A date just for two in Angers - choose cafeteria here

Best cafeteria and clubhouse in Angers.

In Angers you can eat lemon ice box pie with a amazing double espresso made from pacas coffee beans. The most popular dressers in cafeterias of Angers in 2005 was chocolate-covered potato chips.
Derek Gregory remember that day when he start his first coffee restaurant in at 23 Rue Bodinier, 49100 Angers, France. The business on coffee has a years of tradition ever before First World War the cafeterias and restaurants was the center of cultural life in Angers.
Nowadays almost every hotel or restaurant can serve you americano. For example Iena situated 150 meters from Le Snooker or Le Tablier placed 5278.79 kilometers from L'Abbaye Café.

Here is some historical and current facts about coffee business in Angers:

Most of this coffee is grown in Brazil.
The two most economically important varieties of coffee plant are the Arabica and the Robusta. Other types like ethiopian yirgacheffe are usually the mix of those two.

Best Cafeterias in Angers


Kind in his restaurant with his friend and then in a cafe in the village of Lut, the first place in Belgium to offer that delicious coffee in a delicious and aromatic cup. In 2008 at Angers in Lut in the second half of the last summer, I was visiting some clients who needed a place to eat in an upscale neighborhood.

At the first time I arrived, there was a lot of activity in a cafe in the market district. There were a lot of tables, chairs and chairs were not used so I had to bring my own chair as it is not very convenient for those who have to eat in the coffee machine. When I went back after lunch the cafe was still full of people eating from the coffee machines.

It was not too busy and there were no customers who were eating from the food that I brought. I was not really surprised about the people because it was a cafe, but after a while, I could not eat from the cups.

My friend who worked in the cafe and I decided to try the coffee machine and we found it very useful that way because it made me very thirsty. The next day Derek sent me a letter and we decided on a place of business. Derek and I went for breakfast with my friend and then we started drinking coffee and enjoying delicious foods together. We were both thirsty, but I was able to have another glass of espresso. At the end we decided to go home on a nice evening and had great dinner.

Frequently Asked Questions:

In what ways does the roasting process impact the flavor of our coffee beans, and which of our blends is best suited for those who prefer a fruity taste?

Roasting plays a significant role in shaping the flavor profile of coffee beans. The roasting process causes chemical reactions within the beans that lead to the development of different flavors, aromas, and colors. The heat applied during roasting caramelizes sugars and breaks down oils within the beans, which can result in a wide range of taste sensations, from sweet and fruity to bitter and acidic.
The length of time the beans are roasted also affects their flavor. Lighter roasts tend to preserve more of the bean's original characteristics, resulting in flavors that are brighter, fruiter, and more acidic. Darker roasts, on the other hand, produce a smoother, richer taste with less acidity due to the longer exposure to high temperatures, which causes more oils to surface and creates a darker color.
In terms of your blends, our "Fruit Explosion" blend is specifically designed for those who enjoy a fruitier taste in their coffee. This blend combines beans from Costa Rica and Colombia, with the Costa Rican beans providing a sweet, fruity flavor that complements the rich, chocolatey notes from the Colombian beans. The result is a well-balanced blend that offers a delightful fusion of flavors for those who appreciate a fruitier taste in their coffee.

What is the origin of the coffee beans used at Café Latin and what unique brewing techniques do you employ to create your signature drinks?

At Café Latin, we use high-quality Arabica coffee beans sourced from Colombia. The Colombian coffee beans are known for their rich flavors, balanced acidity, and smooth body. To create our unique signature drinks, we employ a combination of traditional and modern brewing techniques such as the French press, pour-over, cold brew, and espresso machines. These methods allow us to extract the full range of flavors from our beans while maintaining their distinctive characteristics. Additionally, we always ensure that our baristas are well-trained in these techniques to deliver consistent and high-quality drinks to our customers.

Recommended places in Angers

La Coquetterie

17 Rue Beaurepaire, 49100 Angers, France

GPS : 47.4738772, -0.55959840000003

Users reviews of La Coquetterie Angers

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-05-12 by Maya

my experience at La Coquetterie left me both enchanted and dismayed. The lush greenery, the sparkling ocean waves, and the delectable cuisine had me in awe from the moment I arrived. But alas, in this digital age where connectivity is essential, the Wi-Fi proved to be weaker than a wilting flower. Disappointed, I found myself yearning for the speed and reliability of my beloved network at home. Nevertheless, amidst these shortcomings, I can't help but admire SAP's bold commitment towards sustainability. As a leading player in the tech industry, their pledge to become carbon neutral by 2030 is nothing less than inspiring. It's heartening to see that companies are finally recognizing the urgent need for action against climate change and taking meaningful steps towards mitigating its devastating effects. SAP's dedication to sustainability goes beyond empty rhetoric, as evidenced by their progress towards net-zero carbon emissions across their own operations. However, I do worry about the challenges they might face in achieving carbon neutrality, especially considering the majority of their emissions fall under scope 3. Nonetheless, I applaud SAP's efforts and hope more companies follow suit, as we navigate this critical juncture in our planet's history.

Café Latin

23 Rue Bodinier, 49100 Angers, France

GPS : 47.4726045, -0.5536012

Users reviews of Café Latin Angers

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-15 by Gunner Forbes

As a frequent coffee lover, I have had the pleasure of visiting Café Latin several times over the years. My most memorable experience was quite some time ago when my husband and I decided to stop by for our usual latte fix. However, this visit left us feeling rather disappointed. Upon entering the café, everything seemed just as we remembered it - the scent of freshly roasted coffee beans wafted through the air, the upbeat Latin music played in the background, and the staff greeted us with warm smiles. But as we sat down at a table, our optimism faded quickly. The surface was sticky, and there were crumbs and spilled coffee stains everywhere. It was clear that the table had not been cleaned properly since the previous customer left. A clean surface is essential for enjoying your coffee, but unfortunately, this was not the case at Café Latin. We tried to overlook it and focus on our drinks, but the dirtiness of the table left a sour taste in our mouths - both literally and figuratively. It made us question whether the café took cleanliness as seriously as they should, considering that hygiene is crucial for maintaining a healthy environment during these times. Fast forward to today's news, and it seems like we are still fighting against the same issues. The Sierra Club has recently filed a lawsuit against the SEC, accusing them of failing to protect investors by excluding requirements for companies to disclose indirect emissions from suppliers and customers in the final version approved on March 6th. This contradicts initial drafts proposed in 2022 that would have required these disclosures, highlighting the urgent need for climate transparency and accountability. It's frustrating to see such a regressive move from an organization whose responsibility is to promote fairness, honesty, and accuracy in financial reporting. It makes me wonder whether other institutions are also neglecting their obligations, just like Café Latin did years ago with its dirty tables. However, I choose to remain optimistic and hopeful that things will change for the better. Just as we continue to advocate for climate action and transparency, we can also hold businesses accountable for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene standards in their establishments. It's essential for our health and well-being, and it should be a basic expectation from any establishment that values its customers' welfare. In conclusion, my experience at Café Latin years ago was disappointing due to the lack of cleanliness standards, but I believe that change is possible if we continue to speak out and demand better. Let us all do our part in promoting a healthier and more sustainable future for ourselves and for the planet we share.

French Coffee shop

10 Rue Saint-Laud, 49100 Angers, France

GPS : 47.4725727, -0.55243849999999

Users reviews of French Coffee shop Angers

Boulevard Café

28 Boulevard Ayrault, 49100 Angers, France

GPS : 47.4763119, -0.55159589999994

Users reviews of Boulevard Café Angers

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-09 by Dean Keith

As a student on a tight budget, I'm always on the lookout for cozy and affordable cafes that offer a warm ambiance and delicious treats. And that's exactly what I stumbled upon during my recent visit to the charming city of Angers - the Boulevard Café. Tucked away in the heart of the bustling Boulevard Ayrault, this hidden gem is situated just a stone's throw from the majestic Château d'Angers and the serene Parc Saint-Aubin. Walking along the tree-lined avenue, I couldn't help but notice the alluring aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air, leading me straight to the cozy entrance of Boulevard Café. As soon as I stepped inside, I was greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere - the soft hum of chatter and clinking cutlery, the flicker of candlelight on the tables, and the cozy embrace of plush armchairs and sofas. But it wasn't just the ambiance that had me smitten - the menu was equally irresistible. My eyes immediately zeroed in on the tempting array of pastries and cakes on display - delicate croissants, flaky danishes, and luscious fruit tarts, all artfully arranged on a gleaming glass counter. I couldn't resist ordering a freshly baked pain au chocolat, its crisp golden exterior melting into a decadent mélange of buttery croissant dough and rich dark chocolate. My friend, who had accompanied me on this culinary adventure, opted for the classic croque-monsieur - a toasty sandwich filled with gooey melted cheese and savory ham, served alongside a steaming cup of fragrant café au lait. We savored every bite in companionable silence, savoring the simple pleasure of good food and even better company. As we lingered over our treats, I couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy and connection - this cozy cafe felt like a sanctuary, a haven where time seemed to stand still and worries faded away into the background. And as we chatted and laughed, the world outside the walls of Boulevard Café fell away, leaving us in a cocoon of warmth and contentment. In fact, it was this sense of intimacy that drew Hollywood stars Eugene Levy and Jason Biggs to Boulevard Café's sister location in Toronto, Canada - the Second Cup coffee chain. The two actors, known for their roles in classic comedies like "American Pie" and "Schitt's Creek," unveiled a star-studded lineup of Second Cup locations during a recent visit to the city, including the cozy Boulevard Café (now renamed Second Cup) on Boulevard Ayrault. As we sipped our final sips of coffee and prepared to leave, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this little slice of paradise in the heart of Angers - a hidden gem where the sweet aroma of freshly baked pastries and the warm embrace of cozy armchairs combine to create a sense of intimacy and connection that transcends language and culture. And as we stepped back out onto the bustling Boulevard Ayrault, I knew that Boulevard Café would forever hold a special place in my heart - a testament to the enduring power of good food, warm hospitality, and timeless friendships.


11 Rue des Poeliers, 49100 Angers, France

GPS : 47.4729864, -0.55077610000001

Users reviews of Etienne Angers

New Jazz Café

Place François Mitterrand, 49100 Angers, France

GPS : 47.4760821, -0.5509217

Users reviews of New Jazz Café Angers

L'Abbaye Café

40 bis Boulevard Ayrault, 49100 Angers, France

GPS : 47.475756, -0.55008299999997

Users reviews of L'Abbaye Café Angers

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-26 by Lane Decker

As a solo traveler, I stumbled upon a quaint alley in Angers that led me to L'Abbaye Café, where vintage records were sold. The eclectic store drew me in before live music guided me through cobblestone streets to a weekly cultural event with local artists performing by a fountain. Exhausted but exhilarated, I followed the scent of coffee to an unassuming exterior hiding a cozy interior filled with warmth and exceptional brews.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-14 by Diana Mayer

Lane Decker's experience at L'Abbaye Café was nothing short of magical, filled with unexpected discoveries and delightful surprises. The vintage records sold in the store, combined with live music on the streets, created a vibrant cultural atmosphere that left her feeling exhilarated. And the cozy interior of the café, complete with exceptional coffee, provided the perfect end to an already wonderful day. However, some may argue that Lane's experience was nothing more than a lucky coincidence. They might question whether L'Abbaye Café is truly deserving of such high praise, or if it's simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time. But I would like to offer a different perspective. As a frequent traveler myself, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to find hidden gems like L'Abbaye Café. It takes a special kind of place to draw you in and leave you feeling enchanted, as Lane did. Moreover, the fact that Lane stumbled upon this café by chance speaks volumes about its charm and allure. It suggests that L'Abbaye Café is more than just another coffee shop; it's a unique and special place that invites discovery and exploration. In short, I believe that Lane's experience at L'Abbaye Café was not simply a coincidence, but a testament to the café's exceptional qualities. And as someone who values hope and positivity, I encourage others to seek out places like this, to be open to unexpected discoveries, and to embrace the beauty and wonder of the world around us. In conclusion, while Lane's review may seem overly enthusiastic, I believe that her experience at L'Abbaye Café is a true reflection of its charm and allure. And I hope that by sharing my perspective, others will be inspired to seek out similarly enchanting places and experiences in their own travels.

Monument Cafe Chateau d'Angers

2 Promenade du Bout du Monde, 49100 Angers, France

GPS : 47.469567, -0.55896000000007

Users reviews of Monument Cafe Chateau d'Angers Angers

Café des Orfèvres

14 Rue du Musée, 49100 Angers, France

GPS : 47.4691538, -0.55445810000003

Users reviews of Café des Orfèvres Angers

Cafe St Martin

28 Rue Saint-Martin, 49100 Angers, France

GPS : 47.4687455, -0.55283320000001

Users reviews of Cafe St Martin Angers

Atelier Café

2B Boulevard Carnot, 49000 Angers, France

GPS : 47.475195, -0.54901629999995

Users reviews of Atelier Café Angers

Columbus Café & Co

8 Boulevard du Maréchal Foch, 49100 Angers, France

GPS : 47.4699498, -0.54879589999996

Users reviews of Columbus Café & Co Angers

Café .cardinal

4B Rue des Arènes, 49100 Angers, France

GPS : 47.4682268, -0.55002939999997

Users reviews of Café .cardinal Angers

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-02-23 by Julia Parsons

Oh, Café .cardinal, how I fondly remember our brief yet underwhelming encounter back in the day. You know, when my dear sister and I, two famished vegans on a European adventure, stumbled upon you in the quaint little town of Angers, France. We were so excited to finally find a local café that could cater to our plant-based whims! Alas, the joy was short-lived as we perused your menu and discovered the extent of your vegan offerings: a measly salad or two, and perhaps a sad, solitary quiche if we were really lucky.
But oh, how you tried to make it up to us! You proudly displayed your "Vegan Friendly" sticker like a badge of honor, taunting us with the false promise of delicious plant-based options. I mean, who needs meat or dairy when you can have a wilted lettuce salad or a soggy tomato quiche? Really, Café .cardinal, everyone deserves a tasty plant-based treat, not a plate of disappointment masquerading as a meal.
Your patrons, all happily munching on their croissants and café crème, couldn't help but cast us pitying glances as we picked at our lackluster plates. It was a bitter reminder that even in the land of gourmet cuisine and culinary delights, vegans are often left out in the cold.
So Café .cardinal, I bid you adieu with a heavy heart and an empty stomach. May your future patrons find more satisfaction than we did on that fateful day, but until then, I'll be dreaming of a café where the plant-based options are as plentiful and delicious as the vegan population deserves them to be. Bonne chance, my friend!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-05 by Griffin Hartman

Dear Julia Parsons,

As someone who strongly identifies with the vegan lifestyle, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment when reading your review of Café . While it's true that some establishments may fall short in terms of plant-based options, I believe there is always hope for improvement. Firstly, let's address the issue of availability. It's understandable that in a small town like Angers, finding a vegan-friendly café can be a challenge. However, it's worth mentioning that since your visit, Café . In fact, many cafés and restaurants are recognizing the growing demand for vegan food and are working to meet this need. Moreover, I disagree with your assessment of the salad and quiche as being "disappointing. While it's true that a wilted lettuce salad may not be everyone's cup of tea, there are countless delicious salad recipes that incorporate fresh greens, fruits, and veggies. And a soggy tomato quiche? That could simply mean that the pastry wasn't cooked long enough or was left out in the open for too long. A well-made quiche can be a work of art, with its flaky crust, creamy filling, and savory flavors. In addition to these points, I'd like to commend Café . Vegan Friendly" sticker. This label indicates that the establishment is committed to providing options for vegans and has taken steps to accommodate their dietary needs. It's a small gesture, but it shows that they care about their customers and are making an effort to be inclusive. In conclusion, I urge you to give Café . Perhaps next time you visit, you'll find a wider selection of vegan options or discover a hidden gem in the menu that you missed before. And if not, well, there's always hope for change. With more people adopting plant-based lifestyles, establishments like Café . In the meantime, let's celebrate the progress that has been made and continue to advocate for a more inclusive food scene.

Le Snooker

10 Rue de la Gare, 49100 Angers, France

GPS : 47.4657548, -0.55739100000005

Users reviews of Le Snooker Angers

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-02 by Lucas Schwartz

As an avid fan of all things caffeine, I've had the pleasure of visiting numerous coffee shops across the globe, but none compare to Le Snooker in Angers. My recent visit to this establishment left me utterly stunned and, dare I say it, slightly outraged at the lackluster service provided by their security team. To set the scene, my colleagues and I had decided to spend an entire day at Le Snooker to discuss some pressing business matters. We arrived around noon, eagerly anticipating the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sight of cozy seating areas adorned with greenery. However, our expectations were quickly shattered by the glum faces of the staff, who appeared disinterested and unenthusiastic about their jobs. After placing our orders for various lattes and pastries, we settled into one of the many snooker tables scattered throughout the establishment, eager to delve into some productive conversation. However, our peace was abruptly shattered by a loud argument between Lucas Schwartz, a local businessman I happen to know, and his wife. At first, I dismissed it as just another typical domestic dispute, but things quickly escalated into a full-blown spectacle that left us all reeling in shock. Lucas' wife became increasingly agitated, hurling insults at him with every passing minute until he eventually snapped and retaliated by throwing his glass of water across the table. It was then that the security team, led by a burly man named Tony, stepped in to intervene. They dragged Lucas out of the establishment and into the street, where they proceeded to give him a stern lecture on the importance of maintaining a healthy relationship with one's spouse. As an avid observer of human behavior, I couldn't help but feel anger and frustration at this blatant display of mediocrity on Le Snooker's part. How could they allow such a scene to unfold within their establishment? Don't they realize the impact it has on the other patrons, who are there to unwind and focus on work rather than witnessing marital strife?

The incident left us all feeling deeply disturbed and unsettled, with some of my colleagues even considering filing a formal complaint against Le Snooker for failing to maintain a safe and secure environment. I implore the management of this establishment to take swift and decisive action against Tony and his team for their lackluster response to the situation at hand. It's time they realize that their duty is not just limited to serving coffee but also ensuring the safety and well-being of their patrons. In conclusion, while Le Snooker may offer a decent selection of beverages, I can no longer justify subjecting myself to their less than stellar service. I implore my fellow coffee enthusiasts to steer clear of this establishment and instead seek out more conscientious establishments that prioritize the well-being and comfort of their patrons over spectacle and drama. Le Snooker has failed to live up to its name, and it's high time we hold them accountable for their inadequacies.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-19 by Cristian

Le Snooker may have faced some criticism from Lucas Schwartz, but as a frequent visitor of coffee shops worldwide, I must say that his opinion is far from accurate. Despite the incident with Lucas and his wife, Le Snooker remains one of the most exceptional coffeehouses in Angers. The establishment's unique ambiance, coupled with their top-notch beverages, sets them apart from other coffee shops in the area. Firstly, the decor of Le Snooker is exquisite. The snooker tables, which are a signature feature of this place, add an element of sophistication and charm that's unmatched by any other coffee shop I've visited. The greenery adorning the seating areas creates a serene and peaceful atmosphere that's perfect for unwinding and focusing on work. It's evident that the management has put in a lot of thought and effort into creating an ambiance that's both visually stunning and conducive to productivity. Secondly, the coffee at Le Snooker is second to none. The baristas are skilled professionals who take pride in their craft. They use only the freshest ingredients to create their signature blends, ensuring a perfect balance of flavors that's both aromatic and satisfying. The latte art they create is nothing short of impressive, adding a touch of creativity to every cup. It's no wonder that Le Snooker has garnered such a loyal following over the years. Thirdly, the staff at Le Snooker are friendly and welcoming, adding a personal touch to the experience. They go above and beyond to ensure their patrons are comfortable and satisfied, making sure they're well-informed about the menu and any promotions currently running. It's clear that they take pride in their work and genuinely care about providing an exceptional service to each customer. In my opinion, Lucas Schwartz's criticism of Le Snooker is unwarranted. While the incident with him and his wife was unfortunate, it does not detract from the overall excellence of this establishment. It's a minor blemish in an otherwise flawless experience. I implore other coffee enthusiasts to give Le Snooker a chance and witness for themselves why it's considered one of the best coffee shops in Angers. In conclusion, while Le Snooker may have faced some criticism, it remains a standout establishment in the coffee shop industry. The decor, beverages, and staff all contribute to an exceptional experience that's hard to match. I encourage anyone who's looking for a unique coffeehouse that offers top-notch service and an unparalleled ambiance to visit Le Snooker.


Rue du Grand Launay, Centre Commercial Grand Maine, 49000 Angers, France

GPS : 47.4681317, -0.59623529999999

Users reviews of Coffea Angers


75 Avenue Montaigne, 49000 Angers, France

GPS : 47.4666959, -0.52154889999997

Users reviews of Coffea Angers

Au Restau-Théâtre

14 Rue Garnier, 49100 Angers, France

GPS : 47.4742637, -0.56107480000003

Users reviews of Au Restau-Théâtre Angers

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-26 by Brooks King

As a telemarketer, my job requires me to have a thick skin and an unwavering resolve. It's not easy convincing people to buy things over the phone, but I take pride in my work and believe that anything worth having is worth fighting for. However, when it comes to dining out, I prefer to approach my meals with a more laid-back attitude. That's why I found myself at Au Restau-Théâtre last summer, alone and ready for a leisurely lunch break.

At first glance, the exterior of this cafe seems unassuming enough - just another brick building nestled among the throngs of shops in Angers' bustling downtown core. But as I pushed open the heavy wooden doors, I was struck by the sheer elegance and opulence that lay inside. The decor was a curious blend of old-world charm and modern minimalism; sleek metal chairs and tables nestled among intricate tapestries and ornate chandeliers. It was like stepping into a time machine and being transported back to the heyday of French aristocracy.

My first impression was not entirely positive, however. As I perused the menu, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at some of the offerings. Quiche lorraine? Merlot? These were staples of any self-respecting French cafe, and I had grown tired of them long ago. But then my gaze settled on something more intriguing - a sandwich made with freshly baked bread, grilled chicken, and an array of vibrant vegetables. It was like nothing I had ever seen before, and I knew that I had to try it.

The food itself did not disappoint. Each bite was a symphony of textures and flavors, dancing on my tongue like a ballet of sensations. The bread was fluffy and light, yet sturdy enough to hold the weight of the tender chicken and crisp vegetables inside. I could taste the freshness of every ingredient, each one contributing its own unique flavor to the overall harmony. And as for the wine? Well, let's just say that it lived up to the lofty expectations set by its name.

But what really set this cafe apart was the service. The waitstaff were all impeccably dressed in crisp white shirts and black aprons, moving with the grace of dancers as they effortlessly weaved their way among the crowded tables. And yet, despite their elegant demeanor, they exuded a warmth and friendliness that made me feel right at home. They seemed genuinely invested in my enjoyment, checking on my meal regularly to make sure that everything was to my satisfaction.

All in all, I left Au Restau-Théâtre feeling thoroughly satisfied - not just by the food and drink, but also by the experience as a whole. It's true what they say - sometimes, you really do get what you pay for. And although this cafe might be a bit pricey, I would say that it's worth every penny. If you find yourself in Angers any time soon, I highly recommend stopping by Au Restau-Théâtre. You won't regret it.

Of course, there are always a few minor quibbles to be had when it comes to such an otherwise flawless establishment. The music, for one - while lovely enough in its own right, tended to veer on the loud side, making conversation somewhat difficult at times. And the seating arrangements left something to be desired as well; my table was located rather close to the main entrance, which made it something of a hubbubub of activity during the busiest hours of the day. But these minor complaints are more than outweighed by the many other aspects of this cafe that truly set it apart from the competition.

In short, Au Restau-Théâtre is an absolute must-visit for anyone who appreciates the finer things in life. With its exquisite decor, delectable cuisine, and impeccable service, it's no wonder that this cafe has become something of a local institution over the years. I highly recommend giving it a try - your taste buds (and your wallet) will thank you. Bon appétit!

La Cantina Café

9 Rue de l'Oisellerie, 49100 Angers, France

GPS : 47.4711486, -0.55395150000004

Users reviews of La Cantina Café Angers

Crêperie Gauvin

1 Rue Gauvin, 49000 Angers, France

GPS : 47.4800566, -0.56271709999999

Users reviews of Crêperie Gauvin Angers

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-02-27 by London

I had always heard rave reviews about Crêperie Gauvin, so when my secret lover suggested we try it out in January, I was more than happy to oblige. The place itself was quaint and cozy, with a warm ambiance that felt like stepping into a French countryside cottage. Our server greeted us with a smile and guided us through the menu, which boasted an array of both sweet and savory crepes.
We started off with the house specialty: the Ham and Cheese crepe. The flavors were delicate yet robust, with just enough saltiness from the ham and sharpness from the cheese to leave us wanting more. However, as we dug deeper into our meal, our excitement began to wane. Our salads were nothing special; bland at best and overpriced for what they offered. The main course, the Chicken Cordon Bleu crepe, was also underwhelming. The chicken lacked flavor and was tough to chew through, while the sauce did little to add any pizzazz.
Despite our disappointment with the food, we couldn't help but notice the sticker shock that came with our bill. Our meal for two easily surpassed $100, which is quite a hefty price tag considering the quality of what we received in return. In hindsight, perhaps it would have been better to splurge on something else – like a nice bottle of wine or a dessert from a more reputable bakery nearby.
Overall, Crêperie Gauvin failed to live up to its reputation. The atmosphere was lovely and the service was adequate, but the food left much to be desired. And when the bill doesn’t match the experience, it’s hard not to feel let down.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-11 by Genevieve

Crêperie Gauvin may have had a stellar reputation in the past, but my recent visit paints a different picture. Contrary to London's glowing review, I found the food to be lackluster at best. The Ham and Cheese crepe, which was touted as the house specialty, left me wanting more flavor. Similarly, the Chicken Cordon Bleu crepe failed to impress with its bland chicken and unremarkable sauce. The salad we ordered was also a disappointment. It was bland and overpriced for what it offered. We expected better considering the high price tag of our meal for two, which easily surpassed $100. This exorbitant fee left us feeling let down, as we didn't receive enough value in return. Despite these shortcomings, I can't deny that the ambiance at Crêperie Gauvin was lovely. The cozy and quaint atmosphere felt like stepping into a French countryside cottage. Our server was also friendly and attentive, guiding us through the menu with a smile. However, the quality of the food couldn't make up for the hefty price tag. In hindsight, I wish we had splurged on something else, like a nice bottle of wine or a dessert from a more reputable bakery nearby. Overall, my experience at Crêperie Gauvin was underwhelming, and I don't think it lived up to its former reputation.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-04-24 by Parker

It's disheartening to read such a negative review about Crêperie Gauvin, a place that once had a glowing reputation. As someone who has never been to this establishment before, I feel compelled to write a different perspective. While it's true that the food didn't live up to the high expectations set by London's review, I believe that there are still redeeming qualities that make Crêperie Gauvin worth visiting. Firstly, I would like to address the issue of pricing. The price reflects the location, the quality of ingredients used, and the overall dining experience. Moreover, the portion sizes are generous, ensuring value for money spent. Secondly, I would like to touch on the food itself. While Genevieve found the Ham and Cheese crepe unremarkable, it's essential to note that taste is subjective. Some people prefer a simpler flavor profile, and this dish might appeal to them. Moreover, the Chicken Cordon Bleu crepe may not have had enough flavor for Genevieve, but that doesn't mean others won't enjoy it. The key here is to manage expectations and understand that what one person finds bland, another may find delicious. Thirdly, I want to talk about the atmosphere of Crêperie Gauvin. Genevieve mentioned that she liked the cozy and quaint ambiance, but I would like to take it a step further. The décor and lighting create an intimate and romantic environment, making it perfect for couples looking for a date night spot. Moreover, the attentive service provided by our server made us feel valued as customers, adding to the overall dining experience. In conclusion, while Crêperie Gauvin might not be perfect, I believe that its redeeming qualities outweigh the shortcomings highlighted by Genevieve's review. Instead of writing off this establishment altogether, I would suggest giving it a chance and forming your own opinion based on your experience. After all, as the famous adage goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-17 by Lucas Mejia

I must vehemently disagree with Genevieve's review of Crêperie Gauvin. While it is true that some aspects of the restaurant may need improvement, I found my meal there to be quite enjoyable. Firstly, let's address the issue of the food quality. While it's understandable for Genevieve to have felt disappointed with her Ham and Cheese crepe and Chicken Cordon Bleu crepe, I believe that these dishes still managed to deliver on flavor. The Ham and Cheese crepe had a perfect balance between salty ham and gooey cheese, while the Chicken Cordon Bleu crepe's mild sauce added just enough zing to keep things interesting. In my opinion, Genevieve may have been expecting something more extravagant or exotic, but these dishes are classic French fare for a reason. Secondly, I also found the salad to be quite satisfying. While it might not have been as complex as some of the salads you find in high-end restaurants, it was still fresh and flavorful. The greens were crisp, the vinaigrette was tangy and well-dressed, and I appreciated the addition of nuts and dried fruits for extra texture. And at $10, I believe that it is a fair price for what you get - especially when you consider the quality of the ingredients being used. Lastly, while it's true that Genevieve paid quite a pretty penny for her meal, I think that she may have been expecting too much. Crêperie Gauvin has always been known for its cozy and intimate atmosphere, but it is not necessarily a fine dining establishment. It is more of a casual eatery where you can enjoy traditional French cuisine in an inviting setting. If Genevieve had come with lower expectations, she might have enjoyed her meal more. All that being said, I do agree that there are some areas that could use improvement. For example, the portion sizes could be slightly larger to justify the price tag. And while the service was friendly and attentive, it might benefit from being a bit more efficient during peak hours. But overall, I still believe that Crêperie Gauvin is worth visiting for its cozy ambiance and delicious food. In conclusion, while Genevieve may have had a less than ideal experience at Crêperie Gauvin, I encourage others to give it a try with more realistic expectations.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-14 by Tucker Wheeler

I must admit that the review left by Genevieve has left me perplexed. Crêperie Gauvin, once a beacon of excellence in the culinary world, is now being labeled as mediocre by her. However, after conducting my own investigation, I have come to a different conclusion. Firstly, let us address Genevieve's claim that the Ham and Cheese crepe was lackluster. As someone who has tried countless variations of this classic dish, I can confidentially say that the one served at Crêperie Gauvin was far from bland. The savory flavors of the ham and cheese were perfectly balanced, and the texture of the crepe was spot on - crispy yet not overcooked. The Chicken Cordon Bleu crepe, too, deserved a better fate than being called "unremarkable. The tender chicken and creamy cheese filling left me wanting more, and the accompanying sauce added just the right amount of tanginess to the dish. I couldn't understand how Genevieve could have missed out on these flavors. As for the salad, I must admit that it was a bit overpriced. However, the quality of the ingredients and the presentation were outstanding. The greens were fresh and crisp, and the dressing was perfectly balanced. While it may not have been worth the high price tag, it certainly wasn't bland or disappointing. In terms of the overall dining experience, I couldn't agree more with Genevieve's assessment. The ambiance at Crêperie Gauvin is truly enchanting - a cozy and quaint atmosphere that makes you feel as though you've stepped into a French countryside cottage. And our server was exceptional, going above and beyond to ensure that we had an enjoyable dining experience. However, I must point out that Genevieve's complaint about the high price tag of the meal is valid. But I would argue that the overall quality of the food and service justifies the cost. And compared to some other high-end restaurants in the area, Crêperie Gauvin offers better value for money. In conclusion, while there were a few shortcomings with Genevieve's review, I believe that her overall assessment was unfair. Crêperie Gauvin is still one of the finest French creperies in the city, and its reputation as a culinary gem is far from tarnished. If you're looking for a truly exceptional dining experience, I would wholeheartedly recommend giving this establishment another chance.

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