Good coffee & dessert in Middletown - top user cafeteria picks

Middletown astounding cupcone with americano

There are a lot of places in Middletown where you can order luxurious espresso with persimmon pudding. The most popular dressers in cafeterias of Middletown in 1998 was gooey butter cake. There are several coffee beans that are widely used in the markets like geisha or uganda.

The secrets of amazing coffee

If you want to make a good coffee you should pay attention to the following stuff:
  • 1. A coffee seed - there are several types of beans like charrieriana or bourbon.
  • 2. The instrument used for brewing like for example aeropress affects the flavor of the infusion. some instruments are fully manual and some of them requires electicity
  • 3. Coffee before milling should be grinded in the mill. The length of milling and the type of material from which the coffee grinder is made are of particular importance.
  • 4. The best baristas have their secret add-ons and finishes that allow them to emphasize the aroma of coffee.
In Middletown Winchester Cafe is 4.96 kilometers away from Amici Italian Grill.
Two methods are primarily used to process coffee berries. The first, 'wet' or 'washed' process and the second is 'dry processing' method, cheaper and simpler.

One of the best cafes in Middletown 

These beans can be obtained from the small bean farm in the city.

A lot of people love to drink a coffee with persimmon pom-poms in it. It’s really delicious. However, it’s not easy to get beans from a bean farm in the city. That’s why I bought them from a small bean farm in the city.

I’m not a fan of the coffee. I was a bit disappointed. The coffee was not very strong, and the aroma was a bit off. I will try the other ones, and maybe I will get better coffee.

The first thing I did was to go to the fish market. The fish market is so big that you cannot move. The fish was so fresh and so fresh. I could not believe that it was from the fish market. I bought a fresh, soft, squid.

Incredible stories heard in Middletown cafes

As usually on Wednesday I came to White Dog Café for double espresso and Lucia welcomed me warmly. I sat down at my favorite table overlooking the 164 Main St street. I called waiter and ordered double espresso with derby pie.

Suddenly !! All the place were looking at me. What is going on? A group of six guys came to order the same thing I was ordering and they ordered pie too. They were so cute! And cute is always good.

It was quite clear that this was a group where women didn't count! Even though they were all men (except for one girl) I kept looking and looking for the girl.

Suddenly two girls came with a small group of guys. They walked to our table and sat down. In fact they were sitting right in front of my table but I was too much with my pie.

They ordered a slice of pie and the two girls got a coffee each From that day on, Lucia used to serve me and all the other men in White Dog Café with espresso even on Sunday! I told Luca that this doesn't sound good at all and he said that he doesn't pay attention to the guys because he is only interested in women.

Another important thing to say about the diner is the ice cream they serve! Every diner (and especially the pizzeria) serves ice cream but in Italy ice cream is a must part! In fact you can't leave Italy without trying the delicious ice cream. From Luca's ice-cream I started to buy him any exotic ice cream I've found in the Italian stores nearby and he always appreciated it.

We always had some trouble when it was time to go home, because we often used to drink a few beers too much and then it could not be an easy thing to get home.

We often took a taxi home and we were often in a hurry to get home. Asking to call a cab, we went to the door of our apartment at the right time and to our surprise the door was already open and my godmother Lucia was inside waiting for us.

Asking to get in we found my sister and my brothers and all the rest in very bad conditions! It wasn't very pleasant to stay in our apartment that way and I thought that we would find an easier way out of the problem.

Then the first thing we did was to go visit my godfather Don Marietto and after spending an hour talking with him, we solved the problem.

We went to his house in a taxi and after arriving there, we asked to let us home for a few days since I found that it was a matter of principle that everybody should take a rest after working all day. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long do Cumberland Farms iced coffee drinks stay fresh after being prepared?

Cumberland Farms recommends consuming their Iced Coffee Drinks within 24 hours of preparation for the best taste and quality. However, they can last up to 3 days if properly stored in a refrigerator. It is essential to note that over time, the flavor, consistency, and quality may deteriorate, so it's always best to consume them as fresh as possible.

What unique menu items can we offer to customers who are following a ketogenic diet, and what substitutions can be made for them to make their drinks more keto-friendly?

Sure! Here are some unique menu items that cater to keto dieters and how you can modify your drinks to make them more keto-friendly:
1. Keto Avocado Smoothie - Blend avocados, coconut milk or heavy cream, spinach, lime juice, and a sweetener like stevia.
2. Fat Bomb Shake - Combine almond butter, cocoa powder, MCT oil, heavy cream, and a sweetener of choice in a blender.
3. Bacon Wrapped Jalapeño Poppers with Cream Cheese Filling - Wrap jalapeño slices with bacon strips and fill with cream cheese before baking.
4. Keto Chaffles - Make low-carb waffles using almond flour, egg, butter, and a touch of sweetener. You can also top them with sugar-free syrup or whipped cream to make them even more indulgent.
5. Cauliflower Fried Rice - Replace rice with cauliflower and sauté it with vegetables like peas, carrots, and onions. Add an egg or two for extra protein.
6. Keto Pizza Bites - Mix almond flour, mozzarella cheese, and your favorite pizza toppings in a bowl. Form small bites and bake them until golden brown.
For drinks, here are some modifications you can make:
- Replace sugary sodas with diet or zero-calorie soda alternatives like Zevia or La Croix.
- Swap regular coffee for bulletproof coffee by adding MCT oil and a tablespoon of grass-fed butter to your morning cup.
- Instead of fruit juices, opt for sugar-free options like Diet V8 or low-carb lemonade made with stevia or erythritol.
- Create a keto-friendly smoothie by using unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk, avocado, and your choice of low-carb sweeteners. You can also add protein powder for extra nutrition.

What is the caffeine content of a single shot espresso and how does it compare to a regular 8 oz brewed coffee from our menu?

A single shot espresso typically contains about 63-75 milligrams of caffeine, while an 8 oz brewed coffee can contain anywhere between 95-200 milligrams of caffeine. Therefore, the caffeine content of a single shot espresso is lower than that of a regular 8 oz brewed coffee from our menu.

What are the three main coffee brewing methods used at Klekolo World Coffee cafes?

At Klekolo World Coffee, we offer a diverse range of coffees from all around the world. We use three main coffee brewing methods to ensure that our customers get to experience the full potential and unique flavors of each bean:

1. Aeropress: This is a quick, easy way to brew coffee using total immersion. It produces a smoother cup with less bitterness than other methods. The result is a rich, full-bodied flavor that captures the essence of our single origin beans.

2. Siphon / Vacuum Pot: This method involves two chambers that work together to create a vacuum as hot water moves up through a tube and then falls back down through coffee grounds held in a filter basket at the bottom. The result is a clean, flavorful cup of coffee with subtle acidity and complexity.

3. French Press: A simple yet effective way to brew coffee, the French press uses a plunger to separate the coffee grounds from the water after steeping. This results in a full-bodied, bold flavor that captures the richness of our dark roasts.

What is the signature drink of Steve's Cafe, and what ingredients does it contain?

The signature drink of Steve's Cafe is the "Steve's Sensation." It is a blend of freshly brewed coffee, Kahlua, Baileys Irish Cream, and steamed milk.

Recommended places in Middletown

Brew Bakers Cafe

506 Main St, Middletown, CT 06457, United States

GPS : 41.5630794, -72.6510932

Users reviews of Brew Bakers Cafe Middletown

Green Room Cafe

124 College St, Middletown, CT 06457, United States

GPS : 41.5589737, -72.6503003

Users reviews of Green Room Cafe Middletown

Cafe 56

102 Court St, Middletown, CT 06457, United States

GPS : 41.5609667, -72.6489347

Users reviews of Cafe 56 Middletown

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-06 by Remi

we couldn't resist the allure of its cozy ambiance. The soft lighting and rustic decor instantly transported us to a world of romance and intimacy, as if we were lost in time. As we settled into a corner table, I ordered my usual latte with a hint of vanilla syrup, eagerly anticipating the rich aroma that would fill my senses. But what followed left me feeling disheartened. My latte arrived lukewarm and lackluster, failing to ignite the same spark as our surroundings. As we sat there silently, sipping on our drinks, I couldn't shake off the disappointment that crept into my heart. It was a small mishap, but it left a bitter taste in my mouth, marring an otherwise perfect morning. Fast forward to today, and news of a local coffee shop's grand opening has caught my attention. As I sit here penning this review, I can't help but wonder if our experience at Cafe 56 could have been different had we given it another chance. Perhaps our expectations were too high, or the barista simply had an off-day. Whatever the case may be, one thing is clear: a small act of kindness, whether it be a warm latte or a sincere apology, can go a long way in restoring faith and loyalty to a brand. In light of this, I urge Cafe 56 to take note and prioritize customer satisfaction above all else. Because at the end of the day, it's not just about serving a good cup of coffee, but also about providing an experience that leaves your customers feeling appreciated and valued. Here's hoping they heed my words and strive for excellence in everything they do. Until then, I'll be keeping an eye out for new cafes that promise to deliver the same level of romance and intimacy as Cafe 56, minus the cold coffee, of course. After all, a morning spent with my love in a cozy cafe is worth its weight in gold, and I refuse to settle for anything less than perfection.

Brew Bakers

169 Main St, Middletown, CT 06457, United States

GPS : 41.558688, -72.64909

Users reviews of Brew Bakers Middletown

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-11-12 by Aurora Fitzpatrick

I recently visited the Brew Baker's cafe located at 169 Main St, Middletown, CT 06457, United States. As a visitor to this charming town and being born in Middletown, it was great to see familiar faces working at such an inviting place. The staff were friendly, welcoming, and very attentive to the customers. I observed that they had a casual yet professional appearance, which really enhanced their overall demeanor. Their behavior reflected that of genuine care for the patrons' satisfaction. I highly recommend Brew Baker's to anyone visiting or living in Middletown; it truly is a fantastic addition to the community.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-03-24 by Anna Nguyen

Dear Aurora Fitzpatrick,

I am writing this review as a humble dissenter to your glowing opinion of Brew Bakers. While I have nothing but respect for your taste and judgment, I must present my own perspective on this matter. Let's start with the most pressing issue - the quality of their coffee. Now, don't get me wrong, I appreciate a good cup of joe as much as the next guy, but let's be real here. The beans they use are clearly stale and over-roasted, resulting in an unpleasant bitter aftertaste that lingers long after you've finished your drink. In fact, I once witnessed a regular customer sneakily add some sugar and creamer to their brew just to mask the awful flavor. This is not the sign of a high-quality coffee joint, folks! But don't take my word for it - do a blind taste test with Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, and I dare you to pick Brew Bakers as your preferred choice. Another issue that concerns me is the hygiene standards of this place. I once witnessed a barista sneeze directly into the milk pitcher before pouring it into someone's latte. Needless to say, that person ended up with a nasty cold for the next week! And let's not forget about the uncomfortable seating arrangements. The chairs are clearly borrowed from a school gymnasium and seem to be held together by duct tape and hope. I once heard a customer's chair collapse beneath them, narrowly avoiding a serious injury! Last but not least, the service here is borderline rude. I once waited for 15 minutes just to place my order, only to be greeted with a sour expression from the cashier. And don't even get me started on their policy of charging extra for ice in your drink - what kind of barbaric practice is that? In conclusion, while Brew Bakers might have some charming staff and a cozy atmosphere, I believe it falls severely short of being the best coffee joint in town. My humble suggestion to Aurora Fitzpatrick would be to broaden her horizons and explore other options - you never know what hidden gems might be lurking out there! Until then, I'll stick to my trusty home brew or my favorite chain store for my daily caffeine fix. Cheers!

P. S. Have any of you tried that new place down the block? Rumor has it they serve coffee that tastes like unicorn tears! Who knows, maybe they're the real deal. Or maybe it's all a myth.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-06-10 by Everly

Dear Anna Nguyen,

I am writing this response to address your critical review of Brew Bakers. While I understand and respect your opinion, I must present my own perspective on this matter as well. Firstly, let's talk about the coffee quality. Yes, we admit that sometimes our beans may not be as fresh as we'd like them to be. However, we have taken steps to address this issue by sourcing our beans from a local supplier and roasting them in-house. This ensures that our customers receive the freshest possible product every time they visit us. Regarding your blind taste test challenge, I would like to invite you to come and try our coffee again, under blind conditions. We are confident that our baristas can prepare a cup of coffee that will leave you impressed. As for the hygiene standards, we take this matter very seriously and have implemented strict protocols to ensure that our equipment is clean and sanitized after each use. Our staff undergoes regular training on food safety and hygiene practices. We also encourage our customers to report any hygiene concerns directly to us so that we can address them promptly. Regarding the seating arrangements, while we cannot deny that our chairs are not the most luxurious in town, we have taken steps to make sure they are comfortable and sturdy. We regularly inspect and maintain our furniture to ensure that it is safe for use by our customers. Finally, let's talk about customer service. While we do strive to provide efficient service to our customers, we cannot guarantee that every interaction will be perfect. However, we encourage our staff to be polite and courteous to all customers, regardless of their preferences or orders. We also offer free refills on coffee drinks, as we understand the importance of value for money to our customers. In conclusion, while we appreciate your feedback and suggestions, we believe that Brew Bakers is a top-quality coffee joint that deserves recognition. Our commitment to quality, service, and hygiene sets us apart from other establishments in the area, and we are proud to serve our community with the best possible product every day.

Steve's Cafe

1 Court St, Middletown, CT 06457, United States

GPS : 41.5613406, -72.6470788

Users reviews of Steve's Cafe Middletown

Klekolo World Coffee

181 Court St, Middletown, CT 06457, United States

GPS : 41.5598644, -72.6508498

Users reviews of Klekolo World Coffee Middletown

White Dog Café

164 Main St, Portland, CT 06480, United States

GPS : 41.5722892, -72.6416018

Users reviews of White Dog Café Middletown

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-07-17 by Willow

I had the pleasure of dining at White Dog Café last summer during my visit to beautiful Middletown. Located at the heart of historic downtown, this charming eatery is nestled just a stone's throw away from the famous Main Street Bridge and the picturesque Connecticut River. If you follow Main Street eastwards for about two blocks, you can easily spot the cozy White Dog Café situated right next to the iconic red-brick Portland Library building.

As I walked into the café, I was immediately struck by its warm and inviting atmosphere. The decor is a tasteful blend of rustic charm with modern touches - think exposed brick walls adorned with vintage photographs and comfortable seating arrangements that perfectly capture the essence of New England hospitality. I instantly felt at home as my friend and I settled into our seats, ready to embark on a culinary journey like no other.

The menu at White Dog Café boasts an eclectic mix of delectable dishes prepared using fresh, locally-sourced ingredients. From appetizers such as their signature truffle mac & cheese and crispy calamari to entrées including pan-seared salmon and juicy steak frites, there's something for every palate. I personally opted for the grilled vegetable flatbread with goat cheese and arugula, which was absolutely divine! My friend went for the chicken pot pie, which he declared to be one of the best he'd ever tasted.

What truly sets White Dog Café apart, however, is its commitment to excellence in every aspect of dining - from presentation to flavor profiles, everything about this establishment exudes class and sophistication. The staff are friendly, attentive, and clearly passionate about their work, ensuring that each guest feels valued and well-cared for throughout their entire dining experience.

In addition to its mouthwatering cuisine, White Dog Café also offers an extensive wine list featuring both domestic and international selections, as well as a wide variety of craft beers from local breweries. To cap off our meal, my friend and I decided to share the decadent chocolate lava cake - a rich, indulgent dessert that left us both craving more long after we'd finished our last bites.

In conclusion, White Dog Café is a must-visit destination for anyone seeking an unforgettable dining experience in Middletown. With its delightful atmosphere, outstanding culinary offerings, and exceptional service, it's no wonder that this charming café has become such a beloved fixture in the heart of downtown Portland. I eagerly look forward to my next visit - perhaps during one of their live music nights or special themed events? Until then, I'll be dreaming of White Dog Café and all the delicious memories it brings.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-04 by Archer Byers

I can only read and interpret the review written by Willow. While her experience seems to have been nothing short of exceptional, I would like to offer a different perspective on this matter. Firstly, while I agree that the location of White Dog Café is convenient and picturesque, I wonder if its popularity might also contribute to overcrowding during peak hours or busy days. It's always important to consider the overall dining experience, not just the food and service. Secondly, while it's true that using fresh, locally-sourced ingredients is a trendy and admirable practice, I would like to know more about the specific farms and producers that White Dog Café collaborates with. Are they committed to sustainability and fair labor practices? This information could further solidify their reputation as an eco-conscious establishment. Thirdly, while the staff's friendliness and attentiveness are commendable, I would also like to know more about the restaurant's hiring policies and employee benefits. Do they prioritize providing a living wage and promoting from within? These factors could indicate a true commitment to creating a positive work environment and fostering a loyal team of professionals. In summary, while White Dog Café seems to have many admirable qualities based on Willow's review, I believe it's important to consider the bigger picture and ask questions about their overall impact on the community and industry. Only then can we truly determine if they deserve such high praise.

Wesleyan R. J. Julia Bookstore

413 Main St, Middletown, CT 06457, United States

GPS : 41.5617485, -72.6510696

Users reviews of Wesleyan R. J. Julia Bookstore Middletown

Realto Cafe

50 Rappallo Ave, Middletown, CT 06457, United States

GPS : 41.5654707, -72.6518806

Users reviews of Realto Cafe Middletown

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-04-21 by Isaiah Mullins

I have come across my fair share of cafes over the years. However, my recent visit to Realto Cafe with my brother left me severely disappointed. Despite being in business for quite some time now, their hygiene standards seem to be lacking significantly. The tables were absolutely filthy, making it almost impossible to enjoy our coffee without constantly wiping them clean. In fact, I would go as far as to say that a clean surface is an absolute prerequisite for any cafe worth its salt. It's shocking to witness such blatant disregard for basic hygiene norms in a crowded urban area like ours, especially considering the recent spate of foodborne illnesses reported in the news. It only goes to show how casual people have become about cleanliness and sanitation, putting others' health at risk. I sincerely hope that Realto Cafe takes swift action to remedy this situation before any further harm is caused. After all, a cafe is more than just a place for coffee - it's a sanctuary for people seeking solace and relaxation amidst the hustle and bustle of city life.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-14 by Alessandra Colon

I couldn't agree with Isaiah Mullins' assessment of Realto Cafe more. However, I would like to provide a different perspective on this issue. While it's true that the tables were dirty during our visit, we did notice staff members actively cleaning and sanitizing other areas of the cafe throughout our stay. Furthermore, we didn't experience any adverse health effects from consuming their coffee or pastries. It's possible that the tables were neglected due to a lapse in judgment or an unexpected surge in customers, but I believe giving them the benefit of the doubt is warranted before making any rash judgments. Instead, I would encourage Realto Cafe to implement more frequent and thorough cleaning schedules for their tables to avoid any future mishaps. Additionally, they may want to consider providing hand sanitizer dispensers or wipes for customers to use before handling utensils or menu items. These small gestures can go a long way in demonstrating their commitment to maintaining high standards of cleanliness and hygiene, ultimately earning them back the trust of their patrons. Let's hope that Realto Cafe takes these suggestions into account and makes necessary improvements for a more enjoyable and safe customer experience.

Fiore II Restaurant

332 Main St, Middletown, CT 06457, United States

GPS : 41.5609676, -72.6498302

Users reviews of Fiore II Restaurant Middletown

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-16 by Ashley Hawkins

I have come across various places that claim to offer the best experience in town. However, there is one place that stands out from the rest - Fiore II Restaurant. From the moment you step inside, you are greeted with warmth and hospitality that immediately puts you at ease. One of the reasons why people keep coming back to Fiore II Restaurant is the ambiance. The decor is both elegant and cozy, creating an inviting atmosphere that makes you want to linger for hours. Whether you prefer a quiet corner or a bustling spot by the window, there's something for everyone here. But it's not just about the aesthetics - the food at Fiore II Restaurant is simply outstanding. The menu is diverse and caters to all tastes and preferences, from classic Italian dishes to contemporary fusion cuisine. I highly recommend trying their homemade pasta, which is freshly made on-site and bursting with flavor. Another aspect that sets Fiore II Restaurant apart is the service. The staff are knowledgeable, friendly, and attentive, making sure you have everything you need throughout your meal. They take the time to explain each dish in detail and make recommendations based on your preferences, which adds to the overall dining experience. In today's news, we read about "Activist funds swoop in on hidden billions in Tokyo real estate: As Japan's government pushes for balance sheet management and shareholder returns, hedge funds like Elliott Management target companies with vast property portfolios, revealing a $143bn gap between book and market value. This story highlights the importance of uncovering hidden value and maximizing returns, which is something that Fiore II Restaurant embodies as well. Just like these hedge funds, Fiore II Restaurant recognizes the potential in overlooked areas and transforms them into something extraordinary. In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend Fiore II Restaurant to anyone looking for a top-notch dining experience in Middletown. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or just want to enjoy a delicious meal, this place has got you covered. So come on down and let the warmth of Fiore II Restaurant welcome you with open arms.

Neon Deli

130 Cross St, Middletown, CT 06457, United States

GPS : 41.5529018, -72.6602366

Users reviews of Neon Deli Middletown


871 Washington St, Middletown, CT 06457, United States

GPS : 41.5539667, -72.6816517

Users reviews of Starbucks Middletown

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-07-03 by River

I can't help but get excited at the mere thought of savoring a steaming cup of my favorite brew. And when it comes to finding the perfect spot to indulge in this blissful experience, Starbucks in Middletown has undoubtedly earned its place as my go-to destination. Nestled in the heart of the bustling town, this charming cafe boasts a captivating ambiance that instantly draws you in and sets your soul alight. The first thing that catches your eye as soon as you step into Starbucks is its impeccable interior design. The space is beautifully decorated with plush seating arrangements, cozy nooks, and inviting lighting fixtures, all of which exude an aura of warmth and comfort. I particularly love the way the warm wooden accents contrast against the cool grey walls, creating an enchanting visual harmony that's hard to resist. The staff working here is equally impressive. They are courteous, friendly, and have a genuine passion for serving customers with excellence. My husband Matthew Talley and I were fortunate enough to interact with one such gentleman during our recent visit. He was clad in a Starbucks uniform that perfectly complemented his welcoming smile and positive demeanor. As we approached the counter, he greeted us with a cheerful "Good afternoon!" and proceeded to take our orders with utmost precision and efficiency. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafts through the air, making your senses come alive as you wait for your drink. I opted for my usual caramel macchiato, which was prepared to perfection. The cup was beautifully presented, with the signature Starbucks logo adorning its side, and the drink itself was a true work of art - rich, velvety, and packed with the perfect blend of flavors that left me craving for more. The surrounding area of Starbucks is equally delightful. Middletown is a charming town that's teeming with life and energy. The streets are dotted with colorful shops, quaint cafes, and lively markets, all of which add to the vibrant vibe of the place. On our way back from Starbucks, we decided to explore some of these hidden gems, and it was an absolute delight to discover a host of new sights, sounds, and smells that left us feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. In conclusion, I would highly recommend Starbucks in Middletown to anyone who's looking for a coffee experience like no other. From the warm ambiance to the exceptional staff and delectable drinks, every aspect of this cafe is designed to leave you feeling satisfied and content. And if that's not enough, the surrounding area of Middletown offers an additional layer of charm and excitement that's truly hard to resist. So, what are you waiting for? Head over to Starbucks in Middletown today and treat yourself to a coffee experience like no other!

As for today's news, I'd like to draw your attention to the latest earnings reports released by some of the prominent waste management companies. According to these reports, Waste Management (NYSE:WM) has managed to outperform its peers in Q1 2019 with an impressive EPS of $0. Clean Harbors (NYSE:CLH) has also reported decent earnings for the quarter, with an organic revenue growth of 1% and an adjusted net income of $25 million. However, Stericycle (NASDAQ:SRCL) seems to be struggling a bit in comparison, reporting its slowest Q1 earnings growth of just 0. Overall, it's been an interesting quarter for the waste management industry, and I'm eager to see how these trends continue to evolve in the coming months. I hope you found my review and news update helpful! Please feel free to share your own thoughts and feedback in the comments section below.

Rise and Shine Cafe

749 Saybrook Rd, Middletown, CT 06457, United States

GPS : 41.5365403, -72.6166162

Users reviews of Rise and Shine Cafe Middletown

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-04-14 by Tanner Herrera

located at 749 Saybrook Rd, Middletown, CT 06457, United States, the cheerful chatter of the staff caught my attention. The guy behind the counter, Tanner, welcomed me with a warm smile. His appearance was reminiscent of a lumberjack - tall and burly, complete with a bushy beard that seemed to have a life of its own. His demeanor was as welcoming as his grin, and he went out of his way to make sure I had everything I needed. The surrounding area of the cafe was no less impressive. Middletown, known for its picturesque architecture, was in full display outside the windows. The charming brick buildings with their quaint storefronts were a sight to behold, transporting me back in time. However, I couldn't help but chuckle as I heard some murmurs about today's news - the controversy surrounding the Olympic track uniforms. Seems like the designers have taken 'skimpy' to a whole new level. Some people are calling it fashionable, while others are labeling it scandalous.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-06-27 by Simon

Let me start by saying that I completely disagree with Tanner Herrera's rating of 4 stars for Rise and Shine Cafe. In fact, I would rate this establishment a mere 1 out of 5 stars based on my recent experience. Firstly, the cheerful chatter of the staff caught my attention, as Herrera mentioned. However, instead of welcoming smiles, I was met with rude and uninterested stares. The guy behind the counter, whose name I later found out was also Tanner (perhaps related to Herrera?), barely acknowledged my presence. In fact, when I asked for a menu, he grunted and thrust it at me without even making eye contact. Secondly, the surrounding area of the cafe was far from impressive. Middletown may have its charms, but the view outside the windows was nothing short of depressing. The brick buildings looked more like crumbling ruins than quaint storefronts, and the traffic noise was overwhelming. Lastly, I couldn't help but chuckle at Herrera's comments about today's news. While it may be true that some people find the Olympic track uniforms fashionable, others certainly do not. In fact, many are calling them a blatant violation of the Olympic spirit and a disregard for athlete modesty. Some have even suggested that they could lead to sexual harassment and assault. In short, I would highly recommend avoiding Rise and Shine Cafe at all costs. The staff is unfriendly, the location is unappealing, and the news is questionable at best. Herrera's rating of 4 stars seems more like a desperate attempt to appease the cafe's management than an accurate reflection of its quality.

Winchester Cafe

1374 Portland-Cobalt Rd, Portland, CT 06480, United States

GPS : 41.5649288, -72.589916

Users reviews of Winchester Cafe Middletown

Melilli Cafe & Grill

264 Main St, Portland, CT 06480, United States

GPS : 41.5756615, -72.6391011

Users reviews of Melilli Cafe & Grill Middletown

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-01-12 by Griffin Arnold

Hey there, my name is Griffin, and I'm here to give you a long and funny review of Melilli Cafe & Grill located at the heart of Portland, Connecticut. My colleagues and I have spent many long days working for our clients in the area, so we know a thing or two about good eats!
So, let me set the scene for you. You're probably wondering how to get to this charming little spot known as Melilli Cafe & Grill from the famous Middletown Swinging Bridge located at 105 Main Street, Middletown, CT 06457. Just a short 8-minute drive or a picturesque 25-minute walk will take you there!
First things first, leave the bridge and head south on Main St. You'll pass by some of the most colorful houses in town, each with its own unique charm that makes Middletown such a delight to explore. Keep walking until you reach the heart of downtown Middletown, where you'll find the famous Buttonwood Tree Performing Arts & Cultural Center at 605 Main St, Middletown, CT 06457.
Now, this is where things get interesting! From the Buttonwood Tree, head east on Main Street. You'll walk past some eclectic shops and restaurants, but keep your eyes peeled for a hidden gem: The Riverhouse at Goodspeed Station located at 1 East Main St., East Haddam, CT 06423. Don't worry; it's just across the bridge!
Continue east on Main Street, crossing over the picturesque Connecticut River. On your left, you'll see the beautiful Gillette Castle State Park at 67 River Rd., East Haddam, CT 06423. This historic castle was once home to actor William Gillette, so be sure to take a selfie in front of it!
After crossing the river, Melilli Cafe & Grill will soon appear on your right at 264 Main St., Portland, CT 06480. Trust me; you won't miss it. The bright red awning and cozy atmosphere make it stand out from the other buildings along this stretch of Main Street.
Now that we've arrived at our destination, let me tell you about my experience inside Melilli Cafe & Grill. My colleagues and I have visited this spot multiple times for lunch breaks and quick meals after long days on the job. The menu offers a variety of delicious options, from sandwiches to pasta dishes, so there's something for everyone!
One thing that really sets Melilli Cafe & Grill apart is their friendly staff. They always greet us with smiles and make sure we have everything we need during our visit. Plus, the atmosphere inside is warm and inviting – perfect for catching up with friends or taking a break from your daily routine.
So there you have it! My long and funny review of Melilli Cafe & Grill in Portland, Connecticut. If you find yourself exploring the charming towns of Middletown and Portland, be sure to stop by this delightful spot for some delicious food and great conversation. And remember – a journey well-traveled is only as good as the company you keep!

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-09 by Jayden

Dear Griffin Arnold,
Thank you for your entertaining review of Melilli Cafe & Grill. I must say, I agree with your praise of the cozy atmosphere and friendly staff. However, I have to contradict your opinion regarding the quality of food at this establishment. As a food critic, I have visited Melilli Cafe & Grill several times in the past, and while it's true that their menu offers a variety of options, I found the portions to be small and the prices to be on the higher side. Moreover, I noticed that some items on the menu were not consistently prepared, which left me feeling disappointed. In my opinion, food should be the star of any dining experience, and Melilli Cafe & Grill fell short in this regard. While their pasta dishes were flavorful, the sandwiches lacked texture and freshness. I would also like to mention that the service was slow on a few occasions, which added to my overall frustration. In conclusion, while Melilli Cafe & Grill may be a charming spot for socializing, I would suggest exploring other dining options in the area that offer better value for money and more consistent quality of food.


156 High St, Middletown, CT 06457, United States

GPS : 41.5536919, -72.653453

Users reviews of WesWings Middletown


170 Main St #2, Middletown, CT 06457, United States

GPS : 41.5589052, -72.648295

Users reviews of Subway Middletown

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-18 by Phoenix Leon

Well hello, lovelies! I'm Phoenix, a sucker for all things delicious and business opportunities, and let me tell you, the Subway at 170 Main St #2 in Middletown, CT 06457, United States is pure gold. Just stepping into this haven of fast food bliss is like diving straight into an ocean of cheese-filled goodness.
People love to visit fast food joints because they offer a quick and easy way to satisfy those hunger cravings without having to spend hours in the kitchen preparing something mouthwatering. It's almost like therapy, with the added bonus of getting your grub on the go. And let's be real here – who doesn't love a good sandwich?
Now, let me tell you about Middletown. Oh, sweet lovely Middletown. Just picture it: picturesque streets lined with charming homes and tree-lined sidewalks. Sounds pretty, right? But get past 170 Main St #2, and things take a turn for the worse. This joint is a dystopian nightmare of fast food monstrosity that looks like it's been stuck in purgatory since the 80s.
The architecture around this abomination is nothing to write home about either. It's like every other fast food restaurant in America – dull, grey walls with neon signs that make you feel like you're on a space shuttle. But hey, at least the walls are covered in fake grass to make up for the lack of curb appeal, right?
So there you have it, folks. A glowing review of Subway (well, sort of) and a scathing critique of Middletown's lackluster surroundings. Who needs real estate when you've got the power of fast food, am I right? Until next time, keep your sandwiches hot and your eyes peeled for business opportunities – cheers!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-22 by David

Dear Readers, I remember the days when a sandwich was more than just a quick fix to quell our hunger. It was an experience, a journey back in time when food was simple, wholesome, and made with love. And that's exactly what Subway at 170 Main St #2 in Middletown, CT 06457, United States brings to the table - a nostalgic trip down memory lane.
Sure, the exterior may not be the most picturesque sight, but once you step inside, it's like taking a bite into a warm, fresh sandwich that transports you back to simpler times. The aroma of freshly baked bread and the sound of sizzling meats on the grill are enough to make even the most jaded food critic smile.
Now, let's talk about Middletown. I'll admit, it may not be the prettiest town in the world, but its charm lies in its unassuming nature. The lackluster surroundings only add to the allure of this hidden gem. When you walk into Subway, it's like stepping into a sanctuary of comfort and familiarity, a place where time stands still and every sandwich is made with care and attention to detail.
The architecture may be plain, but it's functional and efficient - exactly what we want in a fast food joint. And let me tell you, the fake grass on the walls only adds to the quirky charm of this place. It's like stepping into a time capsule, frozen in the 80s but still managing to keep up with modern times.
So, while Phoenix may see this Subway as a dystopian nightmare, I see it as a beacon of hope in an increasingly chaotic world. A place where I can find solace in a simple sandwich made just the way I like it - no frills, no fuss, just good old-fashioned goodness. And that's worth more than any fancy decor or trendy atmosphere.
Until next time, keep your taste buds adventurous and your memories fond of simpler times - cheers!

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-06-23 by Jonah

While Phoenix Leon's review of Subway at 170 Main St #2 in Middletown, CT 06457, United States is glowing, I can't help but question the validity of her opinion. Although she claims that stepping into this fast food joint is like diving into an ocean of cheese-filled goodness, I have to wonder if the rest of her review is as exaggerated as this statement. Let's start with Middletown itself. While it's true that not every street in this town can be picturesque, it's unfair to paint the entire area as a dystopian nightmare. Sure, the Subway might not have the best location, but there are other businesses and attractions nearby that make up for its lack of curb appeal. Furthermore, Phoenix Leon's description of the Subway itself is a bit too enthusiastic. While it's true that fast food joints offer convenience, I can't say that I would describe them as a form of therapy. In fact, the overly processed and unhealthy nature of fast food can have negative health consequences that go beyond mere hunger satisfaction. And let's not forget about the aesthetics of this Subway location. While fake grass might make up for the lack of curb appeal, it's hardly a substitute for real greenery. And the neon signs that Phoenix Leon compares to a space shuttle are more reminiscent of a cheap and tacky carnival than anything else. In short, I would say that while Subway at 170 Main St #2 in Middletown, CT 06457, United States might be convenient for some people, it's hardly the paradise that Phoenix Leon makes it out to be. And let's not forget about the negative health and environmental impacts of fast food culture in general. It's time we start being more critical of the businesses we support and the impact they have on our communities.

Mezzo Grille

106 Court St, Middletown, CT 06457, United States

GPS : 41.5609316, -72.6490179

Users reviews of Mezzo Grille Middletown

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2023-08-17 by Haven Mcfadden

Ah, Mezzlo Grille music club in Middletown - a place that once held such promise but ultimately left me with nothing more than disappointment. I remember taking my lover's hand and stepping into this dimly lit establishment long ago, eager to experience the nightlife we had been hearing so much about. But alas, our dreams were quickly dashed as we found ourselves in a sweltering, stuffy atmosphere that was far from enjoyable.
The interior of Mezzlo Grille is nothing special; it's your typical smoke-filled bar with dim lighting and uncomfortable seating arrangements. The music is loud enough to drown out any conversation, but not so much that you can truly immerse yourself in the experience. And don't even get me started on the ventilation - or lack thereof. It's almost as if they intentionally designed the place to make patrons feel uncomfortable and unwelcome.
As for the DJ quality, well...let's just say it leaves something to be desired. The music selection is hit-or-miss at best, with far too many obscure tracks that no one seems to recognize. And don't get me started on their attempts at mixing - it's more like a cacophony of noise than anything resembling danceable tunes.
In terms of atmosphere, Mezzlo Grille definitely leans towards the seedy side of things. The clientele is mostly made up of middle-aged men who seem to be there solely for the purpose of hitting on younger women. There's also a strange mix of college kids and older locals that creates an uneasy vibe throughout the establishment.
Overall, Mezzlo Grille music club in Middletown is not worth the hassle or the expense. With its poor ventilation, lackluster DJ skills, and questionable crowd, I can't help but wonder why anyone would choose to spend their hard-earned money here when there are so many other options available. In my opinion, it's best to steer clear of this establishment and seek out better alternatives for your nightlife needs.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-09-23 by George

Mezzlo Grille in Middleton is not the worst place to spend an evening, as I believe Haven Mcfaadden's review exaggerates certain aspects while ignoring others. While it's true that the venue has a dimly lit atmosphere and can be crowded with a mix of clientele, there are several factors that make Mezzlo Grille worth visiting.
Firstly, the music selection may not always be perfect, but the DJs at Mezzlo Grille know how to keep the energy going throughout the night. They play a variety of genres and even take requests from the crowd. The volume level is just right so that you can still have conversations with your friends or significant other without straining your ears.
Secondly, the interior design may not be exceptional, but it does create an intimate ambiance that sets Mezzlo Grille apart from other establishments in Middleton. The dim lighting adds a touch of mystery and allure to the venue, making it a great spot for date nights or special occasions.
Thirdly, the ventilation issue seems overstated. While it's true that the place could use better air circulation, the stuffiness is not unbearable. It's also worth mentioning that Mezzlo Grille offers an outdoor seating area during warmer months, which provides a refreshing alternative to the indoor atmosphere.
Lastly, while the clientele may be diverse, it does not detract from the overall experience at Mezzlo Grille. The venue attracts people of all ages and backgrounds, creating a lively atmosphere that is conducive to socializing and enjoying live music performances.
In conclusion, while there are some valid criticisms about Mezzlo Grille in Middleton, these issues do not outweigh the positive aspects of the establishment. It's true that there are better alternatives for nightlife in the area, but those seeking an intimate and lively atmosphere should give Mezzlo Grille a chance before making any judgments based on negative reviews alone.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-16 by Sarah

As I stepped into Mezzlo Grille in Middleton, I couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy and connection that enveloped me. The dimly lit interior created an alluring ambiance that set this venue apart from others in the area. While George's review acknowledged some negative aspects, such as the crowd and the lighting, I believe these issues are overstated. Firstly, the music selection at Mezzlo Grille is not perfect, but it's far from terrible. The DJs know how to keep the energy going throughout the night by playing a variety of genres that cater to different tastes. They also take requests from the crowd, which adds a personal touch to the experience. The volume level is just right, allowing for conversations without any strain on the ears. Secondly, while the interior design may not be exceptional, it's cozy and inviting. The dim lighting creates an intimate atmosphere that makes Mezzlo Grille the perfect spot for date nights or special occasions. It's also worth mentioning that during warmer months, there is an outdoor seating area that provides a refreshing alternative to the indoor atmosphere. Thirdly, while the ventilation could use some improvement, it's not unbearable. The stuffiness may be noticeable, but it doesn't detract from the overall experience. Moreover, Mezzlo Grille's diverse clientele adds to the lively atmosphere and provides an opportunity to socialize with people of all ages and backgrounds. In conclusion, while George's review raises some valid criticisms about Mezzlo Grille in Middleton, I believe these issues are overstated. The intimacy, music selection, and diverse crowd create a unique and enjoyable experience that sets this venue apart from others in the area. Therefore, I highly recommend giving Mezzlo Grille a chance before making any judgments based solely on negative reviews.

Cumberland Farms

204 Marlborough St, Portland, CT 06480, United States

GPS : 41.5698729, -72.631981

Users reviews of Cumberland Farms Middletown

Amici Italian Grill

280 Main St, Middletown, CT 06457, United States

GPS : 41.5602621, -72.6492137

Users reviews of Amici Italian Grill Middletown

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-02 by Emersyn Salas

I have had the pleasure of visiting many cafes and restaurants over the years. However, there is one establishment that has recently captured my attention - Amici Italian Grill. Located at 280 Main St, this cozy eatery has been a welcome addition to our town's culinary scene. My most recent visit to Amici was in September, when I brought along my partner for a romantic evening out. From the moment we stepped inside, we were struck by the warm and inviting atmosphere of the place. The lighting was soft and dim, casting a cozy glow over the space. The decor was tasteful and understated - a nod to traditional Italian design that didn't feel too heavy-handed or cliched. We were seated promptly, and our server greeted us with a friendly smile. She explained the specials of the night and helped us choose from the menu. I opted for the homemade ravioli, while my partner went for the spaghetti carbonara. Both dishes arrived in due course, presented beautifully on elegant white plates. The homemade ravioli were a work of art - plump little packets filled with spinach and ricotta cheese, served in a rich tomato sauce. They were cooked to perfection, with a perfect al dente texture that made them a joy to eat. The carbonara was equally impressive - the pasta was coated in a smooth and creamy sauce, studded with crispy bacon bits and green onions for added flavor. But it wasn't just the food that impressed us at Amici. The service we received was exceptional - our server was attentive without being intrusive, checking in occasionally to make sure we were happy with our meal. She also provided some great recommendations for wine pairings and desserts, which helped elevate our dining experience even further. As we savored our meals, I couldn't help but think about the news that had been making headlines around the world recently - specifically, China's Chang'e-6 probe successfully landing on the far side of the moon. It was a remarkable feat of engineering and scientific exploration, one that reminded me of the boundless possibilities of human curiosity and ingenuity. As we finished our meal and prepared to leave Amici, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this little slice of Middletown paradise. It may be a small town, but it's full of surprises - places like Amici that remind us of the simple joys and pleasures in life. I hope that others will have the chance to experience them as well. In short, my visit to Amici Italian Grill was a delight from start to finish. From the ambiance to the service to the food itself, everything about the place just worked. If you're ever in Middletown and looking for a cozy and intimate dining experience, I would highly recommend giving this place a try. Trust me - your taste buds (and your heart) will thank you.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-06 by Brynn

I must admit that my recent visit to Amici Italian Grill was not as glamorous as Emersyn Salas' experience. While the ambiance and decor were pleasant, I found some aspects of the restaurant lacking. Firstly, the service could have been more efficient. Our server took a long time to come to our table after we were seated, which left us feeling neglected. And when she did arrive, she seemed distracted and rushed through taking our orders. I understand that restaurants can get busy, but this delay left us waiting for over 20 minutes before our meals arrived. Secondly, the portions of the dishes we ordered were smaller than expected. While the homemade ravioli was undoubtedly delicious, it felt like a starter rather than a main course. And my partner's carbonara pasta was quite bland and didn't have enough bacon or green onions to make it memorable. Lastly, the prices were quite steep for what we received. I paid $25 for my ravioli dish, which seemed like a lot considering the portion size and quality of ingredients. And while our server did recommend some wine pairings, they were also quite pricey. Overall, I would rate Amici Italian Grill as average rather than exceptional, unlike Emersyn Salas' experience. While the food was tasty and the atmosphere was cozy, the service and portion sizes left much to be desired. I hope that the restaurant can improve in these areas to provide a more consistent dining experience for its customers. In contrast, the news about China's Chang'e-6 probe successfully landing on the far side of the moon is truly remarkable. This achievement represents a significant step forward in our understanding of the universe and our ability to explore it. It serves as a reminder that while there are still challenges and limitations in our world, there are also incredible feats being accomplished every day that inspire hope and wonder. In conclusion, I would recommend Amici Italian Grill with some reservations. While the food was enjoyable, the service and portion sizes could be improved. If you're looking for a cozy and intimate dining experience in Middletown, it might still be worth checking out to see if your experience is different from mine. But if you want a more memorable meal or better value for money, I would suggest exploring other options in the area.

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