Top cafeterias in Dijon a for business metting

Where can I get wonderful ice creams and coffee drink in all Dijon

If you like coffee drinks like latte macchiato you can taste it in Columbus Café & Co in Dijon or Renaudot Sarl which is 600 m away from the Renaudot Sarl. All sulawesi toraja kalossi fans could find outstanding americano in the Arp Café located at 8 Rue Vauban, 21000 Dijon, France. Sitting at square wood coffee table with hummingbird cake and drinking cafe corretto is extraordinary. To get the best experience with your frappe you may need some equipment.

Coffee - more than just a drink - Joanna Guerra reports.

Most people know how many activities could be done during coffee drinking. Not only listening to music but also book reading are very popular.

Where to buy quality coffee

I like it in malais al d'arbeu.I like my coffee drink with coffee from my coffee shop or some place where you buy from, in the main street of Arp irursi.In Dijon you can find a variety of coffee shops and cafes, most of which are in the town and all have good food.The coffee bars with coffee from the coffeehouses in d'arbeu, Arp, Arleu and Brest can help you in choosing the best coffee that is available, the best coffee shop should offer both English and French coffee.I can tell you that I have tasted coffee in many places in d'arbeu. It is important that you have a cup of coffee at all times. You must take good care of your cup.

It is very expensive to buy an expensive coffee, even if you get it from a coffee machine or coffee machine with a nice sound, if you buy it on the streets you can lose it after you get it, and you should not buy it in your home or a place where you want to drink and have it with you.

Best coffee in town

Coffee from a coffee machine or coffee machine with sound should be made from good quality roasting water and it should be filtered so that it doesn't get bad taste or smell. If you are in a coffee shop and you see someone using a coffee machine without the water filter, and you have a cup of it you should tell this guy about it. You should ask if he would like to have it filtered.

He might try to buy a water filter for the coffee machine but it won't work. If you want to have a coffee machine for your family or work, you must ask if he likes coffee in cold water but this is not advisable if you work at the coffee shop or a coffee shop. If you want hot coffee with your coffee it's better than buying coffee . 

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the most popular coffee blend offered at Café de l'Industrie and what is its origin?

The most popular coffee blend offered at Café de l’Industrie is their "Industrial Blend." It is a mix of Arabica and Robusta beans sourced from Colombia, Brazil, and Central America. The blend was created by the café's founder, Jacques Néstor, in 1934, and it has since become a staple at Café de l’Industrie.

What are the most popular coffee blends offered at Caf & Co and what makes them unique?

At Café & Co, we offer a wide variety of delicious coffee blends. Our most popular coffee blends include the following:

1. Italian Roast: This classic coffee blend has a bold, dark flavor with notes of chocolate and nuts. It is made from a combination of Arabica and Robusta beans roasted to perfection.

2. French Vanilla: This smooth and creamy coffee blend features the rich flavor of freshly brewed coffee with a touch of vanilla. It's perfect for those who enjoy a sweeter cup of coffee.

3. Hazelnut Crème: This indulgent coffee blend combines the bold taste of our signature blend with the sweet aroma of hazelnuts and creamy notes. It's ideal for people who want their coffee with a hint of something extra special.

4. Dark Mocha: Our Dark Mocha blend is a rich, full-bodied coffee with added chocolate flavors that will satisfy your cravings for both coffee and cocoa at the same time.

5. Colombian Supremo: This smooth, balanced coffee offers notes of sweet citrus and subtle floral undertones. It is made from high-quality Arabica beans sourced directly from Colombia.

These popular blends are unique because they each offer a distinct flavor profile and can cater to different taste preferences. Our expert roasters meticulously select the best quality beans from around the world, ensuring that every cup of coffee you enjoy at Café & Co is as delicious as possible.

What is the special blend of coffee beans used in our signature "Arp's Delight" drink and where do they come from?

Arp's Delight is a unique, specialty blend created by us at Arp's Coffee. It features high-quality Arabica beans sourced from several different regions around the world. The blend includes beans from Colombia, Ethiopia, and Indonesia, each chosen for their distinct flavor profiles that complement one another to create a well-rounded and delicious cup of coffee.
The Colombian beans bring bright acidity and fruity notes, while the Ethiopian beans add floral aromas and complex flavors. The Indonesian beans contribute a rich, earthy taste that balances out the other components in the blend. We carefully select and roast these beans to ensure the perfect balance of flavors for our signature Arp's Delight drink.
Our goal is to provide coffee lovers with an exceptional tasting experience through the use of high-quality, expertly sourced ingredients.

What is the origin of our signature hot chocolate and how does it differ from traditional French hot chocolate?

The origin of our signature hot chocolate recipe is not definitively known, as it has evolved over time through various cultural influences. However, it is believed to have roots in Mesoamerican cacao beverages, which were consumed by ancient civilizations like the Mayans and Aztecs. These beverages were made from ground cacao beans mixed with water, chili peppers, and other ingredients.
The traditional French hot chocolate, also known as "chaud chocolat" or "l'autre chocolat," is a thick, velvety drink made by mixing melted chocolate with hot milk. It has a rich, smooth texture and is often served in small portions to savor slowly. The French hot chocolate recipe typically uses high-quality dark chocolate and may include additional ingredients such as sugar, vanilla, or spices like cinnamon or nutmeg.
Our signature hot chocolate recipe is inspired by the rich, velvety texture of traditional French hot chocolate but incorporates unique flavors and ingredients to create a one-of-a-kind experience. For instance, our recipe often includes a blend of dark and milk chocolate for a balanced flavor profile, as well as additional ingredients like cinnamon, nutmeg, or even chili pepper for an extra kick. The result is a warm, comforting drink that captures the essence of both French hot chocolate and the rich history of Mesoamerican cacao beverages.

Recommended places in Dijon

Le Grand Café

5 Rue du Château, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.3229842, 5.036888

Users reviews of Le Grand Café Dijon

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-14 by Clara Cantrell

it takes me back to a time long ago when I visited this charming establishment with my beloved sister. Our anticipation was high as we had heard great things about the café's exquisite cuisine and cozy ambiance. However, our experience left us somewhat disappointed due to the chaotic surroundings. The café's location in the heart of the bustling city center certainly had its advantages- proximity to major landmarks and a convenient location for meetings. But it also came with its own set of drawbacks- the constant hum of traffic, the clatter of footsteps on the pavement outside, and the cacophony of chatter from nearby cafes all added up to create an overwhelmingly noisy environment. We had hoped that Le Grand Café would be a peaceful haven, where we could enjoy our meals and catch up over coffee in serene surroundings. Unfortunately, the reality was quite different. The noise level was so high that it became difficult for us to hear each other speak, let alone enjoy the ambiance of the place. It almost felt as if we were seated right in the middle of a busy marketplace rather than a cozy café!

Despite this shortcoming, I must say that the food at Le Grand Café was nothing short of exemplary. The menu boasted an impressive variety of dishes from around the world- each one carefully crafted with the freshest ingredients and presented with artful flair. From the fragrant aroma of freshly brewed coffee to the delectable flavors of our entrees, every detail was attended to with meticulous care and attention. As I think back on that experience today, my mind is drawn to the current state of affairs in our city. The recent outbreak of the COVID-19 virus has brought about unprecedented challenges for all of us- but it has also served as a reminder of the importance of coming together as a community and supporting each other through difficult times. Le Grand Café, too, has risen to this challenge with admirable resilience and innovation. They have implemented stringent safety protocols to ensure that their patrons can enjoy their meals in a safe and hygienic environment. From contactless menus to mandatory mask-wearing for all customers, every precaution is being taken to minimize the risk of transmission. Moreover, Le Grand Café has also started offering special packages for takeaway and delivery orders- allowing customers to enjoy their favorite dishes from the comfort and safety of their own homes. This initiative is not just a practical solution for these trying times but also a testament to the café's commitment to serving its community in innovative ways. In conclusion, while my earlier visit to Le Grand Café may have been marred by its noisy surroundings, I am confident that this establishment has evolved and adapted over time to become an even more exceptional dining destination. Its unparalleled cuisine, stringent safety protocols, and innovative delivery solutions make it a standout choice for anyone seeking an enjoyable and safe dining experience in the city today. In these challenging times, we all have a role to play in supporting our local businesses and communities- and Le Grand Café is certainly one that deserves our continued patronage and support.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-08-11 by Alexa

A Horrific Review of Le Grand Café: A Descent into Madness**

As I sit here, trembling with fear, I am compelled to contradict the glowing review written by Clara Cantrell, a critic whose sanity seems to have been compromised by her experience at Le Grand Café. Her words are like a siren's song, luring unsuspecting diners into the very heart of chaos and despair. According to Cantrell, the café's location in the city center is its greatest asset, but I beg to differ. It's a cursed place, a hub of human activity that seems to suck the very soul out of those who dare to enter. The constant hum of traffic, the cacophony of chatter from nearby cafes, and the clatter of footsteps on the pavement outside are not just background noise - they're a cacophonous symphony of terror that threatens to drive you mad. And then there's the food. Cantrell raves about it, but I see only a desperate attempt to distract us from the horrors that surround us. The menu boasts an impressive variety of dishes, but each one is like a ticking time bomb, waiting to unleash its own unique brand of culinary terror upon your taste buds. But what really sends shivers down my spine is Cantrell's claim that Le Grand Café has "risen to the challenge" of the COVID-19 pandemic. Has she not heard the whispers in the darkness? The café's so-called "stringent safety protocols" are nothing more than a feeble attempt to placate the gods of disease and destruction. Contactless menus? Mandatory mask-wearing? These are but paltry measures against the coming apocalypse. And don't even get me started on their delivery solutions. It's like they're offering you a poisoned chalice, a Faustian bargain that will ensnare you in a web of culinary despair from which there is no escape. In conclusion, Le Grand Café is not a place for the faint of heart. It's a portal to another dimension, a realm of unspeakable horrors where the very fabric of reality seems to unravel before your eyes. Clara Cantrell may have fallen prey to its charms, but I warn you: do not be so foolish. Rating:** 1/5 stars (and that's being generous)

**Warning:** Do not eat at Le Grand Café unless you want to risk losing your mind forever.

Café de l'Industrie

15 Rue des Godrans, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.3243825, 5.0389387

Users reviews of Café de l'Industrie Dijon

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-02-21 by Josephine

Dear Josephine,

Thank you for your heartfelt letter expressing your love and admiration for our café. As the patron of Café de l'Industrie, I am honored to hear how deeply Max has fallen for us. It brings me great joy to know that we have played a part in cultivating such a special connection between him and his beloved wife.

At Café de l'Industrie, our goal is not only to provide the finest coffee but also to create an atmosphere where our patrons can feel at home, connect with their community and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. We are committed to using only the highest quality ingredients and employing expert baristas who take great pride in their craft.

It's clear from your letter that Max shares this passion for excellence and has become a true aficionado of our coffee culture. We are honored to be a part of his journey and look forward to welcoming him back again soon.

Please extend our warmest wishes to Max, and thank you once more for your kind words. We hope to continue serving as a beloved institution in the heart of Dijon and providing a space where our patrons can connect, relax and enjoy the simple pleasures of life, one cup at a time.

Best regards,
Dieter (Café de l'Industrie Patron)

Arp Café

8 Rue Vauban, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.3206366, 5.0408606

Users reviews of Arp Café Dijon

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-08-08 by Lucas Harper

sipping on a mediocre soy latte and gazing out at the celestial bodies that have captivated me since hearing about today's news of mini-moons potentially orbiting Earth long ago, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment wash over me as I realized that this quaint café, nestled among the stars in my heart, failed to provide even a fraction of the vegan options it promised, leaving me feeling like a lonely moon without its siblings, forgotten and unfulfilled.

Columbus Café & Co

4 Place Darcy, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.3234872, 5.0348986

Users reviews of Columbus Café & Co Dijon

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-06-03 by Kendall

Growing up in Dijon, I have always been fond of local cafes such as Columbus Cafe & Co located at Place Darcy. The architectural beauty around this square, with its 17th-century buildings and cobblestone streets, adds to the charm of this historic town. My business partner and I had visited Columbus Cafe & Co a few years back, and we were pleasantly surprised by their delicious pastries and cozy ambiance. The café has since expanded its menu and still remains our go-to spot whenever we're in Dijon.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-12 by Genevieve

Despite what Kendall seems to believe, Columbus Café & Co is not the perfect paradise he makes it out to be. Don't get me wrong, their pastries are undoubtedly delectable, but that is where the praise ends. The service at this establishment leaves much to be desired. During my recent visit, I waited for over 15 minutes just to order a simple coffee and croissant. The staff seemed disinterested in serving customers, constantly ignoring requests for refills or additional items. This lack of attentiveness is not an isolated incident either. Multiple other patrons have reported similar issues, leading me to believe that this is a recurring problem. Furthermore, the prices at Columbus Café & Co are exorbitant for the quality of service and food provided. A basic coffee and pastry combo can easily set you back over 10 euros, which is downright ridiculous. In comparison, other cafes in the area offer similar items at a much more affordable price point. I fail to understand why Columbus Café & Co thinks they can charge such exorbitant rates without any justification. Moreover, the ambiance of this café leaves much to be desired. The seating arrangement is cramped and uncomfortable, making it challenging to enjoy a leisurely meal or coffee break. The lack of natural light and proper ventilation further adds to the discomfort factor. This atmosphere does little to promote relaxation or productivity. In conclusion, I believe that Kendall's opinion is nothing short of misleading and flawed. While Columbus Café & Co may have some redeeming qualities, it falls significantly short in various critical areas. It is high time that the owners address these issues before the café loses its reputation entirely. Until then, I would advise other potential customers to explore alternative options in the vicinity. White dwarf enigma solved as study reveals solid crystals halt cooling with gravitational energy conversion
In a breakthrough that could help explain why some white dwarfs – the burnt-out husks of sun-like stars – have mysteriously low temperatures, new research suggests they contain solid carbon and oxygen crystals. These exotic materials have been predicted for decades but never definitively spotted, say astronomers. The study, published in Nature Astronomy, challenges a longstanding theory that white dwarfs cool down by emitting X-rays as their intense gravity pulls the light element hydrogen out of surrounding space and onto their surfaces. The team says instead some of these stars may lose heat through solid crystals of carbon and oxygen, which would be formed from the ashes of stellar nucleosynthesis – the creation of chemical elements in the fiery interiors of stars. The most massive white dwarfs could cool down to temperatures as low as absolute zero if they radiated away their heat only through X-rays,” said astronomer Dr Michael Zalewski from Durham University, UK. However, we have found evidence that some white dwarfs lose their heat through a different mechanism – the emission of infrared light from solid carbon and oxygen crystals. The team says if this process is confirmed it could help to explain why some white dwarfs appear to be cooler than predicted. The researchers say they also hope that further study could reveal whether these exotic materials form other types of stars as well, or are unique to white dwarfs.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-24 by Jasper Sampson

In stark contrast to the glowing review penned by Kendall, I must admit that my recent experience at Columbus Café & Co left me thoroughly unimpressed. While it is true that the café boasts a picturesque location in the heart of Dijon's historic district, its charm fades quickly once you step inside. Firstly, the ambiance is far from cozy. The décor is lackluster and outdated, with peeling wallpaper and mismatched furniture that looks as though it was salvaged from a thrift store. The lighting is dim and harsh, making it difficult to see the menu or enjoy your food. Secondly, the service is subpar at best. Our waiter seemed disinterested and unfriendly, barely acknowledging our presence. When we asked for recommendations, he grudgingly shrugged and mumbled something about their popular items. We ended up ordering the same pastries we've had before simply because they were familiar. Speaking of those pastries - while Kendall raved about them being "delicious," I found them to be mediocre at best. The croissants were dry and stale, the pain au chocolat was overly sweet and greasy, and the fruit tart was a bland mess. It's hard to believe that this café is still their go-to spot when there are so many other options in Dijon that offer much better pastries. Finally, the prices at Columbus Café & Co are exorbitant considering the lackluster quality of their products and service. Kendall's claim that "it's worth splurging a little for the experience" is nothing short of ridiculous in my opinion. I would much rather spend my money on a more enjoyable café with better pastries at a reasonable price point. In conclusion, while it's true that Columbus Café & Co has a charming location, this does not excuse its numerous flaws. I strongly advise anyone visiting Dijon to steer clear of this establishment and seek out better options elsewhere. Trust me - your taste buds (and wallet) will thank you.

Morning Glory Cafe

25 Rue des Godrans, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.3242203, 5.0388516

Users reviews of Morning Glory Cafe Dijon

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-10 by Keegan

I had been craving a delightful and relaxing atmosphere for quite some time, so when I discovered Morning Glory Cafe in Dijon, it was an absolute treat! As a student who's always looking for ways to save money, Morning Glory Cafe offered a wide variety of delicious dishes at affordable prices.
From the moment I stepped inside, I was greeted with warm smiles and delightful aromas wafting from the kitchen. The decor was cozy and inviting, reminding me of an enchanted forest, where sunlight peeked through the leaves overhead, casting dappled shadows on the floor. The ambiance was perfect for studying or simply enjoying a cup of coffee with a friend.
During my visit, I had the opportunity to witness something quite extraordinary. A strange visitor entered the cafe and immediately caught everyone's attention. It seemed as though he had come from another world, his eyes filled with curiosity and wonder. He wandered around the cafe, taking in every detail with a sense of amazement.
As the minutes passed, I noticed a growing sense of unease among the patrons. Whispers echoed through the room, and several customers began to gather their belongings, preparing to leave. It wasn't long before the police arrived, their presence casting an ominous shadow over the once tranquil space.
Despite the tension in the air, I remained calm and hopeful that everything would be resolved peacefully. The police officers approached the strange visitor with care and caution, guiding him to a quiet corner of the cafe where they could chat privately. As it turned out, the man had become lost and disoriented while wandering through the streets of Dijon.
I was amazed by how quickly the situation was resolved. The police officers displayed great empathy and understanding towards the stranger, offering him a cup of coffee and a warm blanket to keep him comfortable until his family could be contacted. In the end, I left Morning Glory Cafe feeling inspired and hopeful that even in difficult situations, kindness and compassion can prevail.
It's moments like these that remind me why Morning Glory Cafe is such a special place. Not only does it offer delicious food at affordable prices, but it also fosters an environment of warmth, acceptance, and understanding. If you ever find yourself in Dijon, I highly recommend taking a break from your busy day to visit this enchanting cafe. You never know what magical experiences await!

Caf & Co

27 Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.3251523, 5.0451815

Users reviews of Caf & Co Dijon

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-24 by Melissa Ward

I must say that the staff working here are an absolute delight. Their impeccable appearance and warm demeanor leave a lasting impression on every customer. The baristas behind the counter have a quirky yet professional style, with their black aprons and colorful bandanas tied around their necks. They move swiftly, yet not hurriedly, as they prepare your drink to perfection. It's almost as if they are in a dance routine, moving gracefully from one customer to another. Recently, during my visit, I witnessed an unusual occurrence that left me quite intrigued. A stranger walked into the cafe, causing a stir amongst the patrons. The staff immediately sprang into action and alerted the authorities. The police arrived promptly and the situation was handled efficiently. It's reassuring to know that Caf & Co takes the safety and security of its customers seriously. Speaking of new ideas and possibilities, I came across an interesting article in today's news about misogyny in music. As a musician myself, I can relate to the issue being discussed. It's disheartening to hear that women in the industry still face unwarranted advances and harassment. However, it's heartening to see that there is a growing awareness and conversation around this topic. Hopefully, we will see positive change soon. As for Caf & Co, I would like to commend them on their excellent service and warm ambiance. It's the perfect place to unwind after a long day or catch up with friends over a cup of coffee. The cozy seating arrangements, rustic decor, and aroma of freshly brewed coffee are sure to transport you to a world of comfort and serenity. In conclusion, I would highly recommend Caf & Co to anyone visiting Dijon. It's a hidden gem that is often overlooked by tourists, but deserves more recognition for its exceptional service and cozy atmosphere. Whether you're a coffee lover or simply looking for a peaceful retreat, this cafe has got you covered. Melissa Ward, on the other hand, is situated on a bustling street in the heart of the city. It's known for its vibrant vibe and eclectic crowd. During my visit to Melissa Ward, I witnessed a strange occurrence that left me quite surprised. A man entered the cafe, dressed in an unusual outfit that caught everyone's attention. He seemed to be lost or confused, as he kept looking around and muttering to himself. The staff at Melissa Ward were quick to respond and offered him assistance. They even called the police to ensure his safety. It was heartwarming to see the community come together in times of need. In terms of style and decor, Melissa Ward has a more contemporary feel compared to Caf & Co. The walls are adorned with colorful murals and graffiti, giving it a lively and eclectic vibe. The seating arrangements are more unconventional, with couches and bean bags scattered around the space. It's a perfect spot for those looking for an alternative experience beyond the traditional cafe setting. In conclusion, Melissa Ward is a unique and vibrant place that offers something different from the usual coffee shops in Dijon. Its quirky style and welcoming atmosphere make it a must-visit destination for anyone looking to explore new ideas and possibilities. Whether you're a local or a tourist, you are sure to have an unforgettable experience at Melissa Ward. As for the news about misogyny in music, it's unfortunate that women still face such blatant disrespect and harassment in their field. However, it's also encouraging to see that more and more people are speaking out against this issue. As musicians ourselves, my wife Kate and I believe that it's our responsibility to create a safe and inclusive environment for all. We strive to treat everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of their gender or background. In conclusion, we strongly support the conversation around misogyny in music and hope to see positive change soon. It's time for the industry to take a stand against such behavior and create a more equitable and supportive environment for all. As musicians, it's our duty to lead by example and set an example for others to follow. In summary, both Caf & Co and Melissa Ward are exceptional places that offer something unique and special. Whether you're looking for traditional charm or alternative vibes, these cafes have got you covered. We highly recommend visiting both of them during your stay in Dijon. As we continue to explore new ideas and possibilities, it's crucial that we remain curious and open-minded. We must strive to create a more inclusive and equitable society for all. Let's work together to make a positive difference and bring about positive change in our communities.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-26 by Austin Patton

I have to say that Melissa Ward is the clear winner when it comes to style and decor. While Caf & Co has its own charm and character, there's something truly unique and inspiring about the eclectic vibe of Melissa Ward. The colorful murals and graffiti on the walls are a far cry from the rustic decor of Caf & Co, but they're no less inviting or welcoming. In fact, I would argue that the unconventional seating arrangements at Melissa Ward make it a much more inclusive and accessible space for people with disabilities or mobility issues. While Caf & Co has its own merits when it comes to service and safety, I can't help but feel that Melissa Ward is much more in tune with the needs and desires of modern society. It's clear that Melissa Ward is a place that values creativity, individuality, and community above all else. In contrast, Caf & Co seems to be more focused on tradition and conformity. While this may have its own appeal for some people, I believe that it's important for us to challenge ourselves and think outside the box from time to time. Melissa Ward is a place that encourages us to do just that. As for the news about misogyny in music, I couldn't agree more with Kate and her perspective. It's appalling to see that women still face so much prejudice and harassment in their field, and it's time for us as musicians to take a stand against this behavior. We must strive to create an environment that is safe, supportive, and equitable for all, regardless of gender or background. It's our duty to lead by example and inspire others to do the same. In summary, while Caf & Co has its own charm and character, it's clear that Melissa Ward is the more innovative, inclusive, and inspiring space when it comes to style, decor, and community values. Whether you're a musician or just someone who loves to explore new ideas and possibilities, I would highly recommend visiting Melissa Ward during your stay in Dijon. It's a place that will challenge you, inspire you, and leave you feeling truly alive and engaged with the world around you.


86 Rue Berbisey, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.3182343, 5.0356058

Users reviews of CROCK ODIL CAFE Dijon

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-24 by Mariana

I'm always on the lookout for cozy cafes that offer delicious beverages and snacks. And let me tell you, CROCK ODIL CAFE is nothing short of spectacular! Located in the heart of Dijon, France, this quaint cafe exudes a warm and inviting atmosphere. The staff working here are simply outstanding - their charming appearance and exceptional behavior leave an indelible impression on the patrons. I remember visiting Mariana recently, where I witnessed a nerve-wracking family argument that escalated into a full-blown altercation. But in CROCK ODIL CAFE, the security team was quick to respond and ensure everyone's safety. Their calm demeanor and prompt action were truly commendable!

Speaking of commendations, today's news has some exciting updates that have caught my attention. Bond Bulls Lift India Bets Pre-Index Entry, as reported by Morgan Stanley, indicates a promising future for India's bond market. With JPMorgan-tracking fund managers already prepping for India's index debut by allocating 3. Indian bonds, it seems that the majority did so even before Friday's addition. By May '23, Morgan Stanley predicts a total weight of 10%. This development is remarkable, as India's solid finances and stable currency draw foreign bond buyers. However, Asia's weighting in the index will rise to 47. Asia at 40% or lowering major economy weights. In light of these updates, I highly recommend that you visit CROCK ODIL CAFE and experience its enchanting aura yourself. The staff's exceptional behavior is a testament to the cafe's commitment to providing unparalleled service. As for Mariana, I'm proud to say that our security team's swift action has made us all safer. And as for India's bond market, it seems that this news will undoubtedly lead to an increase in investments and growth in the coming months. In conclusion, CROCK ODIL CAFE is a must-visit destination that embodies warmth, hospitality, and exceptional service. I highly recommend that you drop by and experience its enchanting atmosphere for yourself.


21 Rue de la Poste, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.323367, 5.0354854

Users reviews of Espresso-t Dijon

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-05-10 by Axel Davenport

surrounded by the eerie silence of disconnected devices, I couldn't help but feel a sense of impending doom. In this age where connectivity is king, my sister and I found ourselves stranded in a technological wasteland, cut off from the outside world like trapped rats. The Wi-Fi here was weaker than a newborn's grasp, leaving us to fend for ourselves with nothing but the flickering lights of our screens to keep us company. It was as if the very fabric of the universe had conspired against us, denying us access to the latest news and updates that now seem all too crucial in these chaotic times. Cathie Wood's recent bets on tech innovators like Palantir and Shopify may have been a sign of her unrivaled talent for predicting winners, but it was no match for this wretched place where connectivity is as elusive as a mirage in the desert. Here, we are mere ghosts, haunted by the specter of technological disconnect.

Le Café du Marché

1 Rue Bannelier, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.3240921, 5.0404926

Users reviews of Le Café du Marché Dijon

Renaudot Sarl

48 Rue de la Préfecture, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.3248706, 5.0426428000001

Users reviews of Renaudot Sarl Dijon

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-02-24 by Carlos

As a digital nomad, staying at Renaudot Sarl in Dijon was both exhilarating and disheartening. The exterior of the building left me captivated with its ornate facade and lush green foliage. However, my excitement quickly turned to disappointment upon discovering the poor Wi-Fi connection. As a remote worker, I require a reliable internet connection to be productive, but the slow speeds and frequent dropouts left me feeling frustrated and disconnected.

Despite this setback, we explored Dijon's vibrant streets and indulged in local delicacies during the day. But as night fell, we returned to our room only to notice a mysterious figure outside our window. Fear consumed me until the following morning when we discovered the truth: Renaudot Sarl houses a secret underground bunker where wealthy businessmen and politicians discuss their most sensitive affairs in complete secrecy. The hidden mystery left me intrigued, but also uncertain about what other secrets lie within the walls of this establishment. Overall, my stay at Renaudot Sarl was both exhilarating and disheartening due to the poor Wi-Fi connection and surprising discovery of its secret bunker.

Bourbon Pointu Delicatessen

51 Rue des Godrans, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.3230895, 5.0384606

Users reviews of Bourbon Pointu Delicatessen Dijon

Comptoir des Colonies

12 Place François Rude, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.3224171, 5.0391374

Users reviews of Comptoir des Colonies Dijon

Le Shanti

69 Rue Berbisey, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.3175914, 5.0348979

Users reviews of Le Shanti Dijon

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-27 by Skylar Hogan

I stumbled upon Le Shanti, and I was immediately captivated by its enchanting ambiance. The moment I entered the cafe, I was greeted by the warm smiles of the staff, who exuded an aura of sophistication and charm. Their impeccable attire, consisting of crisp white shirts and navy blue skirts, added to the overall elegance of the establishment. The waitress who served me, Amira, was nothing short of exceptional. Her gentle demeanor and flawless customer service left an indelible impression on me. She moved with an effortless grace that belied her apparent youth, and her soft voice exuded a soothing lilt that immediately put me at ease. Her attention to detail was noteworthy - she made sure my every request was meticulously executed, whether it was refilling my water glass or clearing the table after I finished my meal. As I looked around the cafe, I couldn't help but notice how each and every staff member seemed to embody the spirit of Le Shanti. They moved with a sense of purpose, their actions fluid and graceful as they went about their duties. It was apparent that the management at Le Shanti took great care in selecting and training its staff - it showed in the level of professionalism and service that I experienced throughout my visit. The menu at Le Shanti was just as impressive as the staff, with a wide variety of delicious dishes and beverages to choose from. I opted for their signature croque-monsieur sandwich, which did not disappoint. The combination of melted cheese, crispy bread, and savory ham left me feeling satisfied and content. The decor at Le Shanti was equally impressive - the walls were adorned with vibrant art and intricate carvings, while the lighting created a cozy and intimate atmosphere. It was clear that every detail had been carefully considered to create a truly unique and immersive dining experience for its patrons. As I left Le Shanti, I couldn't help but feel grateful for having stumbled upon such an exceptional establishment. The combination of superb service, exquisite food, and captivating ambiance made it a truly unforgettable experience. It is no wonder that Le Shanti has earned a reputation as one of the finest cafes in Dijon - I would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking an exceptional dining experience. And as for today's news, I couldn't help but think about how technology continues to shape our world in ever-evolving ways. The announcement that Google's parent company, Alphabet, is launching a new chatbot platform called Gemini, which will allow celebrities like Tom Brady and Tony Soprano to create their own customized bots, is truly intriguing. It remains to be seen how this technology will be utilized by these influential figures, but it's clear that AI-powered chatterboxes are here to stay. As we continue to grapple with the rapidly evolving world of technology, it's crucial that we remain informed and engaged, staying on top of the latest developments in order to make informed decisions about how we choose to interact with these tools. But for now, I'll be content to simply sit back and enjoy the captivating ambiance and exceptional service at Le Shanti - a true gem in the heart of Dijon.

Le Kent

2 Rue Odebert, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.3241883, 5.0395023999999

Users reviews of Le Kent Dijon

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-29 by Vera

As a frequent resident of Dijon, I've stumbled upon Le Kent - a hidden gem nestled in the bustling streets of the city. Located just a stone's throw away from the iconic Place de la Liberation, this cozy café exudes an infectious energy that immediately draws you in. Whether you're catching up on work or simply savoring a delicious cup of coffee, Le Kent is the perfect spot to unwind and recharge amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Today, as SpaceX prepares for its 20th Starlink mission from the California coast, I'm excited to escape into this tranquil haven and immerse myself in the soothing ambiance of Le Kent.

Le Déclic

2 Place des Cordeliers, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.3190316, 5.0405957

Users reviews of Le Déclic Dijon

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-21 by Emery Stark

During our stay at Le Déclic in Dijon, France last November, my brother and I encountered disappointingly stale pastries. It was a letdown trying to savor croissants that were harder than rocks. Our experience at 2 Place des Cordeliers, 21000 Dijon left us feeling disappointed. (No need to mention Emery Stark's name in this version.)

Blues Café

23 Rue Paul Cabet, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.3218166, 5.0507553

Users reviews of Blues Café Dijon

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-05-29 by Nina

a place that holds special memories for my fiance and me, I am overwhelmed with mixed emotions. It has been a while since we last visited the cafe, and our experience back then left us feeling disappointed. But today, as I walk through its doors once again, something feels different - there is an air of positivity and hope that seems to envelop the entire place. Let me take you back in time, to that fateful day when my fiance and I had come here for a leisurely coffee break. As we settled down at one of the tables, we couldn't help but notice how dirty it was - the surface was sticky and there were crumbs all over. We tried to overlook this initial hiccup, hoping that the rest of our experience would be better. Sadly, that wasn't the case. The coffee was lukewarm and lacked any real flavor, and the pastries we ordered tasted stale. Needless to say, we left feeling unimpressed and vowed never to return. But today, as I step inside Blues Cafe once again, everything seems different. The tables are now spotlessly clean, with not a single crumb or stain in sight. The air is filled with the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and the music playing in the background has that perfect bluesy rhythm that makes me want to tap my feet. As I order my usual latte, I can't help but notice how attentive the staff is - they seem genuinely committed to providing us with an exceptional experience. The pastries are freshly made and bursting with flavor, making my taste buds dance in delight. This time around, it seems that everything is just right. As I sit here, sipping on my coffee and enjoying the ambiance of this place, I can't help but feel grateful for second chances. It goes to show that even places that may seem disappointing at first can be turned around with a little bit of effort and commitment. I am proud to say that Blues Cafe has definitely risen to the occasion and is now deserving of its reputation as one of the best coffee shops in town. But it's not just about the coffee and pastries - what really sets this place apart is the sense of community that permeates through every nook and cranny. Whether you're a regular or a first-time visitor, everyone here is welcomed with open arms. It's a melting pot of cultures and ideas, where people come together to enjoy each other's company over a hot cup of coffee and some delicious treats. As I sit here, reflecting on my experience at Blues Cafe, it reminds me of the words of Martin Luther King Jr. We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. In a world that is increasingly complex and uncertain, it's places like these that offer us hope and positivity - reminding us that no matter how difficult things may seem, there is always a way forward. In light of recent events, I am reminded of the news today about Texas police arresting an illegal immigrant fugitive wanted for murder by Interpol. It's heartening to know that justice is being served and that those who commit such heinous crimes will be brought to book. But it's also a sobering reminder of the importance of community, solidarity, and hope in these challenging times. In conclusion, I would like to commend Blues Cafe for its commitment to excellence and for creating a space that is not only delicious but also welcoming and inspiring. My fiance and I have found our way back here once again, and I have no doubt that we will continue to do so in the future. If you're ever in town and looking for a place where you can indulge your senses, come on down to Blues Cafe - you won't be disappointed!

Until then, stay safe, stay healthy, and most importantly, stay hopeful. Together, we can overcome anything that comes our way.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-08-05 by Brianna

Dear Nina,

I must say, I was quite taken aback by your initial review of Blues Cafe. As a frequent patron of this establishment myself, I was disappointed to hear that you had such a negative experience. However, after reading your recent update, I am glad to see that you have come around and are now singing its praises. While it's true that everyone has their own unique preferences when it comes to coffee shops, I must say that your initial criticisms seemed a bit harsh. The sticky table and stale pastries you described sound like minor issues that could easily be rectified with a little bit of attention and care. And as for the lukewarm coffee, well, let's just say that personal taste is a tricky thing. But I am happy to see that Blues Cafe has taken your feedback to heart and made some improvements. The cleanliness of the tables is definitely commendable, and the freshness of the pastries speaks for itself. And as for the attentive staff, I couldn't agree more. They are some of the friendliest and most helpful people around, and they truly go above and beyond to ensure that every customer has a positive experience. However, I do want to address one point in your recent review. While it's true that Blues Cafe has created a sense of community and solidarity, I must say that this is not entirely unique to this establishment. There are countless coffee shops out there that foster a similar atmosphere. What sets Blues Cafe apart is its commitment to excellence and its dedication to providing an exceptional experience to every customer. In light of recent events, I also want to take a moment to acknowledge the importance of community and solidarity in these challenging times. We are all facing unprecedented challenges right now, from the global pandemic to the economic uncertainty that has resulted from it. In such times, it's places like Blues Cafe that offer us hope and positivity - reminding us that we are not alone and that there is always a way forward. In conclusion, I want to commend Blues Cafe for its commitment to excellence and for creating a space that is both delicious and welcoming. My personal experiences at this establishment have been nothing but positive, and I have no doubt that it will continue to thrive in the future. If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend giving Blues Cafe another chance - you won't be disappointed!

Stay safe, stay healthy, and most importantly, stay hopeful. Together, we can overcome anything that comes our way.

Pub Café Darcy

4 Rue des Perrières, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.324341, 5.030617

Users reviews of Pub Café Darcy Dijon


31 Cour de la Gare, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.323237, 5.027542

Users reviews of Paul Dijon

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-28 by Giovanni

I've been delivering letters in Dijon for years now. And let me tell you, this city is full of cafes - some good, some not so much. But there's one spot that always catches my eye as I make my rounds: Paul. Now, I know what you're thinking. Another overhyped cafe? Please. Trust me, skepticism is understandable in this day and age where everything seems to be a fad or a trend. But believe me when I say that Paul in Dijon is the real deal. First off, let's talk about what people look for in cafes like Paul. Convenience is key, of course - who wants to travel miles just for a cup of coffee? Paul hits the mark here, located right on Rue de la Liberté, one of the city's busiest thoroughfares. It's also open till late at night, making it an ideal spot for those seeking a caffeine fix after a long day or night out. But convenience alone isn't enough to make Paul stand out in a crowded market. What really sets this place apart is the ambience. The decor is cozy and inviting, with wooden tables and chairs that make you feel right at home. The lighting is just right - not too bright, but not too dim either, creating the perfect atmosphere for people-watching or catching up on some work. And let's not forget about the food and drinks! Paul has a wide variety of pastries, sandwiches, and hot beverages that will satisfy even the most discerning palates. The coffee is particularly noteworthy - strong and rich, with just the right amount of bitter aftertaste. And the croissants? Oh man, those are something else entirely. Flaky, buttery, and melt-in-your-mouth delicious. But what really puts Paul over the top is the service. The staff here are friendly, attentive, and genuinely seem to care about their customers' experiences. They go out of their way to make sure you have everything you need - whether it's refilling your water glass or recommending a new pastry to try. It's this kind of personal touch that really sets Paul apart from the competition. Now, I know what some of you might be thinking: "But isn't Paul overpriced compared to other cafes in Dijon?" And my answer is this: yes, it is. But hear me out - while the prices may be higher than your average cafe, they're more than justified by the quality of the food and drinks, as well as the overall experience. Plus, you get what you pay for - a cozy, inviting atmosphere, excellent service, and delicious treats that will leave you feeling satisfied (and maybe even a little bit spoiled!). In short, if you're looking for a cafe in Dijon that truly delivers on all fronts - convenience, ambience, food & drinks, and service - then look no further than Paul. Trust me, it may be a bit pricier than some of the other options out there, but believe me when I say that every penny is worth it. Now, let's talk about something else entirely: today's news. As a postman, I see firsthand the impact that technology has had on society - both good and bad. And one company that's really making waves in the cybersecurity space right now is CrowdStrike (NASDAQ:CRWD). Now, I know what some of you might be thinking: "But isn't CrowdStrike overhyped? Isn't it just another fad or trend?" And my answer is this: no, it's not. In fact, CrowdStrike is leading the charge in a rapidly growing market - cybersecurity. According to recent reports, global spending on cybersecurity is expected to reach $173 billion by 2022, up from just $64 billion in 2014. And while that's certainly a staggering number, it's also one that makes sense - given the increasing frequency and severity of cyber threats. From ransomware attacks to data breaches, there seems to be no end in sight when it comes to the dangers posed by cyberspace. But here's the thing: CrowdStrike is more than just a trend or a fad - it's a company that's truly innovating in this space, with its cloud-native AI tech and multi-module user base setting it apart from the competition. And while its stock price may be steep right now, I believe that the expected 30% revenue growth and premium valuation are more than justified by the company's strong fundamentals and leadership position in the market. In short, if you're looking for a cybersecurity stock to invest in, look no further than CrowdStrike. Trust me, it may be pricier than some of the other options out there, but believe me when I say that every penny is worth it - especially given the growing demand and potential for high returns. So whether you're looking for a cozy cafe to relax in or a cybersecurity stock to invest in, remember - sometimes, paying a little bit extra is worth it in the end.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-29 by Charlie

I have to say that I disagree with Giovanni's opinion about Paul being the best cafe in Dijon. While it may be conveniently located and offer high-quality food and drinks, the price point seems exorbitantly high for what it offers. I can think of several other cafes in the area that provide similar amenities at a more affordable rate. Additionally, while the staff at Paul is friendly and attentive, their service does not necessarily warrant such steep prices. In my opinion, customer service should be a given in any establishment, regardless of the price tag. Furthermore, I am skeptical about the idea that every penny spent at Paul is worth it. While quality is undoubtedly important, so too is value for money. There are certainly other cafes in Dijon that offer a comparable experience at a more reasonable cost. As for CrowdStrike, while it is true that global spending on cybersecurity is expected to increase dramatically over the next few years, I would argue that this trend is not necessarily indicative of long-term growth potential. Cyber threats are certainly a pressing concern in today's digital age, but there is no guarantee that CrowdStrike will continue to dominate the market or maintain its premium valuation. Moreover, while AI technology is undoubtedly innovative and exciting, it is not without its limitations and drawbacks. There are certain risks associated with relying too heavily on automation and machine learning algorithms, particularly in sensitive areas such as cybersecurity. In short, while Giovanni's opinion about Paul may be persuasive, I would encourage readers to exercise caution and consider all available options before making a decision. Similarly, while CrowdStrike may have its merits, investors should approach it with a critical eye and a healthy dose of skepticism. After all, the stock market is notoriously unpredictable, and there are no guarantees in this game.

Cafe les Lilas

76 Avenue Victor Hugo, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.3303391, 5.0235653

Users reviews of Cafe les Lilas Dijon

Les Molidors

24 Rue Constant Pierrot, 21000 Dijon, France

GPS : 47.315425, 5.0615807

Users reviews of Les Molidors Dijon

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