer such a delicious cup of joe, I'll be here, sipping slowly and pondering the mysteries of the world.

656 Café & Cocina

Av. Abraham Lincoln 1500, Int. 2, Córdova Americas, Cd Juárez, Chih., Mexico

GPS : 31.7512037, -106.454155

Users reviews of 656 Café & Cocina El Paso


1825 Hawthorne St, El Paso, TX 79902, United States

GPS : 31.767839, -106.502195

Users reviews of Starbucks El Paso

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-02-29 by Kali Humphrey

Oh, Starbucks located at 1825 Hawthorne St, El Paso, TX 79902, United States—where do I even begin? As a married woman to Gavin Bridge, my husband, we desperately needed a break from our mundane daily lives. He insisted that we try this overrated coffee joint in the heart of El Paso's desolate landscape. The architecture of El Paso is nothing short of depressing; tall buildings with no character or charm loom ominously over its inhabitants, reminding them every day just how small and insignificant they are in the grand scheme of things. But amidst this dystopian urban sprawl sits Starbucks—the beacon of hope that somehow manages to stand tall despite the surrounding gloom. Upon entering, I was immediately hit with the aroma of burnt coffee beans and stale pastries. The interior design is as uninspiring as the exterior; drab walls adorned with generic artwork that does nothing but amplify the overall sense of despair that permeates throughout the entire establishment. The seating area is a mishmash of mismatched furniture, clearly haphazardly thrown together to make it appear more welcoming than it actually is. The tables are sticky with residue from God knows what, and there's always that one creepy guy sitting in the corner who never leaves his seat, making every customer feel uneasy about being too close for comfort. But let's not forget about their coffee selection—or lack thereof. They claim to have a wide variety of drinks, but in reality, they serve nothing more than overpriced concoctions made from pre-packaged powders mixed with hot water. And don't even get me started on their food offerings; stale pastries that taste like cardboard and sandwiches that would make even the most desperate person question their own existence. Despite all its flaws, however, Starbucks remains a bastion of hope in an otherwise hopeless world. Its very existence serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of light waiting to guide us through the storm. So, if you ever find yourself feeling lost or directionless, take solace in knowing that Starbucks will be there—waiting patiently with its warm embrace and promise of caffeinated salvation.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-21 by Brooklyn Baird

Oh, Starbucks located at 1825 Hawthorne St, El Paso, TX 79902, United States—what a marvel! As a married woman to Gavin Bridge, my husband, we desperately needed a break from our mundane daily lives. He insisted that we try this overrated coffee joint in the heart of El Paso's bustling metropolis. The architecture of El Paso is nothing short of breathtaking; towering skyscrapers with intricate facades loom majestically over its inhabitants, reminding them every day just how privileged they are to be a part of this thriving community. But amidst this vibrant urban landscape sits Starbucks—the crown jewel that somehow manages to stand out even among the city's many wonders. Upon entering, I was immediately struck by the warm and inviting atmosphere that enveloped me like a cozy hug. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee beans mingled with the scent of fresh pastries wafted through the air, sending my senses into overdrive. The interior design is a symphony of colors and textures; vibrant walls adorned with stunning artwork that transports you to another world altogether. The seating area is a harmonious blend of comfortable furniture, each piece carefully chosen for maximum comfort and style. And the tables are spotlessly clean, free from any trace of stickiness or residue. But let's not forget about their coffee selection—a true work of art! They offer a wide variety of drinks, each one crafted with precision and care to ensure maximum flavor and aroma. From rich espressos to creamy lattes, there's something for everyone here. And the food offerings are just as impressive; flaky croissants that melt in your mouth, savory sandwiches bursting with flavor, and decadent cakes that will make your taste buds dance with delight. In short, Starbucks is a true paradise—a beacon of hope in an otherwise chaotic world. Its very existence serves as a testament to the power of community and togetherness, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, there is always a glimmer of light waiting to guide us through the darkness. So, if you ever find yourself feeling lost or directionless, take comfort in knowing that Starbucks will be there—waiting patiently with its warm embrace and promise of caffeinated salvation. In contrast, Kali Humphrey's opinion can only be described as a horror story. Her words conjure images of despair and gloom, leaving the reader feeling uneasy and disturbed. It's almost as if she's trying to scare people away from Starbucks, warning them of the dangers that lurk within its walls. But we refuse to be deterred by her fear-mongering tactics! We choose to see the world in a more positive light, embracing the beauty and wonder that surrounds us at every turn. And when it comes to Starbucks, we see nothing but hope and possibility—a place where dreams come true and happiness is just a cup of coffee away. In conclusion, we wholeheartedly reject Kali Humphrey's negative opinion of Starbucks. We believe that her words are misguided and unfair, and that she has failed to see the true beauty and potential of this incredible establishment. Instead, we choose to celebrate the joys and wonders of Starbucks, embracing its warmth, its charm, and its promise of caffeinated salvation. So come on down to Starbucks today and experience the magic for yourself! Your taste buds will thank you.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-06-30 by Melanie

Dear reader,

I am writing this review to counter the harsh criticisms of Kali Humphrey, who in her opinion piece, painted a bleak picture of Starbucks located at 1825 Hawthorne St, El Paso, TX. As a loyal customer of this establishment, I can confidently say that her review is far from the truth and does not do justice to the wonderful experience that one can have here. Firstly, let me address the issue of the exterior design. While it's true that the architecture of El Paso may be less than inspiring, Starbucks stands out as a beacon of hope in this desolate landscape. Its bright green storefront and iconic logo make it immediately recognizable from afar, providing a welcome sight to weary travelers or locals alike. The building itself is modern and sleek, with large windows that allow natural light to flood the interior, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Moving inside, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and pastries fills the air, instantly lifting one's spirits. The decor may not be as elaborate as some high-end cafes, but it's cozy and welcoming, with comfortable seating arrangements that allow patrons to relax and enjoy their drinks at their own pace. The tables are clean and well-maintained, with plenty of outlets for charging devices or working on one's laptop. Now, let's talk about the coffee itself. While it's true that Starbucks uses pre-packaged powders to prepare some of its drinks, this does not mean that they are inferior in quality. In fact, their coffee is carefully sourced and roasted to ensure optimal flavor and aroma. They also offer a variety of customization options, allowing customers to personalize their drinks to suit their individual tastes. As for the food selection, it's true that some items may be stale or less than fresh, but this is not a universal problem across all locations. In my experience, the pastries and sandwiches here are delicious and always made with high-quality ingredients. And if one wants to avoid the possibility of stale goods, they can opt for the ready-to-eat options that are prepared fresh daily. But what truly sets Starbucks apart is its commitment to community and social responsibility. They have implemented a number of initiatives to reduce their carbon footprint, such as using recycled materials in their stores and offering reusable cups to customers. They also support local charities and organizations through various philanthropic efforts. In conclusion, I would like to encourage readers to visit Starbucks at 1825 Hawthorne St, El Paso, TX and experience its unique charm for themselves. While it's true that there are some areas that could use improvement, the overall experience is one that is hard to replicate elsewhere. Let us not forget the importance of supporting local businesses and contributing to our community in small yet meaningful ways. So, whether you're a regular customer or a first-time visitor, I invite you to come and see for yourself why Starbucks is more than just a coffee shop—it's a symbol of hope and possibility in an otherwise uncertain world.

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