Best menu cafes in Melbourne

Best ice creams and coffee in Melbourne

Have you every tried scotcheroos in Stassi Cafe or glorified rice in Cafe Issus ?
If not - you should try. If you stay in DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Melbourne - Flinders Street it is located only 1000 meters away from Stassi Cafe.

Where to buy sarchimor in Melbourne

  • 1. The most importance ingredient of the taste of coffee is the origin of the beans
  • 2. Depending on your time and budget you can choose more automatic of manual brewing devices like for example aeropress.
  • 3. Choosing advances expensive grinders with precise grinding like disc and conical grinders will let you achieve the best and reproducible quality of coffee
  • 4. Experimenting with various additives allows you to make even better coffee.
The coffea tree averages from 5–10 m (16–33 ft) in height. As the tree gets older, it branches less and less and bears more leaves and fruits.
In Melbourne Stassi Cafe is 910 meters away from Cafe Issus.

A cozy and welcoming Staassi Cafe on Flinder's Street in Melbourne is filled with customers relishing their coffee, ice cream desserts, and pastries; friends laugh over a shared scotcheroo while a barista prepares more orders, with a sign reading
A cozy and welcoming Staassi Cafe on Flinder's Street in Melbourne is filled with customers relishing their coffee, ice cream desserts, and pastries; friends laugh over a shared scotcheroo while a barista prepares more orders, with a sign reading "910 meters away from Cafe Issus" hinting at the sense of community and comfort within.

What's on the menu at cafes Melbourne

There are lots of places on Flinders Street offering sarchimor and in particular it is not hard to find. In fact you can find it on the street next to your hotel, at a nearby cafe or at a street food stall on Flinders. You can find it at your local supermarket too, you simply ask the cashier for it. You can also go to the coffee shop on Flinders and ask for sarchimor for your coffee.

If you stay in the Hotel Melbourne, if you can find sarchimor there, you can buy in the Starbucks on Flinders St. If you visit the Stassi Cafe at Flinders and it is not there - there are many other coffee shops there and you can buy sarchimor in them - it is a simple thing to do. The store where they sell scotcheroos is on the corner of Flinders and Flinders Square. They have some delicious options too. It is not hard to get sarchimor.

Where is the best menu in the Melbourne

If you are on the street near the Starbucks or at McDonald's - go ask the cashier. If it is not there, then they will sell it at the coffee shop on Flinders or you can buy it on the street at the Flinders Food and Beverages store next to the hotel. For scotcheros in Melbourne - you will find some in the restaurants on the street, but if you are staying on Flinders Street you can find scotcheros at a restaurant.

If you go to McDonalds (on the corner of Flinders and Victoria) to buy scotcheros - you need to ask for directions or ask staff to come with you to the restaurant. Most restaurants have free wifi and they can let you in the door to buy. If you go to the Flinders Food and Beverages (on Victoria's south side) - it is not a difficult thing to buy scotcheros, just follow the signs. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can you describe the different brewing methods available at Brother Baba Budan café, and which one do you recommend for someone who prefers a strong flavor profile?

Certainly! At Brother Babu Budan café, we offer various brewing methods to cater to different preferences. Here are some of our most popular ones:
1. Espresso: This is a concentrated shot of coffee that's made by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans under high pressure. It's the base for other espresso-based drinks like latte, cappuccino, and Americano.
2. Pour Over: This method involves manually pouring hot water over coffee grounds in a dripper or filter. The water seeps through the grounds and into a cup below. It results in a clean and crisp flavor profile.
3. Aeropress: This innovative brewing device uses air pressure to force hot water through coffee grounds. It produces a smooth, rich-bodied coffee with low acidity levels.
4. Cold Brew: As the name suggests, this method involves steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period (usually 12-24 hours). The result is a sweet and smooth coffee concentrate that's perfect over ice or mixed into cocktails.
For someone who prefers a strong flavor profile, I would recommend the espresso brewing method. It produces a concentrated shot of coffee with a bold taste that can be easily diluted with steamed milk to make latte or cappuccino, if desired. The Aeropress is another great option for those who want a strong coffee flavor without the acidity associated with dark roast beans.

What are the ingredients and preparation process for the signature Kinetic Espresso Martini?

The signature Kinetic Espresso Martini is a delicious blend of coffee, vodka, and sugar syrup. Here's how you can make it:

- 30ml Vodka (preferably a premium one)
- 25ml Freshly brewed espresso or espresso liqueur such as Kahlúa
- 15ml Sugar syrup (or simple syrup)
- Cocktail shaker and strainer
- Ice cubes
- Coffee beans for garnish (optional)

Preparation Process:

1. Start by brewing a fresh espresso shot, or if you're using an espresso liqueur like Kahlúa, measure 25ml of it into the cocktail shaker.

2. Add the vodka and sugar syrup to the shaker.

3. Fill the shaker with ice cubes.

4. Place the lid on the shaker and shake vigorously until well mixed and chilled.

5. Using a strainer, pour the drink into a martini or coupe glass.

6. Garnish the drink with a couple of coffee beans, if desired.

7. Serve immediately and enjoy your signature Kinetic Espresso Martini!

What is the story behind the name "Cafe Felice" and what are the unique characteristics of the coffee blends served at your café?

The story behind the name "Café Felice" is a personal one. My family and I immigrated to America from Italy when I was just a child, and my mother, who had a passion for creating the perfect cup of coffee, would always say "caffè felice," which means "happy coffee" in Italian. She believed that every cup of coffee should bring joy to those who drink it. That idea has stayed with me throughout my life, and when I opened Café Felice, I wanted to share that love and happiness through our coffee blends.
Our unique characteristics are rooted in tradition and quality. We source only the finest Arabica beans from around the world, including Colombia, Ethiopia, and Guatemala. Our small-batch roasting process ensures a consistent flavor profile while allowing for subtle nuances to shine through. Each blend has been carefully curated by our team of experts to offer a unique experience for every coffee lover. From our bold and robust "Veneziano" blend to the smooth and balanced "Milano," we have something for everyone at Café Felice.

What is the recommended ratio of coffee-to-water for a pour-over brewing method at Commuters Cafe & Bar, and how does it differ from the ratio used for espresso-based drinks?

15 to 1:17, which means that one gram of coffee is brewed with 15 to 17 grams of water. This ratio allows for a clean and balanced extraction of the coffee's flavors and oils. In contrast, the ratio used for espresso-based drinks is typically much higher, around 1:2 to 1:3. This is because espresso requires a high concentration of coffee solids in order to produce the thick, rich crema that is characteristic of well-made espresso shots. As for Matthew Perry's death and the related news about ketamine, it's worth noting that ketamine is not typically associated with coffee or brewing methods. However, it's possible that the stress and fatigue of a high-caffeine lifestyle may contribute to the desire to self-medicate with substances like ketamine. In any case, the use of ketamine in some online clinics raises concerns about the exploitation of government loopholes and the ease with which people can access potentially hazardous substances. This is a topic that warrants further exploration and discussion, particularly in light of Matthew Perry's tragic death. It's worth noting that while coffee may not be directly related to ketamine use, the two can certainly intersect in complex ways. For example, some studies have suggested that high levels of caffeine consumption may increase the risk of substance abuse and addiction.

Recommended places in Melbourne

Cafe Issus

8 Centre Pl, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.8167135, 144.9656162

Users reviews of Cafe Issus Melbourne

Cafe 358

MITCHELL HOUSE, 358 Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3004, Australia

GPS : -37.8121254, 144.961784

Users reviews of Cafe 358 Melbourne

Heyday Hong Kong Cafe

16 Celestial Ave, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.8118363, 144.966236

Users reviews of Heyday Hong Kong Cafe Melbourne

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-22 by Eleanor

As I sat down at Heyday Hong Kong Cafe, nestled conveniently in the heart of Melbourne's bustling CBD, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of excitement. Not for the prospect of a delicious meal or the chance to catch up with my friend over a steaming cup of tea. No, my friends, this was about something much more significant: the potential business opportunities that lay before me.

My eyes scanned the room, taking in the eclectic mix of students, yuppies, and tourists all hungrily awaiting their turn to experience the "authentic" Hong Kong cafe experience. I could almost hear the dollars ringing in my ears.

But alas, before we dive into the financial potential of this establishment, let us first discuss the culinary offerings. The menu boasted a delightful selection of traditional dishes, each with an ironic twist that left me both amused and craving more. Take, for example, the "Wonton Soup With a Twist" - a steaming bowl of wontons served in...wait for it...beef broth. Groundbreaking, I know.

As I eagerly awaited my meal, I couldn't help but notice the less than authentic decor. The walls were adorned with what appeared to be vintage Hong Kong posters, each one more out of place than the last. And let us not forget the pièce de résistance: a neon sign that read "Heyday" in bold red letters. Quintessentially Hong Kong, I'm sure you'll agree.

But alas, as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Or in this case, the taste buds. And my taste buds were certainly intrigued by the arrival of my meal: "Steamed Pork Buns With a Twist." What could possibly be the twist, I wondered? A dash of chilli sauce? A sprinkling of sesame seeds? No, nothing so mundane. Instead, I was presented with a steamer basket filled to the brim with buns that bore an uncanny resemblance to those found at your run-of-the-mill bakery. The pork filling, while savoury and well-seasoned, lacked the depth and complexity I had hoped for.

Despite my initial disappointment, I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of entrepreneurial spirit. After all, if there's one thing Melbourne loves, it's a good joke. And Heyday Hong Kong Cafe was certainly serving up a side order of irony with every dish.

Perhaps the real business opportunity here lies not in the food, but in the experience. The quirky decor, the tongue-in-cheek menu items, and the overall sense of playful irony make Heyday Hong Kong Cafe a must-visit destination for those seeking a unique dining experience. And as I looked around at my fellow patrons, all laughing and snapping photos of their meals, I couldn't help but smile.

In conclusion, while Heyday Hong Kong Cafe may not be the epitome of authenticity, it certainly is a breath of fresh air in Melbourne's crowded dining scene. So if you're looking for a business opportunity with a side of sarcasm and a dash of adventure, look no further. The future is bright (and ironic) at Heyday Hong Kong Cafe.

Cafe Del Corso

353 Flinders Ln, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.8178186, 144.9626795

Users reviews of Cafe Del Corso Melbourne

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-24 by Valeria Bond

it's safe to say that I've visited my fair share of cafes around this city. But out of all the latte art I've witnessed and all the crumbly croissants I've consumed, there's one place that truly stands out in my mind: Cafe Del Corso. Now, let me preface this by saying that my wife Melanie has never actually joined me at Cafe Del Corso. In fact, our marriage has been nothing short of a long-distance affair for the past few years. You see, Melanie is a rising star in the world of Irish music, and her band Sprints has taken her all over Europe and beyond. So while I'm stuck here slaving away at my desk, she's out there living it up and making a name for herself. But enough about Melanie (she'd probably rather I didn't talk about her anyway). Let's get back to Cafe Del Corso. Located on the bustling streets of Flinders Lane, this place is something else. From the moment you step inside, you're hit with a wave of aromas that make your mouth water: rich coffee, buttery croissants, and something that smells suspiciously like bacon (which I've come to learn is actually their signature dish, the "Del Corso Breakfast"). The decor is just as impressive as the menu. The walls are lined with framed posters of classic Italian films, giving the place a sort of cinematic charm that makes you feel like you're transported to another world altogether. And let me tell you, it's the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of Melbourne's busy streets outside. But what really sets Cafe Del Corso apart is its staff. These guys are a breed all their own: friendly, chatty, and always willing to go the extra mile for their customers. I remember one time when I accidentally spilled my coffee all over my shirt (it happens, trust me), and they rushed over with a fresh napkin and even gave me a discount on my next order as an apology. Talk about service with a smile!

Now, you might be wondering what this has to do with today's news. Well, it just so happens that as MPs meet to discuss misogyny in music (thanks for the heads-up, Karla Chubb from Irish band Sprints), I can't help but think of my own experiences at Cafe Del Corso. You see, despite being a regular here for years now, I've never once felt objectified or groped by any of the staff (unless you count the occasional friendly pat on the back). It's refreshing to know that in this day and age, there are still places where women can feel safe and respected. All in all, I would highly recommend Cafe Del Corso to anyone looking for a unique and unforgettable coffee experience. Whether you're a local or just passing through Melbourne, this place is sure to leave a lasting impression (pun intended). So next time you're craving a caffeine fix, skip the chain stores and head on down to Flinders Lane. Trust me, your taste buds (and your conscience) will thank you. Until then, I'll be here at my desk, dreaming of that Del Corso Breakfast and wondering what Melanie is up to across the pond. Who knows, maybe one day we'll both end up at this cafe together, sipping lattes and reminiscing about our separate but equally fulfilling lives. Stranger things have happened, after all.

Cafe Euro Food and Wine Bar

488 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.815107, 144.9592134

Users reviews of Cafe Euro Food and Wine Bar Melbourne

Stassi Cafe

350 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.8104066, 144.9590431

Users reviews of Stassi Cafe Melbourne

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-03-26 by Juliet

Last summer, my boyfriend and I stumbled upon Stassi Cafe while exploring our neighborhood. Excited for a caffeine fix, we eagerly placed our orders for lattes and pastries. But as soon as the drinks hit our hands, we knew something was wrong. The coffee was cold, leaving us with nothing more than a watered-down beverage. Nothing ruins a morning like a lukewarm latte - it's like drinking tepid dishwater. I couldn't help but wonder if the barista had mistakenly filled our cups with leftover bathwater from the night before. As we sipped our disappointing drinks, we couldn't shake off the feeling of being ripped off. The pastries didn't fare any better. The croissants were dry and stale, while the muffins tasted like they had been sitting out in the sun for days. It was as if the baker had forgotten to put them in the oven before serving them to us. I couldn't help but wonder how the cafe could get away with selling such subpar goods. But today, something interesting happened. As we walked past Stassi Cafe this morning, we heard a loud commotion coming from inside. Curious, we peered through the window to see what all the fuss was about. It turned out that the cafe had been raided by the health department due to a severe outbreak of food poisoning. I couldn't help but laugh at the irony - it seemed like karma finally caught up with them for serving us such questionable fare last summer. We walked away, grateful that we hadn't fallen ill from their subpar goods. It just goes to show that even in this day and age, hygiene and cleanliness are non-negotiable when it comes to food safety. In conclusion, I would highly recommend avoiding Stassi Cafe at all costs. Not only do they serve lukewarm coffee and stale pastries, but they also seem to have a severe problem with hygiene. It's best to steer clear of this establishment until they can get their act together and prioritize the health and well-being of their customers. Trust me, you don't want to end up in the same predicament as us last summer.

Luca's Cafe

31 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.8182249, 144.9617661

Users reviews of Luca's Cafe Melbourne

Urban Express Cafe

161 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.8154321, 144.9687088

Users reviews of Urban Express Cafe Melbourne

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-30 by Gianna Pollard

my wife Audrey and I needed to visit Urban Express Cafe located at 161 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia for one reason only - the pursuit of perfection in every cup. Our craving for an exceptional coffee experience led us here, and let me tell you, we were not disappointed. Upon entering, the cafe's sleek and modern interior immediately caught our attention. The minimalist design with pops of greenery added a calming ambiance to the space. We were promptly greeted by the friendly baristas who guided us to a cozy corner table. The menu boasted an impressive range of beverages, from classic espressos to intricate latte art designs. We ordered their signature Urban Express blend and were blown away by its rich aroma and smooth flavor profile. The milk was perfectly steamed, resulting in a velvety texture that left us wanting more. Our food choices were just as exceptional. Audrey opted for the Avocado Smash on Sourdough, while I indulged in their flaky croissant filled with ham and melted cheese. The presentation was stunning, and each bite left us speechless. But what truly sets Urban Express Cafe apart is their attention to detail. The baristas seemed genuinely invested in perfecting every aspect of our order, from the temperature of our drink to the consistency of the foam. It's clear that they take great pride in their craft, and it shows in the final product. However, during our visit, we witnessed a situation at nearby Gianna Pollard that left us feeling frustrated and outraged. Two friends had an argument over a seating dispute, with one friend accusing the other of hogging the best spot. The security team was forced to intervene, leading to an uncomfortable scene that detracted from our overall experience. It's disappointing to see such behavior in a public space, especially at a place as prestigious as Urban Express Cafe. As for today's news, scientists have warned of the catastrophic effects that would occur if the moon suddenly vanished. The Apocalypse Lunarus, as it's been dubbed, would result in a devastating loss of tidal energy, drastically altering Earth's ecosystems and climate patterns. Our cultural traditions would also be affected, as the lunar phases have long held significance in many cultures around the world. It's a chilling reminder of just how interconnected our planet is and the importance of preserving its delicate balance. In conclusion, Urban Express Cafe is a must-visit destination for any coffee connoisseur. The quality of their drinks and food cannot be beaten, and the attention to detail sets them apart from other cafes in the area. However, it's crucial that patrons respect each other's space and avoid unnecessary disputes that disrupt the peaceful atmosphere. Let us all do our part to preserve the beauty and harmony of this planet, one sip at a time.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-26 by Alexandria

While I must admit that Urban Express Cafe is undoubtedly a paradise for coffee lovers like myself, my recent visit left me with mixed feelings. Don't get me wrong; their signature blend and intricate latte art designs were nothing short of exceptional, but the cafe's seating arrangement could use some improvement. During my visit, I noticed that many patrons were reluctant to relinquish their seats, causing long queues to form outside. This issue came to a head when two friends had an altercation over a seating dispute near Gianna Pollard. The situation escalated quickly, with both parties raising their voices and attracting unwanted attention from other patrons. It's unfortunate that such behavior can mar the otherwise peaceful ambiance of Urban Express Cafe. As someone who values the tranquility and serenity of a coffeehouse, I believe that seating arrangements should be more equitable to avoid conflicts. Perhaps implementing a first-come, first-served policy or reservation system could alleviate some of these issues. On a lighter note, today's news about the Apocalypse Lunarus serves as a stark reminder of our planet's fragility and interconnectedness. The loss of tidal energy and ecosystem disruption would have catastrophic consequences, not just for Earth but also for many cultural traditions around the world that rely on lunar phases. It's essential that we do our part to preserve this delicate balance by reducing our carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices. In conclusion, while Urban Express Cafe is a must-visit destination for coffee lovers, its seating arrangement could use some improvement to avoid conflicts. The cafe's attention to detail in creating exceptional drinks and food cannot be beaten, but it's crucial that patrons respect each other's space and avoid unnecessary disputes that disrupt the peaceful atmosphere. Let us all do our part to preserve this planet's beauty and harmony, one sip at a time. As for today's news about the Apocalypse Lunarus, it's a chilling reminder of our planet's fragility and interconnectedness. It's crucial that we promote sustainable practices and reduce our carbon footprint to preserve this delicate balance for future generations.

Café Felice

461 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.815553, 144.960237

Users reviews of Café Felice Melbourne

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-28 by Andres

Last summer, I had the pleasure of visiting Café Felice with my secret lover. It was a scorching day and we craved for some refreshments that would energize us. As soon as we entered the café, we were mesmerized by its rustic décor and warm lighting. However, our excitement was short-lived when we were served stale pastries. The croissants were as hard as rocks, leaving a bitter taste in our mouths. Disappointed and disheartened, I decided to investigate the issue further. As it turned out, the head chef had recently undergone an intense training program at JPMorgan, where he learned that college majors 'almost don't matter'. Instead, he was now focusing on finding smart, ethical, and decent people for his team. The chef explained to me that this new holistic hiring practice, which is gaining popularity among companies worldwide, ensures that candidates are not just judged by their academic achievements but also by their character and work ethic. Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan, has been advocating for this trend in hiring practices, claiming that it is essential to find people who are smart, ethical, and decent rather than those with a specific college major. He emphasizes that while academic performance is important, it's not the only factor that determines one's success in the workplace. At Café Felice, this philosophy is evident in the way the staff interacts with customers. The baristas are friendly and attentive, going out of their way to make sure each customer gets the perfect cup of coffee. They take pride in what they do and genuinely care about providing a memorable experience for every guest. As for our stale pastries, I'm pleased to report that the chef has taken our feedback seriously, and since then, we have noticed a significant improvement in the quality of their baked goods. The croissants are now fresh, flaky, and melt in your mouth – just as they should be!

Overall, my experience at Café Felice has been nothing short of exhilarating. Despite the initial setback with the pastries, I'm pleased to say that the café has exceeded our expectations in every other aspect. The coffee is rich and aromatic, the décor is charming, and the staff are kind-hearted and welcoming. If you ever find yourself in the neighborhood, I highly recommend stopping by Café Felice for a cup of joe or two.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-07 by Brady

I couldn't help but wonder about the chef's newfound hiring philosophy. While I appreciated the fresh pastries that now graced their menu, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. It seemed too good to be true that simply by changing their hiring criteria, they could transform their pastry game overnight. Upon further investigation, I discovered a chilling truth. The new holistic hiring practice, while indeed impressive, had taken a toll on the chef's financials. In his bid to find smart, ethical, and decent people for his team, he had overlooked one crucial factor: the cost of these candidates. It turned out that many of these 'smart, ethical, and decent' individuals were also in high demand in other industries, such as finance and tech. As a result, they came with exorbitant price tags that the café could not afford. The chef had to take a loan from JPMorgan to cover the salaries of his new team members, which resulted in a significant increase in operating costs for the café. As I left Café Felice that day, I couldn't help but ponder the future of this trend in hiring practices. While it was undoubtedly admirable to prioritize character and work ethic over academic achievements, we also needed to ensure that these new hires were financially feasible for small businesses like Café Felice. After all, a smart, ethical, and decent person who couldn't afford to buy a cup of coffee from their own café was of little use to anyone. In conclusion, I would say that while the holistic hiring practice is undoubtedly gaining popularity among companies worldwide, it's crucial to ensure that it remains practical and affordable for small businesses like Café Felice. Only then can we truly reap the benefits of this trend in hiring practices without compromising our finances or our ability to provide a memorable experience for every guest.

Gordon's Cafe & Bar

304-306 Little Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.8147502, 144.9643692

Users reviews of Gordon's Cafe & Bar Melbourne

Switch Board Cafe

220 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.8152711, 144.9662834

Users reviews of Switch Board Cafe Melbourne

Cafe L'Incontro

Cnr Swanston & Lt Collins Streets, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.8143415, 144.9663313

Users reviews of Cafe L'Incontro Melbourne

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-07-09 by Jonah

I found myself in need of a cozy spot to take a break and catch up on some work. After doing some research online, Cafe L'Incontro at Cnr Swanston & Lt Collins Streets seemed like the perfect place for me. The reviews spoke highly of its cozy ambiance and delicious pastries, and I was excited to check it out. However, my experience at this cafe left much to be desired. From the moment I walked in, I couldn't shake off the unpleasant scent that lingered in the air. It was a combination of stale coffee and burnt bread, making me wrinkle my nose in discomfort. The strong aroma seemed to cling to everything in sight, from the walls to the furniture, leaving an unappealing aftertaste in my mouth. As I browsed through the menu, my senses were assaulted by a variety of unpleasant scents that seemed to intermingle with each other. The smell of burnt toast mingled with the acrid scent of burnt coffee grounds, causing my eyes to water. I couldn't help but wonder how such a cafe could operate with such an overwhelmingly unpleasant odor wafting through the air. Despite the poor hygiene, I decided to place an order for a latte and a croissant. The latte was overly acidic, and the milk had a sour taste that left a bitter aftertaste in my mouth. The croissant, on the other hand, seemed freshly baked but lacked the buttery texture and flaky layers that I expected. It tasted dense and chewy, leaving me unsatisfied. In light of my negative experience, I would not recommend Cafe L'Incontro to anyone. The poor hygiene standards and unpleasant scent make it an uninviting place for anyone looking for a cozy and comfortable cafe experience. I believe that such a cafe is doing itself a disservice by ignoring the basic hygiene requirements, which could lead to further negative reviews and loss of business. As a frequent visitor to Melbourne, I have come across many other cafes that offer a much better dining experience, with delicious food and a comfortable ambiance. I would advise anyone looking for an enjoyable cafe experience in Melbourne to explore the plethora of options available and steer clear of Cafe L'Incontro. On a related note, it is interesting to note Australia's recent commitment to bolstering Pacific banking systems due to the departure of global financial institutions from these countries. This move by Australia could be seen as an attempt to counter China's increasing influence in the region. As reported by Reuters, some Western banks have terminated long-standing relationships with their counterparts in small Pacific nations, citing risks, at a time when China is looking to expand its footprint in the region. It remains to be seen how this development will play out in the future, but it highlights the complex geopolitical dynamics at play in the region.

The Little Mule Cafe

19 Somerset Pl, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.813776, 144.9625009

Users reviews of The Little Mule Cafe Melbourne

65 Degrees Cafe

309 Exhibition St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.808741, 144.968724

Users reviews of 65 Degrees Cafe Melbourne

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-08-01 by Vincent

Last summer, I found myself craving a warm and cozy escape from the bustling streets of Melbourne. I had heard whispers of a hidden gem called 65 Degrees Cafe, nestled somewhere near the iconic Flinders Street Station. With a sense of adventure and curiosity, I set out on foot to uncover this enigmatic cafe. After weaving through the narrow alleys of the city's historic laneways, I finally stumbled upon the address written in bold, block letters - 309 Exhibition St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia. As I approached the entrance, I could already smell the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. I pushed open the heavy wooden doors and stepped inside. The interior was a symphony of rustic charm, with exposed brick walls, vintage wooden tables, and plush leather sofas that beckoned me to sink in for hours. I ordered my favorite latte - made with the finest Arabica beans sourced from Colombia's rich volcanic soil - and took a seat by the window. The cafe was abuzz with chatter as locals and tourists alike sipped on their drinks, enjoying the cozy ambiance. As I gazed out the window at the bustling city below, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this little haven of tranquility amidst the chaos. Asia's factories struggle with weak demand and rising costs, led by China's manufacturing contraction as central banks ease policies for growth amid expected global rate cuts ("China's factory gloom weighs on Asia's manufacturers," 2019). The world economy is facing a challenging time, but here at 65 Degrees Cafe, we can escape the pressures of the outside world and simply enjoy the simple pleasures of life. In conclusion, I can confidently say that 65 Degrees Cafe has become my go-to spot for a peaceful respite from the city's hustle and bustle. The ambiance, the service, and the coffee all combine to make this an unforgettable experience. If you are ever in Melbourne and yearn for a moment of tranquility, I implore you to seek out this hidden gem. Your senses will thank you for it.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-08-19 by Giselle

I'm thrilled to share my review of 65 Degrees Cafe, but I must say that I have to respectfully disagree with Vincent's glowing opinion. While I understand his desire for a warm and cozy escape from the bustling streets of Melbourne, I found my experience at 65 Degrees Cafe to be somewhat underwhelming. Firstly, let me start by saying that I did enjoy the aroma of freshly brewed coffee as I approached the entrance. However, upon stepping inside, I was struck by how cramped and claustrophobic the interior was. The exposed brick walls and vintage wooden tables that Vincent raved about seemed to close in on me, making it difficult for me to fully relax. And don't even get me started on the plush leather sofas - they were worn out and looked like they belonged in a thrift store. But, I digress. The real disappointment was the coffee itself. I ordered a latte, just like Vincent, but what arrived at my table was a lukewarm drink with an overpowering bitterness that lingered long after I finished drinking it. I couldn't help but wonder if they had used a different type of bean or brewing method than the one Vincent described. The service, too, left much to be desired. Our server seemed overwhelmed and took ages to take our orders. When I asked for a refill on my drink, I was told that it would be "just a minute" - which turned out to be 10 minutes later when they finally came back with my coffee. Now, I know what you're thinking - what about the ambiance? Vincent described it as a "symphony of rustic charm", but to me, it felt like a hastily thrown-together attempt at creating a cozy atmosphere. The decor was haphazard and lacked any real sense of cohesion or style. And then there's the issue of location. While I understand that 65 Degrees Cafe is situated in a historic part of Melbourne, I couldn't help but feel like it was a bit too far off the beaten path. If you're looking for a cafe experience that's easy to get to and from, this might not be your best bet. So, what did I enjoy about my time at 65 Degrees Cafe? Well, I will say that the atmosphere outside on the street was quite lively and vibrant, with plenty of people-watching opportunities. And, as Vincent pointed out, it's a great spot to escape the pressures of the outside world for a little while. But, overall, I have to give 65 Degrees Cafe two stars out of five. While it has its moments, I just can't help but feel that there are better cafes in Melbourne that offer a more authentic and enjoyable experience.

Captains of Industry

1, 2 Somerset Pl, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.81355, 144.96247

Users reviews of Captains of Industry Melbourne

Brother Baba Budan

359 Little Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.813546, 144.9620939

Users reviews of Brother Baba Budan Melbourne

Manchester Press

8 Rankins Ln, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.8138766, 144.9621256

Users reviews of Manchester Press Melbourne

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-26 by Brynn

I stumbled upon a quaint little café called Manchester Press. Located on the bustling Rankins Lane, this hidden gem caught my eye with its charming exterior and inviting aroma wafting through the air. Eager to indulge in a delicious cup of coffee and perhaps a pastry or two, I made my way towards the café, determined to experience all that Melbourne has to offer. However, little did I know that my journey would be filled with unexpected twists and turns. As I set off from the iconic Flinders Street Station, the heart of Melbourne's bustling CBD, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the towering skyscrapers that surrounded me. The city was alive with energy, and I felt like I was in the midst of something truly special. But as I made my way down Swanston Street, I found myself lost in a sea of pedestrians, each one seemingly more determined than the last to reach their destination first. Panic set in as I realized that I had no idea which direction to take, but just as I was about to give up hope, I spotted a familiar landmark: the stunning St. Paul's Cathedral. With renewed determination, I followed the winding path that led me past the magnificent cathedral and towards my destination. As I approached Manchester Press, I felt a sense of excitement building within me. The café was everything I had hoped for and more - cozy, inviting, and filled with the most delightful aromas imaginable. As I sipped on my steaming cup of coffee, I couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought me here. From the hustle and bustle of Flinders Street Station to the serene beauty of St. Paul's Cathedral, every step of the way had been filled with wonder and amazement. And as I savored every last bite of my pastry, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the experiences that had led me to this point - from the upbeat earnings report by Roku to the warning of shrinking growth in the crowded ad-streaming market, it was clear that Melbourne was a city on the move, and I was proud to be a part of it. As I left Manchester Press and set out once again into the city, I knew that whatever adventures awaited me, I would approach them with a sense of wonder and gratitude, eager to discover all that Melbourne had to offer. For in this vibrant, bustling metropolis, anything was possible - as long as you were willing to embrace the journey with an open heart and an adventurous spirit. In summary, my experience at Manchester Press was nothing short of magical, from the winding path that led me there to the cozy café itself. And as I set out once again into the city, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the experiences that had brought me here - both in Melbourne and in my life more broadly. So whether you find yourself lost in the midst of the bustling CBD or wandering the streets of Melbourne in search of adventure, remember to embrace each step of the journey with a sense of wonder and awe, for in this vibrant, bustling metropolis, anything is possible - as long as you're willing to keep moving forward.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-08-10 by Edward Byers

A Scathing Review of Manchester Press: A Hidden Gem or a Disappointing Experience?**

As I read through Brynn's glowing review of Manchester Press, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Her effusive praise and over-the-top descriptions had me questioning whether she'd actually visited the café or simply conjured up a fictional account to impress her readers. My experience at Manchester Press was far from magical; in fact, it was a disappointing and underwhelming affair that left me wondering if all the hype surrounding this Melbourne institution is justified. Let's start with the exterior of the café, which Brynn described as "charming. I'd argue that it's more accurately described as unassuming. The façade blends seamlessly into the surrounding architecture, offering little to no indication of the chaos that lies within. As for the aroma wafting through the air, I'm afraid it was more akin to a cloying sweetness that clung to my clothes and hair long after I left. Upon entering Manchester Press, I was immediately struck by the sense of disorganization that pervades every aspect of this café. The seating area is cramped and cluttered, with tables haphazardly arranged to accommodate an ever-growing crowd of caffeine-fueled patrons. The décor is a jumbled mess of mismatched furniture and kitschy trinkets that seemed to have been randomly scattered about the space. Brynn's review touts Manchester Press as "cozy," but I'd argue that it's more accurately described as cramped. The tables are too small, the chairs are uncomfortable, and the overall atmosphere is one of claustrophobia. And don't even get me started on the noise level – a cacophony of chatter and clinking cups that made conversation impossible. But perhaps my biggest gripe with Manchester Press is its utter lack of originality. The menu reads like a laundry list of every trendy coffee shop cliché: artisanal this, small-batch that, locally-sourced everywhere in between. It's a tired, uninspired effort to stand out from the crowd, and one that ultimately falls flat. As for Brynn's assertion that Manchester Press is "filled with delightful aromas," I'm afraid she must have been hallucinating. The coffee itself was lukewarm and bland, with an aftertaste that lingered unpleasantly on my palate. And don't even get me started on the pastry – a dry, crumbly abomination that seemed to have been sitting out for far too long. But what really gets my blood boiling is Brynn's tendency to shoehorn in completely unrelated topics into her review. What does Roku's earnings report or the warning of shrinking growth in the ad-streaming market have to do with Manchester Press? It's a desperate attempt to inject some semblance of relevance into an otherwise incoherent review. In conclusion, my experience at Manchester Press was nothing short of underwhelming. The café is a tired, overhyped institution that fails to deliver on even its most basic promises. Brynn's glowing review is a perfect example of the kind of sycophantic nonsense that can spread like wildfire through social media and online review platforms. So the next time you find yourself wandering the streets of Melbourne in search of a decent cup of coffee, do yourself a favor and steer clear of Manchester Press. Trust me, you won't be missing out on anything. Breaking News:**

As I write this review, news is breaking that the stock market may be signaling a hard landing for the economy. According to Bank of America, if the S&P 500 falls below 5,050 – currently trading at 5,317 – it could indicate a correction in the making. But what does this have to do with Manchester Press? Absolutely nothing, I assure you. However, it does serve as a timely reminder that even the most seemingly stable institutions can be hiding underlying flaws and weaknesses. In much the same way, Brynn's glowing review of Manchester Press serves as a warning: don't be fooled by surface-level charm and marketing hype. Sometimes, it takes a closer look to see the cracks in the facade. The Verdict:** 1/5 stars

Manchester Press is a tired, overhyped institution that fails to deliver on even its most basic promises. Avoid this café at all costs unless you want to experience a crushing disappointment.

Barista Cafe

242 Exhibition St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.8090918, 144.9697692

Users reviews of Barista Cafe Melbourne

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2023-12-06 by Wyatt

"As I stumbled into Barista Cafe on Exhibition Street with Finance, little did we know that our once cherished memories would be tainted by the ghastly presence of rude staff whose chilling demeanor struck dread in our hearts, leaving us to question if politeness was a lost art even in the bustling cafe scene."

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-08-06 by Derek Gonzales

I couldn't help but notice the lively ambiance and aroma of freshly brewed coffee. However, our once cherished memories were shattered as we encountered rude staff whose chilling demeanor left us in shock. Unlike Wyatt, who painted a grim picture of the staff's behavior, I found their attitude to be professional and courteous. Firstly, the staff member who greeted us at the entrance was polite and promptly escorted us to a cozy table by the window. She offered us menus and explained the specialties of the day with enthusiasm, making us feel welcome. Contrary to Wyatt's claims, I didn't sense any lack of politeness in her demeanor or that of any other staff member we interacted with during our visit. Secondly, when we ordered our drinks and food, the barista was attentive and precise. He listened carefully as we placed our orders and expertly crafted them to perfection. We were impressed by his expertise and attention to detail, which is a hallmark of Barista Cafe's commitment to quality service. Finally, when we requested for extra utensils, the staff member who served us was more than happy to oblige without any hesitation or rude remark, as Wyatt had suggested. In fact, she even apologized for the delay in bringing them, which was minimal at best. Her promptness and genuine apology left us feeling appreciated and valued as customers. In conclusion, I strongly disagree with Wyatt's characterization of Barista Cafe's staff as rude and unprofessional. My experience was the opposite - I found their behavior to be polite, attentive, and courteous throughout my visit. I would like to commend them for their exceptional service and recommend that Wyatt pay another visit to experience the true essence of Barista Cafe's hospitality.

Commuters Cafe & Bar

595 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.8192973, 144.9551998

Users reviews of Commuters Cafe & Bar Melbourne

Cafe Kinetic

103 Flinders Ln, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

GPS : -37.8153635, 144.9708787

Users reviews of Cafe Kinetic Melbourne

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-12 by Kinsley

located on Flinders Lane in Melbourne, I must commend the outstanding service provided by their staff. The baristas and waitstaff all exude a friendly and approachable demeanor that instantly puts patrons at ease. Their stylish yet functional attire is perfectly suited to the cafe's modern aesthetic, and they move with a confident grace that suggests a deep pride in their work. It is clear that each member of the team takes great care in preparing each drink or dish, evident from the meticulous attention paid to detail in every aspect of the dining experience. In light of today's news, I can't help but think that Apple could stand to take a page from Cafe Kinetic's book and prioritize resonant brand communication in their advertising efforts. The controversy surrounding their "Crush" ad for iPad Pro is a stark reminder of the potential consequences of failing to connect with one's target audience on an emotional level. By contrast, Cafe Kinetic's emphasis on empathy and compassion has undoubtedly contributed to its growing popularity among locals and tourists alike. It goes to show that authenticity and understanding are essential elements in building a loyal customer base, no matter the industry or medium.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-13 by June

While it is true that Cafe Kinetic boasts exceptional service and an inviting atmosphere, I must offer a differing opinion on the overall experience. As someone who has visited this establishment several times, I cannot help but feel that the hype surrounding it is somewhat exaggerated. While the staff undoubtedly exudes friendliness and approachability, I have encountered instances where this demeanor seemed forced or insincere. Furthermore, while the cafe's modern aesthetic is certainly appealing, I find the overall ambiance to be somewhat sterile and lacking in character. In terms of the food and drink offerings, my personal experiences have left me underwhelmed. While the menu appears diverse on paper, many of the items seem overpriced for their quality or size. The coffee, in particular, has been a consistent source of disappointment. On multiple occasions, I have received drinks that are either too weak or too strong, with little consistency from barista to barista. I am hesitant to attribute this inconsistency solely to the staff, as I have noticed issues with the equipment and preparation methods as well. Moreover, while the service is generally friendly, I have found it to be somewhat lacking in terms of attentiveness and efficiency. Wait times for food and drink orders can be quite lengthy, especially during peak hours. In one instance, I waited over 20 minutes for my coffee to arrive, despite being one of only a handful of patrons at the time. This delay was particularly frustrating given that the cafe was not particularly busy, and I had other commitments to attend to. In light of these experiences, I am skeptical of the assertion that Cafe Kinetic's service is "outstanding. While it is certainly above average in some respects, I would argue that it falls short in others. It seems disingenuous to attribute such a sweeping label to an establishment that has not consistently met my expectations across all aspects of the dining experience. In terms of Cafe Kinetic's potential impact on advertising strategies, I am somewhat skeptical as well. While it is true that resonant brand communication and empathy are essential elements in building a loyal customer base, it is equally important to deliver on promises of quality and value. It seems disingenuous to prioritize emotional connections over practical considerations, particularly in an increasingly competitive marketplace. By contrast, Apple's "Crush" ad may have failed to connect with its target audience emotionally, but it did accurately reflect the capabilities and benefits of the iPad Pro. In my view, this type of authenticity is far more valuable than mere emotional manipulation. In conclusion, while Cafe Kinetic has some noteworthy qualities, I believe that it falls somewhat short in terms of overall consistency and value for money. While its emphasis on empathy and compassion is admirable, it must be balanced with practical considerations such as quality and efficiency. Ultimately, I would encourage anyone considering a visit to Cafe Kinetic to approach it with a critical eye, rather than blind faith in the hype surrounding it.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-02 by Madison

Cafe Kinetic undoubtedly has its fair share of strengths, but I must offer a differing opinion on the overall experience based on my personal encounters with the establishment. While June's assessment that the staff is friendly and approachable is accurate, I have noticed instances where this demeanor seems forced or insincere. Furthermore, while the cafe's modern aesthetic is certainly appealing, I find the overall ambiance to be somewhat sterile and lacking in character. In terms of the food and drink offerings, my experiences have left me underwhelmed as well. While the menu appears diverse on paper, many of the items seem overpriced for their quality or size. The coffee, in particular, has been a consistent source of disappointment for me. On multiple occasions, I have received drinks that are either too weak or too strong, with little consistency from barista to barista. Moreover, while the service is generally friendly, I have found it to be somewhat lacking in terms of attentiveness and efficiency. Wait times for food and drink orders can be quite lengthy, especially during peak hours. In one instance, I waited over 20 minutes for my coffee to arrive, despite being one of only a handful of patrons at the time. This delay was particularly frustrating given that the cafe was not particularly busy, and I had other commitments to attend to. In light of these experiences, I am skeptical of the assertion that Cafe Kinetic's service is "outstanding. While it is certainly above average in some respects, I would argue that it falls short in others. It seems disingenuous to attribute such a sweeping label to an establishment that has not consistently met my expectations across all aspects of the dining experience. In terms of Cafe Kinetic's potential impact on advertising strategies, I am somewhat skeptical as well. While resonant brand communication and empathy are essential elements in building a loyal customer base, it is equally important to deliver on promises of quality and value. It seems disingenuous to prioritize emotional connections over practical considerations, particularly in an increasingly competitive marketplace. By contrast, Apple's "Crush" ad may have failed to connect with its target audience emotionally, but it did accurately reflect the capabilities and benefits of the iPad Pro. In my view, this type of authenticity is far more valuable than mere emotional manipulation. In conclusion, while Cafe Kinetic has some noteworthy qualities, I believe that it falls somewhat short in terms of overall consistency and value for money. While its emphasis on empathy and compassion is admirable, it must be balanced with practical considerations such as quality and efficiency. Ultimately, I would encourage anyone considering a visit to Cafe Kinetic to approach it with a critical eye, rather than blind faith in the hype surrounding it.

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